This was a great fic, and truly deserves it perfect 5-star rating. My only possible complaint is that it was a little short, and just left me wanting more!
Wow, this entire story was heartwarming, joyful, suspensful, and beautiful! The ending was completely unexpected, and the story had my on the edge of my seat until then!
Anonymous User 9435 has opened the document. Anonymous User 5243 has opened the document. Anonymous User 420 has opened the document. Anonymous User 413 has left. Anonymous User 2928 has left. Anonymous User 421 has opened the document. Anonymous User 418 has left. Anonymous User 417 has left. Anonymous User 422 has opened the document. Anonymous User 423 has opened the document. Anonymous User 9435 has left. Anonymous User 4724 has opened the document. Anonymous User 420 has left. Anonymous User 4724 has left. Anonymous User 4746 has opened the document. Anonymous User 424 has opened the document. Anonymous User 425 has opened the document. Anonymous User 5037 has opened the document. Anonymous User 426 has opened the document. Anonymous User 416: wat? Anonymous User 4746 has left. Anonymous User 1273 has opened the document. Anonymous User 4497 has opened the document. Anonymous User 427 has opened the document. Anonymous User 428 has opened the document. Anonymous User 421 has left. Anonymous User 5877 has opened the document. Anonymous User 5037 has left. Anonymous User 429 has opened the document. Anonymous User 1273 has left. Anonymous User 427 has left. Anonymous User 428 has left. Anonymous User 426 has left. Utilisateur anonyme 430 has opened the document. Anonymous User 429 has left. Anonymous User 3914 has left. Anonymous User 431 has opened the document. me: This is hilarious watching the people come and go Anonymous User 424 has left. Anonymous User 416: what is this Anonymous User 432 has opened the document. Anonymous User 8167 has left. Anonymous User 422 has left. Utilisateur anonyme 430 has left. Anonymous User 431 has left. Anonymous User 433 has opened the document. Anonymous User 429: Wow, this has got to be the single greatest shipfic I have ever read, ever. Blew my mind. Anonymous User 432 has left. Anonymous User 7589 has opened the document. Anonymous User 423: i know it is Anonymous User 5558 has opened the document. Anonymous User 1148 has opened the document. Anonymous User 434 has opened the document. Anonymous User 1424 has opened the document. Anonymous User 435 has opened the document. Anonym bruger 806 has left. Anonymous User 339 has left. Anonymous User 5558 has left. Anonymous User 9192 has opened the document. Anonymous User 436 has opened the document. Anonymous User 434 has left. Anonymous User 4135 has left. Anonymous User 2013 has left. Anonymous User 429 has left. Anonymous User 1424 has left. Anonymous User 436 has left. Anonymous User 437 has opened the document. Anonymous User 5717 has opened the document. Anonymous User 9192 has left. Anonymous User 1148 has left. Anonymous User 7589: riviting Anonymous User 435 has left. Anonymous User 3850 has opened the document. Anonymous User 438 has opened the document. Anonymous User 439 has opened the document. Anonymous User 440 has opened the document. Anonymous User 416: waht is this, i do not understand... Anonymous User 423: it uesd to stay between 19 and 21 Anonymous User 441 has opened the document. Anonymous User 409 has left. Anonymous User 440 has left. Anonymous User 433: i like the characters Anonymous User 442 has opened the document. Anonymous User 443 has opened the document. Anonymous User 444 has opened the document. Anonym bruger 445 has opened the document. Anonymous User 446 has opened the document. Użytkownik anonimowy 447 has opened the document. Anonymous User 433: the plot is good too Anonymous User 443 has left.
AUUUGH IT'S A SOLDIER ANT QUICK INSCRIBE ELBERETH elbereth elbereth elbereth elbereth elbereth ***You have died.*** Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) |
LOLOOwowlooAnonymous User 513: The opening line is such thAt hAs never been seen before. It simultAneously blends fAntAsy with reAlity and flAwlessly epitomizes the singulArity of ponykind. The tone in which the story is written is deeply personAl, which puts the reAder into A deep emotion stAte with eAse. I would hAve expected such mArvelous prose from A professionAl Author, but this just goes to show thAt even the best cAn rise from nothing. This is truly A mAgnificent mAsterpiece of literature. wow, that was the best comment ever.
