Music: Becoming Popular Cover (zahqo's Rendition) / Winter Wrap Up Trance Remix / We Wish You a Pony Christmas
by Sethisto
More Becoming Popular! It's awesome though, so you should probably listen to it, just sayin.
We also have some of the best voice tuning ever, and I totally didn't just jack that line from the pre-listeners, it really is impressive.
And finishing off with some Eurobeat Christmas music.
1.) The Living Tombstone - Becoming Popular Cover (zahqo's Rendition)
2.) &I ~ Winter Wrap Up Trance Remix
3.) We Wish You a Pony Christmas (Eurobeat Mix)
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I didn't expect there to be so many ask blogs, so I'm going to stop it at 50 (It's at 38 right now). I will make this a monthly thing though, so others can join in next month!
Submissions are closed!
I'll toss the collection up tomorrow, this post will take a while. -
Click for Full
While down below we have a Dethklok parody! I've never seen the show, but I've heard some good things about it.
Click for Full -
Author: Valkyra
Description: In the end, the prices we pay are worth what we receive in return - and none understand this more than a certain pegasus mare.
The Price You Pay
Additional Tags: Friendship, Memories, Acceptance, Happiness, Short -
There are a ton of Ask pony blogs out there, and every once in a while they trickle in to EQD asking for a plug. It's time to create a compilation!
If you run one, send an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com with ASK BLOG in the subject line. Include the following:
- Title of the Ask Blog
- Your best piece of art so far
- The link to your Ask Blog
Note: Only owners may send their blog to us!
Note 2: No Porn or Gore (Same EQD rules as always!)
Note 3: You don't own Ask Princess Molestia, stop sending it! :p
Note 4: Due to the massive influx of ask blogs, I probably won't reply to all of them!
Note 5: Due to the 20 blogs in 40 minutes thing, I might make this monthly instead!
You have until 50 are submitted
Submissions closed! I'm doing it again next month though.
The compilation post will go up later that day in drawfriend style format. Make sure you pick the image you think will attract visitors! -
Plushie Compilation #33
by Calpain
It's been awhile since Rarity has had the plush spotlight. Just look at those curls!
More plushies can be found after the break!
Source 1
I never really listened to much of chiptune stuff before pony. It sure did grow on me quickly though!
We also have some EVIL RARITY from Dr. Dissonance, and a song that is guaranteed to make your eyes droop and speech slow to 1/3rd it's normal rate. Make sure you grab some headphones though.
1.) Interrobang Pie befriends StormWolf - Dedede Invades Equestria
2.) Rarity is Evil!
3.) tree of memories
The second episode of Turnabout Storm has been released! For those that haven't watched the first one at all, be sure to check it out before diving into this one. It's definitely worth a watch if you have any love at all for the Phoenix Wright series.
Find it after the break! It does have a 720p version, so I'd suggest just watching it directly.
UNSHORN FETLOCKS in 2012 edition.
Also happy New Year to all of you who aren't in the USA!
Have some arts.
Source 1
And new banner by Ohthatchristina!
Author: Nightwings81
Description: When Rainbow Dash catches a bad case of pegapox, she cannot fly up to her cloud house and finds herself grounded in Ponyville. Rarity and Sweetie Belle volunteer to care for her while Twilight tries to find a cure, but can the pegasus survive her well-meaning nurses long enough to use it?
Dashes, Dots, and Pegasus Spots (All Links)(New Part 6+7+Epilogue!)
Deviant Art
Dashes, Dots, and Pegasus Spots Part 1
Dashes, Dots, and Pegasus Spots Part 2
Additional Tags: Funny, friendship, frustration, illness, toleranceop 15:32
Sildid: Author: Nightwings81, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Shipping, Star-5, Story, Sweetie Belle -
Author: Recamen
Description: After a night in which she may have had one too many drinks, Rarity wakes up to find that everything below her head is missing. See her publicly declare herself deceased and be the drama queen she is while putting together the pieces of a puzzling evening.
