I don't think this is in Europe. Most of Europe use millilitres as the main unit of measurement for drinks (and therefore the cans would have something like 500 ml content, instead of these odd 473 ml).
For clarification, this photo was taken at a Winco in Idaho Falls. Hence, this drink is, indeed, an American beverage. Now go out and buy some. You all know you want to get punch-drunk off of this stuff.
@8ftmetalhead Can of coke is usually $1 here. Juice products in cans will frequently be priced lower than soda due to their lesser popularity. Once you get to bottles, though, it's anyone's game.
Hasbro, you're ignoring a potential gold mine. Imagine all the awesome flavors that your ponies can inspire! AppleJack Juice, Carrot Cake shake, Seapony Lyra brine...maybe not.
Yeah, the Cutie Mark coincidence does at least make me wonder if the product is new enough to have been at all influenced by the pony. (No idea what the lead time is on something like this). It'd be a super obscure reference, so I don't see Snapple doing it intentionally, but there's always the chance of an individual designer knowing the pony.
Which, unfortunately, is only good at freezing temperatures. Then again, it's an interesting experience, having soda freeze as it goes down your throat.
While this is pretty funny I expect sooner or later we will see a Rainbow Dash energy drink from those guys who make those nerdy energy drinks. You know the ones with cans featuring Sonic, Megaman, Goku, Mario, and Ken to name a few.
@Jelfes I am failing right now at trying to describe it. Have you ever swallowed an ice cube whole? It's got that strange feeling. It's like drinking soda, and feeling it go down like a slushie. Burns a tad, but... You could just try it.
I would have said coincidence until I noticed that Berry Punch's cutie mark and the mark on the can are the exact same thing.
Speaking of which, I believe it is more reasonable to assume that the the drink came first. Perhaps one of the animators was drinking this at the time.
113 kommentaari:
Hehehe, pony drink is best drink.
VastaKustutaI approve of this.
VastaKustutabuahahaha yesssss
VastaKustutaBerry is best bg pony :3
VastaKustutaQuickly, to the nearest store! I must have pony drink!
VastaKustutaWell this will certainly boost Snapple's stock.
VastaKustutaAre you a shareholder, Seth?
I approve of this post
VastaKustutarandom late night insomnia post? im okay with this
VastaKustutaHmm... *grabs shot* i am ready!!
VastaKustutaThis is in Europe somewhere, hence the euro sign. This is probably in France..
VastaKustuta@Offtopicrainbow euro sign? where? all I see is a cent sign
VastaKustutaTrue happiness has been found
VastaKustutaOh you!
VastaKustutaShe's not as think as you drunk she is.
Tee hee
VastaKustutajust think of how the juice her for the 'natural' ingrediants
muahahaha....okay that was bad of me...ill go sit in time out now...
oh hey look everypony a new poll!
VastaKustutaThink I've seen this image before. lol
VastaKustutaBut yes, that's a tasty drink. <3
Oh I see what's been done here, hehe.
VastaKustutaOoh, new poll. Trollestia...you ponies make me sad.
Even the cutie mark is the same... This is uncanny...
VastaKustutaNo pun intended...
VastaKustutaSocks... Mmmhmm... Socks.
I don't think this is in Europe. Most of Europe use millilitres as the main unit of measurement for drinks (and therefore the cans would have something like 500 ml content, instead of these odd 473 ml).
VastaKustutareally? 79 cents for a can of drink?
VastaKustutaYou americans, why you so lucky. mfw can of coke is double that here at best.
lol, whenever I go to the supermarket now... ponies.
VastaKustutaBrilliant unintentional marketing!
VastaKustutaFor clarification, this photo was taken at a Winco in Idaho Falls. Hence, this drink is, indeed, an American beverage. Now go out and buy some. You all know you want to get punch-drunk off of this stuff.
VastaKustuta@8ftmetalhead Can of coke is usually $1 here. Juice products in cans will frequently be priced lower than soda due to their lesser popularity. Once you get to bottles, though, it's anyone's game.
VastaKustutaOh Snapple how did you get so hilarious?
VastaKustutaSuddenly I really want a drink.....
VastaKustutaI approve pony drinks!
VastaKustutaGrape her in the mouth!
VastaKustuta...yea I went there.
I was disappointed to find that this was the only post tagged "delicious Snapple"
VastaKustutaWhy isnt MAGNETO in the poll?
VastaKustutaI am dissapoint
I thought the name was a mildly amusing coincidence. Then I noticed the graphic vs her cutie mark, and now it's hilarious.
VastaKustutaAlso, how are blobs not auto winning this poll!? My Little Chubby Blobs RULE!
Pure WANT!
VastaKustutaBrazil doesn't have this drink T-T
Come on, even her cutie mark matches @.@ this cannot be a coincidence!
VastaKustutaOh wow...I want a can.
VastaKustutaHaha, amazing.
VastaKustutaBest advertisement.
...Or Snapple's gonna get sued. XD
Hasbro, you're ignoring a potential gold mine. Imagine all the awesome flavors that your ponies can inspire! AppleJack Juice, Carrot Cake shake, Seapony Lyra brine...maybe not.
VastaKustutaConfound these ponies
VastaKustutaThey drive me to beer.
I think of this every time I sell one of those at work. It amuses me.
VastaKustutaThis plus a few shots of Black Label. Yes. This is being done tomorrow night.
VastaKustutaOh crap. I didn't even make this connection and I've been buying these for at least a year!
Cherry ones are the best though.
hmmm....a Berry Punch drink. Does this mean that Snapple is making alcoholic drinks now? Awesome.
VastaKustutaAaaand im thirsty... I know what I'm buying tomorrow.
VastaKustutaAlso they all taste like dog piss, every flavor of canned snapple.
