• Story: Leap of Faith


    Author: Lights
    Description: A very emotional dream causes Rainbow Dash to rethink her priorities, struggling to put together the pieces. Will she choose her future as a Wonderbolt, or will she stay true to her friends?
    Leap of Faith

    Additional Tags: Emotional, Friendshipping, Trust, Loyalty, Sad, Slice of Life

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Uhg. Sad. Why is there never a "happy" tag?

    2. Interesting. I'll be sure to read it!

    3. They have happy tags for fanfiction? I never knew.

    4. @WizardShy
      Agreed, this place needs more happy stuff.

      But the 'sad' tag still won't stop me from reading the story though.

    5. A very common story choice, but a good one, too. Will read.

    6. Theres never a happy tag because its much easier to write a better story if it starts off sad/grimdark with all the problems the characters have to deal with etc and then builds into the happy ending.

      At least, thats my thought on it.

    7. You know, we need more fics that fully address Dash's Wonderbolt obsession. Joining the Wonderbolts would mean abandoning her friends and life for what IS a great position of honor. But it'd also be a whole lot of pressure and zooming from place to place. Never a moment's rest, and the overwhelming fame... And Dash is just a young adult, early 20s or the like. I'm just not sure she could handle it all.
      Anyway, now that my little unnecessary bit is over, let's read.

    8. Friendshipping? I might check it out.

    9. The second chapter made me tear up a bit.

    10. Awww. I went into that expecting another 'Dash abandons her dreams' fic, but actually it was a very nice piece of friendshipping and an intelligently handled story. The backstory on Spitfire was well handled also (I've always thought of her as having a somewhat sad past as well)

    11. In my opinion, this is one of the best portrayals of Dash joining the Wonderbolts I've read. It also gives me something I rarely see: realistically resolving most of the issues I have with Dash's obsession in a positive manner. So often I see something along the lines of "And then she joined the Wonderbolts and it was SO AWESOME the end!" without actually going into all the implications.

      ... And I just dropped another pointless speech. Anyway, 5 stars.

    12. Mildly interested, but not planning on reading something that long.

    13. Someone re-explain the friendshipping thing to me. I know what regular shipping is and not a big fan.

    14. @Travis Smith
      Reinforcement of existing friendship, basically. No romance or anything like that.

    15. Meh, I give it a 3/5. It was a great idea, but it was quick and the plot seemed pretty rote. The actions and events didn't seem to flow naturally, like I just read the Cliff Notes instead of the actual story.

      But, like I said, a good idea, and functionally sound writing, so I think it would benefit greatly for being rewritten and expanded a bit.
