Be careful everypony. This reeks of a trap. And with Meepsheep on the loose this could easily become a deeclaration of war. And I'm certain no sane brony wants another incident like the banhammer on the profiles of 4chan bronies that were deemed a cancer.
Normally I would say leave this one alone in the spirit of peace and harmony and such. But seeing as how they just flat-out punked us like that...oh yeah, it is on.
why are bronies so obsessive with polls, I mean this one probably doesn't have any significance other than it has "my little pony" on it, and winning and losing probably won't cause any harm to any brony, beside, they already acknowledge our existence and power to vote, so I say leave it
Take for example, Discord. He's chaos, and order is one set thing. Chaos can be many things. Explosive and acidic milk are both chaotic, while normal milk is orderly.
Moving on, Transformers are robots. Their whole systems run on order. Needs the right wiring, right energy supplement, the right parts in the right places, the right materials to be made of.
Discord could do TONS of things with the those.
And considering the Mane 6 defeated Discord, I don't believe much more is needed to be said.
I wouldn't feel bad about it if it wasn't so disrespectful. They basically said, 'that last poll doesn't count 'cause they didn't play fair, so we're taking our ball and going to another park so we can have a do-over.' So what, our opinions don't count now? Is noone else outraged here?
I don't have a Facebook account so I can't participate in this one.
However, I'm not sure what to think of it either. Is this intended as a direct challenge to us? Or is it intended more as a "Please don't overrun our polls again" type thing?
Suddenly I'm not nearly as sure about my feelings on the previous incident as I thought I was.
How on EARTH are you getting to that conclusion?! They're obviously just having a bit of fun, please alight from the Victim Express, this train no longer serves Butthurt Central.
@Travis Smith I forgot the password to my Facebook account. And I can't be bothered to get a new one. Besides, that poll title kind of sends a mixed message. I'm not entirely sure what happened the "last" time, but I'm guessing it wasn't pretty.
Between the annoying people whom I'd long since cut ties with trying to stalk me, the millions of pictures of me drinking when I was looking at new employment, and reading Facebook's privacy agreement, I'm happy to have dumped it.
Current number of times I've ben to the moon is 7 and Thee sun twice.
Easy to escape, just use a long-range teleportation spell. Most time I went it was for fun though.
One prank I won't forget wwas when Luna and Tia rrose the moon about a month back and a very 'graphic' picture of them carved onto the surface with the stars rearranged to say Twincest.
Meh, im not going to sign up to that invasive website and it's legion of trackers hellbent on stripping the privacy off their users.
Makes you wonder though, it clearly is a challenge to crash their poll again, but why?
Im simply going to go with the attention this may get them as their primary reason. I doubt there's something sinister behind it, frankly. They realized a community came out of the blue, and they'd like to gain popularity thanks to it, nothing wrong with that.
@Shadow Heart I just have powerful friends, also I'm surprised you weren't sent to Mars, Celestia blew me there, it sucked until I found an ancient alien race, took over, then returned via light speed
That was you? You deserve a stone statue next to Discord
Ponies are obviously winning this one too right now. We have doubled our votes and right now there are 400 less for Transformers.
That being said, I think that essentially winning polls helps when it comes to show the world that we are an alive and kickin' community, which can count on a LOT of members.
And when it comes to the entertaining business, numbers ARE power. MLP FiM is as strong as his fanbase is big. So, to cut this short... keep votin' fellow Bronies!
@Zephyr Flash He knows I use it for random stuff, that's why he pretty much deleted all the info and pics, made a better one, and told me to use it as a incognito thing, Like I said nothing bad
Of course my last post was all in jest. It's their poll and they have their First Amendment rights to ask any question they want in any place. I was just making a point. Could you imagine if someone actually WAS like that? OMC, it would look so bad
@Zephyr Flash You really don't know me I use it for stuff like this, just random things on the Internet, ya some of my friends have facebooks but I don't stalk them when we hang out almost 24/7. IT'S JUST BASICLLY A PROFILE FOR JUNK!! TEN!! TEN!! Of my friends use it, happy now?
EqD bombing polls is totally fair game. If there is a transformers fan site out there, and I'm sure there is, they have every right to go bombing transformers polls for the sake of their fandom. Polls like this are won by the side with the biggest number of fans. Right now, that's probably us. Ponies winning just shows that there are a lot of pony fans, and that is 100% truth.
