• Story: Dance 'Til We're High

    [Shipping] (Ignore the Stars, this is 5)

    Author: Present Perfect
    Description: It's five years since she first met them, and most of Twilight Sparkle's friends have found love, leaving her feeling left out and unwanted. The Winter's Eve Ball promises a magical night of mystique and romantic wonder, but will Twilight's romantic notions get the best of her? (Based on the song by the Fireman.)
    Dance 'Til We're High

    Additional Tags: Songfic, Everypony gets a ship


    1. aw, sounds cute

      -_- bettr not brek ma hart

    2. and that's when Twilight first tried marijuana

    3. @amddude

      You mean "mare-ijuana"...

    4. I wanted to try and make a dancing as a drug joke, but couldn't think of anything clever enough.

    5. I'd read but I kinda wann know what the shippings are >< ugh god I'm picky.

    6. @Rainbow Dash
      i skipped to the end for that reason and it seems to be an unconclusive TwiDash.

    7. I liked it. I hope it gets many stars.

    8. Oh god blogger is back.

      This fic is good, man, why is it only 4.3...

    9. @wackypony

      You ruined it. You are a terrible pony, and I hate you.

    10. Will there be a sequel? Please tell me there'll be a sequel.

    11. @Sethistto

      Brony, what up with blogger?

    12. I liked this story. It was well written, and the way you introduced the pairing was rather unique. However, the ending did leave much to be desired - will there be a sequel?

    13. this was... meh, not for me. didn't like it.

    14. That story was actually kind of beautiful. Seriously.

    15. @wackypony You really need to put a spoiler alert before that shit, ESPECIALLY with this one.

    16. Pretty cute. I hope there's a sequel. :)

      Although, I gotta say, this is the second TwiDash fic I've read where Pinkie Pie blows Rainbow's cover. ("Burning Bridges" was the other one.) Oh Pinkie, you and your putting two and two together...

    17. Oh I SOOOOOOOOO hope there will be a sequel. I'd really like to see what happens between them ^^

    18. That was actually rather well done. Tags were somewhat deceptive, though.

    19. Trevor has only one word that he'd like to say/ask of the author after reading the entire chapter: Sequel?

      ~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria

    20. @ToonNinja
      ...which I just realized was sort of the point. Well played, Present Perfect.

    21. Aww, Twilight Im right here why cant I every go into your world and meet you in person

    22. The writing was actually of surprising quality. The author's diction is mature but easy to understand, the characters are all in character despite being in very OOC situations, and it was overall just a very nice and beautiful story. I'm discovering more and more that I can trust EQD to give me the good pony fics, as I've kind of been avoiding them for fear of what I may accidentally stumble across. So far I can count the number of fics I've read on one hand, including this one.

      Like everyone else, I'd like to see a sequel. Well part of me does. Part of me thinks it's impact will become less significant if a follow up is presented, but the whining child in me who always wants more.....well, he wants more. Sequel please? :3

    23. Hetero shipping and Applejack/Soarin = HERESY, DO NOT WANT, NO ME GUSTA

      Dash being too fly for deez hoes is canon however

    24. Loved it. Five stars!

      And I'd LOVE to see this continued! It was very well writen. Warmed my heart :)

    25. Daaaang. Good shipping is the very. Best. Thing.

      Crossing fingers for a part two?


    26. Woo, The Fireman!!!
      Still, I don't like shipfics

    27. Really enjoyed this One.
      Would love to read a follow-up^^

    28. Read the whole thing, and I usually don't. The romance was a tiny bit cheesy and overblown, but the humor was great, the characterizations of the ponies pretty much spot-on, and the writing style was impeccable. Good time projection of the ponies approaching their second youths. Very dynamic and well edited. Polished to a shine. I'm looking forward to more from this author!

    29. Deceptive tagging never benefits anyone. Those who come in for the tags they see will be disappointed, and those that avoid it for the tags will never see it.

    30. A fic based on a Paul McCartney song? Yes Please!

      I hadn't heard this song until I saw this fic, but I'm glad I have now.

    31. Damn misleading tags. I was hoping for more Spike.

    32. @wackypony:
      Thanks for spoiling the story, guys.

      Being at the top of the blog for an extended period is a double-edged sword. :/

      To everyone asking: I HAVE NO PLANS FOR A SEQUEL. I have less than no plans for one! If I ever come up with an appropriate idea, I'll consider revisiting this, but due to being a songfic, this is a one-and-done.