Rarity's Mid-Death Crisis
Additional Tags: One-shot, Berry Punch, Octavia, Rarity, Marecaholicsop 15:00
Sildid: Author: Recamen, Berry Punch, comedy, Complete, Fancy Pants, Fanfiction, Octavia, Other, Rarity, Spike, Star-4, Story -
Celestia Radio is hosting their top 50 pony song countdown... right now! Have some copy paste:
For New Years Eve, from 2:30-7pm Eastern (7:30-midnight UTC), Celestia Radio is hosting the Top 50 pony songs countdown, hosted by PonyToast. The countdown is based on votes by bronies, and the voting was really, really close! The list features prominent artists such as BeatleBronies, Ken Ashcorp, Swagberg, PinkiePieSwear, Alex S., The Living Tombstone, WoodenToaster, Griffin Village and many many more. Who will reign supreme? Find out!
You can listen in to the stream at http://ponify.me and join in with the IRC New Years Countdown Party on freenode ( http://webchat.freenode.net ) in the #celestiaradio channel!
And a mirror! -
Author: Autumn Wind
Description: Sparkler has a happy life with her adoptive mother and sister.
However, a secret weighs heavy on her. Seeking some advice and relief,
she comes knocking at Cheerilee's door.
Shimmer (Alternate)
Additional Tags: Sparkler shares the family secret -
Author: Fernin
Description: M.L.P's Bridle Gossip, but slightly redone; Applejack's now alone in her Poison Joke fun. Should she trust Zecora to set things to rights, or will our farm pony forever wear stripes?
Striped Like Me
Additional Tags: Rewritten episode; rhyming zebras yay!op 11:00
Sildid: Applejack, Author: Fernin, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Random, Star-5, Story, Zecora -
Someone over on MLP Arena recently took a short tour of the Italian Hasbro office. It has your typical toys and giant pony vectors, along with a flat panel, because those are awesome. The really interesting part is at the end of his post though. Have a quote:
And lastly, i've asked her something was very surprised nobody told me to ask in my previous post.
Get your Sherclop Holmes hats on! It's mystery solvin time!
But she asked me not to tell it for the moment.
I will only tell you to keep an eye for episodes 26/27/28 of the second season of FIM.
And yes, there will be *o** *r** **i* c***a***r*.
You can also check out the thread and tour here!
Thanks to whatshisgame for the heads up -
This time around, we have a Nightmare Before Christmas Parody (bit late, but not bad!), a Winter Wrap Up remix , and a freestyle rap dedicated to My Little Dashie by a
1413 year old, because that just fits for some reason.
1.) Mr. Discord's Song
2.) Winter Start Up - CommandSpry
3.) TheDumplingz - My Little Dashie Freestyle Rap
Author: RatherHomely
Description: Will true love blossom, or will the rolling stone of love gather no moss? A Rarity/Tom shipping. Why? Well, because some idiot was going to write it eventually. Why not me?
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Additional Tags: Parody, Odd, Romance?, Melodramatic, Tomop 21:00
Sildid: Author: RatherHomely, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Other, Rarity, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
Comic: Braaains! (Madmax)
by Calpain -
I'm pretty sure we already won, but for the sake of the poor EQD poor submit box, I'm going to post it again anyway! Wikia is holding a top wiki poll. It was a pretty epic battle between League of Legends and FiM for a while, but we seem to have pulled ahead. As far as I know, the top two are the only ones really broadcasting it around the internet.
Hit the poll up here.
I guess at this point we can just see how high we can climb? -
[Crossover][Adventure] Do you know how many Skyrim crossovers we have received? It's so nice to finally see one make it though!
Author: Gnir
Description: Two hundred years ago, the Empire was shaken to its foundation with the assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and all of his heirs. Now, when the once-great Empire is struggling to keep its holdings from crumbling away, Emperor Titus Mede II has secretly funded an expedition to a recently discovered continent. Meanwhile, a young dragon named Spike makes a startling discovery about the dragons in Equestria. Hoping to prove himself to his fellow dragons, Spike volunteers to be an ambassador to some strange creatures who were seen approaching Equestria. Can Equestria live in peace with these strange creatures called men and elves, or will the iniquities of a wartorn world be its doom?
