[Normal] [Comedy]
Author: AestheticB
Description: It is the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, and Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle is overseeing preparations yet again, and has meticulously planned every last detail to ensure that everything is perfect for her mentor’s arrival. Nothing is going to wrong.
Except when the big day comes, Twilight has gotten four hours of sleep and Fluttershy is nowhere to be found. Pinkie Pie sets off after her with nothing but a dark coat and the voice of a chain-smoking stallion, and the Apples and the Carrots are at each other’s throats while Rainbow Dash is attempting to fill in for Fluttershy.
As her plans collapse around her and Ponyville descends into chaos, Twilight Sparkle must focus on obtaining the one thing that can make everything better: the all-powerful, awe-inspiring magic of caffeine.
Sparkle's Law
Additional Tags: Five Words To Interest You
62 kommentaari:
I'm allowed to shamelessly attempt to take first post, right?
VastaKustutaYou could try, but you'll have to face the inevitable torrent of the "anti-firsts" if you do. :) Take my advice, don't go there. ;)
VastaKustutaPlus, i agree that caffeine is a powerfull kind of magic that cures every trouble known to man and pony kind. :)
VastaKustutaCaffeine is like violence. If it's not solving your problem, you just aren't using enough of it.
VastaKustutaThis guy...he gets it
Well in that case my first is totally just an anti-first post. I bet the jerk who rated me one star was just mad because I stole his thunder. And caffeine > magic = friendship. This is known.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaHaha. Thanks. I only speak what truths i know.
I don't claim to know sparkle's law, just to enforce it.
VastaKustutaOh hai. It's the guy who wrote Ponies Make War. Excellent. This was even more worth a read than i thought. :)
caffeine > magic = friendship
best algebra in years. seriously. :P
@ZeroHeroIt's a wonder that I don't have a 4.0 GPA with math skills like those. Yes, this is the side project I've been working on during my one-week break from Ponies Make War. It was nice to write something completely different for awhile, although writing comedy is hard. Not like telling a joke to a group of people where you can gauge your audience's reaction, that's for sure.
VastaKustutaDang, now I'm interested.
VastaKustutaShouldn't have looked at the additional tag. I do enjoy my comedy at least.
@Travis Smith
VastaKustuta@Zero Hero
You two
Know how things are done around here
Pic made me think noir but its not noir.
VastaKustutaAs always, a pleasure to hear from you Bomb. :)
Yeah, i hear ya. Comedy can be tricky, mostly due to the reader's sense of what is funny and not. But i certainly applaude the effort you put in this and into PMW. Both are quite good. :)
hey this story looks good
VastaKustuta...on another note
@ZeroHero you do?
VastaKustuta@Karrotline was Spike with her?
VastaKustutaSo... what to say about this here 5-star fic...
VastaKustutaI've got nothin'.
VastaKustutaWas Dash there?
@bomb and travis
VastaKustutawatch and see for yourselves
VastaKustutaPinkie was there. You just had to know where to find her. ;)
Yes. lol
@Zero Hero
VastaKustutaSee the comments? :D
VastaKustutaYes. lol The initial shock wore off, and i breezed through the majority of them in about 1.5 hours. :P
You get into the best conversations, good sir. :)
@Zero Hero
VastaKustutaWait, you read them all?!
...has anyone posted a fic about 'twilight'?
VastaKustutaThat good sir, is impressive. I tip my hat to your enthusiasm
Wow, you guys should really join the herd
VastaKustutaBeen a member since the first month after the first episode aired.
VastaKustutaWell, not ALL of them, for the most part, yes. i AM dedicated to this community, and i assumed i was already in the herd. :P
@Travis Smith
Much appreciated. I am proud in my commitment to what goes on here at EQD and to all things Pony. :)
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaAside from the fact it took me forever to make my account on here.
Buck Yes. That story was so bucking good. You, sir, are a bucking genius.