The tastefully written sex scene between Twilight and Fluttershy was very well done, but my favorite part was either Pinkie Pie beating Deadpool at Age of Empires or Led Zepplin crashing into Celestia's castle.
I feel I have to let you know that the link to the story is not touch-screen friendly at all. That being said, I will open this link. Challenge accepted.
@joetraincool I do believe that'd be talking vegetables. *pompously adds internet to shelf*
Seriously though, about the story? Absolute trash. I give it one star. It had underdeveloped characters, a plot with holes as wide as North Dakota, and every cliche in the book. Plus don't get me started on the grammatical mistakes. There was one especially glaring typo that's just unforgivable. Does this author even know what a spell checker is?
It saddens me that this story already has six stars. This just shows how far EQD has fallen that the pre-readers would even let this through much less that the readers would obsess over it. If I were otsihtes I would be ashamed to even call myself a brony.
I'm done here. I hope you all are happy with your drivel.
@Corky64on the contrary, there was no sex scene, just a lot of intimate cuddling. also, there was way too much description in the last few paragraphs. also, for an update, it was a bit on the long side... 5 stars anyways
I can't.... I can't.... This fic has removed my ability to can.
I wept. I laughed. I gasped. I cried some more. Then when it was over I went back and read it five more times. Never has there been anything so moving as this. Words do not even begin to describe it.
Authors take note: THIS is how you write a fic. I'm now ruined for every other story out there in any medium.
Well, I learned a few interesting things here. Didn't know things like THAT were possible, but I guess there's always something out there to learn...and brain bleach out later.
While, it was starting to get very lengthy, I will look past that due to the amazing grammer free writing. It truly is worth more then five stars. Who would of guessed that he would of got that mare! What a twist. Oh and that fall, I cant wait to part 3. I just hope that my story is as great as this one! Keep it up seth.
Ponies' responses: Twilight: "Really?" Pinkie: "b! But not /b/." Rarity: *looks perplexed for a second, moves on* Fluttershy: "That was...nice." Applejack: "Ah don't think that's a good use of a page." Rainbow: "Twilight! I finally finished a book! And you said I never would."
My mind has been fully enriched by this long and thoughtful fanfiction. It really shows that the brony community is always capable of truly magnificent things.
Wow. I'm speechless. I'm almost ready to can my own project after reading that - there's no way I can compete with this. Any plan for an e-reader version so I can take it with me?
It IS deep. What nopony recognizes it's in fact a 42 chapter epic adventure, with ALL the letters stacked behind each other, instead of after each other.
This is the greatest fanfic I've ever read. Forget Past Sins, forget Fallout Equestria, forget It's A Dangerous Business! This epic, fillies and gentlecolts, stands head and shoulders above those tales, and raises the bar to heights previously unheard of. I thoroughly recommend this brilliant saga to everypony, and eveypony should read it, lest they want to be eaten alive by regret.
The main character is clearly a self-insert, and a shameless one at that. The romance subplot it tacked on and CLEARLY just for the author to indulge his sick fantasies, dragging the reader along kicking and screaming.
The mid-story twist was... "okay". I wasn't really expecting it, I'll give you that, but it didn't really have any real impact either. I think it could have easily been removed and the story wouldn't have suffered. In fact, I think it would have made it better.
1/5 Stars. I added the one because I did like the scene with Pinkie Pie and the washing machine.
This is the most disgusting insult to literature I've ever seen. Yet the quantity of rabid fans who will defend this fic against even the slightest of insults makes me question my faith in humanity. Otsihtes should be ashamed of himself for creating this abomination and its fanbase and I believe a few of the more sane bronies will agree.
