• Story: Kindred Spirits (Update Part 10!)


    Author: Cottonmouth With credit to Larince, Varanus, Newer, and Mad Brochacho
    Description: "With each others help, Spike and Gilda fight to find their place in a world that will not accept them.
    Kindred Spirits Part 1
    Kindred Spirits Part 2
    Kindred Spirits Part 3
    Kindred Spirits Part 4
    Kindred Spirits Part 5
    Kindred Spirits Part 6
    Kindred Spirits Part 7
    Kindred Spirits Part 8
    Kindred Spirits Part 9
    Kindred Spirits Part 10 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Discovery Battle danger loneliness happiness

    88 kommentaari:

    1. Well it was a bit of a struggle clawing my ways out of the bowels of hell, but it's good to be back.

      Leave your thoughts here.

      Right now it is 3.5 stars, so obviously something is wrong here.

      I need to know what.

    2. (This comment is full of SPOILERS)

      It's good to see that you're still writing, Cottonmouth! Even if it isn't It's Not Where You Go... (hint, hint).

      I think you're off to a good start on this story. Although I wondered about Spike's banishment at first, the explanation of what happened with Fluttershy seemed very believable. Both characters have obviously done some growing up in the years (?) between this story and the show, but they're still recognizable. There were a few sp/grammar errors, but not enough to really detract from the reading experience (still, I'd suggest getting a proofreader for future chapters. Good idea in principal, in any case).

      There were a couple of things I had questions about, however. First, I don't understand why Gilda was kicked out of the military/banished. If there's a looming war, you'd think they'd be LESS likely to dismiss her, not more.

      I also would have liked to see more about the ethics of killing and eating animals. Since most if not all mammals in Equestria appear to be intelligent, and everything that's vaguely horse-like seems capable of speech, it would seem that killing a deer would be little different from murder. Spike at least shows some shame, but I guess I still have a lot of questions about what predators in Equestria are willing to eat, and what responsibilities (if any) they feel to dine on the less intelligent end of the animal spectrum. This question, at least, could still be addressed in future chapters, but I think some sort of discussion of hunting ethics is necessary for this story.

      Still, I'm looking forward to more. I think you have the genesis of an interesting story here.

    3. Okay finished part two, really interested now. Cant wait for the next part!!

    4. Just finished it. I'll post some feedback once my class gets out, but it's a strong start.

    5. It's cool to see this story up and running, Cottonmouth!

    6. ♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

    7. I enjoyed these chapters if they did feel a little insubstantial.
      Gilda seemed a little OOC in mannerisms by appearing too friendly toward the end of Ch 1.
      In Ch 2 I found there was a lot of character development, but not enough plot progression. I also feel the character interactions are slipping slightly towards shipping a bit prematurely. I'd like to see more of them earning each others trust and respect before they start liking each other too much. Remember that although they are both a bit older, they still both have majorly volatile personalities. Spike is mature but easily frustrated and Gilda is insecure and aggressive.

      The end of Ch 2 was a little worrisome and I am slightly concerned about the possible directions this could manifest.

      I also highly recommend that if this story is going to have shipping, light shipping, friendshipping, dark, grimlight, light grimdark, grimdark, or grimdark War you have those tags added immediately and don't wait until those elements appear in the story. This might serve to severely alienate your readerbase.

      TL;DR Good fic, hope for future chapters, 4 stars for now.

    8. @DPV111

      I wanted to make the tag shipping, but the pre-readers said to leave it normal for now.


      Also, Your critiques are making me rethink everything. I had chapter 3 planned out and everything, but now I'm not so sure.

      There are 2 forces at work here. That of establishing the characters so well together that they would want to be involved in a relationship (more than just friends) together, and the need to progress the plot before things get too stale.

      Chapter 2 was supposed to be the majority of the development, but now after the discussions that occurred in the document I find myself in a very strange situation.

      I suppose I could... move some things around... I'm still not 100% sure.

      This will require some thinking.

    9. the storys pretty good tho but i wish i had mor of an idea of wat spike lookd like

    10. Hm. You've piqued my interest with this one.

    11. @Cottonmouth

      If by "majority of the development" you mean it was to be the entirety of the foundation for this ship, then I would personally have to agree with DPV that there really isn't enough there at this point to (for lack of a better word) "justify" it.

