Uhmm.... lol wtf. I get that it's based on a game, but.
I dunno I just watched a horse kick a girl in the head several times, with some other less hilarious bits in between. I still feel like I just watched crack.
I LOVE Rhythm Paradise!!! Can't wait for the Wii version! Have to say though, this one is much cleaner than the male stripper version a friend linked to me... o.O
Dude. You are missing out. You've got only three basic DS commands--Tap, Touch(and Release by default), and Swipe. With these, you play music minigames with gems like this. . .
The above is one of my favorites. Nevermind the guy playing sucks.
A bad capture, but you get the feel of the kind of music.
The single hardest minigame in the whole package. PERIOD!
You could probably find the infamous Munchy Monk and DJ School surfing around the channels.
89 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaWhat the hell is this?
VastaKustutaWhat did I just watch?
VastaKustutaI am thoroughly confused...
VastaKustutaWhat the hell did I just watch?
VastaKustutaWhat, did I just watch? ._.
VastaKustutaWhat... I think I just got bucked in the prefrontal cortex...
VastaKustutaAnybody else see Photo Finish?
VastaKustutaRhythm Heaven Fever: Pony Edition
VastaKustutaWelcome to ponyville!¡
VastaKustutaI've seen this minigame remixed with Heavy Weapons Guy, Old Spice Guy, and now Applejack. This is a popular one to modify.
VastaKustutaAnd lul at all the people that don't play Rhythm Heaven and are confused.
It looks like one of those rhythm games!
VastaKustutaI'm confident in my knowledge that I am thoroughly confused
VastaKustutaJe n'en veux pas.
VastaKustutaOh internet ^^
VastaKustutaThese kinds of games are awesome.
VastaKustutaYou'd think she'd learn not to ask if it (whatever "it" was) was good after the FIRST hoof to the head.
VastaKustuta...Oh lord, now I have a ponified Tai Kwan Leep stuck in my brain.
*22 seconds into the vid*
VastaKustutaABORT! ABORT!
*closes YouTube*
*sigh* safe at last, FUCK THAT WAS MESSED UP!
Well, that's just silly! Throw in a Colin Mochrie reference and you've practically got an animutation!
VastaKustutaMy brain. It is confused. And it hurts too....
VastaKustutaIs this what MLPFIM is like in Japan?
VastaKustutaOh dude 4 Stam 4 Strength Leather Belt
VastaKustutaOmg it loops! *flees in terror*
VastaKustutaRhythm Heaven and Ponies.
VastaKustutaWhy didn't I think of this?!
And that my friends, is why I HATE Rhythm Heaven.
VastaKustutaMy mind is full of *Buy some apples!*
VastaKustutalol wut?
VastaKustutaWhat in the name of Celestia was that!
VastaKustutaUhmm.... lol wtf. I get that it's based on a game, but.
VastaKustutaI dunno I just watched a horse kick a girl in the head several times, with some other less hilarious bits in between. I still feel like I just watched crack.
That was Great!
VastaKustutaCan't get enough of these Rhythm Heaven parodies X3
ugh... IQ points lost, form sentences not good, mind full of cottage cheese.
VastaKustutaI approve. I just don't really understand what it is I'm approving of....
VastaKustutaJapanese are crazy
VastaKustutaWhat did I just watch?
VastaKustutaWhy did I like it?
OMg Rythm Heaven and MLP D= It's so awesomeeeeeee!!! XD I loved it hahaha I need that mod on my game ASAP! D=
VastaKustutaApplejack is best pony. Proof found within.
VastaKustutaI enjoyed this but there are better Wrestler Interview paraodies/remixes
VastaKustutanot bad, but imo MysteryBen27 does it much better. Not to mention that he draws it all himself as well.
VastaKustutaHmm, this was pretty good I liked it, i'm not sure AJ was the best choice for it though she seems a little quiet. It was well done regardless.
VastaKustutaI always laugh when I see these becuase it reminds me of this one: here (I am not liable if your brain melts.
