• Story Updates November 18th (Morning)

    I'm totally playing this after Skyrim.

    Have some updates after the break to hold you over until the new episode!

    Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 27!) 

     4 Star

    [Grimdark] [Adventure]

    Author: Visiden Visidane
    Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.
    Upheaval: The Breaking Point

    Story: Observatory Hill (Update Part 2!) 

    5 Star


    Author: Jeffrey C. Wells
    Description: When Moonage Daydream, the loudest, most dazzling Pony Rock star in all Equestria pays a visit to Ponyville, almost everyone is excited -- except Twilight Sparkle, who just wants a quiet, dark place to do some stargazing. But when Princess Luna shows up and offers to help, will her solution be worse than the problem?
    Observatory Hill 

    Story: Guardians (Update Story 2 Part 2!) 

    4 Star


    Author: WarHorse72
    Description: Twilight always knew the military wasn't wanted by most ponies. But it takes a trip to Stalliongrad going wrong for her to realize just how much they kept order and safety in Equestria regardless.

    Story: Ponies make War (Update Part 8!) 

    4 Star

    [Adventure][Grimdark] We sure do get a lot of grimdark lately. It's surprising too, most of the pre-readers dislike it!

    Author: AestheticB
    Description: In a single night, the royal pony sisters are overthrown by an evil they believed they had long since defeated. The new royal family is as cruel as they are powerful, and under their reign ponykind suffers. But how can ponykind rise against the gods themselves?
    It is up to the Elements of Harmony, under the leadership of Princess Luna, to restore order. First, however, they must face the most dangerous and terrifying opponent they have ever known: their onetime leader and now bitter rival, Twilight Sparkle. Facing impossible odds, the remaining Elements cannot lose hope, for this war calls for more than soldiers, but friends...
    Ponies make War

    Story: The Son of the Emperor (Update Chapter 4!) 

    5 Star


    Author: NoMoreSanity
    Description: "We all know about stories where Humans enter Equestria. But what about a world where Equestria is in the Human world? It is the year 1820, and a series of events brings a young unicorn and a human prince together. Together, they will embark on a quest to change Europe, and the world, forever."
    The Son of the Emperor

    25 kommentaari:

    1. Umm... first.


    2. Bah, Nothing I am reading.
      Some of these look interesting though.

    3. @Centauri
      obviously, you aren't following enough stories. :D

    4. How is this not fan-fiction??
      My fanfic filter isn't working!!

    5. Awesome to see Upheaval update so often. Much, MUCH more often than most of the other fics i'm trying follow. :(
      Just wish it didn't tease with such short chapters!

    6. Upheaval is by far my most favourite Fanfic out there. Everypony who said here "nothing I follow" should give Upheaval a try, in my opinion it is more than worth it!

    7. Woo, Guardians and Son of the Emperor updated!

    8. Observatory Hill is well worth getting into if you're looking for something to read. Canon Luna is greatly entertaining.

    9. Aw....still no Transcendence....


    10. Observatory Hill and Son of the Emperor! Sweet, 2/5 ain't bad at all.
      I wonder if I should start reading Upheaval just for the gratification of having a story I read update so much?

    11. Oh and Seth? Wind Waker was a good game but be prepared to just sail around way too much. WAY. TOO. MUCH.

    12. Two Stories I'm reading in one post? MADNESS!

    13. Son of the emperor is pretty dope

    14. >ponies complaining about not having updates for stories they follow

      Solution: read more stories.

    15. Prepare for pain Seth... Lots and lots of Boooooooooring pain

    16. O.o son of the emperor updated? after over 6 months? *reads*

    17. I started to say nothing I am reading. But then decided to read one. Guardians in one go. I must say I was pleased and hooked.