    12. @Cottonmouth

      The prereaders might be good for vetting fics for quality and content. But the actual READERS don't like surprises. It Takes a Village has a shipping tag and nearly nonexistant shipping at this time, 6 chapters in.

    13. @Cottonmouth

      You COULD just move ahead with the shipping in the story. It WOULD detract from the story, but it wouldn't RUIN it as long as it continues to be engaging.

    14. @DPV111 Heh, it's funny, when I put up the first chapter of my fic, it had a shipping tag, and a few people complained there wasn't much shipping in the first chapter.

      Can't please them all, I guess. But the tag should definitely be added to this page.

    15. @Varanus
      You don't lose readers for a premature tag. You do lose then for lack of forewarning.

    16. @DPV111

      I've always sought perfection.

      This is no different.

    17. I like this story so far. The scenario is fascinating, even if FUSRODAH!Celestia is a bit close to Tyrant!Celestia.

      Not sure I approve of the shipping, but I'm glad that you at least told us about it in the comments.

    18. It's Not Where You Go... you're the writer for that story? Wow! I love that one. I read it all in one night and I could hardly put my laptop down. (I saw your post on that other site about Trixie being out of character, and I'd like to say that her actions were perfectly in character to me!)

      I enjoy this story a lot so far. I thought it was interesting how quickly Gilda changed gears from trying to murder Spike to being buddy-buddy. I don't think that's a bad thing, but I think it says something about her character/past that should probably be explored more later.

      I think that it's important to put Shipping up asap, even if the pre-readers don't like it... just to get that out there. The whole idea of shipping Spike and Gilda is fascinating, and it would make me want to read the first chapter just to check it out! (Free publicity?) That is, if I hadn't already read it. Aw, you know what I mean.

      I will admit that I'm curious as to why Gilda was kicked out of the military, even though she failed... I know it's a plot point, but even an over-confident army would need all the hands it could get (even the incapable ones) and would fight to keep people from leaving. If you do want to take that into consideration, it's really easy to have someone higher up in the chain of command chastise the sergeant later about it and have someone fly out to bring Gilda back into the army's fold.

      I say keep to your planned schedule with the story's shipping. Giving enough background and character portrayal first is key imo to making an unusual ship (like this one) easily understood by the audience. Good luck!

    19. I'd like to give a shout out to Larince, Varanus, and DPV111 for their feedback and their help with the fic.

      Keep your thoughts and opinions coming.

    20. Enjoyed chapter 3. It felt shorter but more substantial/satisfying. Character motivation much more apparent. Still has that sense of foreboding with the looming war and Celestia's dubious intentions.
      And silly Gilda. Don't you realize you already admitted defeat by running away from your problems instead of facing them? And now abandoning your new friend instead of being there to support him? That's the Gilda I know and want to see positive character redemption for.

    21. @DPV111

      Sorry for the shortness, but I basically had to rethink everything I had in mind for the fic.

      I now look back on my old draft and laugh at how bad it was.

      Excited to continue.

      And once again thank you for your help. Anything you DIDN'T like in this chapter?

    22. UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE! I want more! more I demand you!

    23. Very interested to see what Celestia has up her sleeves. If she has something that can de-carnivorize Spike, that could be game-changing technology (or magic, whatever it turns out to be). If it isn't prohibitively expensive or difficult, or if it isn't keyed specifically to Spike, I can see a day in the near future when all non-herbivores entering Equestria must submit to whatever-it-is before they're allowed in. And if it turns out to be a bit more, let's say, "extensive" than a mere diet re-arrangement, things could get messy very quickly.

      I'm still curious to know if Spike and/or Gilda feel there's any essential difference between eating things like fish (which, since Fluttershy catches them to feed to her birds, are presumably not intelligent), rabbits (which, if Angel is any indication, are), and deer (which, being horselike, are presumably fully sapient). I'm looking forward to more.

    24. Glad to see you're still writing, Cotton. Interesting story you've got here, with an unusual pairing.

      It matters not, I'm always game for Spike, and almost as game for Gilda.

      I look forward to seeing where this goes.

    25. @DPV111

      Do you have a gmail? I think it would be in my best interest if I could let you in as a pre-reader before publishing.

      If I can't get you soon enough for chapter 4, at least 5 and on.

      If you would like to, just send me an e-mail at


      Thank you for your help so far.

    26. @Cottonmouth

      I'd be willing, although shift-work and all.

