• Story: Royal Pains (Update Part 5!)


    Author: John Roetzer and Xplayer
    Description: Blueblood is a royal pain, and who better to show him that but...himself?
    Deviant Art
    Royal Pains
    Royal Pains Part 2
    Royal Pains Part 3
    Royal Pains Part 4
    Royal Pains Part 5 (New!)

    All Links

    Additional Tags: Genderswitch, Alternate Universe, Attitude Adjustment

    Art Gallery (Click the link for more!)

    40 kommentaari:

    1. Now that would be an interesting punishment should he act like he did again.

    2. That female Blueblood looks good.
      That... Is a female Blueblood... Right?

    3. Was very disappoint when it wasn't a crossover with the USA Network original series

    4. Blue Belle (I think that's her name) looks so adorable.

    5. I hate Blueblood. He's a jerk.

    6. I don't care much for Blueblood, but a genderswitch?

      This intrigues me....

    7. Prince Blueblood. The fandom's favorite punching bag.

    8. I read it, its fairly well written and Blueblood and his swap are their usual stuck up selves.

      The way it switches between the two of them confused me a little but thats more related to how tired I am than any real difficulty.

      This could be interesting though I need to see a bit more to decide. (it does say chapter one so I assume there will be more.)

    9. @Celestia

      You HAVE to do this. Switch him, it will be funny >8D LOL

    10. I'd rather see this sort of flip with Rarity.

    11. I'll admit that the way it switches back and forth between Blueblood and Bluebelle was a little odd at first but once I saw it's the same thing happening in both worlds the switches didn't bother me as much.

      I can't wait to read more of this story and would love to see more stories from the On A Cross and Arrow universe.

    12. >:D

      I'm so waiting for installing chapters. I'm also curious as to see how the two universes play out.

    13. Thanks for the comments everyone! The version that was posted didn't quite get all the edits that we made (this is what happens when you collaborate :P), but I'm glad most people liked the idea. We shall be continuing the story and barring a trip to the moon (or getting too busy with real life) for either John or me, it should update fairly regularly.

    14. Ooo! Another Blueblood fic. ^^

      I'll give it a read, sounds promising.

    15. Nice so far. Like everypony else I had a small amount of trouble when it switches worlds but I figured it out and now I find it quite clever.

      Also, am I the only pony thinking princess bluebelle looks kinda cute? But as Stewie would say.

      Id love to stay and chat, but your a total...hmm can I even swear on here? I better not or Seth will make me watch the Trixie eyebrow video for two days while beating me with pies. Least that's what I hear...

    16. AUGH. There needs to be more paragraph breaks in that introduction. Can't... breach... wall of... text...!

    17. @Brainstorm USE THE DIAMOND DRILL.

      *Readies the drilling machine* WE. WILL. BREAK. THROUGH!!

    18. Is it just me, or do both links go to the DeviantArt version?

    19. I fail to see what is supposedly in need of correction with either of my counterparts depicted here. They seem perfectly normal to me...

    20. Now, I assume the genderswitch tag wasn't just hyperbole. Are the Blue's going to swap places or bodies? Or is the Bluebelle story just a parallel with she instead of he?

    21. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    22. Most of what I was going to say has been said. Though I personally didn't find the jumping to be that disorienting. Jumps in location don't faze me; it's when you throw time travel into it that I get confused. Stupid causality...

      Also, that Bluebelle is pretty cute. Too bad she's such a self-aggrandizing tool.

      Reposted to fix spelling.

    23. Looking good so far, here's eagerly awaiting for more ;)

    24. Seth, you derped the Google Docs link. It goes to Deviant Art.

    25. The deviantART has been updated to match the Google Docs version. The paragraphing has also been re-done so that your eyes won't be crushed by a WALL OF TEXT.

      But the Google docs link still needs to be updated. John will do the poking on that front.

    26. Hmm....I initially did a "yes yes yes yes!" thing at this...but now I'm a bit "huh?". I mean, I assume based on the summery that in later parts of the fic the two Blues will interact and stuff. Because rule 63 Blueblood = winfic.
      Looking forward to more, you better believe.

    27. Now this is...interesting...I'll keep an eye on this fic to see how it goes. Not to mention this the first time I've read a fic with Blueblood as the lead.