My Little Dovah Part 1
My Little Dovah Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Long, Humans (and Elf) in Equestria, Alternate Universe, High Fantasy, Elder Scrollsop 15:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Gnir, Crossover, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Other, Spike, Star-5, Story -
I actually had a Slapchop remix on my old ipod a few years ago. That was some of the most hilarious marketing ever. I guess it is inevitable that it would be ponified!
As with the source material, it is filled with all sorts of innuendo, so those of weak wills may want to avoid reading the image above.
I don't have a source for it, so go dig one up! -
A couple of marathons are going on tonight. You can find all the information on the Bronystate one above, and the Mare-Athon Synchtube channel below.
Note: If you have a marathon coming up, please submit it at least a day in advance.
When: 5:30 Eastern, 3:30 Arizona (Blog) time.
What: All episodes + Friendship is Witchcraft
Website -
Another JRPG Style pony game is on the horizon! This one totally uses a Scootaloo as a cursor, making it the GREATEST POSSIBLE JRPG... kind of.
Right now, its still very much in it's alpha stages, without any actual animations. Check out the video demonstration, as well as full informative copy paste after the break!
Or you can hit up the Ponychan Thread / Forum post about it.
[Adventure][Comedy][Light Grimdark][Random]
Author: DannyJ
Description: "In Equestria's far future, one thousand and five years after the return, a dysfunctional group of argumentative ponies must quest to defeat the most dangerous enemy of Equestria to ever live; the malevolent Lord Second, one of the only known members of the race of elder gods known as the humans, and the ancient cult who worships him, the Brotherhood of Man.
Human (All Links) (Update Part 37!)
An over-the-top surrealist comedy with slight serious elements. Expect a steady decline into insanity."
Human: Shades of Grey
Additional Tags: Long, OC ponies, humans, far future,op 09:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: DannyJ, Celestia, comedy, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Star-4, Story -
The first one is an awesome Winter Wrap Up remix. The song never gets old, and this refreshes it even more!
#2 is creepy as hell. I'm sure some of you will enjoy that!
And the third is Everfree, cause that place totally has a music track now.
1.) Winter Wrap Up - Piranha Remix
2.) Pinkie Cake befriends Scarlett Peace - Discord's World
3.) EverFree n B (Original Mix)
We have some new stuff for all you papercrafters out there! Above is the fan club Dash hair from The Mysterious Mare do Well, and below you can find the train engine from various episodes. At this rate, we will have all of Equestria re-created in paper!
Rainbow Dash Hat Template
Applejack Hat Template
Train Car
Totally random music time! We have a parody, a remix of one of Omnipony's Dubstep songs, and a Super Mario Brothers style remix of the background music played when Rarity's parents pop up. Yes, we will combine everything with anything using whatever we damn well please in this fandom apparently !
1.) Equestrian Idiot (parody)
2.) Omnipony - Forever Asleep (ArtAttack Remix)
3.) Rarity's Parents (SMB Underwater Theme style)
An epic Scratch image for an epic compilation? Totally fits! Someone named CaptainComedy has created a full album set of all the FiM music with high quality FLAC/MP3 files. Everything from normal show tracks to various Background stuff is included.
Check out the full discography in his Mediafire folder here!
And some Copy Paste:
Hey, everybody! CaptainComedy here. First of all, I want to sincerely apologize for the huge delay in the release of this soundtrack. It just became a much larger project than I anticipated. Season 2 won't take nearly as long!
I'd like to personally thank Topshot, Don-Komandorr and shuffle for contributing art. You guys did some incredible work. I'd also like to thank CSIMadMax and BlackM3sh for doing some work as well, until unfortunately having to both drop from the project for personal reasons. Maybe next season!
I'd like to thank Daniel Ingram and William Anderson. Only their music could inspire me to take on this ridiculously huge project. And without them, the show would be a lot less magical.
And obviously, thanks to Lauren Faust for creating such a compelling and enjoyable animated series.
So I now say goodbye, and thanks for reading this. If you have questions, comments, or just want to chat, by all means, email me at CaptainComedy@gmail.com, or comment on this post. I'll drop in periodically to reply. Enjoy the music.
- James "CaptainComedy" Avestruz (see you next year!)
Comic: Twilight's Zone / Rarity's Master Hat
by Calpain
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