Meh, it was good, but not as good as Past Sins. It was kind of lacking in character development. Also, I felt the twist in the middle was kind of stupid and contrived. It just appeared out of nowhere. You need to establish that kind of thing. A main character can't kill another one for no real reason. Pinkie is random, but not THAT random.
the intro was amazing but that ending was confusing =/ I still think it needs a bit more editing. Great job though and hope the next chapter can clear up that crazy cliffhanger ending I just read!
P.S. but a big deal really but try using a bit more spacing there at the end to make it look more professional.
@The Commander while it isn't fair to compare a Shipping fic to a Normal one I will say that the character in this story had just as much character as the OC in Past Sins. You should re-read the story from a different perspective and I'm sure you'll understand just how much character was put into them.
I KNOW!!! And I thought "Cupcakes" was graphic and disturbing! I mean, sure 'a' is brilliantly clever and witty in its writing style and descriptive narrative, but was it REALLY necessary to have them die like that?
You know, it's stories like this that are the true masterpieces of the world. The ones that leave your mind open to interpretation, and allow you to experience every possible event you can imagine, simply because of how beautifully simplistic it is. I dare say, this is almost as good as BLANK PAPER.
I don't really see what all the fuss is about. This fic is far too long for my tastes and spends too much time describing ponies. Honestly, I think the author was trying to cram an entire novel into a short story.
Jesus fuck the plot twists. Seriously it was Rarity all along? What the hell? I mean when you think about it it actually starts to make more sense than Fluttershy but seriously wow. I honestly can't get enough of this.
162 kommentaari:
*facepaw* ROFL. Oh Seth, you silly pony... You're the best.
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
VastaKustuta6 stars, best fic ever.
VastaKustutaWhy is this not a star-6?
VastaKustutahow do I get to part 2?
VastaKustutaI can really feel the emotion conveyed by the characters to one another. Great. Just amazing.
VastaKustutaWait wouldn't a part 2 be b?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSo are there going to be 25 sequels?
VastaKustutaI cried at the ending
VastaKustutaNever has so much been said with so little.
VastaKustutaI give it A star.
This was a great fic, and truly deserves it perfect 5-star rating. My only possible complaint is that it was a little short, and just left me wanting more!
VastaKustutaits... just... so amazing words can't describe
VastaKustutabest fanfic ever
VastaKustutaThat had to be the greatest ending i have ever read, you can see now how part 1 foreshadowed it, but it still hit me like a truck
VastaKustutaIt was more moving then all the other fics combined.
VastaKustutaTalos does it again!
VastaKustutaI laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob. (1 internet to those who get the reference)
VastaKustutaHey Seth, will you fix the Vinyl Scratch Tapes link, please?
Absolutely Breath-taking. This is a Fic that no one will ever forget.
VastaKustuta...But seriously, A?
Dammit, it's down to 4.8 stars. How could anyone give this masterpiece anything less than 5?
VastaKustutaSoulless heathens, whoever you are.
VastaKustutaLiterary genius. I'm astonished.
VastaKustutamy lord, this new chapter was just unbelievable, had me on the edge of my seat.
VastaKustutaThis is the most awesome story ever made.
VastaKustutaThe plot, the climax, the characters, everything mixed so perfectly.
It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me angry, a lot of emotions conveyed in one single story, the author is truly a genious.
Wow, this entire story was heartwarming, joyful, suspensful, and beautiful! The ending was completely unexpected, and the story had my on the edge of my seat until then!
VastaKustutacant wait for part 3
VastaKustutaThis story has encouraged me to write again. This is what fanfiction should be.
VastaKustutaThank you otsihtes, for this beautiful work.
I love that the internet has come so far that instead of using text to render the letter a, an image of the letter a is used, just wow.
VastaKustutaBest fanfic of 2011.
VastaKustutaAll of this happened somewhere around 30 seconds:
VastaKustutaAnonymous User 9435 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 5243 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 420 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 413 has left.
