• YTPMV: Corridors of Equestria / Pink Pandemic / Pinkie Pie attempts a time compression

    Time to continue our regularly scheduled crazyness. 

    I forgot I had a YTPMV Folder. Have some!

    1.) Corridors of Equestria
    2.) Pink Pandemic
    3.) Pinkie Pie attempts a time compression


    1. Don't really know what to think of these...

    2. Aw yea, FF8. Hated the game, loved the music.

    3. Why are you just now posting Corridors of Equestria? That was uploaded weeks ago? Ah, I guess I'll have to send more things I like in, on the off chance you didn't post about them.

    4. I enjoyed #1

      I liked #2.

      #3 Sounds so familiar, but I don't know where it's from, I like it though.

    5. First one: Pretty good, but I'm not sure I prefer it over Corridor of Cupcakes
      Second one: I like it. I'm gonna have to find out what the source is.
      Third one: ...what is this? At first I was thinking Majora's Mask, but now I have no idea.

    6. @Drew Verdun
      I love how you put so little faith in your 'first' comment that you feel it necessary to put in a question mark. A question mark would imply that it is a question, so what you are are essentially saying is "can I have first?". But if you want to get to get anywhere in life you don't ask for what you want, you take it! So next time you do that replace your question mark with an exclamation mark and perhaps a few ones and elevens for good measure. Then it will look like you are saying "THIS FIRST POST IS MINE! DEAL WITH IT!" and in all honesty sends a stronger message to the readers.

      A/N: I got about half way into writing this then I asked myself "The hell am I doing?" but by that point it was to late to stop.

    7. I really like it's...mane? I don't really get any of them either but I'm sure everyone worked hard on them and I could never even begin to dream of being able to do anything artistic so, good job.

    8. #3: The style of music and the video gives it a "decent into madness" feel to me

    9. #2: I like how Hub backwards is duH.

    10. for some reason the first one reminded me of the rugrats theme song... :P

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Seth I am dissapoint, submitted #2 bout a month ago lol.

    13. ok...erm
      First one....dont get it
      second one...erm....Pinkie?
      third one..........really creeped me out

    14. Meh. Didn't really like Corridors of Equestria. Mainly cuz I've already been spoiled by Corridors of Cupcakes, which was more musical and/or awesome.

    15. The first one...is amazing. I have yet to see the other two.

    16. For those who don't get "Corridors of Equestria", you've obviously never played Chrono Trigger. You should quickly resolve that, BTW.

      Also, I actually heard this BEFORE I heard Corridors of Cupcakes, and I thought this was WAY better.

    17. I'm pretty sure #3 is from Final Fantasy 8. If memory serves, the original trackname for that one was Compression of Time, and it was used near the end of the game--the trippy Dali-esque transitional period just before the last area, I think.

    18. #1

      I honestly don't know what's better.

      Pinkie Trigger: Corridors of Cupcakes or this.

    19. For all those wondering, the third one is 'Compression Of Time' from Final Fantasy VIII. Loved that game, despite all the undeserved hate it gets.

      Ultimecia is now best pony.

    20. If only someone could put #1 on a 15 minute loop like they did with corridor of cupcakes *hint* *hint*

    21. #1 This beat is familiar and since others are referencing things in it that I don't get the references to, I'm guessing it is based off something. lol Either way, I think it has a fun little beat.

      #2 Short, but kinda catchy.

      #3 Guess people are saying this one is basically from FF8. Which I didn't play. lol The tune wasn't really up my alley, but video was kinda fun to watch.

    22. 1. Bit too slow for me.

      2. Catchy!

      3. Neat visuals. I was hoping for a Zelda song, but close enough.

    23. WOOHOOO crono trigger reference, I've just been playing that game again.. i want to do it more now.

    24. #3 seemed so hypnotic that I'd almost believe subliminals are real...
