I remember when Cheerilee got all sorts of Flak for that Mcdonalds toy, now she's awesome. Best pony of the week material right there.
Have some story updates.
Story: Of Harmony & Chaos (Update Part 4!)
5 Star
Author: Brightwel
Description: Celestia, Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Elements of Harmony. All things that once clashed 1000 years ago. What happened in that ancient time, whose echoes can still be felt millennia later? Was it truly just jealousy that changed Luna into the cruel Nightmare Moon? How did a mad being like Discord become the ruler Equestria? Just what exactly are alicorns, and how did Celestia and Luna come to be? There are many answers the history books and the princesses have not mentioned, or have choose to keep secret...Of Harmony & Chaos
Labels: Author: Brightwel, Celestia, Discord, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-Needed, Story
Story: These City Walls (Update Part 7!)
4 Star
[Normal] [Sad] [Slightly Dark]
Author: KitsuneRisu
Description: A strange series of occurances are plaguing the fine city of Canterlot, as one by one, a pony of vengeance strikes seemingly random ponies down in their prime. As the locals try to contain the situation, they find that it soon slips out of their hooves as they discover that this one simple pony might not be as simple as was originally thought. Once Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia gets involved, can everyone work together to bring down this threat that threathens to ruin the very core of Canterlot?These City Walls
Labels: Author: KitsuneRisu, Celestia, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-4, Story
Story: My Little Avengers (Update Part 12!)
5 Star
Author: Koolerkid
Description: While out hiking in the mountains near Ponyville, Big Mac discovers a mysterious staff which grants him the power of the ancient god Thor. Old myths awaken, new legends are born, and one simple farm pony is thrust in the middle - as the leader of Celestia's newest crime-fighting force, The Avengers! A fusion fic with Marvel Universe, mostly Avengers.My Little Avengers
Labels: Applejack, Author: Koolerkid, Big Mac, Caramel, Crossover, Incomplete, Pinkie Pie, Prince Blueblood, Rarity, Spitfire, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE
Story: Beyond Judgment (Update Part 4!)
5 Star
Author: Solar Phoenix
Description: While studying advanced magic techniques, Twilight stumbles upon a powerful spell that nopony has ever conceived. What will it cost her to possess this power, and what will it cost her friends?Beyond Judgement
Labels: Adventure, Author: Solar Phoenix, Celestia, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Allegrezza (Update Part 13!)
6 Star
Author: CoffeeGrunt
Description: Octavia is part of a rare breed, a pony that can create beautiful music, despite lacking the horn unicorn musicians love. Her love for music is rivalled only by her love of fine whiskey, but not on the rocks, what kind of charlatan are you?Allegrezza
Labels: Author: CoffeeGrunt, Incomplete, Normal, Octavia, Shipping, Star-6, Story, Vinyl Scratch
Story: School Daze (Update Chapter 4!)
5 Star
[Shipping] [Sad] [Comedy]
Author: Paleo Prints
Description: After her students release the spirit of Discord on an official field trip, Cheerilee finds herself out of a job. With no opportunities in Ponyville, the schoolmare takes a job offer in the inner city area of Canterlot's old mining town. Can even she overcome the insanities of her colleagues and apathy of her students in time to pass her next annual review? And who is the mysterious backwards-talking filly following Cheerilee around? Luna's School for Disadvantaged Youngsters will never be the same!School Daze
Labels: Author: Paleo Prints, Celestia, Cheerilee, comedy, Incomplete, Luna, Sad, Shipping, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
nothing i'm reading. Seth, you're a minute late.
ReplyDeleteNo story reading for me tonight.
ReplyDeleteI think i should read My Little Avengers
ReplyDeleteoooh Allegrezza
ReplyDeleteThe picture of a story as the title image......huh, that doesn't happen often (Cheerilee, what have you been teaching your students?!)
All sound like good stories, to bad I'm to lazy to read them all.
ReplyDeleteI feel so hipster reading the story update of Allegrezza before it was posted in an update
ReplyDeleteYou should! It's awesome! [/selfplug]
So um... WHY did she get flak for that McDonalds toy?