Anonymous User 2928 has left.
Anonymous User 421 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 418 has left.
Anonymous User 417 has left.
Anonymous User 422 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 423 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 9435 has left.
Anonymous User 4724 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 420 has left.
Anonymous User 4724 has left.
Anonymous User 4746 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 424 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 425 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 5037 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 426 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 416: wat?
Anonymous User 4746 has left.
Anonymous User 1273 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 4497 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 427 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 428 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 421 has left.
Anonymous User 5877 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 5037 has left.
Anonymous User 429 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 1273 has left.
Anonymous User 427 has left.
Anonymous User 428 has left.
Anonymous User 426 has left.
Utilisateur anonyme 430 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 429 has left.
Anonymous User 3914 has left.
Anonymous User 431 has opened the document.
me: This is hilarious watching the people come and go
Anonymous User 424 has left.
Anonymous User 416: what is this
Anonymous User 432 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 8167 has left.
Anonymous User 422 has left.
Utilisateur anonyme 430 has left.
Anonymous User 431 has left.
Anonymous User 433 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 429: Wow, this has got to be the single greatest shipfic I have ever read, ever. Blew my mind.
Anonymous User 432 has left.
Anonymous User 7589 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 423: i know it is
Anonymous User 5558 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 1148 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 434 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 1424 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 435 has opened the document.
Anonym bruger 806 has left.
Anonymous User 339 has left.
Anonymous User 5558 has left.
Anonymous User 9192 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 436 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 434 has left.
Anonymous User 4135 has left.
Anonymous User 2013 has left.
Anonymous User 429 has left.
Anonymous User 1424 has left.
Anonymous User 436 has left.
Anonymous User 437 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 5717 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 9192 has left.
Anonymous User 1148 has left.
Anonymous User 7589: riviting
Anonymous User 435 has left.
Anonymous User 3850 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 438 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 439 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 440 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 416: waht is this, i do not understand...
Anonymous User 423: it uesd to stay between 19 and 21
Anonymous User 441 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 409 has left.
Anonymous User 440 has left.
Anonymous User 433: i like the characters
Anonymous User 442 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 443 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 444 has opened the document.
Anonym bruger 445 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 446 has opened the document.
Użytkownik anonimowy 447 has opened the document.
Anonymous User 433: the plot is good too
Anonymous User 443 has left.
Past Sins has nothing on this.
***You have died.***
Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) |
I for one am shocked and appalled!!!
VastaKustuta...I don't get it.
VastaKustutaWow. This fic blew me away. It's so well written and clearly had a lot of thought put into it. Best fic of 2011 hands down.
VastaKustutaLOLOOwowlooAnonymous User 513: The opening line is such thAt hAs never been seen before. It simultAneously blends fAntAsy with reAlity and flAwlessly epitomizes the singulArity of ponykind. The tone in which the story is written is deeply personAl, which puts the reAder into A deep emotion stAte with eAse. I would hAve expected such mArvelous prose from A professionAl Author, but this just goes to show thAt even the best cAn rise from nothing. This is truly A mAgnificent mAsterpiece of literature.
VastaKustutawow, that was the best comment ever.
I'm not gonna lie, I cried like a baby.
VastaKustutaBest story ever.
VastaKustutaThe tastefully written sex scene between Twilight and Fluttershy was very well done, but my favorite part was either Pinkie Pie beating Deadpool at Age of Empires or Led Zepplin crashing into Celestia's castle.
Jeeze, how has this not yet got a legendary?
VastaKustutaPredictable and cliché.
VastaKustutapft. 'a' is soooo played out by now. all the cool kids are already on 'b'. get with the times, sethisto
VastaKustutaThe story was riveting brining me from tears to similes and tearing and rebuilding my heart. The best pony story around
VastaKustutaI cannot freaking wait for b.
VastaKustutaYou're the best fic ever a
VastaKustutaNeeds an award...