      I don't have Google account but no GMail. Should I set up a GMail account? Is it necessary?

    27. I do have Google account. I mean

    28. @DPV111

      It isn't necessary. Just send me an e-mail.

    29. I have to admit that I was skeptical when I saw the summary and after the first chapter; but I am glad that I continued, because chapter 2-4 ere very good (and I have had the same thoughts like Gilda when I read Celestia's letter).

    30. @DaB.

      You didn't like chapter 1? What was wrong with it?

      I'd consider chapter 2 the 'worst' so far as I believe it gets a little too close to ship-happy during a few parts.

    31. @Cottonmouth:
      It was too rushed. I normally like it when a author don't write much about the setup at the beginning, but with your beginning I felt quite lost. For example: I know after the first few lines that Spike lives (alone?) in a cave now. Reading many other mlp-fanfictions before tells me, that that means that he is grown now and that some time flowed since the tv-episodes; but I have no idea how big/old he is. Then he fights we Gilda and I wonder the hole time how a relative small gryphon can have a chance against a (full?) grown dragon, so I reduce Spike size in my head back to his "normal" size; what is wrong too how I learned later.
      I have to admit that it gets better after the cave collapse and you take more time to describe the situation.

    32. dang. im liking this! the only reason i never gave this story a shot was because the description doesn't say much. but im glad i gave it a read.

      can't wait for chapter 5!

    33. @Huundee


      I absolutely hate it when a story spells out its entire plot within the summary.

      Why read it?

      If I made a description like 'AFTER A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE SPIKE AND GILDA BEGIN TO FIND SOLACE IN EACH OTHER' Or some crap like that, I'll be spoiling basically all of chapter 1 and one of the main points behind the ship.

      Never judge a book by its cover. Give the first chapter or two a read, and if you don't like it, throw it away.

    34. The growing - hoard relationship is a survival trait for all dragons that allow them to not be eaten (in a world that is crawling with ursa majors/manticores/hydras/whatever else we haven't seen as soon as they depart from their parents.

      As we can see, as soon as Spike hatched he was a baby. He had obviously grown since then. Natural growth comes with wings, while swift survival growth gives them the bare necessities until they are 'grown' enough to survive without such instinctual traits.

      That's why Spike wanted to hoard so much - it's survival instinct.

      There ya go. There's my answer. Story is still fine. Please continue reading.

      Also Spike x Rarity is canon. Going to go get high and part for the rest of the day. Bye.

    35. Bah!! Can't believe I forgot to leave a comment on here.

      Love your story! Good writing. Great plot. Interesting characters. Look forward to ever chapter!

    36. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    37. This has been a great series so far, but I'm surprised that it is only rated at four stars when the writing is obviously worth at least five. Maybe people just don't find the pairing appealing.

      As for the story itself, I found myself enjoying almost every chapter. The characterization of the entire cast was portrayed very well and the setting was written with enough definition that it left little to the imagination. However, I can see why most would view chapter two and parts of chapter three to be a little shippy. But, if you take a look at the characters you can see why they got along well so fast. One hand you have Spike, who was plucked from his home and was forced into seclusion with only his instincts and rudimentary knowledge of flora and fauna to rely on. On the other you have Gilda, a griffin who has led a life almost devoid of companionship and shield herself from it, at least on a conscious level. Both of these characters have had lives that are nearly polar opposite of each other. However, they both seek someone to call a friend. Spike, looking for someone who wouldn't view him as a monster, even though he views himself as one. Gilda, looking for someone to acknowledge her existence. So it can be inferred that when fate (or in this case the author) threw these two together, they found something they both needed in their lonely lives.

      Also the fact that they survived a life or death situation didn't hurt either.

      (Spoiler) As for chapter 5, you deserve an achievement for the epic level mind screw you wrote.

      I look forward to more chapters in the future.

    38. @Hybridnecros

      It's replies like these that please me the most.

      You seem to have gotten the basic idea of the whole fic down.

      Even I'm a little upset with myself for letting chapter 2 get a little ship-happy, but it was nothing bad enough to destroy the fic or anything.

      Thank you for your comment and thank you for reading.

      Also, don't worry about the stars. Some people just can't separate the art from the artist, and they allow that to slip into their voting.

