His initial demo of what it would look like can be found here.
This would be a monthly update, spotlighting some of the more popular things on the blog (Yah, I know it already filters and spotlights things, but this would do it further I guess!)
I'm defenitly liking what I see, but he wants your two cents, so hit up the links below or drop something in the comments to give some feedback on it!
Note: This would be a digital magazine! Not a print one.
248 kommentaari:
Yes, yes we would
VastaKustutaThat would be interesting, go for it.
VastaKustutaonly if you print it and send me a copy, free of charge cause i'd be too po to afford shipping.
VastaKustutathat..that would be fine :)
VastaKustutaHmmm......it actually looks like it's pretty good. I'd read it!
VastaKustutaSounds like a great idea!
VastaKustutaand obviously i'm being facetious. Of course i'd like this.
VastaKustutaShall it be called Equestria Monthly? oh, and I support this idea.
VastaKustutaThis would be really nice. I would read it.
VastaKustutaI would definitely read it, I say go for it
VastaKustutaIf it's just going to rehash stuff from the blog, I can do without. However, if it's going to have additional (exclusive?) stuff, then go for it.
VastaKustutaI'm liking this idea!
VastaKustutai will like one in pdf, since i live in south america :D
VastaKustutaWould this be a physical thing? I think if it were that, I'd be game for it. It could be an excellent tool for delivering things outside of the internet.
VastaKustutaI'm definitely liking the idea though!
No, because I don't see how this would be better than the website.
VastaKustutaIf it was a anthology of just the comics I'd be interested though.
I don't see the point really but nothing could be lost from doing it either.
VastaKustutaYeah, it'd be cool.
VastaKustutaSounds like a good idea to me. :D
VastaKustutaIn the words of Van Halen
VastaKustuta"Oh Ya!"
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes... If... you don't... mind... THE PARTY! 3 pony combination, get ON OUR ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE'S LEVEL OF LOVE FOR THIS IDEA!
VastaKustutaI'd read it for sure. There is nothing like seeing my friends's as well as my work posted on this website, but to see it on paper, that is a whole different level.
VastaKustutaIt would be cool, though I personally wouldn't read it
VastaKustutalooks legit
VastaKustutayo dawg, I heard like ponies!
VastaKustutaThat would be the BEST. THING. EVER.
VastaKustutaBut if it's a physical thing, it would probably be illegal lest you contact Hasbro, so maybe a weekly PDF thing would be cool!
Yay! We are everywhere!
VastaKustutaEh, I don't see much point; EqD gets stuff in so fast, what would a magazine-like format add to it? And then there's the possibility of quality concerns(I admit that I think of this primarily because of the comparison to the horrible screwattack magazine, but looking at some of the grammar/spelling in the sample...)
VastaKustutaBut even if executed well, I doubt I'd read it, being how superfluous it would be. The only chance for it would be exclusive content and articles, and that begs the question of why not to have what would be purposed as such on EqD proper to begin with?
EQM, Have some of the members of the community do articals on Pony related stuff, I'm Game.
VastaKustutaI don't really see the point, but you could go for it if you want
VastaKustuta... Kill joy....
VastaKustutaThats pretty cool.
VastaKustutaAs long as you don't make the articles like the one from that issue of screwattack, I'm game.
VastaKustutaAs i said, We are everywhere!
VastaKustutaThat would be awsome
VastaKustutai do like the art mixed with information aspect, like the picture of that tan-ish pony and the old Canterlot mural would be an epic example of fan-fic artwork with a link to the actual fan-fic all in one place.
VastaKustutaWhat is a girl brony called?
VastaKustutaSounds like a plan.
VastaKustutaThat would be... nice.
VastaKustuta(aka. GO FOR IT!!!)
What is a girl brony called! i really want to know!
VastaKustutaLooks like it would be well-made, but I don't really see any value added here. It's just rehashing stuff that's already filtered through the blog. As people have said, if it has exclusive/unique content, then go for it. However, if it is just collecting stuff that appears on EQD, then I don't think it's worth the effort.
