• Story Updates November 10th (Morning)

    Yes Trixie, that is Skyrim out there on the horizon.  We are almost there!

    Oh... story updates, right. Have some!

    Story: White Demure (Update Chapter 9!) 

    4 Star


    Author: Heitomos
    Description: When Apple Bloom falls ill with a mysterious disease, it's up to Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash to try and find her a cure! Can they find it in time, or will this be it for the little filly?
    White Demure

    Story: Exodus (Update Chapter 6!) 

     5 Star

    [Adventure][Sci-fi ]

    Author: Hurng
    Description: The First Equine Imperium had once dominated the galaxy. Through conquest, ruthlessness and brutality, Solar Emperor Galaxis raised Equine kind to supremacy over hundreds of worlds and tens of billions of souls.

    However, it has not succeeded entirely. Under the leadership of humanity, the Federation of Free Galactic states fought back. After centuries of constant warfare, the Imperium has been reduced to a shell of its former self under the fury of the galaxy united.

    As Equestria Prime burns, Emperor Galaxis launches a desperate plan to save the Equine race. But can Celestia and Luna lead the battered survivors of their civilization to a bright new future among the stars, or have the sins of their forefathers condemned their people to a bloody grave?

    Story: The Guidance and Patronage of Trixie (Update Part 3!) 

    5 Star

    [Normal][Sad] Trixie!

    Author: Lounge_Lizard
    Description: Sweetie Belle, alone and dejected, comes across The
    Great and Powerful Trixie, who was ostracized for her prior misdeeds
    involving the Ursa Minor. Trixie becomes Sweetie Belle's tutor, giving
    Sweetie (and perhaps herself as well) both the guidance and
    companionship she needs.
    The Guidance and Patronage of Trixie

    Story: Breaking Bricks (Update Part 5!) 

    5 Star

    [Noir-mal][Dramedy][Wth are these tags?] "This is one of the only, if not THE only, ponies-in-a-realistically-" dark"-world stories I've had almost nothing but pleasure reading and want to read more of....It certainly sets a high standard for character-driven first person pony noir."- Pre Reader #2

    Author: Aquaman52
    Description: If this were a normal case, I wouldn't be chasing after a foalnapper who keeps mailing me riddles that he expects me to solve. I wouldn't be living with an alcoholic perfume salesmare who can't hardly remember her own name, let alone mine. And I certainly wouldn't be turning the fair town of Ponyville upside-down looking for somepony I didn't really want to find in the first place.

    Then again, if this were a normal case, they probably wouldn't have hired me to crack it.
    Breaking Bricks

    Story: The End of Ponies (Update Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) 

    5 Star

    [Grimdark] [Sad] [Sci-Fi] [Adventure]

    Author: short skirts and explosions
    Description: A horrible Cataclysm has turned all of Equestria into a Wasteland of barren ash and twilight desolation. The Sun and the Moon have been destroyed. Everypony has died--including Princesses Luna and Celestia. But one pony miraculously survives; she is a lone wanderer, the last of her kind, surrounded by menacing creatures that hate her. She navigates the Wastes in an airship and scavenges off the blighted landscape to keep herself alive.
    Then one day she meets an old companion who grants her a gift, the chance to go back in time to the warm and sunny days of Ponyville, where her dead friends live in happiness. How far will the last pony venture into these joyous days of Equestria, even if she fully knows that there is no way to change the horrible fate of everypony she loves?
    The End of Ponies


    1. I was about to start wondering I hadn't gotten any hits or comments on my new update...then I realized that the update post popped up literally at the exact moment I opened my computer.

      Nice timing.

    2. Nothing I'm reading. Welp, nothing new there.

    3. Horray! I was first! Maybe that means more tracy flash fanart!

    4. End of Ponies Updated! END OF PONIES UPDATED! Finally, I can read Chapter 10 without a gut wrenching cliff hanger.



    6. I wonder if Seth will manage to get a "Skyrim Daily" banner for tomorrow :P

    7. i am dutch i already ahve skyrim

    8. YAY END OF PONIES!!!! although i read them on the ponychan last week soooo yeah
      and i loved it!
      yay for derpy/dinky in these chapters!
      def a must read if not done so yet! granted the 15 chapters was well over 30 hours or reading for me anyways but worth it! :)

    9. I cant wait for skyrim T_T!!! This is just too exciting XD

    10. Never heard of Skyrim. No updates for me, but that's okay! ^-^

    11. @Pinkamina Diane Pie
      Haha, never heard of Skyrim.
      Thats a good one, you made me chuckle.

    12. Still no Fallout, don't make me use a curse word Seth

    13. Gotta look up what "Skyrim" is. Everyone seems super hyped for it, but I honestly have no idea what it is, lol.

    14. New End of Ponies. Fvkk Yeah !!! XP

    15. for those who dont know what skyrim is watch these videos. you will be changed forever...