Meh. I just drink applejuice.
There's a lot of bourbon in the applejuice I drink though...
VastaKustutaI'm fairly certain drinking dog piss will permanently damage your taste buds. Maybe that's what happened.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI C WAT U DID THER
VastaKustutaBerry Punch's cutie mark looks exactly like the picture in the can. I bet someone in the team did that in purpose.
VastaKustutaalcohol is an other natural flavor.
VastaKustutaI come home from work to see this. My morning is now complete.
VastaKustutaYeah, the Cutie Mark coincidence does at least make me wonder if the product is new enough to have been at all influenced by the pony. (No idea what the lead time is on something like this). It'd be a super obscure reference, so I don't see Snapple doing it intentionally, but there's always the chance of an individual designer knowing the pony.
VastaKustutaNow all they need is some IBC Cherilee Cherry.
VastaKustutaWhich, unfortunately, is only good at freezing temperatures.
VastaKustutaThen again, it's an interesting experience, having soda freeze as it goes down your throat.
@Masquerade Sounds sort of scary.
VastaKustutaCutie Mark for the WIN!
VastaKustutaI actully have some right now *drinks*
VastaKustutai like where your going with this seth!
VastaKustutaI WANT IT
VastaKustutaYesterday I was made aware of Tropicana's 'Berry Punch.' I should take of picture of that, too.
VastaKustutaI'll buy one and turn it into a room ornament. But that's for later. The show's still rolling!
VastaKustutaPony themed drinks. Ok
VastaKustutaThis drink isn't new at all. My store sells it, we've had it since around March 2010, and I'm fairly certain it's been around much longer than that.
VastaKustuta"I'm Berry Punch, and this is my favourite drink in all of Equestria."
VastaKustutaWhile this is pretty funny I expect sooner or later we will see a Rainbow Dash energy drink from those guys who make those nerdy energy drinks. You know the ones with cans featuring Sonic, Megaman, Goku, Mario, and Ken to name a few.
VastaKustutaWhat sorcery is this?
VastaKustutaEuro sign? I see a cents symbol, but no Euro.
This could be anywhere that uses cents as part of their currency.
VastaKustutaI am failing right now at trying to describe it. Have you ever swallowed an ice cube whole? It's got that strange feeling. It's like drinking soda, and feeling it go down like a slushie. Burns a tad, but... You could just try it.
... Slow news day.
VastaKustutaSorry to state the painfully obvious, but, if that Snapple was made in France, wouldn't the text be in French?
I do applaud you in making everyone else focus on the cent/euro aspect, though.
Yeah, I'm surprised you hadn't known about Tropicana's Berry Punch flavor. I work at a supermarket and I chuckle every time I see it.
VastaKustuta. . . Now in vodka flavor
VastaKustutaSo approve
VastaKustuta2% alcohol?
VastaKustutaSomeone definitely did that on purpose.
VastaKustutaThere's been a pic of that floating around for months, except someone has their thumb over the G...
VastaKustutaSomeone please print out some Berry Punch images, and make some stickers, and put them on the cans... while in the store.
VastaKustuta*chuckle* Now I see why this stuff is sold in pints.
VastaKustuta@Euro debate: That's definitely a cent symbol. 79 euros is currently equal to over $103, and even 200-proof alcohol wouldn't cost that much.
Snapple drinks in cans? Never came across one of those before. I always buy them in glass bottles.
VastaKustutaI might have to look these up on my next visit to a liquor store.
Snapple? In cans? Zuh?
VastaKustuta*eyes the net weight of the can*
VastaKustuta...it comes in pints? I'M GETTING ONE.
Oh Snapple.
VastaKustuta. . .bad pun.
*Facehoof Twilight*
Berry Punch is a good pony, but unconcious, inebriated Berry Punch is best pony.
VastaKustutathats... ONLY 79 CENTS!?
VastaKustutaYep. Just yep.
VastaKustutaNom nom nom
VastaKustutaHasbro can make SO MUCH MONEY from us.
VastaKustutaColgate, for instance, could launch a "Peppermint Crunch" and a Colgate Pony product.
Apart from Berry Punch, Snapple can make an Applejack Juice, Orange, etc.
Carrot Cake snacks would also be very popular...
There's are bronies in the Snapple Europe graphic design team!
VastaKustutaI want to believe it.
Gramatic Derp.
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
VastaKustutaI see what you did there snapple ;D I wonder if they have undercover bronies working for them?
Just awesome!
VastaKustutaDidn't care until I saw the cutie mark on the can. Then I was all like "OMG" and so forth.
VastaKustutaWhich came first, the can or the pony?
VastaKustutaThe best stuff on Earth just got... better, with ponies!
VastaKustutaNow they made a drink that the Dos XX Guy will always drink.
VastaKustutaIf I ever see that I might buy a pack and keep an empty can. Ah, Berry Punch. <3
VastaKustutaVodka + Berry Punch = mm.
VastaKustuta'Flavored with other natural flavoring' Are candy colored ponies a natural flavoring?
VastaKustutaneed Berry Punch stickers to put on the can when I drink it. Snapple is manly again.
VastaKustutaSnapple...in...a can?!?!?! What is this witchcraft?!?!
VastaKustutaWhy doesn't this post appear in the Blog Archive at the bottom of every page? Can't you give it a title?
VastaKustutaI would have said coincidence until I noticed that Berry Punch's cutie mark and the mark on the can are the exact same thing.
VastaKustutaSpeaking of which, I believe it is more reasonable to assume that the the drink came first. Perhaps one of the animators was drinking this at the time.
Snapple just got 20% cooler
VastaKustutaNo! Bad Seth!
VastaKustutaGrape her in the mouth?