VastaKustutaDepends. If it was just EQD: The Magazine, then no.
VastaKustutaIf it was a compilation of fics (Some longfics, some oneshots) and comics, then I can answer in the form of Youtube:
VastaKustutaLooks to me like it's going to be some kind of monthly roundup thing. I'm in!
VastaKustutaWith the speed of fans making everything (not to forget PMVs and musics that can't get into prints..) magazines would be a little slow in my opinion? Ofcourse it would be nice to read though.
VastaKustutaSounds like a great idea. Not really sure I see the point, but for those who don't know about EqD, in a physical version, it could be used as propoganda. I say go for it.
Female bronies are still bronies. It's gender nuetral.
Well, I think its a good idea..... but, hey, what ever floats your boat
VastaKustutaI would read it. A monthly summary of the top things would be a wonderful idea. As well as brony letters and other things it could be a real interesting experience. I am looking forward to it. And Seth, if you are reading the comments, make a poll on it so he can get an exact ratio of want:don't want:don't care. My guess is a 4:1:2 ratio.
VastaKustutaOnly if this blog continues to exist, will I say yes to this.
VastaKustutaAlso the magazine will have to bring something completely new to the table to be worthwhile.
Sounds like a splendid idea.
VastaKustutaAddendum: Also, some drawfriend stuff thrown in. John Joseco's humanized Luna comes to mind. I'm thinking sort of an EQD: Monthly Features thing.
VastaKustutayeah go ahead we'll get a little more of a serious view but at least its okay
VastaKustutaOh yeah, I can dig it
VastaKustutalooked thru it and hellz to the ya it wud be awesome
VastaKustutabrony, it's a sex neutral term.
@ Sunbell
VastaKustutaTechnically you can call female fans of the show brownies as well, there is another word but I forget.
Any help?
I'm going to say no respectfully we already have the blog I don't see a need for a magazine.
VastaKustutaYAY! MORE PONIES!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaSo much yes.
VastaKustuta(As long as you can send it to the UK.)
@Travis Smith, thank. I am way less confused now!
VastaKustutaIt would be a better way to see all the cool stuff that has happened during the month with less searching so I like this idea. :)
VastaKustutaNo. Pony happens 24/7. You can't fit it into a static magazine like that. It just wouldn't work.
VastaKustutaI';m thinking it would be a good place for more in-depth articles and editorials. news and fan works shifts too rapidly for a monthly magazine to handle, but if it were reserved for larger projects like, say, interesting analysis of the month's episode's themes or trends in the community, it could be great. sort of a thing for more in-depth articles that would normally be drowned in the sea of other stuff in the website.
On second thought, maybe not. I don't get much time online these days with school and stuff, and it would just recap stuff on here. So doesn't really matter to me
VastaKustuta@Sunbell The Terms , Pegasister,Filly and Brony have been thrown around for female fans
VastaKustutaOh Hell Yes!!
VastaKustutaOne step more to the Evolution in pony communication.
The next step... a Brony 100% related t.v. show.
That would be amazing, but would it be print?
VastaKustutaSeth, if you would be willing to post future updates on EQD to help me keep up and catch recent issues, definitely! I'd definitely love to read and support it.
VastaKustutaI see a possible tie-in with WeLoveFine if the magazine gets enough readers. If actual tangible business with merchandising gains enough momentum to warrant a sponsorship deal, it greatly empowers the Brony community as we become yet another legitimate economic influence that will get others' attention and spread the good word of Pony.
Want, wantwant, wantwantwant, want.
VastaKustutaMake this, and I'll keep working on a time machine so I won't have to wait for it.
I'm all for it.
VastaKustutaFor a regular of EqD the content may be redundant, but it seems like a good way to summarize content further for those who want to spend less time trying to keep up with the blog.. or don't have time to keep up with the blog.
What is the magazines angle, because if its something rude to us, then I think that they shouldn't. But if its putting us in a good light, I am all for it! :D
VastaKustutasounds pointless to me.
VastaKustutaDO IT FILLY.
VastaKustutaIf this is done, and someone prints out an issue and puts it on a local coffee table, I will give them all of my internet money.