      SoarinJack is best ship. :V

      Yeah, I channelled Harlequin when writing the dancing scene, and then kind of forgot that I was going for cheesy. :B Mea culpa.

      I don't see what's so misleading about the tags. Is it because Pinkie isn't in a relationship by the end? She did kind of get screwed and I feel bad about that.

      Yeah, I was really stoked to find out that was McCartney, and I'm not even that big into the Beatles. It's too bad I didn't like any of their other songs. Their first two albums are atmospheric and the one with DTWH is mostly blues rock if not outright weirdness. D:

    33. I just read a shipfic and liked it! That almost NEVER happens!

      My hat, is off to you

    34. Man, I loved reading and reviewing this for the Writer's Training Grounds. It was/and still is, an excellent read. Much love for the story.

    35. I enjoyed it, but I have to question the tagging : It was part of the Luna category and, well ... She's mentioned once, and only indirectly. I sort of agree with the statement further above : People who ignore tags will read this, and get enjoyment out of it and those who navigate tags will get to the end and think, "This story didn't feature what it seemed to promise from the beginning."

      Don't get me wrong, it was well-written, and interesting. I just assumed its tags would be more carefully applied. There's really nothing "Luna" about this, so why it was tagged so confuses me. Stories aren't tagged Celestia because the line, "Thank Celestia / For Celestia's sake!" etc is used.

    36. @Corporal Fluttershy:
      Ohhhh. And now I feel slightly dumb. I'll get that taken off. Leaving Spike in, because he's, y'know, actually got a role in this. (He's the cause of the whole thing, actually!)


    38. ...Didn't see that coming.

      Not my usual choice of ship, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sappy actually worked pretty well.

    39. Wow! sequel sequel!!
      TwiDash is the best pairing

    40. Okay, since you're not writing a follow up, is it okay if other people do?

    41. @SaphTheWolf:
      No, I'm actually not okay with that, sorry. :/

      Write a fresh take on TwiDash, is my advice. :)

    42. "We're sorry. You can't access this document because it is in violation of our Terms of Service."

      Uh, is anyone else getting this?

    43. And.... it's back up. Whew. Saving a copy to make sure this time.

    44. @Icannotthinkofagoodname:

      So glad it's back. -.-;

    45. This is probably the best ship fic I've read so far.

      It is flawless, i can hardly find anything to criticize, except that maybe more can be written on Twilight's feelings at the upper half of the story. The descriptive writing style is amazing. I liked this particular part a lot: "... staring at the floor as if she couldn't believe that wood could be painted teal."

      I was pleasantly surprised at the twist in the story. The linkup using the letters and the mysterious stallion couldn't have been any better. There were no loose ends or vagueness, which i find to be pretty common in other fics.

      I'm glad that you didnt make Twilight suddenly become all so lovey dovey just because Rainbow likes her. Instead, you were careful not to fall into a cheezy, dramatic ending, ending off with a touching, slightly melancholic conclusion.

      I'm more than impressed by this fic... What's with that 4 star rating. This fic has 6 star standard.

    46. Extremely well written piece of prose, this is. The characters were so well written, believable and true to their canon selves I actually read them with their own voices. Twilight was especially well written, you captured her optimistic logic perfectly, you also captured her defeatism quite well too. She's quite a dualist character, one minute she's as optimistic as the best of Pinkie Pie, next she's an anxious mess. I can imagine that can be pretty hard to write, especially when she seems confident no matter what gets thrown at her, but at the same time the seemingly most mundane of things (like writing a letter) cause her to descend into panic mode, well done for pulling it off.


      I am REALLY glad the author took note of how "rushed" the revelations seemed at the end, and how desperate Twilight came across, especially when Rainbow Dash admitted everything. When Twilight leapt for joy at the prospect of a date and finally love, Rainbow points out quite rightly that Twilight shouldn't jump at the chance just because she is desperate, that's not fair on either of them.

      If they lived happily ever after without that part, I'd have given it a 3 star as it would have come across like a Mary-Sue story, but the author added a little bit of grounded reality to the proceedings, and that made the story MUCH more believable.

      Again, well done, Present Perfect. I liked it, a lot. Thank you for writing it, it was a pleasure to read.

      PS I hope my "well dones" do not come across as condescension, they aren't meant to be.

    47. Thank you two for such wonderful, well thought out comments!

      I thiiiink it's because there was a Luna tag when this didn't need one and people came in with the wrong expectation. I've heard all kinds of theories, though, it's hard to say on this blog. If you think it deserves more, tell your friends to read it, see if they think it's worth 5 stars! The more, the merrier!