VastaKustutaReminds me of "B" on Newgrounds.
VastaKustutaIt gave me joy, heart ache, and Enlightenment. truly a fic to end all fics. It is in a word perfect.
VastaKustutaI don't get it.
VastaKustutaBest. Fanfic. EVER.
VastaKustutaThe sex scene felt a little tacked on, and could have been written a bit better.
VastaKustutaOther than that, the conspiracy involving B and C *really* got me. Amazingly done!
I feel I have to let you know that the link to the story is not touch-screen friendly at all.
VastaKustutaThat being said, I will open this link. Challenge accepted.
Words fail me.
VastaKustutaI don't think I've ever been so emotionally gripped by a story in all my life.
This is a masterpiece.
Almost as good as history of PonyArchive
VastaKustutaThis comment is brought to you by the letter f.
Yes finally i love this story!!!!!!
VastaKustutaI've read this fic like 5 times already.
VastaKustutaI do believe that'd be talking vegetables. *pompously adds internet to shelf*
Seriously though, about the story? Absolute trash. I give it one star. It had underdeveloped characters, a plot with holes as wide as North Dakota, and every cliche in the book. Plus don't get me started on the grammatical mistakes. There was one especially glaring typo that's just unforgivable. Does this author even know what a spell checker is?
It saddens me that this story already has six stars. This just shows how far EQD has fallen that the pre-readers would even let this through much less that the readers would obsess over it. If I were otsihtes I would be ashamed to even call myself a brony.
I'm done here. I hope you all are happy with your drivel.
VastaKustutaI haven't seen a fic this greatly written since Spideres. Sipmly awe-inspiring.
VastaKustuta@NOFURR Hell no, EVERYTHING'S a, lunadamnit
VastaKustutai c.
@marioandsonic ..... Now I wish your crackfic was real.....
VastaKustutaGOD FREAKING GRIEF! This is going to be a running gag, isn't it? That's it, I quit!
VastaKustuta@PopeHatSkeletonthere will not 'b' a b...
VastaKustuta@Corky64on the contrary, there was no sex scene, just a lot of intimate cuddling. also, there was way too much description in the last few paragraphs. also, for an update, it was a bit on the long side... 5 stars anyways
VastaKustutaThis is no match for spiderses. Lose.
VastaKustutaNeeds more character development.
There, that's better.
VastaKustutaI can't.... I can't.... This fic has removed my ability to can.
VastaKustutaI wept. I laughed. I gasped. I cried some more. Then when it was over I went back and read it five more times. Never has there been anything so moving as this. Words do not even begin to describe it.
Authors take note: THIS is how you write a fic. I'm now ruined for every other story out there in any medium.
VastaKustutaWell, I learned a few interesting things here. Didn't know things like THAT were possible, but I guess there's always something out there to learn...and brain bleach out later.
I'm working on getting a PDF ready.
VastaKustutaReally good 6
VastaKustutaI'm sorry. I know we all have unique tastes, but damn.
VastaKustutaThis just made me vomit in rage.
If I may offer a slight suggestion, make it a bit more "v"-centric. Then I'll see if I have a compliment to offer.
This is just....Absolutely Beautifoal...I doubt I shall never read such greatness again..
VastaKustutaThis story is so predictable. I just KNOW b is going to happen next!
VastaKustutaThis is even better than spiderses. Srsly guise!
VastaKustutaThat was... so moving. I... I think I will cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life. ;-;
This needs a dramatic reading!
VastaKustutaWhile, it was starting to get very lengthy, I will look past that due to the amazing grammer free writing. It truly is worth more then five stars. Who would of guessed that he would of got that mare! What a twist. Oh and that fall, I cant wait to part 3. I just hope that my story is as great as this one! Keep it up seth.
VastaKustutaThe tears, they won't stop! Such Beautiful writing!
VastaKustutaThis deserves 7 stars, we need to create a new rating system just for this amazing piece of literature.
Ponies' responses:
VastaKustutaTwilight: "Really?"