One reason I don't bother with magazines, whether print or online, is by the time they come out, they're already behind the information you cold get from websites. A pony magazine would be rendered useless by visits to Equestrian Daily and following people on deviantART.
VastaKustutaMy vote is no. Don't put energy into something redundant.
Amazing idea, but... On the financial on side, I don't really think it would be sustainable. We bronies are a very international community.
VastaKustutaHmmm... I'm voting no.
VastaKustutaDon't get me wrong, the magazine format is very pretty. I'm sure it would be done well. However, my interest is in the Equestria Daily site.
You see, the magazine and the Daily are going to split the audience. With the magazine's format, people will no longer have to check EQ Daily every day for their pony needs. They can just check once a month and catch the "highlights". That means less daily traffic for the Daily, and less traffic means less ad revenue, and less ad revenue makes blog ponies sad.
Just putting in "highlights" means that some artists and writers would be cut out. This would be a huge setback for the community in general, as artists are what run this site. Streamlining content any further then it already is would have a negative effect on the art community, perhaps even driving away artists that wouldn't make it on the magazine.
The third issue is timeliness. This magazine prints only once a month, and our community has events almost every day. Look at the nightly news, there is almost always something going on, and usually in the next week or two. A monthly magazine can't cover stories like that.
All in all, the current blog format of the Daily is the perfect medium to handle pony news. Magazines are just not timely enough to compete, and having one would just split the readership. It's a good idea with good intentions, but the reality is that it would do more harm then good.
And if you want credentials to back up this opinion, I am an Associate of Science with a degree in Mass Communications. I'm no expert, but I'm certainly no schlub when it comes to matters of media.
Eh, I dunno. I've got some strong reservations about it in all honesty, but I won't get into specifics here on that. But if you want to give it a go it could be good.
VastaKustutayes to what?
VastaKustutaA pegasister
Okay! yay, pegasister!
VastaKustutaA pony magazine... I love the world so much right now.
VastaKustutaWhile many people show reservations, I would welcome such a magazine. Pictures especially wound benefit from the print due to the resolution limit of our monitors.
VastaKustutaHmm... How does 'Hell fucking yes' sound?
VastaKustutaIf this is going to be a monthly magazine then will that make it "Equestria Monthly" rather than "Equestria Daily: The Magazine"?
VastaKustutaOne word and three punctuation marks, not counting the comma or this colon:
Hate to be the Neighsayer, but I think I'm good with what he have now. Just my opinion, though.
VastaKustutathought about this... and... TAKE MY MONEY
VastaKustutaI do not know you, but you have my respect!
@Dr. Henry Killinger
VastaKustutaPersonally, I think if the magazine can get some exclusive stuff (e.g., fanfics, comics, or interviews) or go into depth about some of the stuff EQD posts, it might be worth it. If it just tries carrying the same content, it will no doubt fail. But if the staff looks at it as a way to carry "better" content, then it might succeed.
I'm sure you know what you're talking about better than me, though. I got my bachelor's in Nothing Useful (aka history).
I would seriously buy a subscription to this magazine. weird out all my friends in the process. like a baws
VastaKustutaOh goody :D
VastaKustutaOff topic but wet hair Rarity banner FTW!!
VastaKustutaAt first i was like, hhhhmm i don't think this is a good idea, but after seeing the example it looks really cool. The problem would be with the content it would seem. There isn't enough room to fit into a magazine if its based off the website which gets tons of stuff every day. The content would have to be of a different nature i feel.
VastaKustutaeeeh nope.
VastaKustutaI mean, we have enough already, if you want some change, then go see derpyhooves.com or something.
I really think this is taking it too far.
VastaKustutaNow, while yes I'd like a magazine, I don't have the money for it, and I'd be checking the website every day anyway, so there would be nothing I don't see anyway... While it would be interesting, I don't see the point... Still, final call is your say!
VastaKustutaI guess I'd be... interested? As long as there's a decent editor behind the team and there's something to distinguish it from EqD or give it purpose. Otherwise, I don't see the harm.