Uh.. who's actually fighting in this battle? Are just matching up the intellectual properties? The merchandise themselves?
This just seems like a pretty thoughtless self-promotion attempt by this "toywiz." It's not that they're trying to manipulate people that bothers me, it's that they're so bad at it.
@Wadsworth S. Ferguson Ponies can use magic, control weather, and manipulate the sun and moon. I don't know if they would win but they are sure as heck capable of it.
It sounds like the poll is who would win in a battle (direct confrontation). We already saw Rainbow Dash destroy Starscream, though in fairness, Starscream is an idiot.
I'm not going to vote, who cares who wins. Not me, this poll has already been done before but ponies will win without a doubt, but it really doesn't prove anything.
@Joe Nope, and judging from the comments here quite a lot of us are the same! Kinda weird really when you take into account the fandom's social nature!
I shoulda known you guys would find us there! Again, I think it's great - I have NO qualms about anyone voting in any poll we run! But I didn't mean it as a challenge. I tossed that up because the first one was such fun, and I wanted to see what our Facebook crowd thought of the same poll. We have a lot more Halo, YuGiOh and Pokemon fans on Facebook, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was weird - ponies took a VERY early lead, then it started swinging toward Transformers til they were in the lead. And then you guys found it - and the rest, as they say, is history.
As for other fanbases being able to do the same - they totally could. There are some great Transformers forums and sites out there. But if they don't, they don't!
And to those who posted the Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash link: Thank you! That was hilarious!
I would vote, but it's Facebook... and I hate Facebook... Mainly because I don't want to risk my whole school figuring out I'm a Brony... DAMMIT THEY KNEW!
The only robots I feel are worthy of my vote have Dr. Wily's stamp of approval on them. Since I see no Robot Masters on the poll, I default to pony.
Also: WTF at all the Facebook hate. The epitome of irony that such a social fandom hates that site. I've had a FB profile for years, and in all that time, it has not made one single red cent off me, nor has it gained any info I didn't approve of it to gain. A lot of this sounds just like any other "I'm against it because I heard some hearsay from a friend's brother's roommate from three towns over" garbage. Next I'd expect the tinfoil hats to be on parade.
Well at least this one isn't a multi voting poll @Maggotpulse so there is legit ness in this one which is nice because it's more fair.Honestly though i hope dominating polls or spam voting doesn't become a recurring thing on the daily.
'Hate' is a strong term; 'mistrust' would be better. As I see it Facebook's 'stock' is your personal information, used to target you with ads. You get their service for this, so if it works for you, so much the better. Me, I've always been keen on minimising my footprint in information space.
...and none of my friends use it (probably because they all grew up without it). I'm just not sold on the advantages over email or a phone call.
@Maggotpulse This. I think they wanted to do another poll on Facebook in the hopes that we wouldn't discover it, and thus ruin their poll results again
I don't hate FaceBook.I used to have an account on there but it got randomly disabled.Probably because I rarely used it.Plus I've never really been into those kind of websites.I only signed up to talk with my family members.
the way I see it, My Little Pony's supposed to be there as the "joke entry"- and therefore, they shouldn't be the least bit surprised when everyone votes for them. Hell, if I'd seen that poll before I'd ever watched FiM, I still probably would've voted for ponies just because it's hilarious.
You know I just thought I'd go check on that on the biggest Transformers fan site:
I found no such urge for them to want to bomb silly toy polls.
Honestly bombing polls serves no purpose what so ever considering there is equally more than enough merchandise for both and it just comes off as childish and silly when anyone calls for poll bombing.
I'm a fan of both and you know what I decided to not vote for any of them because I don't see the purpose in doing so.
And for all the ones that say MLP beats TF or the ones that speculate the mane 6 could defeat TF they are just mere simple fan made opinions and nothing more.
Both are just tv shows and not real life so please don't make stuff up for the sake of trying to bait the other fandom because it's going against the rules of your very own fandom.