Pinkie: "b! But not /b/."
Rarity: *looks perplexed for a second, moves on*
Fluttershy: "That was...nice."
Applejack: "Ah don't think that's a good use of a page."
Rainbow: "Twilight! I finally finished a book! And you said I never would."
My mind has been fully enriched by this long and thoughtful fanfiction. It really shows that the brony community is always capable of truly magnificent things.
VastaKustutaCan't wait for b
VastaKustutaI have no idea whats goin on
VastaKustutamust be too deep for me apparently
VastaKustutahmm 6 stars, might put it in my folder to read later, does anyone recommend this?
VastaKustutaSO GOOD!
VastaKustutaa is the best fic ever.
VastaKustutaIt makes Moby Dick look like Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Okay, what?
VastaKustutaI was seriously expecting a story xD
VastaKustutaYeah, definitely an amazing story! 6 Stars!!
VastaKustutaPast Sins? Fallout: Equestra? Pffft, move over! "A" is the new face of fanfiction.
VastaKustutaWhere's the shipping? I was expecting ab or ac at least.
VastaKustutaBest Fic Ever
VastaKustutaAlso: EDITING!
---should be "A."
Great otherwise, even with shiptease.
VastaKustutaWe don't talk about them.
Wonderfully written! Now, I simply cannot wait for a sequel.
VastaKustutaI can predict that this is gonna be a 26 part story.
VastaKustutaCant wait to see what happens next!
Sorry, I can't agree with the way you're developed a's character.
VastaKustutaAfter a's traumatic experiences, I don't think he's be anywhere NEAR ready for a relationship.
That otsihtes ear for dialogue is as sharp and heartwarming as ever, though, so I can overlook it.
I... huh... I literally have no word ? Huh ? How novel.
VastaKustutaPresented to you, by letter : E... EEEeeeee !!! :
Wow. I'm speechless. I'm almost ready to can my own project after reading that - there's no way I can compete with this. Any plan for an e-reader version so I can take it with me?
VastaKustuta@Beige Monkfish
VastaKustutaThe Dramatic Reading of "a" has been up since September!
VastaKustutaIt IS deep. What nopony recognizes it's in fact a 42 chapter epic adventure, with ALL the letters stacked behind each other, instead of after each other.
It's SUPER deep!
Just a pale imitation of "R" if you ask me.
VastaKustutaI'm almost offended that this hasn't been tagged as 6 stars yet. MAKE IT SO, SETH.
VastaKustutaActually, I don't think 6 stars does it justice. Tag this as Equestria Daily's first ever... 7 STAR STORY.
really, you guys? really?!
VastaKustutamanly tears were shed
VastaKustutaThis is the greatest fanfic I've ever read. Forget Past Sins, forget Fallout Equestria, forget It's A Dangerous Business! This epic, fillies and gentlecolts, stands head and shoulders above those tales, and raises the bar to heights previously unheard of. I thoroughly recommend this brilliant saga to everypony, and eveypony should read it, lest they want to be eaten alive by regret.
VastaKustuta*Monocle falls* Egads ! Dear chaps !
VastaKustuta''It's A Dangerous Business'' did it first obviously... it's all hidden in the title, ya see ? ;)
It's A : Dangerous Business :3
This is just stupid.
VastaKustutaThe main character is clearly a self-insert, and a shameless one at that. The romance subplot it tacked on and CLEARLY just for the author to indulge his sick fantasies, dragging the reader along kicking and screaming.
The mid-story twist was... "okay". I wasn't really expecting it, I'll give you that, but it didn't really have any real impact either. I think it could have easily been removed and the story wouldn't have suffered. In fact, I think it would have made it better.
1/5 Stars. I added the one because I did like the scene with Pinkie Pie and the washing machine.
I most definitely will be following this fic. It's a modern masterpiece, and instant classic!
VastaKustutaSethisto is trying to hide his identity by writing his name backwards. He's obviously a vampire.