VastaKustutaof course, I'm assuming money is needed, cus, you know, printing aint cheap.
VastaKustutabut still!
VastaKustutaNah. I prefer keeping EQD as a website.
VastaKustutaI'd pay for it :D Sounds like a perfect idea!
VastaKustutahey, whatever floats your boat
VastaKustutaWell I don't see why not; go for it, dude.
VastaKustutaAlthough I do have to echo those who say it should have something extra above and beyond just the content that appeared on EqD, since otherwise it'd seem kind of... pointless, since we'll have seen everything already.
I LOVE it!♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥
VastaKustutayes yes yes
VastaKustuta@Qsteel I'm against this as well but pray tell how is this taking it too far?
VastaKustutai do not think that a magazine of EQD would feel the same as it does on the internet, most of us bronys enjoy online communities instead of written prints where we cannot comment on the articles and forums. the popularity of the ponies was thanks to internet chats, and i think it would be better if it stayed that way. because we all feel we can share what we think. and unlike EQD a magazine would print once a month or so, so we would not get recent news, and it would only be bout the big things of the pony community. it is a flattering offer but i do not think it should happen.
VastaKustutagreatest thing of ALL TIME!!!!!!! IT MUST BE DONE!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaAfter trying out the demo of what it would be like, absolutely. I would be all in favor of one.
VastaKustutaI for one would read it, but it looks like hard work to make it :(
VastaKustutaSounds good. Go for it!
VastaKustutaAll my bits. DO IT NOW.
VastaKustutaI think I'll let M.Bison answer this for me.
I'm gonna go with no.
VastaKustutaGoing off topic, but does anyone know what a pegasister is?
VastaKustutajust wondering
VastaKustutaI'm not quite sure it would work, but, knowing this community, it might.
great plan!
VastaKustutaI'm confused; is this going to be physical? If so, I'd be all for it, late rehash of the website or not.
VastaKustutaIf it's just reformatting everything in a pretty manner, well... I'd have to say, it's nice, but don't bother.
@Ikusa GT Okay maybe I shouldn't have used that word, heh.
VastaKustutaBut 2pikachuno (post right under yours) explains the same opinion I have perfectly.
Iono about subscribing to such a magazine (subscriptions in the mail aren't really my thing), but I would actually like to WORK for such a magazine!
VastaKustutaSeriously. I need work.
Has Hasbro been contacted about this?
VastaKustutaThey seem to be fine with people creating stuff for free, but I think they would have a problem with a for-sale magazine.
I wouldn't say no.
VastaKustutaI knew Hybrid from my years as a g1. He's a cool guy. Trustworthy.
VastaKustutaOF COURS!
VastaKustutaMy guess is a female fan who likes Pegasus.
I think it'd be cool, redundant but cool. I say go for it! Maybe we could have some expanded articles and full episode reviews thrown in there. Oh! And when we have interviews the transcripts could be in there too!
VastaKustutaAlso cover #4 looked 20% more awesome than the others.
Yes. Let's see this happen.
VastaKustutaAlthough I would be willing to take part in this as a assistant in this project.
Have really enjoyed this demo that you have. I"ll understand if this project is only digital. How could this be in print anyway? Wouldn't Hasbro take action if that were to happen?
Please carry on with the project you're working on. Don't be afraid to contact me if you need any assistance. I'm sure @foalpapers would be excited about this...
No. It's unnecessary, redundant, and by the time I get the magazine, the news will be up on this website already. Also magazines don't come with music/multimedia, which to me is a very important part of EQD.
VastaKustuta@Sunbell the unofficial name for female bronies
VastaKustutalol the print trade has been Vader choked to death by the internet and here are heavy internet users on a website clamoring for a print publication.
hell yea
VastaKustutauhm, i'm sorry but the only reason i would think something like this would be a good idea is if Seth and this blog was either closing or slowing way down. and i can understand if they do, it must be a lot of work to keep this blog up to date and running well. but even then, i don't think i could see myself springing the cash for a subscription.