I really should stop reading the comments section on things like this. I want to answer SOOO many people directly, and it would not be in my best interest to do so. XD So, generalized (somewhat late) comment:
1) I am SO GLAD so many other bronies are more or less anti-Facebook like me! However, I'm also glad we apparently have a good number on that accursed site just so that we could overtake that poll. |-D
2) Those of you who whine every single time a poll is pointed out to go overtake: Stop. Seriously. Just shut up. Internet polls are entirely meant for fun and games anyway, since there's no way results can ever be official (there's too many work-arounds). Take your whining and griping about 'childishness' and 'immaturity' to some other fandom and let us have fun with it. For a TRUE example of childish immaturity, go review the Pony Archive debacle.
3) It's awesome to see that the ToyWiz people find our poll-spamming efforts amusing, and THANK YOU for posting here! :D We love overrunning your polls. ;)
169 kommentaari:
nobody claiming first? thats a first.
VastaKustutaPonies always win
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAnd yet they don't seem to understand that we will dominate either way. >:)
VastaKustutago go go
VastaKustutaThey might get a little impatient now.
VastaKustutaPonies will dominate all the polls.
VastaKustutaPoni should poni poni.
Inb4 the killjoys get here.
VastaKustutaVoting for transformers just for the heck of it.
VastaKustutaGood luck, everyone. I eagerly await the results of our new poll charge. In the meantime, I'll be in Skyrim. Have fun. :3
VastaKustutaI voted ponies. PoniPowa!
Anyway, we can win this one as well.
Damn, don't have a facebook account so I can't even view how the poll's going D:
VastaKustutaI used to love Transformers as a kid
VastaKustutaNow I've grown up and Enjoy My Little Pony:FiM instead
Lol, they think they can escape us bronies.
VastaKustutaNow they are just asking to get overrun.
VastaKustutaSAXON HALE!!!
VastaKustuta@The Rarispy
If I had any reservations about overrunning this site's previous poll, their direct challenge to us has overcome it! CHARGE! >:D
(that means charge)
VastaKustutaI know that spamming the polls is a great way for us to 'support' toy makers, but we're spamming polls.
(inb4 brony president gets all the votes.)
VastaKustutaNo, it's more of
Challenge accepted.
VastaKustutaBanner change
VastaKustutaBe careful everypony. This reeks of a trap. And with Meepsheep on the loose this could easily become a deeclaration of war. And I'm certain no sane brony wants another incident like the banhammer on the profiles of 4chan bronies that were deemed a cancer.
VastaKustutaThe challenge; it has been accepted.
VastaKustutaNever underestimate the power of the Herd.
VastaKustutaSilly toy whiz. They think they can escape the brony might.
VastaKustuta@Shadow Heart we've been going at this poll for quite some time before EQD pointed it out, how exactly can you be sure it's a trap?
VastaKustutaSilly toy whiz. They think they can escape the brony might.
VastaKustutaGah, they got me. I wouldn't dare make a Facebook account.
VastaKustutaI'm going to have to back out of this one. :<
VastaKustutaShould we really be spamming polls?
VastaKustutaNormally I would say leave this one alone in the spirit of peace and harmony and such. But seeing as how they just flat-out punked us like that...oh yeah, it is on.
VastaKustutaDarn those Transformers. They seem to be formidable opponents.
VastaKustutawhy are bronies so obsessive with polls, I mean this one probably doesn't have any significance other than it has "my little pony" on it, and winning and losing probably won't cause any harm to any brony, beside, they already acknowledge our existence and power to vote, so I say leave it
VastaKustuta>You must be logged into Facebook to see this page
VastaKustutaHahahahanope. Oh well, I'll see how we're doing when we inevitably win barring a 4chan rally.
Technically, Characters from MLP would win.
VastaKustutaTake for example, Discord. He's chaos, and order is one set thing. Chaos can be many things. Explosive and acidic milk are both chaotic, while normal milk is orderly.
Moving on, Transformers are robots. Their whole systems run on order. Needs the right wiring, right energy supplement, the right parts in the right places, the right materials to be made of.
Discord could do TONS of things with the those.
And considering the Mane 6 defeated Discord, I don't believe much more is needed to be said.
no i feel i sould let this one. i mean it is no fun to always win:)
VastaKustutaAny one else just watching this unfold and not getting involved in the matter
VastaKustuta...And suddenly we're ahead 600 and counting. :D
VastaKustuta*adds a Pony vote*
VastaKustutaLooks like it'll be another Pony runaway.