I'm liking this 'Rhythm Heaven' stuff.
VastaKustutaworks for me that wasn't really that bad never did play rhythm heaven though.
VastaKustutaI'd have to agree with your assessment. I do appreciate their effort, but it also could use some better sound clips as well.
It's good, but it could be better. The Peckish Pony 2 (ponification lf Munchy Monk 2) is a good example. Still, nice work.
VastaKustutaAPPA JAK!
VastaKustutalol, I didn't think they would ever replace that sweaty wrestler for Applejack like that, maybe Big Mac but not Applejack XD
VastaKustutaNow we need a full pony rhythm game.
VastaKustutaI thought this was supposedto be in that game called "Smooth Moves" with Wario and Waluigi. Lol it was funny (the video above)
VastaKustutaI thought this was supposedto be in that game called "Smooth Moves" with Wario and Waluigi. Lol it was funny (the video above)
VastaKustutaI thought this was supposedto be in that game called "Smooth Moves" with Wario and Waluigi. Lol it was funny (the video above)
VastaKustutaWhy did my comment go up 3 times?
VastaKustutaWow. I dunno wtf I just watched, but boy was it catchy and interesting. lol Celery! Chocolate milk!
That was.
I want that minute of my life back.
Catchy music. And pony.
VastaKustutaThis confused me so much
VastaKustutaI LOVE Rhythm Paradise!!! Can't wait for the Wii version! Have to say though, this one is much cleaner than the male stripper version a friend linked to me... o.O
VastaKustutawhat the hay is this seth!
VastaKustutaI've never played Rhythm Heaven, and I still love these silly little videos. Nothing beats Peckish Pony 2, though.
VastaKustutai'm scared
VastaKustutaYes! More rhythm heaven stuff!
VastaKustutaI don't know what I've just watched, but I LOVED IT.
VastaKustutaThere seems to be lots of MLPFIM x Rhythm Heaven stuffs these days...
VastaKustutaOnly thing it had goig was rythem. Thats it. It was too damn catchy T^T
VastaKustutaAll of my wat
VastaKustutaAll of my wat
All of my wat, belongs to you.
To be honest, I didn't really like this one as much as Peckish Pony 2. Oh well, the effort was nice.
VastaKustuta*reads description and watches original video*
VastaKustutaWell now that makes complete sense.
Rythem Heaven! XD
VastaKustutaAw, I thought this was another one of MysteryBen's videos. (Creator of Twilight Goes to DJ School and Rhythm is Magic: Peckish Pony 2)
VastaKustutaNot bad, though.
CELERY! *Strike a pose*
VastaKustutaI don't know what i just watched but I'm liking it.
VastaKustuta[/francisvoice]What the hell is this?[francisvoice]
VastaKustutawhat in celestia's name was that?
VastaKustuta(celestia): "annoying!"
what in celestia's name was that?
VastaKustuta(celestia): "annoying!"
VastaKustutaRhythm Heaven sequel is on the way! Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaww!
VastaKustutaBeat City was. . . meh. But if anybody can ponify that game, it would still be awesome.
Whatza whoza thiza?
VastaKustutaWhat song and what its from?
wtf? I guess i have never heard rhythm is heaven before... :/
VastaKustutaDude. You are missing out. You've got only three basic DS commands--Tap, Touch(and Release by default), and Swipe. With these, you play music minigames with gems like this. . .
The above is one of my favorites. Nevermind the guy playing sucks.
A bad capture, but you get the feel of the kind of music.
The single hardest minigame in the whole package. PERIOD!
You could probably find the infamous Munchy Monk and DJ School surfing around the channels.
Remix ALL the rhythm heaven songs!
VastaKustutashe kicked that girl in the frickin face 0o
VastaKustutaNever saw the original, but this was so effed up that I love it!! GO AJ!!!
VastaKustutaI don't know what's going on but I want a rarity version!
VastaKustutaSugoi desu ne? -> Hoof to the face
VastaKustutaCracks me up every time:D
Wow, that's quite funny!