VastaKustutaif it's free, uhm, even then i can't see a real need for it. i might if it had either exclusive things (which i wouldn't agree with, freely share what you have is my two cents on that) or some kind of in-depth-ness-icity that EqD lacks or wants to get away from. again, only if it's free though.
i'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really broke.
Rainbow Dash was here :)
VastaKustutaDon't tell Travis
This would be a good idea, but the only thing would be that you guys would have to get news in advance and whatnot. :P but also another good idea if there was a print magazine would be to have some fan comics in it aswell as art.
VastaKustutaIf it's a digital magazine only like Screw Attack, it looks like a good idea. Maybe have some magazine-exclusive features like letters to the editor, blogs, some interviews, and spotlights on certain popular creators of fan content like PixelKitties or KKat. Definitely you'd want a lot of comics.
VastaKustutaFanfics tend to be a staple of some fanzines, but considering the sheer volume of fanfics, even when filtered for quality on EqD, that's probably not a good idea. I suppose highlighting a few popular fanfics each month (not a review, since those just way too subjective, just an article about the fic) might work.
I think EqD may want to hire a few more volunteers for this though. Hell they may want to get a few more people to contributors anyway (you have to be really selective here as you need people who are both dedicated and have good chemistry with the rest of the EqD staff, along with bringing something new to the table).
A print-version sounds really cool but realistically would only work as a handout at a convention. Just too many logistical hurdles to running a print magazine for profit, not the least of which is Hasbro's permission to do a magazine that isn't 100% family friendly (we're a chill bunch but I could not say this is a G-rated website). Although if the digital version is successful, who knows.
It's a cool idea, but EQD is all I need!
VastaKustutaSo...it would spotlight things from the blog...that spotlights things on the internet?
VastaKustutaYo Sethisto, I herd you like spotlights, so I put spotlights on your spotlights so you can spot your..lights or something. Yeah, I got nothing.
All my yes.
VastaKustutalet's go and try this once. we'll judge it by it's content.
VastaKustutaTo be honest, you really can't get more exclusive or in depth then what Seth is already doing here. That is the wonder of blog posting: Sethisto can post news the instant it comes out, while at the same time having Phoe and Tekramity working on an ultra in depth interview with Jayson or Lauren or whoever. There is no limitations on time or space, as there is in print media. It's why magazines and newspapers have been forced to converge with online mediums, or be put out of business.
Exclusive content would be their salvation, but there is no reason I see that the content wouldn't be picked up by the Daily. And once again, anything that draws people away from the Daily is sucking up ad revenue, and that makes it harder for Sethisto to work 25/8 on the blog.
I haven't even mentioned the logistics of this project yet. To find these highlights, they are going to need to go through one months worth of these:
PMV's of all kinds
Fanfics of all kinds
Nightly Roundups
and any random news stories that have come out during the day, not to mention reporting on the episodes that have come out during the week.
Just the drawfriends alone will probably be around 400-500 images to sift through. It's gonna be a ton of work. And then to try and get exclusive content after that?
Once again, there are good intentions here. Maybe their team could be utilized by the Equestria Daily team. But to have their own competing news site would be disastrous on all ends.
do it!
VastaKustutaThis seems like a good idea
VastaKustutaI think it's unclear if this is a physical publication or a summary of EqD content in a magazine-eque form (eZine)
VastaKustutaOne factor I'd like to point out is that a fair number of the staff from the show do frequent EqD. Having a monthly publication that clearly summarizes the highlights from the site would greatly benefit them (imho) in gauging the response and feelings of the community without spending the time to page through all of the articles on EqD. Such a monthly publication might be a good place to list physical meetups of the community, thereby making it easier to get in contact with the staff to potentially make guest appearances.
Oh yeah, that would be incredible.
VastaKustuta@Dr. Henry Killinger
VastaKustutaWell said.
If it's like some online magazine type deal I'd love it. It's like the equivelent of taking the best stuff that's posted on here in a month or week, and putting in one giant post. It's very time consuming when I come home from my dad's, which I have no computer at, and have to constantly scroll through the past 3 days of stuff to find things.
