• Story: Rescue Mission

    [Crossover] I've been told that this is extremely cute.

    Author: Polecat
    Description: Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Alicorn. Her five year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new cival... civel... cool new aliens, to boldly go where no pony has gone before!

    Rescue Mission Part 1
    Rescue Mission Part 2

    Rescue Mission (Full Story)

    Additional Tags: Warning: may cause spontaneous cavities!

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Star Trek?

      *has never seen anything Star Trek*

    2. "Warning: may cause spontaneous cavities!"

      Hmm, I better stay on the side of cauti- for the love of Luna, my teeth! They've rotted away!

      Anyway, I don't always read crossovers, but when I do, they've got copious amounts of tooth rotting Dawww.

    3. Hurnghkhasdf

    4. Been there, read that. It was a good story. Reminded me to floss and maybe brush more after binging on candy.

    5. I'm not sure I'd call it EXTREMELY cute, but it did leave me wit several d'awws.

      Polecat is awesome.

    6. If I were allowed to speak my mind, a majority of you would be mad, so I say nothing other than I just don't care for Star Trak. If you like that, good forr you.

      Ponies > The Force

    7. My only criticism is that I would have liked to see the whole thing split into more parts. Small formatting change stuff.

      Much love for this fic.

    8. At first I thought this was just a Star Trek story enacted with ponies, which wouldn't be all that interesting in itself. I'm glad I finished it, though. The story tries to play it straight as best as it can, but it's funny to picture Dinky and Pinkie animating half a dozen inanimate objects like that.



    9. First all of my teeth rotted out of my mouth, then I got Diabeetus, and then my heart gave out.

      That was just too cute.

    10. Although it started out slow (I understand the need to set up all of the crew members at the beginning so that you can reveal who/what they really are later, but the first couple of pages were pretty dull), this story was very funny and as cute as advertised. I would have liked to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon a second time, if only to find out what they were doing in the field in the first place or to get a more satisfying resolution to their insults (whether in the form of karmic justice or simply by giving Dinky a chance to stand up for her mom). Still, very good work.

    11. @Shadow Heart
      >The Force
      *points and laughs*
      You shouldn't have to know much about either to know that the Force is from Star Wars, not Star Trek. Or even spell "Trek" properly.

    12. Oh, my heart! That was great. :)

    13. You don't need to know Star Trek. It's just ponies on a spaceship. AND THEN THE ADORABLE HAPPENS.

      This is one of the cutest fics I have ever read and destined to be a classic. I'm glad it's on this website. FIC IS TRIBUTE TO BLOG

    14. That was hilarious!
      My god, certain lines were so perfectly ST universe.
      And obvious characters aside, I was able to realize that it was imagination by the Captain taking more importance than she normally should (manning the helm, etc).

    15. When they mentioned "Cling-Ons" at the end, I just about lost it. Thanks, author!

    16. Great story overall but one thing: is there a meme I'm unaware of that is popular right now and has to do with the Bearer of Loyalty being a wishy washy friend? Cause I'm seeing it a LOT and I don't think it's a very accurate portrayal.