      Yeah, I tried really hard to be realistic; even still, the "character confesses to long-standing hidden love" is a cheesy trope. I went for a little cheese, I guess. And no, not condescending at all. :D

    48. Decent fic. But then I like your work in general.

      I felt the beginning was a little dry, but not too bad.

      The Ball and dance was awesome.

      The confrontation was my biggest issue.
      I get Pinkie's reaction, having been lied to and in a hurtful relationship before, and Twi's confusion and hurt.
      But I find it hard to believe neither Rarity, AJ or Fluttershy might have considered that RD was actually interested in Twi and not, you know, someone who would actually do something intentionally hurtful to one of her very best friends?
      Also I felt the convo between Twi and RD dragged on too long. RD had way too much dialogue, she should have been more blunt with less exposition. Twi's the yakity yak.

      I really liked the ending though. Nothing wrapped up in a neat ribbon, just scared and lonely ponies being drawn together by a mutual desire for happiness.
      Reminds me of a lyric from a different song:

      "And so I trust in your endless paths
      And travel on throughout eternity
      In these labyrinths of life,
      Not to know what the next step will bring"

    49. @DPV111:
      Decent fic. But then I like your work in general.
      Thank you! :D It's good to know that I am known.

      But I find it hard to believe neither Rarity, AJ or Fluttershy might have considered that RD was actually interested in Twi and not, you know, someone who would actually do something intentionally hurtful to one of her very best friends?
      The quick answer is, a lot of things have happened in the intervening time, and my view of Applejack and Rainbow Dash's relationship is that it gets rockier the more that time passes.

      But so as to not skirt your question... People think that? I mean, why would that be someone's first answer for, "Why did she do this?" o.O It wouldn't be mine. I don't think that Rainbow's friends would think of her as someone who would hurt a friend, but more someone capable of doing things without thinking them through. That's the angle I was going on, anyway.

      RD had way too much dialogue, she should have been more blunt with less exposition.
      This criticism I'll take. RD's not good at pouring her heart out, but yeah, lots of exposition. :B

      Thanks so much for reading and the feedback!

    50. @Present Perfect

      No prob dude. I really did love the story.

      But with AJ and Rarity's assumptions... yeah, they know RD is bi. They know RD is LOYAL to her friends (shallow, insensitive, yes, but not actively hurtful). RD danced with and kissed Twilight and then DID NOT WANT HER TO KNOW. That implies it was not a "prank" of any sort.

      Just my personal perspective though.
      Again, awesome story.

    51. This is a very sweet little fic. I can imagine Twilight being one of the last among her friends to "find the time" to pursue relationships. I could tell I'd be reviewing for this fic when I felt tangibly vexed by the group of ponies who ruined Twilight's evening, just when she was starting to open up and get hopeful. Of course, her meet up with Rainbow was foreshadowed far from subtly, but it all worked out and not everything needs to be the "big reveal" for the reader that it is for the characters.

      Also nicely, it ends on an interpretive note. This was less about TwiDash shipping, and more about the beginning of an ongoing story after the story. We don't know where it'll end, but it's given Twilight the confidence and initiative to press forward. that sort of thing. haha.

    52. @Capn_Chryssalid:
      Thanks for the review! :D I'm glad you appreciated the open ending as well.

    53. @Alexstrazsa:
      You are not the only one. ._. It was 4.0 yesterday, too.

    54. @ Present Perfect:

      Please tell me you are writing a part 2? PLEASE!

    55. @Sunbell:
      No, sorry. I have no plans for a part 2 as of this moment, and even if I did, I have more important things to work on, since shipping isn't appreciated on EQD anymore.

    56. Great story. I wish I could write as well as you. I loved how you wrote in Twilight and what she valued! I'm glad you didn't make her just looking for sex or messing around. She was actually looking for love <3. I loved the scene where she felt betrayed by Dash and that she had just been used like another pony to mess around with. The whole story resoluted nicely and pretty realistically. :) Thanks again.

    57. @PunkRoctorok:
      Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! And you don't have to be a great writer if you're a great editor (I think my editing skills are way better than my writing). Just be willing to always work to improve! :)

    58. @Present Perfect

      I think almost any new fic that is out right now isnt really appreciated since we have new episodes to daw over.

      Hell I'm till trying to finish reading Fallout Equestria.

    59. @Present Perfect

      Also forgot to include loved every bit of this story. Though i love all twidah fics this one stands out.