VastaKustutaThis is the second poll with nearly identical results.
That doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
Everypony just be careful.
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaMe... I deleted my Facebook account years ago.
I wouldn't feel bad about it if it wasn't so disrespectful. They basically said, 'that last poll doesn't count 'cause they didn't play fair, so we're taking our ball and going to another park so we can have a do-over.' So what, our opinions don't count now? Is noone else outraged here?
VastaKustutaWhy are so many bronies against Facebook?
VastaKustutaI refuse to ever vote against Transformers (unless we are talking about those awful movies). I have no choice but to abstain from this poll as well.
VastaKustutaI don't have one yet
I'm also not voting so, eh
I don't have a Facebook account so I can't participate in this one.
VastaKustutaHowever, I'm not sure what to think of it either. Is this intended as a direct challenge to us? Or is it intended more as a "Please don't overrun our polls again" type thing?
Suddenly I'm not nearly as sure about my feelings on the previous incident as I thought I was.
VastaKustutawe got overrun by bronies
These guys need to get out more
@the invincible
VastaKustutaThey seemed amused. It wasn't that it didn't count, it was just that they got swamped.
Also, I cannot vote because EWWW FACEBOOK! I refuse to make an account. I will not give Zuckerberg any more money for that PoS.
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaRight here *Takes a swig of whiskey*
And I think this is a bad idea. Looks like a trap to me. If it isn't, I'll ask Luna on a date. And we all know that is basically suicide.
Besides, I don't have Facebook.
@the invincible
VastaKustutaHow on EARTH are you getting to that conclusion?! They're obviously just having a bit of fun, please alight from the Victim Express, this train no longer serves Butthurt Central.
No chance for advanced living machines from space.
VastaKustutaPony vote count currently at 1776...
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaWell worst that could that happen is a trip to the Sun or Moon, if it's the Moon I'll tell you how I got out twice
But it seems more of a, you guys screwed us so we must re do, I won't be surprised if it shows up again
Thank you EQD for answering the call we send out! Bronies unite!
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith I forgot the password to my Facebook account. And I can't be bothered to get a new one. Besides, that poll title kind of sends a mixed message. I'm not entirely sure what happened the "last" time, but I'm guessing it wasn't pretty.
VastaKustutaTo all you other neighsayers out there, this is clearly a message that they enjoy us swamping their polls!
VastaKustutaFor Celestia's sake, they changed the message of the last one to "EquestriaDaily FTW!", how can you POSSIBLY be doubting our involvement in this?!
Seriously you guys...
VastaKustutaWas against Facebook before I became a Brony...
Between the annoying people whom I'd long since cut ties with trying to stalk me, the millions of pictures of me drinking when I was looking at new employment, and reading Facebook's privacy agreement, I'm happy to have dumped it.
It's a shame I refuse to promote Zuckerberg's enterprise, even to support MLP.
VastaKustutaIf MLP looses this, it will be because of Zuckerberg's internet social prostitution ring, not because of Hasbro or its product.
@Travis Smith my self
VastaKustutaThe reason I can see the poll,y friend left his account on some months back and I hack it from time to time, nothing bad though
Look at the pool now. It has changed a lot.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaCurrent number of times I've ben to the moon is 7 and Thee sun twice.
Easy to escape, just use a long-range teleportation spell. Most time I went it was for fun though.
One prank I won't forget wwas when Luna and Tia rrose the moon about a month back and a very 'graphic' picture of them carved onto the surface with the stars rearranged to say Twincest.
the votes have already doubled since this was posted
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustuta"nothing bad though!
NOTHING BAD?! You are violating your friend's privacy and trust! That automatically makes it VERY BAD!
As much as I want to vote on this, I just don't like Facebook very much.
VastaKustutaSo yeah, I'm afraid you guys have to count me out of this one.
Don't. Just don't. It's not fair or nice.
VastaKustutaSilly robots, don't you realize your time has passed? Ponies are the coolest thing on the web now!
VastaKustutaToo bad I don't have a facebook...
Meh, im not going to sign up to that invasive website and it's legion of trackers hellbent on stripping the privacy off their users.
VastaKustutaMakes you wonder though, it clearly is a challenge to crash their poll again, but why?