ReplyDelete@Sugar Cube
ReplyDeleteUmm.......probably because it wasn't....err....umm.....good
Oh, Cheerilee... why must you update when I have work to do, and so little willpower to resist procrastination?
ReplyDeletehm allegrezza seems worth reading, and no not just becuase of that new picture
ALLAGREZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So... Much... YAY!
ReplyDeleteMcDonalds toys are never good. AJ didn't have her hat as usual, and none the colors of the ponies tails matched up with their mane very well, especially Rarity. And Pink Celestia... >.>
ReplyDeleteNot that I have any of the toys. Going by what I had seen of them.
Argh... Why are the only fanfics I care about never updates? :(
ReplyDeleteEspecially "My Little Chrono"... It's been far too long since we got a new chapter IMO :P
I will frickin' break the website from clicking the link to the next one after it shows up on a story update.
The name "Flak" belongs to a really strict Administrator on Epic Forums, so when I saw "Flak" in the post I flipped out for a second.
ReplyDeleteHad me worried, Seth... o_O
Where has Phoe been? I haven't seen her post much in a long while.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should read the Allgrezza...
ReplyDeletewell, these city walls seems like a perfect story to read while listening to mylo xyloto.
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza updated!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! xD
ReplyDeleteSeriously, School Daze is one of the best fics out there, future six star stuff, if the quality keeps up. Cheerilee talks to herself in 80's cliches, Luna talks in ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, and we get a trollestria who plans social upheaval in her spare time. SO well written, and funny too.
ReplyDelete@Blazecloud written by Coffeegrunt, and i'm pretty sure that it's proofread by Jelfes. Read and adored by many, and holding the title of 6 stars. And yes, there is shipping. Not handling.
ReplyDelete2 stories updating? must be my lucky day
ReplyDeleteMore Cheerilee is always good.
ReplyDeleteMy Little Avengers is sending us to Chapter 11 instead of 12.
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza! Yay!
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't my story on here yet?
ReplyDeleteI'm not familiar with the McDonalds Cheerilee toy incident. Can somebody enlighten me?
ReplyDeleteI clicked on the Ch.12 link 4 My Little Avengers,but it went to CHAPTER 11
An Allegrezza update! YAY!! Now All I need is for The Empty Room to finish.
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza a tad too long for me to read. Back to reading stuff at FIMFiction :/
ReplyDeleteThe problem with My Little Avengers has been fixed. Sorry, everyone!
ReplyDeleteTranscendence, I weep for thee.
ReplyDeleteDammit I have an essay due tomorrow!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy do the stories that I'm reading always update when I have work to do!?
Nothing I'm reading and I have a boring day tomarrow
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza is so wonderfully written. However i think ep 13 could have been stretched into more than one. I always love a new one!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid to read allegrezza, because I'm afraid to see how much better it is than my fic.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Allegrezza and School Daze! Good night tonight!
ReplyDelete@Chip - Well, that thing was 90+ pages, so I wouldn't expect an update anytime soon...
ReplyDeletefuck yessssssssss finally these city walls :D
ReplyDeleteThis is very close to my favorite Allegrezza chapter yet.
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to start reading My Little Avengers, but it's too late tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I admit. I didn't read Allegrezza before.
ReplyDeleteDon't kill me please.
I started reading it today, and blazed through all 13 chapters. I'm now in love with Allegrezza.
Not reading it...
Nope not in my list...
Why wont Allegrezza be here...
Wait... Allegrezza's picture changed?
Woah man a whole week without Fo E, starting to get the shakes
ReplyDeleteSchool Daze: The anime...But the pony edition!
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza! I've stopped reading the updates on DA just so I can savor them on here. As for the rest, I'm happy to see Beyond Judgement, which is some of the best character writing of Twilight I've ever read, and Avengers, even though I get the chapters early.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the general opinion on These City Walls? The image, title, and description intrigue me, but I can't decide.
No stories for me.
ReplyDeletelooks like it's time to START reading.
I love this picture.