    60. @Greenf0x:
      Thanks for saying so!

      As far as shipping stories go, someone out there is dedicated to making sure they never get 5 stars (except for Between a Rock and a Hard Place, which totally deserves it). You're guaranteed to get 30 1-stars as soon as a post goes up. Meanwhile, this has gotten 50+ ratings over the last four days and the rating has steadily been decreasing. So I guess it's really not that great a story.

    61. @Present Perfect

      That's the problem with allowing anonymous voting - it's too easy for someone with too much free time on their hands to attack the rating.

      This story is definitely worthy of a 5-star rating.

    62. I agree with JoeyH, worth of a 5-star rating though not a 6 one cause no sequel. ;_;
      As much as i loved that open ending i was all like *where the flying buck is the next chapter!? Gimme more of this exquisite TwiDash! D:*. XD
      Alone to read about how AJ and Rarity are about to give RD a talking-to and then their jaws drops when realizing why she has kissed Twi. <3
      Would be great to read that part.^^

      That your readers not only want a sequel, but some offered to continue where you left, shows to me that you´ve hit a nerve with your slowly, realistic and not-to-happy approach of Twilight´s and Rainbow´s relationship. I know it´s not the only fic considering them in the internets and probably not the only one with a similar approach, but i do think it would be a shame to left where you did. I know that shipping isn´t appreciated on EQD (why are there no TwiDash tags, EQD!? D8), but i believe if you´d continue with your way of writing that EQD would be okay with it. Just write how RD and Twi´s daily life goes, with a few tries to deepen their relationship into something new, far more than their friendship before. No bucking ofc. It´s not a fap fic. The slwoly and realistic way should work much better in this case and given your style.

      I wanna see how not only Twi and RD will have to fight with their problems on this relationship, Twi´s first time to consider a mare as someone special to be together and RD´s fear of not be worthy of being Twi´s (possible) gf (btw, interesting POV for RD, i had seen that so far on Twi in some TwiDash fics), but also their friends/everyone else reactions.
      Their friends will be interesting cause its one thing to love someone of the same gender and another to love an old friend. I know from real life that such relationships can become something unique and special to each of them, real love, but in other cases... well. :/
      All four cares alot for Twi/RD, they want them both to be happy, but maybe sometimes they aren´t sure if that means being together with each other.
      As for everyone else, RD`s famous, that can always be a problem in relationships.
      But the most i want to read, is how their relationship either grows or dies as they continue to work on it together.
      Anyway, don´t let that rating despair you. It should be around 4.6/4.7 if it goes after my opinion. And if by any chance the muse kisses you, then write down the sequel of this fic and make it 20% more awesome. :D

      Back to my comment regarding the fic:
      I really liked how you wrote Twilight, how she was concerned about her romantic life, less as in dating and more as in finding someone special like most of her friends had (expect poor Pinkie, i knew Caramel was a manwhore, i mean he even did it with Big Mac! lol) and i loved RD´s outburst when she explained her feelings to Twilight.
      I disagree with DPV111 though, for me it was not long enough. Don´t get me wrong, i do think it explained her feelings just fine and dandy, but for myself it didn´t felt long enough given the time she has kept her feelings for Twi secret and how deep those went inside her heart.

      Cause as everyone else i do think the dancing and the kiss were the best part (besides the ending) and for me that kiss was the point where the dam which had hold RD´s true feelings back broke in thousand pieces.
      Before the kiss happend, it was a beautiful and detailed scene (especially thanks to that pic, the artist can be proud of his/her work) but it was still latent shipping. Without the kiss, it could have still go out as a loyal way of RD to give Twi confidence and a special time. The kiss destroyed that though and put it on another, much more serious level.
      Twi was the pony who has never dated before, who was never even that close to another *stallion* before the mysterious pegasus asked her for a dance.
      RD was the pony who didn´t took dating seriously and was all about short, but many relationships in which she didn´t had deep ties to the other part, may it be mare or stallion.

    63. But with that kiss... how should i say it? It did took me by surprise, i was totally *OMYGOSHDashyou´resoindeeptroublenowOMYGOSH*. And well i was right given how the others reacted. XP

      It´s why i thought the conversation between Twi and RD when they were alone was too short. I would have liked RD to talk more about that evening, not about the *something* she let out, but the *everything* she got caught up herself. Same for Twilight, its true what DPV111 said, Twi´s the big talker, though i do think in such a surprising and unexpected situation she wouldn´t say much, but i still wanted her to tell RD why this not so great evening (I SO wanted to beat the crap outta that group of ponies!!! How dare they hurt Twi like that!) turned into something else, a *perfect*, *special* and *magical* moment thanks to her.
      To be honest, i just want a deeper continuation of Rarity´s sentence:
      "If you two felt a connection, as you say, then you certainly deserve to find him!"