    39. Im sorry Twilight...

      and then Gilda swoops in to save spike...

      oh wait, I mean im eagerly waiting for part six ^^

    40. Chapter 5 was good.
      The writing was crisp and the pacing was great.
      Could have done with less visual descriptiveness in the nightmare sequence personally. Yeah it's just a dream so the EVENTS don't count as grimdark, but the descriptions can.

    41. @DPV111

      Mmmmm. You know I value your opinion greatly DPV.

      I'm glad Varanus came in then. It was a lot worse before, but he gave me the same 'it's good, but tone it down here, here, and here'.

      Anyways, my reason behind the descriptiveness mostly comes from my desire to hammer into the reader's head that this is a main fear that has plagued him for some time now and is actively putting doubt of himself in his mind.

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Anyways. Finals are right around the corner, so gimme a bit.

    42. I danced around in my living room for about 30 seconds when I found out that you wrote Part 5.

      I eagerly await every installment of this fanfic, something that I can't say for many others, and this fic is easily one of my top 3. As happy as I am about the writing, though, I have a few (admittedly minor) nitpicks.

      I think that the story got too shippy, too fast, something that I'm sure you've heard many times over. The idea that Gilda and Spike could go from "enemies" to friends in the course of one chapter is slightly unrealistic; however, I haven't been trapped in a cave with anyone just yet, so I can't claim to know what effect it will have. (On this note, I think you handled their relationship better in later chapters.)

      I love what you did in the latest chapter. *SPOILER ALERT* The way that Spike was portrayed during the library scene was truly masterful, and I could almost hear my brain being raped as Spike ripped out Twilight's stomach. Twilight's profession of love even as she lay dying nearly had me in tears. Spike's surrendering near the end of the chapter was also very emotional, and I fully believe that this is one of your strongest chapters. (Is there another word for chapter that would make me sound less repetitive?)

      On to grammatical nitpicks; I'll be taking this out on Part 5 for now. There is a lack of a period in the first sentence, and two (haha) many periods altogether after Applejack's fourth sentence. You also spelled "dessert" wrong during the Sugarcube Corner scene.

      There is a massive lack of commas in your dialogue, and not just in Part 5. Here's an quote from Part 1 for an example; "You know if you ever wanted to maybe talk some more or just hang out... I mean it must be pretty lonely out here right?" Admittedly, that may have been intentionally done as a clue to how awkwardly Gilda was conversing, but there are more examples in the story.

      On that note, how many proofreaders do you have? (I'm not suggesting that your conventions are atrocious - far from it - but it wouldn't hurt to fix the things that slip through.) I would love to proofread stories, but seeing as I'm 12, I don't have the trust required for such a job. I wouldn't demand that you fix something that doesn't detract from the story whatsoever; these are just my nitpicks.

      This story deserves more than the rating of 4 measly stars it has right now. Your writing always manages to bring a smile to my face, and I look forward to future chapters.

    43. @NorthTzar

      >Wow, this is one of the best critiques I've recieved throughout my whole year of writ-

      >"But seeing as I'm 12"


      You're gonna be inventing the next atom bomb or writing the next Lord of the Rings at this point dude.

      As for proof-readers, I only have 1 (very rarely 2. He's been busy), and to be honest, he's the only one I've ever really needed. Any more and I would be struggling to juggle everything.

      I DO have one man who comes in on occasion (Varanus) and gives me ideas/critiques my work (after the chapter is done most of the time). I could see you fulfilling such a role.

      Send an e-mail to lumpfish1@gmail.com

      If I never get in contact with you, please don't take it personally. I'm extremely busy with finals and family and bills and finals and writing this fic and discussing Spike x Rarity and blah blah so I might completely skip over you as evil as that sounds.

      But do just slip me an e-mail.

      Onto your post.

      I completely agree. Every fic I've ever written I've looked back and realized I did something incredibly stupid. To be honest, chapter 3 was supposed to be even MORE shippy, but then the critique from my readers snapped me out of my suck-fest and got me into the groove, giving us the controversial chapter 3 and the new, more conflicted plot we have now (which, IMO, is 10,000 times better).

      I'm glad you liked the nightmare. It was a scene which would either hit just right or go flying off into the abyss and make me look like an idiot.

      As for the grammatical errors? Yikes! I'll be sure to double check from now on and be more careful.

      As for the star ratings? Heh. Don't mind em. Just a bunch of 1 star voters who don't like me for various reasons. I've gotten used to it.

      Thank you SO much for the feedback. This one post has been EXTREMELY helpful to me. I look forward to talking to you as the story progresses.