VastaKustutaThis would be really stupid and a waste of time for the person(s) doing the magazine honestly.
VastaKustutawould be neat to see, I say go for it.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSeems redundant. I don't have a problem with it, but to reiterate what one of the first responders said in the comments, unless there would be exclusive content, EqD with nice search functions as is serves the community just fine.
VastaKustutaI don't see the need or how it could contribute anything that you guys are doing now.
As long as permission from each and every creator that shows up in the magazine is obtained, and Hasbro's trademarks are not infringed upon. Do it right.
VastaKustutaI could see this as a good idea only if there were a deficiency in the EQD site that needed fixing, which I'm not seeing. The idea of additional competition and the involved logistics isn't selling me on the point here. While I was initially for the project, further thoughts changed my mind. Perhaps the idea could be folded into the site under a different pretext as an add-on instead of a separate entity.
VastaKustutaYes, I think it is worth a short and will be fun. I bet they could pull of AMAZING cover art, interesting articles about the fandom's growth, what's popular, cliche's in fanfics, individual specials for each main pony, interviews, etc etc. Plus a comic or art section with a couple mind blowing pieces (maybe including a couple of those life size plushes too O.o those things are WOW!)
VastaKustutaThere is a lot of really fun possibility!
Heehee I'm still thinking of how epic the cover art would be.
The only way this would be good is if you kept stuff like news and art off the site and saved it exclusively for the fanzine. Although, to be honest, I'd still buy either way. I'd be a collector of pony magazines! :D
VastaKustutaSome Comments say the magazine format may split the audience in EQD, but I don't think so. While the magazine is going to be monthly, EQD page will be still daily and with different news and content than the magazine, if the content is the same, there's no reason to do the magazine so, I vote "YES!".
VastaKustuta@Parallel Logic
VastaKustuta"One factor I'd like to point out is that a fair number of the staff from the show do frequent EqD. Having a monthly publication that clearly summarizes the highlights from the site would greatly benefit them (imho) in gauging the response and feelings of the community without spending the time to page through all of the articles on EqD. Such a monthly publication might be a good place to list physical meetups of the community, thereby making it easier to get in contact with the staff to potentially make guest appearances."
I'd respectfully disagree. Even if a massive majority of the staff couldn't keep tabs on EqD and wanted to, that'd still be a small number of people to serve. But then again, these are the people who make the Magic (lol.) So I'd let anyone working on the show state whether or not a magazine would be nice. Most of the comments from the community are, honestly, blind support offering no reason. Most of the reasons listed against it are that of redundancy.
Also, the community has direct contact information of the creator, the producers, storyboard directors, music directors...if we wanted to get in touch with them seriously, we wouldn't have any problem. And historically, we haven't. The other way around, anyone on the team that is interested knows that they can just shoot an email to Seth, and it'll make it's way to whomever it needs it.
I think it's a neat idea, so long as there is additional content added to the magazine to make it worth-while. If it's just a re-hash, it's just going to be out of date.
VastaKustutaWhat you could do are meet the brony articles, spotlight artists and report on toy news, have a new papercraft pony each week, get meet-ups listed more than 2 days before hand, publish interviews, add a centerfold (poster)... and you might as well call it PLAYCOLT. Oh, and don't forget the discreet brown cover. ;)
There is one thing to clarify from all this that some of you do not realize this yet.
VastaKustutaThis magazine is DIGITAL. Like all the Screwattack magazines, this will not go to print. Seth you really outta update the blog with that note I just said. There will unforgettably still be people that do not realize this yet...
VastaKustutaWith our artists? By Celestia! the cover art would be some of the most beautiful things ever printed!
Personally I would read it, but this is sort of a no-effect cause to me, at least that's what I think.
VastaKustutaIt's kinda like asking people if a news channel would be better with it on the radio as well.
I'd subscribe to this.
VastaKustutaCreate this, right now, stop reading this comment and start creating that Magazine this exact moment...WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS?!
VastaKustutaYeah, this would be pretty cool, I'm not sure if I would read it, though I said that about the Equestrian Enquirer, look what I ended up doing, I read it... I read it real hard.