VastaKustutaotsihtes totally isn't sethisto backwards.
VastaKustutaThis needs to be a 6-Star story. When this is finished i want a printed version.
VastaKustutaSo...when is the video coming out?
In all seriousness, what the hell?
VastaKustutaGive this a rating of Star-A
VastaKustutaEh, it was a little short for my tastes. 3/5 stars.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThis is the most disgusting insult to literature I've ever seen. Yet the quantity of rabid fans who will defend this fic against even the slightest of insults makes me question my faith in humanity. Otsihtes should be ashamed of himself for creating this abomination and its fanbase and I believe a few of the more sane bronies will agree.
VastaKustuta5 out of 5 stars.
Crap. I don't know if I'm doing this right. Maybe I should've wrote a 7-paragraph essay first.
VastaKustutathis story deserves 5 stars for its humour xD
VastaKustutaWhy no ponified "a" image?
VastaKustutaThis was so beautiful, A was an amazing piece of work.
VastaKustutaFANART NAO
VastaKustutaAlso, the subtitle should be: "Sweetie Derelle: the Aaaaaabridged Version".
VastaKustutaFan art already
VastaKustutaThat link was made possible with the a tag :P
I was Blinded by the pure awesomeness of this fic!!
VastaKustutaThey say brevity is the soul of wit. Therefore, this is objectively the BEST FIC EVER!
VastaKustutaGuys, this is just the novelization of the Newgrounds flash, b. Go watch that instead, it has pictures.
VastaKustutaMeh, it was good, but not as good as Past Sins. It was kind of lacking in character development. Also, I felt the twist in the middle was kind of stupid and contrived. It just appeared out of nowhere. You need to establish that kind of thing. A main character can't kill another one for no real reason. Pinkie is random, but not THAT random.
VastaKustutaOtherwise, I liked it.
the intro was amazing but that ending was confusing =/ I still think it needs a bit more editing. Great job though and hope the next chapter can clear up that crazy cliffhanger ending I just read!
VastaKustutaP.S. but a big deal really but try using a bit more spacing there at the end to make it look more professional.
@The Commander while it isn't fair to compare a Shipping fic to a Normal one I will say that the character in this story had just as much character as the OC in Past Sins. You should re-read the story from a different perspective and I'm sure you'll understand just how much character was put into them.
VastaKustutaFor a ship fic I got to say this had a lot of A but very little amounts of T.
VastaKustutaA brilliant use of minimalism. Worth at least $65 million. *art critic*
@The Kilted One
VastaKustutaI KNOW!!! And I thought "Cupcakes" was graphic and disturbing! I mean, sure 'a' is brilliantly clever and witty in its writing style and descriptive narrative, but was it REALLY necessary to have them die like that?
VastaKustutaLike Alucard and Dracula.. or Draclau.
Wow... and just to think that are not even the 1st of April ? :3
VastaKustutaI request more characters.
VastaKustutaYou know, it's stories like this that are the true masterpieces of the world. The ones that leave your mind open to interpretation, and allow you to experience every possible event you can imagine, simply because of how beautifully simplistic it is. I dare say, this is almost as good as BLANK PAPER.
VastaKustutaI don't really see what all the fuss is about. This fic is far too long for my tastes and spends too much time describing ponies. Honestly, I think the author was trying to cram an entire novel into a short story.
VastaKustutaThat was a work of genius. In fact, I would go as far as to rate this story...
VastaKustutaAn A.
*does the CSI sunglasses thingy*
BRILLIANT! I give it an A+
VastaKustutaShades of the infamous StrawberryClock!
VastaKustutaJesus fuck the plot twists. Seriously it was Rarity all along? What the hell? I mean when you think about it it actually starts to make more sense than Fluttershy but seriously wow. I honestly can't get enough of this.
VastaKustutaTo be honest, I like C better.
VastaKustutaPersonally, I thought the story focussed too much on the main character. :P
VastaKustutaAwesome story!