    44. *Warning: Some Spoilers Below*

      I have to say this is a very good story so far. I've been reading it as the updates have come out and look forward to the future chapters. Chapter 5 did take an unexpected dark turn their with Spike's nightmare. Normally those sort of things bother me but I feel it really did add a great deal of value to the story. All I could think during the entire scene was "I REALLY hope this is just a nightmare!" and was very pleased to learn it was.

      In short, the writing really managed to bring me to a point where I sincerely get lost in the story being told. Well done.

    45. Jesus Christ that dream gave me the jibblies. From the second he ran into Applejack and Twilight and his thoughts started playing out (especially what he thought about AJ and Dash) I was practically crapping myself, and to see it play out to its logical conclusion...

      I mean, damn. I haven't read anything that pulled off a feeling of dread in the atmosphere that much since Semper Fidelis.

    46. This story is progressing nicely, can't wait till they get to Ponyville.

    47. Echoing DPV. Keep up the good work, Cotton.

    48. Oh hey, Might also want to get them to add the Adventure tag to this in addition to Shipping. This last chapter definitely warrants it. (Maybe with the next update?)

    49. Thanks for the update.

    50. "What do you know about preening?"

      I lol'd hard.

      Best chapter yet. This just gets better and better.

    51. @BlackVion

      It's ridiculous how fast I improve.

      I think the 4-6 month hiatus I took between It's Not Where You Go and this story really shows. I need a bit of warm-up to get back into the flow.

      The first 2 chapters are ridiculously bad, and I fear that I lose a lot of readers right there considering chapter 2's enormous girth.

    52. I'd also like to thank Varanus and Larince once again.

      Varanus is a really good idea man. While the entire story is mine of course, he provides amazing suggestions, feedback, and helps sets up how certain scenes will play out. He may only come in at the end of each chapter, but the conversations that go on between us have not only made me a better writer overall, but especially in plot and character.

      Larince.... what can I say. He's been there since the beginning, and he's basically an omnipresent guiding hand for all of my works. With his help, I've taken the first baby steps to not sucking complete dick at grammar.

      Somewhere out there is Newer, a busy man. Shoutout to him as well.

      And of course all of you readers. What would I do without you?

      Onward and (hopefully) upward.

    53. Great chapter, I want to do much worse to that lice infested Sergent than what Gilda has in mind though.

    54. "Ok, nothing I'm tracking has updated. Lets try something new."

      "Kindred Spirits... Ah yes, the story with the fugly image and vague, yet unhelpful, description."

      "Next up, Anthropology... Update par... Wait, did that say Gilda up there?"

      "Lets see.. Gilda... Shipping... SPIKE!?!"

      It was at this point that my chair broke and I had to have the gash in my scalp stitched shut. X_x;

      Seriously, man. I've been a Brony for six... no, wait... SEVEN months now. Around three or four months ago, I got it in my head to track down a Gilda X Teen Spike fic, dispite being a RariSpike Shipper. ...and the BEST I could come up with was a BUCKING RAPEFIC!

      After pointedly NOT reading THAT story, I stuck with FIMfiction, perioticly scanning for a GildaSpike fic in addition to my usual interests. ...and THIS story went COMPLETELY under my radar!

      Ship check: Spike x Gilda
      Vore check: Hunting and Nightmare
      Perv check: "Grooming"


      My only problem with this story is that it is on Gdocs rather than FIMfiction, but at least it's better than that CPU Killer dA. (Stupid refreshing ads...)

    55. @Starcat5

      This story is uploaded on Fimfiction as well and updates at around the same time the blog posts it. You may look it up and put it on tracking there.

      As for you, I am exactly the same way. Hardcore Rarity x Spike shipper, but I wanted to try something new.

    56. Also: Can't wait for the eventual Gilda Smackdown on Princess `Tia, and the cry of Fish Hypocrisy on Fluttershy. Seriously, Flutts, you have a pet Manticore, and you feed fish to birds. Don't you think you MAY have been over reacting to Spike just a LITTLE? If you just TRIED to get him to try sushi, NONE of this mess would have EVER happened!

    57. @CottonMouth
      You DID Tag it as having Gilda and Spike, correct? I've hit November, and STILL haven't found it yet.

      *Tries a title search*

      Ok NOW it shows up. WITH Gilda and Spike tags, no less. Weird.