      Well, Twi did found the mysterious pegasus faster then thought and it turned out to be a quite unexpected pony, but this sentence alone describes the entire fic in my book.

      RD´s extra part how i would have imagined it would have went like that, please don´t be angry at me for writing it in a comment. Its just, ever since i read your fic those words are whispering in my ears nad my fingers are twitching to type them down. I´m really sorry if i offend you and if you demand it, i´ll delete my comment.
      Here goes nothing:
      "... I let something out."
      Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment, her eyes dancing left and right on the floor as she was unsure how to continue and the answer to that was laying before her hooves. Twilight Sparkle waited a bit, but before she could open her mouth to ask Rainbow to continue, the blue pegasi spoke up herself, quietly.
      "You should have seen yourself at that evening, Twi. How beautiful you were in Rarity´s dress, how hurt you looked when those stuck-up snobs made fun of you and how... how much you beamed when i talked to you, danced with you,... kissed you."

      Rainbow stopped again, this time Twilight didn´t even dared to move a muscle. She has never seen her friend like this and though a part of her was still hurt and angry at what she did, another one wanted to hear what she has to say, demanded her anger to calm down but at the same time feared what the next words were which would leave Rainbow´s lips. She continued, no, it was like a tidal wave bursting out of the pegasi, like when Twilight had saved Rainbow and Ponyville at the time the dam broke.

      "I can´t fully explain why i had to kiss you. I mean, i wanted to, but i knew what this would wreak inside you if you ever found out who that black haired stallion was. But i... i just couldn´t stop myself at this very moment.
      It was just like you said, a real magical moment. This very moment had meant more to me than the years in the Wonderbolts and any relationship i had till then. During the dance, when you very so hesitating, when your fears started to leave your expression, you... i was so happy, so happy to see you smile after everything that had happend. I had something wonderful this evening in my hooves, something important i didn´t wanted to let go yet, to keep its warmth and softness near me. I couldn´t lose, couldn´t suppress those feelings, it was impossible.

    64. I danced with a star this evening, Twiligt. It´s the truth. A shining but fragile Winter star. I meant every word i said to you that time and those words were what scared me in the end and made me to leave you so suddenly.
      Those words, those feelings, that kiss, all that was like a dream come true and i then realized that it indeed was a dream. I was not Rainbow Dash, i was a black-haired gentlecolt, a nobody, meant to give you a good time but in the end went too far. I was not the one who could give you the happiness you desired and deserved. So i left. Can you imagine that i even had a name prepared in case you asked me? It was a pretty cool one, but i forgot it the moment we started to dance.
      At home i could strip of my costume, my dye and my mask, but i couldn´t discard what i discovered that magical moment."
      The pegasus drew in a deep breath.

      Twilight´s extra part, whispering in my head, reading your lines:
      "But this is a lot to take in all at once."
      Twilight saw how a soft smile appeared on Rainbow´s face. A smile which had reassured her fears at the roof of the Winter´s Eve Ball. She looked into her wet eyes. Those purple eyes, so deep and beautiful, which had enchanted her the whole time they had danced that evening.
      Something cut lose inside Twilight´s body, bubbling its way through her throat and jumping of her tongue before she could find any sane, reasonable argument in her mind to stop it. There was none, she wanted to tell her loyal friend at last this herself; to knew what she did to her, for her and with her at that very time.

      "On the other hand, i guess i have to tell you something as well. When you talked to me that evening and asked me for a dance, i was.. dumbfounded to say so. I did had lost my confidence at the rooftop, i had already wiped off that Ball as a failure and was feeling, really, really awful. But you..."
      Now she stopped speaking, she was at a loss of words, though a part of her was hurt by what Rainbow hasn´t told her, another one was grateful for what she did and there was something else. For a brief moment, she wondered if Rainbow Dash had felt similar right now, afraid and weirdly happy at the same time, when telling her the whole truth. The blue pony did nothing to urge Twilight to continue to speak and just waited for her to start again. And Twilight did so.