Im simply going to go with the attention this may get them as their primary reason. I doubt there's something sinister behind it, frankly. They realized a community came out of the blue, and they'd like to gain popularity thanks to it, nothing wrong with that.
@Zephyr Flash
VastaKustutaI agree
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaI just have powerful friends, also I'm surprised you weren't sent to Mars, Celestia blew me there, it sucked until I found an ancient alien race, took over, then returned via light speed
That was you?
You deserve a stone statue next to Discord
My Little Pony Wins. FATALITY!
VastaKustutaWhat're you even talking about?
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaThanks! :3
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaThat mental image is terrifying.
Well done.
Ponies are obviously winning this one too right now. We have doubled our votes and right now there are 400 less for Transformers.
VastaKustutaThat being said, I think that essentially winning polls helps when it comes to show the world that we are an alive and kickin' community, which can count on a LOT of members.
And when it comes to the entertaining business, numbers ARE power. MLP FiM is as strong as his fanbase is big. So, to cut this short... keep votin' fellow Bronies!
@Zephyr Flash
VastaKustutaHe knows I use it for random stuff, that's why he pretty much deleted all the info and pics, made a better one, and told me to use it as a incognito thing, Like I said nothing bad
Winning by two-fold now. LOL.
VastaKustutaChallenge accepted! We'll dominate the playing field with our friendship frenzy!
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustuta...incognito Facebook? So essentially you use it to spy on people? You're really not selling this.
Of course my last post was all in jest. It's their poll and they have their First Amendment rights to ask any question they want in any place. I was just making a point. Could you imagine if someone actually WAS like that? OMC, it would look so bad
VastaKustuta@ Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaSo it wasn't a case of pareidolia...
VastaKustutaHear hear!
I literary laughed as I read the poll description and voting for MLP once again XD
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Zephyr Flash
VastaKustutaYou really don't know me
I use it for stuff like this, just random things on the Internet, ya some of my friends have facebooks but I don't stalk them when we hang out almost 24/7.
TEN!! TEN!! Of my friends use it, happy now?
Not this again
VastaKustutaas much as i want to see MLP win that poll...
VastaKustutaI am NOT signing up to Facebook just for that poll
sorry bronies...its just not worth it...
EqD bombing polls is totally fair game. If there is a transformers fan site out there, and I'm sure there is, they have every right to go bombing transformers polls for the sake of their fandom. Polls like this are won by the side with the biggest number of fans. Right now, that's probably us. Ponies winning just shows that there are a lot of pony fans, and that is 100% truth.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaWoah, calm down dude. Sorry, but it did seem rather creepy the way you phrased it.
History is repeating. I just messaged my friends and dared them to stop if if they cared.
VastaKustutaPoor Voltron. I know one of my friends liked that show.
Uh.. who's actually fighting in this battle? Are just matching up the intellectual properties? The merchandise themselves?
VastaKustutaThis just seems like a pretty thoughtless self-promotion attempt by this "toywiz." It's not that they're trying to manipulate people that bothers me, it's that they're so bad at it.
@Wadsworth S. Ferguson
VastaKustutaer, they can't be that bad at it if they're getting this kind of response.
@Wadsworth S. Ferguson Ponies can use magic, control weather, and manipulate the sun and moon. I don't know if they would win but they are sure as heck capable of it.
VastaKustuta@Wadsworth S. Ferguson
VastaKustutaIt sounds like the poll is who would win in a battle (direct confrontation). We already saw Rainbow Dash destroy Starscream, though in fairness, Starscream is an idiot.
@Zephyr Flash
VastaKustutaReally couldn't have worded it any differently but at least now were cool
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaYeah, s'all good; apologies for jumping to conclusions.
One of the comments reminded me of a certain line from a certain movie file on a certain video sharing website...
Well, that's ruined the poll for Transformers fans.
VastaKustutaWhich comment?
I'm not going to vote, who cares who wins. Not me, this poll has already been done before but ponies will win without a doubt, but it really doesn't prove anything.
VastaKustutaI hope we win because I Refuse to go near that retched hive of scum and villainy.
VastaKustutaVote on this and reveal to my Facebook friends that I'm a brony or trust in the herd and keep my secret safe. Oh this is quite a pickle
VastaKustuta@Joystik GO!
