• Story: Late Bloomer

    [Normal]  Guys... I admit... I like cute OC ponies.

    Author: Jay Bear
    Description: Apple Bloom goes, reluctantly, to a book-signing event at the Ponyville library, and soon finds herself talking to the new author. When the conversation turns to getting a cutie mark, she learns a lot more than she expected about the stars, her ancestors, and the value of patience.
    Late Bloomer

    Additional Tags: Apple Bloom wants ice cream

    23 kommentaari:

    1. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Seth.

    2. Well, it is kinda cute :3

      Aside, I'm looking forward to this story.
      It presents a rather... Interesting subject.

    3. Those tags...

      If it has random tags, I can't help but read it.

    4. You pretty much had me at Johannes Klopler and Gallopleo.

    5. Science with ponies?! Science with ponies.

      As an astronomy student, this pleases me greatly.

    6. And technically, Moondancer isn't an OC, she was mentioned in the very first episode. So we didn't actually see her, and know next to nothing about her, providing a blank slate for authors to work on, so she may as well be an OC, but meh...

    7. It's only wrong to like OCs if your on ponybrouuu...ponyburoo...that pony image site.

    8. Oh my Celestia, these puns are tearing apart my sides. It hurts! :D

    9. Realized it was not my cup of tea, especially the somewhat forced upon use of the sciences and mathematics to prove a point. Also, if Gravity was keeping the moon in place, then we wouldnt need Princess Luna holding it and guiding it now would we?

    10. Wow... this little story just blew me away. Descriptions can be VERY misleading.

      I'm so glad that I clicked the link. Kudos, Jay Bear.

    11. @Simbaro Its never stated HOW she controls the moon. How do you know Celestia and Luna don't control gravity :p

      Personally, my favourite viewing of how the Princesses powers work is that the pony universe has the same basic prinicples ours does- stars, planets, moons, galaxies, etc., but that it requires the Princesses' power to maintain it. This is why Discord was such a big deal- he disrupted the very laws of physics itself, so if he continued he could have potentially destroyed the whole universe (Which is my answer to 'Discord wasn't really that bad!' fics.

    12. The story was fun enough, but what I especially enjoyed was the clinging line. Not many fics manage to deliver a really good one, though many try. But this was very nicely done ^^

    13. A very charming story, well worth the time to read it. And while it's a small thing, I was impressed with the passing mention of a griffon named Grizzelda.

    14. @John Christensen It's too bad the author wasn't able to work Leafy Nuts in, really.

    15. Moondancer!!!!!!!!!

      Do G1s count as OCs?

    16. @lanna-kitty Moondancer is also the pony whose birthday it is in the first episode if i am not mistaken so it is kind of a g4 pony :)

    17. I've read a couple stories involving Moondancer, and they always seem to be really good stories. My favorite part of this story is that despite AB becoming enthralled in the story, she still wants some friggin' ice cream.

    18. Thank you all for your comments, I'm really glad to see the response to this one. And there's nothing wrong with liking cute and (debatably) OC ponies. :)

      @ Simbaro
      Sorry to hear it wasn't your cup of tea, but thanks for giving it an honest shot. In one draft I had Moondancer talk a little about learning more about magic and having to work the existence of the Princesses into her world-view, but it didn't really explain so in the end I cut it.

      Glad you caught the reference! My head-canon is that Grizzelda was a real pirate-griffin, and Gilda is distantly related to her. That may or may not play out in a future story.

      It's so truuuuuuue! I wanted to mention Leibniz in there too, but after spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to come up with a good pony name for him, I just abandoned the whole idea. You bronies are obviously more clever than me, though...

    19. That was pretty sweet and cute. That's about the gist of it.

    20. That pony.... is.... Optimus Prime!!??! http://punkrockstarmob.deviantart.com/art/Optimus-Prime-230263197

    21. That was pretty cute; an enjoyable read.