    16. END. OF. PONIES. <3

      best day ever.

    17. @Discord

      Lol, did not see #2 or 3 before and was caught by surprise. +2 Internets to you. OT: End of Ponies! Yay!

    18. gawwww come ON! When's Composure gonna update already? :(

    19. @HydraI feel sorry for you Americans.


      I love worldwide releases, it means that me being in New Zealand gets them first.

    20. OMG, end of Ponies!!! I'm still catching up, having just gotten to chapter 7 myself.

      Why do I only read the sad thing.... =P

    21. Huzzah update for Exodus!

      My Military Sci Fi pony fix has been filled for the day!

      If you like militarized Science Fiction, definitely give that story a read. Very much a vibe of David Weber military mixed with a dose of Warhammer 40k in some of the themes. Its not grimdark though!

    22. Looking at EoP, Fo: E and other "all the main characters are dead, deal with it" stories, there seems to be either a weird apocalypse fetish going on, or a lot of haters/trolls writing anti-fanfic.

      It's impossible for me to ever take "grimdark" seriously. "Magic, colorful ponies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland" sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch, but authors try too hard to play it dead straight.

    23. @Bruiser Bro

      You have to remember that a lot of the people who frequent this site are teenage boys who don't read a lot and don't watch intellectually challenging television or movies. They don't recognize that these "grimdark" (not a word!) stories are absurd.

    24. YES! Breaking bricks!

      Also, how the hell is End of Ponies not 6 Star? It's the single most epic story since Dangerous Business.

    25. End of Ponies proves that even in the midst of the apocalypse, airships are still awesome.

    26. Just like to mention that thanks to a certain game... Ahem GAME uk... Shop in my location (which is totally not Warrington in England) that I can buy skyrim now (or have :D )

      Sorry for that, anyway nothing that I'm reading, I might pick Breaking Bricks up seeing that its only into the first 3 chapters...

      Anyway I've got a game to play :P

    27. @Bruiser Bro

      You don't have to read subject matter you don't like. But you don't have the right to judge the worth of something you haven't experienced yourself.


      Ageism, sexism, stereotyping, ignorance and bias all in one comment.
      Posts like this make me wish there was an ignore function on this site.

    28. To each his own, some like cheerful, some like grimdark. I like both, variety is the spice of life. In all things~

      So with that, heck ya. End of All Ponies, the fic that made me both like Scootaloo and shed Scootatears!

    29. @DPV111

      "If you don't like it, don't read it" doesn't apply when discussing a disturbing trend in an already heavily mocked community. I believe that "Bronies" should be a LOT more careful about how the rest of the internet sees them. You may not like ponydoraprancypants's comment, but that's how you all are viewed everywhere else right now.

      BTW, I quit reading Fo: E when the rape monstets started showing up, that was the last straw on top of all its other BS.

    30. @Bruiser Bro

      "If you don't like it, don't read it" doesn't apply

      No that pretty much always applies, everywhere, and on the internet, forever.

      when discussing a disturbing trend

      YOU consider it disturbing. And how can you be disturbed by a story you don't read?

      in an already heavily mocked community.

      Every community on the internet is heavily mocked. Grimdark fiction is BY FAR the least of the reasons we get mocked.

      I believe that "Bronies" should be a LOT more careful about how the rest of the internet sees them.

      And why exactly should anyone care about the opinions of some anonymous people on the internet?

      You may not like ponydoraprancypants's comment, but that's how you all are viewed everywhere else right now.

      I don't have a problem with their opinion. I have a problem with their bigotry.

      BTW, I quit reading Fo: E when the rape monstets started showing up, that was the last straw on top of all its other BS.

      Good. You read it. You didn't like it. You stopped reading it. That was your right.
      It is NOT your right to tell others what they should or should not write, should or should not like.

    31. FO: E Is not even close to the same thing as EoP. Trying not to do spoilers here, but past the expository arc you're going to find a tremendous use of the show-canon ponies just expanded to show even more depth than is captured in the show.
      Admittedly the whole post-Apocalypse scenario has been done to death, but that story is just incredible. Also keep in mind [Grimdark] is a very broad category.

    32. OMFG End of Ponies FINALLY got updated.
      Now if you excuse me for next 6 hours or so, I will be busy reading this fanfic with music that I posted in EoP page...

      Oh, and Ponies ftw!

    34. Never seen End of Ponies before, but it looks neat. Eh, why not? I'll read.

    35. I'm not going to bother to read it since the description said there's no way to save them, my life is depressing already now.

    36. @Nightgazer Starlight

      Uh... that's not actually an ending spoiler. That's just the setup. We shall see how hopeless it really is.