Am I the only person in the world who doesn't have a Facebook?
VastaKustutau killin our joy here ilovebagelz
VastaKustutaCourage time!! Screw you society. I'm a bring and I'm proud!
VastaKustutaCurse you again auto correct. Brony and proud!!!
VastaKustutaUnicron is known as the God of Chaos who devours Realities.
VastaKustutaJust throwing that out there.
crap i dont have a facebook
VastaKustutaI think we are already winning
VastaKustutaNope, and judging from the comments here quite a lot of us are the same!
Kinda weird really when you take into account the fandom's social nature!
VastaKustutaI'm sorry I don't speak your filthy taco language
So who's in the lead currently? I was busy with Skyrim and didn't have time to check on the poll.
VastaKustutaLOL, these filthy mortals think they can challenge ponies
VastaKustutaNope, no facebook here either.
The question isn't whether ponies will win or not. The real question is, "Who will come in second?"
VastaKustutaVote early. And often. Be a responsible brony.
VastaKustutaPoll officially Annihilated, bronies leading with a 3:1 ratio.
VastaKustutaFor some reason the Guilty Gear X "Destroyed" logo just came to mind.
VastaKustutaAnd that is why I would rather vote for Transformers any day!
Would you guys mind keeping down the pollrading a little? We are not /b/
VastaKustutaIs it really necessary for us to keep doing this?
VastaKustutaI don't have a FB just let me know who wins.
VastaKustutaI don't have a facebook and not even ponies will make me get one.
Rainbow Dash already beat Starscream in mortal combat. What more proof do they need of the superiority of ponies?
VastaKustutaJust voted. We're currently up by 3 to 1 margin.
VastaKustutaI'd vote since I really do think FiM should win that poll, but like others, facebook is on my boycott list.
VastaKustutaI shoulda known you guys would find us there! Again, I think it's great - I have NO qualms about anyone voting in any poll we run! But I didn't mean it as a challenge. I tossed that up because the first one was such fun, and I wanted to see what our Facebook crowd thought of the same poll. We have a lot more Halo, YuGiOh and Pokemon fans on Facebook, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was weird - ponies took a VERY early lead, then it started swinging toward Transformers til they were in the lead. And then you guys found it - and the rest, as they say, is history.
VastaKustutaAs for other fanbases being able to do the same - they totally could. There are some great Transformers forums and sites out there. But if they don't, they don't!
And to those who posted the Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash link: Thank you! That was hilarious!
Bebs at
what do you mean were losing. were winning by 2000 votes
VastaKustutaThe course of action is obvious: some one has got to go wake up the Transformers, and, uh, ThunderCats fans!
call me a traitor, but as a toyline Transformers wins any day
VastaKustutaOh joy we have another poll spamming :/
VastaKustutaCrush them again my fellow bronies.
VastaKustutaStrength through Unity.
Unity through Friendship. Equestria Prevails!
Sir YES SIR they will be dealt with.
VastaKustutaThe poll on facebook? for that I'll say no
VastaKustutaI would vote, but it's Facebook... and I hate Facebook... Mainly because I don't want to risk my whole school figuring out I'm a Brony... DAMMIT THEY KNEW!
VastaKustutaAh, good to see bronies getting back to their old /b/ roots and trolling the living hell out of other people for their own amusement.
VastaKustutaThe only robots I feel are worthy of my vote have Dr. Wily's stamp of approval on them. Since I see no Robot Masters on the poll, I default to pony.
VastaKustutaAlso: WTF at all the Facebook hate. The epitome of irony that such a social fandom hates that site. I've had a FB profile for years, and in all that time, it has not made one single red cent off me, nor has it gained any info I didn't approve of it to gain. A lot of this sounds just like any other "I'm against it because I heard some hearsay from a friend's brother's roommate from three towns over" garbage. Next I'd expect the tinfoil hats to be on parade.
/conspiracytheories >.> <.< >.>
Actually, I feel find of guilty that we're over running polls... For the sake of fairness, I feel we probably shouldn't participate.
VastaKustutaWell at least this one isn't a multi voting poll @Maggotpulse so there is legit ness in this one which is nice because it's more fair.Honestly though i hope dominating polls or spam voting doesn't become a recurring thing on the daily.