    28. the google docs link is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iTvpsUHYWB2aqb-hq7m0onVJsL4BZb4eIVhVfgrW3BU/edit?hl=en_US

    29. I'm guessing that when the opposite reality ponies mention Dusk, that's that dimension's version of Twilight Sparkle?

    30. "Instead, his special talent was shouting"
      Well, that was the first thing I thought of, anyways.

    31. I think quite a few people were waiting for an update of this.

      since I noticed it, btw, you may want to correct:
      "love the maze"

      Hope you don't mind me commenting both here and on EQD.
      This was a somewhat peculiar cut-off point given that you have two storylines running in mirrored parallel - a setup for a flashback, then?

      The other thing that stuck out was, personally, I always figured that any of the royals, especially male-Blueblood (note Celestia's all-male guard), would have military experience. It is very much traditional in aristocratic societies for royals to be prepared to act as military leaders, as they are drawn from the background of a martial class (contrasted with those 'upper class' in more recent times derived from mercantile endeavors previously frowned upon).

      My own suspicion, in light of recent canon, is that Blueblood's lineage is descended from Princess Platinum in the pre-classical period. Thus, it could be that Equestria's aristocracy is in fact the result of a priest-class and not a warrior-class (as is prevalent among us humans). Nonetheless, one would still expect that a royal would have at least some martial training as a matter of station, going with the de-facto implication of "right to rule justified by responsibility, if not ability, to lead (in battle)."

      Obviously ponies (unicorns in particular when historically compared to pegasi, seem to disdain use of force in conflict resolution) are going to be less aggressive than human beings, but culturally, an aristocratic upper class seems to arise from a dominant land-owning minority, one that is typically rigidly enforced. A mechanism for this enforcement is always implicit. This should hold as true for an Equestrian noble as it did for a Prussian Junker, a British Duke, a Turkish Pasha or the Aztec Pipiltin.

      One would then expect Blueblood's upbringing to focus on those topics universally and historically stressed by high nobility: history, literature, theology, and military tactics, with a lesser focus on art, sometimes science or philosophy, ceremony, and unique cultural artifacts and formalities. This latter includes tea ceremony, calligraphy, jousting, Olympic competition or hunting, as in Japan, China, Europe, ancient and mythological Greece or basically everywhere respectively, and in Equestria, would probably be magic of some sort.

      Even a snobbish fop of a Prince would still be expected to perform (or conform) to this standard, especially in a pre-modern era when the only alternative was to languish away in the local priesthood. Of course, one could also suppose that if human history had more Princes like a clownish Blueblood and fewer Suleimans, Williams, Vlads, Zhengs, Odas and Alexanders, that history would be a bit less bloody. Or more bloody, depending on how pessimistic you are.

      Lol. Imagine an alternate universe Equestria where Blueblood is a violent, ambitious, unscrupulous, and disarmingly charismatic, Prince like we so laud here on Earth. I think I just found some grimdark.

      I would imagine he'd already have been through some "officer training" in what passes for the Equestrian military. Our modern concepts of an anachronistic (and useless) nobility typically don't reflect the practical realities within pre-industrial societies.

      Argh. I ended up rambling again. Even Pinkie reigns herself in better than I do sometimes. Bear in mind, I'm only making this huge and involved comment because I'm reading the fic and enjoying the premise enough to want to type up scary text-walls.

    32. I am enjoying this! I'll have an eye out for the next update.

    33. @Capn_Chryssalid
      First of all, thanks for the feedback!

      >The other thing that stuck out was, personally, I always figured that any of the royals, especially male-Blueblood (note Celestia's all-male guard), would have military experience.
      I think given what we've seen of Blueblood in canon, I don't think he has any more military experience than a marshmallow :P Maybe pony aristocracy is different? Maybe he's rather young and never started a military career? Maybe he's tried all his life to get out of it? I'll have to think about that one.

      Blueblood is certainly not talentless though, and we hope to show that more as the story progresses. We hope not to make this TOO much of a "torture Blueblood" fanfic ;)

    34. Trixie and Blueblood were childhood friends? Why does this make so much sense?! Great story so far!