      *Favs, Tracks, Five Stars, and Watchs the Bucking Fetlocks out of it*

    58. @Starcat5

      It's called a Phobia. If you don't have any, be glad.

    59. I have a thing agenst tightly packed crowds, and my mother has a full fledged phobia of snakes, so yes, I am aware of the concept.

      ...that doesn't stop me from wanting to see some Tough Love on Gilda's part. This is SPIKE, after all, not some random feral pony-eating monstrosity from the blackist pits of Hell. She's known the lad for nearly all his life.

    60. Been trying to find where to contact you, just to say--please, for God's sake, finish "It's not where you go..." We've been hanging in midair waiting for the conclusion for what, four months now?

    61. @RHJunior

      Can't wait for the inevitable day in which I stop this story right before its climax.

      As for It's Not Where You Go, I'm actually seriously considering creating a remake.

      But yeah, if this story just doesn't update anymore one day, put it out of your mind.

    62. no it cant be over =( spike cant just die like that, adn what happens to Gilda?

    63. Damn, Cotton. That was an excellent chapter.

    64. Damn, I bet the guy who edited this chapter was sexy

    65. ^It shows I only found like 3 errors this chapter.

    66. And it was definitely a great chapter. The pacing of this fic is really hitting it's stride consistently. In fact I think the pacing is my favorite thing about it overall.
      Also appreciate that Dash wasn't bade out to be a total douche like so many authors are wont to do.

    67. @DPV111

      Ironically she's my least favorite character in the show, but Larince and other readers have told me I always write her well.


    68. And I'm certainly glad you do.

      Everyone has preferences. Least favorite doesn't need to mean hated though. There are some jackalopes out there who hate her so much just because she's obnoxious they actively wish Cupcakes was canon.

      For instance, Rarity and AJ are my least favorite ponies but that doesn't mean I HATE them.
      In fact they are my favorite shipping pair and "A Dog and Pony Show" is my favorite episode.
      I dislike Trixie, Gilda and Blueblood in the show, but have found at least 1 fic or comic for each of them that I enjoy and can appreciate their character in.

    69. @DPV111

      Rarity and Applejack are your favorite shipping pair...?

      I'll never look at you the same way again.

      But yeah, I agree with you completely. I actually love all seven of the main characters, just some more than others.

    70. rarijack for the win

    71. loved the fic but is chapter eight the end i could not tell. nice tree musketeers reference at the end of chapter eight by the way

    72. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    73. @Big Mac.

      Not if the 20k+ chapter has anything to say about it.
      And boy does it.
      This chapter literally says so much, not just in words but in character development and establishing so much. This is literally the turning point of the story that leads from what was into what's to come.

      I dub thee: *anime speedlines form* INVINCIBLE KEYSTONE CHAPTER! *huge explosion*

    74. Great fic, can't believe it only has a four star rating. The nightmare was terrifying, excellent work! I hope you see this fic through.

    75. @Docstonge

      The rating is not accurate. It's a cross between the original prejudice this fic received and the anti-shipping star-bombers. Which is funny because the shipping is on a slow, friendshipping build up, not femslash, and not between main characters.

      This story just gets better and better.

    76. I saw your thoughts on Dragon Quest that you posted on FIMfiction.

      I understand why you didn't like the episode, but I hope those sentiments don't leak into this fic.

      I would rather not see you pull a Somber and post what was essentially an episode rebuttal.

    77. After some pause with that story I just finished the end chapter 8 and the complete chapter 9 -- and it is amazing how much you improved since chapter 1! It is vey nice to read, how you let Gilda stay in your definition of her character and let her be loveable even if she very contrast with the rest of Spikes friends.

    78. @BlackVion

      Not going to happen. Don't worry. There is one reference to that episode, but its quite small and fits into the context quite well while also working into some subjects that have been bothering Spike for awhile.

      Federhengst, I completely agree. The evolution from Ch. 1 to Ch. 9 is amazing.

      Thank you for reading. Up to 15k words on chapter 10. Hoping to finish soon.

    79. Ohohohoho! Things sure got awkward on the cloud.

      So...a day with Spike, Rarity, and Gilda?

      That should prove to be very interesting. I look forward to seeing where exactly Spike's feelings for Rarity stand at this point.

      This was worth the wait. Keep up the damn good work, Cotton.

    80. Is there an idea when we can read the next chapter? :-)