VastaKustutaArrrggghhh! My one weakness! No Facebook for me.
'Hate' is a strong term; 'mistrust' would be better. As I see it Facebook's 'stock' is your personal information, used to target you with ads. You get their service for this, so if it works for you, so much the better. Me, I've always been keen on minimising my footprint in information space.
...and none of my friends use it (probably because they all grew up without it). I'm just not sold on the advantages over email or a phone call.
@Maggotpulse This. I think they wanted to do another poll on Facebook in the hopes that we wouldn't discover it, and thus ruin their poll results again
VastaKustutaI don't hate FaceBook.I used to have an account on there but it got randomly disabled.Probably because I rarely used it.Plus I've never really been into those kind of websites.I only signed up to talk with my family members.
im still an undercover brony, so no logging into facebook for me!
VastaKustutathe way I see it, My Little Pony's supposed to be there as the "joke entry"- and therefore, they shouldn't be the least bit surprised when everyone votes for them. Hell, if I'd seen that poll before I'd ever watched FiM, I still probably would've voted for ponies just because it's hilarious.
VastaKustuta.... No. I'm not part of your personal little army that votes for Ponies if they ever have a chance of losing.
VastaKustutaI like ponies and all, but this reeks of childishness. It makes me sad to be a pony fan.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Pinkie PyroWhat cracks me up is the Bronys saying that Transformers has a smaller fan base than MLP FiM..... Lol, and yes Superior toy is superior
VastaKustutaI my heart might be with the Ponies but said heart is a robot in disguise! Autobot4life
VastaKustutaHaha, fantastic! Officially sanctioned poll-raid by the creators themselves! Thank you good sir.
Can all of you stop whining about poll-raids now? We have just been officially authorised!, they're goddamn Internet polls, do you really think anybody would mind us raiding them, *really*?
Manni omnia vincunt!
VastaKustuta(Ponies conquer everything!)
Facebook, sorry can't help with that.
VastaKustutaI advise people to desist.
VastaKustutaThat's all.
Seth's abusing his powers again.
VastaKustutaYou know I just thought I'd go check on that on the biggest Transformers fan site:
I found no such urge for them to want to bomb silly toy polls.
Honestly bombing polls serves no purpose what so ever considering there is equally more than enough merchandise for both and it just comes off as childish and silly when anyone calls for poll bombing.
I'm a fan of both and you know what I decided to not vote for any of them because I don't see the purpose in doing so.
And for all the ones that say MLP beats TF or the ones that speculate the mane 6 could defeat TF they are just mere simple fan made opinions and nothing more.
Both are just tv shows and not real life so please don't make stuff up for the sake of trying to bait the other fandom because it's going against the rules of your very own fandom.
I really should stop reading the comments section on things like this. I want to answer SOOO many people directly, and it would not be in my best interest to do so. XD So, generalized (somewhat late) comment:
VastaKustuta1) I am SO GLAD so many other bronies are more or less anti-Facebook like me! However, I'm also glad we apparently have a good number on that accursed site just so that we could overtake that poll. |-D
2) Those of you who whine every single time a poll is pointed out to go overtake: Stop. Seriously. Just shut up. Internet polls are entirely meant for fun and games anyway, since there's no way results can ever be official (there's too many work-arounds). Take your whining and griping about 'childishness' and 'immaturity' to some other fandom and let us have fun with it. For a TRUE example of childish immaturity, go review the Pony Archive debacle.
3) It's awesome to see that the ToyWiz people find our poll-spamming efforts amusing, and THANK YOU for posting here! :D We love overrunning your polls. ;)
VastaKustutaI couldn't help but notice but by any chance was point No.2 directed towards my post?
This is all a ploy to get more people to like their FB. Plain and simple.
VastaKustutaAnother great victory for Dirtville!
VastaKustutaBUT but... i like both... DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!!!!!!
VastaKustuta@ponies Damn right :p
VastaKustuta@ponies Damn right :p
VastaKustuta<Look at polls in picture
VastaKustuta<see transformers is beating MLP
<Go to facebook page
<see polls
<oh shit
@Sun Streaker
VastaKustutaOh do be quiet, you incredibly boring person.
VastaKustutaHow very non tolerant and ignorant of you.
That's just unfair...