VastaKustutaSure, sounds like a great idea.
VastaKustutaA compilation of the greatest fanworks right their.
I would also be greatly interested in sections where people can right their own articles and opinions on certain topics. (With heavy pre-reading of course)
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
VastaKustutaYes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Seth if you are still reading comments you really outta set up a poll regarding this magazine project...
VastaKustutaI too am interested in forming our own secret socierty.
VastaKustutaU mean a magazine from EQD? DAMM GIMME GIMME STFU AND TAKE MY MONEY
VastaKustutaI already look through this site on a regular basis. I don't think I'll look at something that repeats everything that I've seen for the last month again. The amount of content that screw attack puts out in a single day justifies a magazine, but equestria daily has't reached that critical mass of content yet to warrant a magazine. If you do decide to go forward with the magazine I would recommend a few copy writers to produce original content that would supplement the already existing content here and a graphics designer that is only responsible for the magazine. It's highly important that a magazine like this dose not fall into a downward spiral of using a stock template each month.
VastaKustutayesss :D must have!!
VastaKustutaWhy read a magazine which can have information that's up to a month old? The internet is free and faster
VastaKustutaBut as the biggest fan of ponies of anyone I know, I WANT IT!
If it's purpose is to offer what we have seen before in the blog, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea... just don't jump into it without thinking and try to measure its "usefulness" :$
VastaKustutaOh totally go for it but like people are saying I would chose what you put in there very carefully if it plans to be monthly and it would need to be more than what I can just go to every day to read.
VastaKustutaIt would need very exclusive content but not make you not post things on this site to gimmick that the mag offers 'Exclusive' news.
VastaKustutaA damn Equestria Daily magazine is something I've been damn waiting for.
In damn fact, I was sitting there the other damn day when I damnout said, "Damn, what would it be like if I got a damn Equestria Damn Daily magazine every damn month just like the damned Gameinformer. Damn, dammit. I'm a damn genius."
And here we wing-boning mac-eeyupin' hprse-cloppin' damn-damnin' go, damn it. A suggestion for a damn Equestria Damn Daily maga-damn-zine.
Count me damn in.
ScrewAttack Magazine was terrible. I'm going with "no".
VastaKustutawhy are we still talking about this? make it, MAKE IT NOW!
VastaKustutaAs someone who's work has been in print magazines. I can say nothing beats the feeling. However, I don't know if I would read it, but I would definitely be happy if anything I made was featured in it!
VastaKustutaIf it forms its own identity with a letters section, reviews of fanfics/music/etc., editorials and the like, this could be a great thing.
VastaKustutaThe short answer is yes. The long answer is yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
VastaKustutaI think it's a good idea, but it would be redundent. We already get all the info in EqD by going to the site.
VastaKustutaIn the words of Twilight Sparkle: YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!
VastaKustutaThis could be good, could be not. If you want to do it, go for it. The quality of the first print will almost certainly determine if I become a dedicated reader or not however.
VastaKustutaLooks excellent! I think the way to distinguish it from EqD itself would be in the ads, articles and spotlights. Rather than just collecting pictures, movies and news like EqD does - this should go out and engage the Brony community. Interview the content creators, showcase new efforts, advertise projects and have fan-written articles or letters. I can imagine EqD Magazine, EqD and EI co-existing quite well if it's done right.
VastaKustutaNeat! *Takes Picture*
VastaKustutaIt's not so much the extra content that may or may not be in the magazine, but the novelty of physically owning a magazine filled with ponies that makes me want this.
VastaKustutaSO MUCH YES!
VastaKustutago for it.
VastaKustutaHenshin-a-go-go, baby!
VastaKustutaThere are not enough yesses in the world to describe the amount of yes i am feeling right now
VastaKustutaGuess it had to be done eventually... I'm going to say no. While I'd never tell someone not to do something if they have the time and energy... If they don't have enough of either to simply go for it, I'd vote against it... We already have by far the best place to keep up with the community and a easy way to filter/see all we want... This sounds like effort that could be spent elsewhere... Like brony awareness.