VastaKustutaIm talking about the small herd from that post
VastaKustutaThats not a bad idea... :P
@Bomb and ZeroHero
VastaKustutaMight need to another time, thanks for the great conversation thou. Have a good night/day where ever you live.
You accidentally my whole brain. That was phenomenal- I haven't actually laughed out loud at a story in a long time, but I laughed loud enough to terrify the family members in the room. This is indisputably one of my new favorite stories.
VastaKustuta@ Travis Smith
VastaKustutaAnytime. :)
When I read the title I immediately thought of the Red Panda Adventures ( audio drama).
VastaKustutaDid I just kill the conversation?
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaYou're welcomd :)
Wonderful story. It's rare to see a comedy that manages to include all of the main characters like this (though Fluttershy was a bit of a phantom presence). Hope this makes it to 6-star.
VastaKustuta"Fire, Applejack. Agonizing fire."
That was magnificent, not that I would expect anything less after reading 'Ponies make war'.
VastaKustutaYou have an amazing flow in your writing that really captivates me, keep it up! Only hope for more to recognize your talent, would be well deserved.
That was the funniest damn thing I have read in a long time. I just *cried* I laughed so hard. Possibly because I've had days like that. Thank you for sharing.
VastaKustutaDamn thats a good read
VastaKustutaGreat fic
VastaKustutaI haven't read any of ponies make war, being largely put off by the title and accompanying concept. Now I guess I have to go read that.
VastaKustutaThis is one of the best "comical" fanfics I've seen of FiM. :)
VastaKustutaI just love how there's so much going on at once in it, and how each of the ponies was involved in something. It was almost like reading several stories in one, wich I liked.
Twilight's quest for coffee, and making sure the preperations are going well, Applejack's epic family fued, Rainbow Dash trying to do Fluttershy's job, and Pinkie-Pie as a self-narrating a detective were all epic.
My only critiques are, it seemed kinda OOC for Rarity to call Applejack a "moron," it would've been better if she called her "uncouth," "barbaric," or something more "white-bread," or upper-class-sounding.
I also felt the minor-swears used ("crap," and "pissed") were unessacerry, but at least you didn't go overboard with them, and use them constantly.
That stuff aside, it felt just like a longer version of an actual episode of the show. :) (Given how "wacky" some episodes have been.)
The humor wasn't to vulgar, and felt true to the show, and was occasionally even random wich was suiting. (Also Applejack's quote made me laugh.) And for the most-part the characters seemed-in character to me.
Great work, I enjoyed it!
Caffeine and Pinkie Pie on the same page? Twilight's plans falling apart? OBVIOUS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT(maybe, idk.)?! Well, this is gonna go on my top ten reading list.
VastaKustutaDamn, can we just forget ratings 90-105 exist? FimFic was down and somewhere in there I dropped two points.
VastaKustutaA glorious romp into the absurd world of Ponyville, where all the ponies are clearly crazy, as Twilight has observed from time to time.
Yeah... this should get the 6-star rating it had before system errors. I saw it too.
VastaKustutaThIs was freaking hilarious.
VastaKustutaDid it seriously drop 0.2 points in rating due to hate votes from FimFic being down?
VastaKustutaIt's a brilliant story and deserves the 6-star rating...
...yeah. Laughed my sorry flank off. Repeatedly. And loudly.
VastaKustuta"I got nothing."
this stuff is hillarious. i have laughed my ass off. unfortunately i was at work while reading this
VastaKustutaThis is fantastic and you are fantastic.
VastaKustutaI will never understand how this kind of fic is born. Like, how do those people work? Those who can write something so consistently funny, start to finish?
I'll never know, but I'll keep appreciating. Thank you for writing this, it was marvellous in every imaginable way.
This is good.
VastaKustutaThis is shear genius. i think I might recommend this to some of my friends who don't pay any attention to ponies. Do you think this fic is funny enough on its own for someone who doesn't know the characters to get?
VastaKustutaThis fic is genuinely HILARIOUS!
VastaKustutaHats off to you sir!