      "But you made it all meaningless. The Ball, the mean snobs there and me trying to find somepony special; it all lost meaning when you took my hoof. Everything i was able to care, to think about, was the way you dance, flashed your smile to me and how horrible i must move my hooves right now. And even that fear lost its edge, smoothen by your arms, making me feel so safe in that huge, wide sky. You pulled and pushed gently the dark coulds away which had conquered my mind and heart. The insecurity, the sadness and the loneliness, just gone.

      And at the end when you kissed me,... i just knew i wouldn´t wonder about them anymore, cause i had what i desired; what you gave me. A magical moment, just for me, made by another pony, together.
      I may not appreciate the way you tried to hide things from me, but i do want to thank you for that very moment, Rainbow Dash.
      So, thank you."

      Twilight took in a deep breath, she couldn´t believe herself. To say all that and even thank the one who she was so angry and disappointed just minutes ago. But she felt strangley better now. She took a look into Rainbow Dash´s face which she hasn´t look at during the time, she poured her heart out to her.
      Rainbow´s soft smile was still there, but the wetness of her eyes were gone.
      "That´s fine, Twilight."

    65. Ugh, i know i´m a crappy writer. English isn´t my mother language. :(
      Anyway, i *saw* those lines in my head when reading your fic. Unspoken lines, but still there in the actions, speeches and feelings of those two ponies. I understand why you didnt wrote something similar, cause reading what i wrote just now, is like a train running full-speed into someone´s house/garage.^^;
      But i take my hat off to you, to be able to write such emotions and be able to deliver them subtle to your readers in a not too forceful and still realistic way.

      Again, if i have offended your feelings as an author with those two short pieces of my imagination, then i´ll trash those comments. But i wanted to express with them, what you made me feel, wonder and imagine while reading your fic. So powerful was it.
      And thus it does deserve the 5 star rating i gave you.
      Be proud of what you did with it, be proud about the people who supported you and helped you with it and also be proud of the readers who appreciate your work.
      If you find the time, muse and skill to continue this fic into something even greater than it is right now, then i´ll be glad to read and comment it as well.
      And with that i (finally ;P) end my seven-foot long comment. 8)

      This is the longest comment i have ever written so far in EQD to describe my POV of a fic. I´m kinda proud of myself now. Weird. XD
      4 comments just cause i couldn´t stop myself writing once i commented to your fic.
      I´m so very sorry if i broke any me unknowing comment thread rules. >.<

    66. This comment has been removed by the author.

    67. @James Rye:

      Let me explain a couple of things. First, I really appreciate that you were inspired enough to write this three and a half page, 2300-word essay about my fic. @_@ Seriously, that's amazing, dude, and I am rather humbled by it, especially since you say English isn't your first language.

      Second: at this point, it would be a really, really bad idea for me to do a sequel. Why? Because everyone wants me to. That would tip over the line from writing for myself to writing for others, which is never a good idea. With this story especially, it would just end up as fanwank for the TwiDash shipping fans. A sequel now would be hollow and lackluster; it might make people happy, but it would be dishonest of me to write.

      Third: people want a sequel for reasons completely unrelated to why I wrote this. This story ends where it does because my goal was to fit an entire song into the body of a fic without using the lyrics. I did that. In doing so, I told a story about Twilight having low self-esteem and finally acheiving a sense of self-worth by the end; the shipping tag is there for all the other characters. Everypony gets a ship, after all, as the extra tags say. You want more of the "exquisite TwiDash"? That's not what this story's about.

      So if I do a sequel to this, it's not going to be what people want: it's going to be what I want, and it's going to come when it comes. It's not the best resolution ever, and I'm sorry. I didn't really expect this story to generate so many comments (yet its ratings remain pretty average). I have nothing planned but some vague notion of exploring Pinkie's previous relationships, because that's what interests me. It probably won't interest anyone else. But in the end, I'm going to play to my integrity as a writer rather than try to make other people happy. It's not what you want to hear, but it's for the best, trust me.

      And I'll say it one more time: no one else is writing it for me. That said, thank you for sharing your words. I'm pleased I inspired you to write. :) Maybe you should try your own take on TwiDash; it's always worth seeing another spin on a trope!

    68. No, that´s good trait as an author i think.
      I have read an once very good book sci-fi series with a great ending in which the main chara died. Well, but suddenly the author continued the story a year later, kinda revived the protagonist via some klon technology yadda yadda, long story short: The story didn´t felt like before anymore.
      Before it was dynamique, it had a goal/side-goals/plots, was challenging to the character and its comrades, but afterwards, it was just... there.
      I´ve later read that the author was conviced by fans and his editor to not stop at that ending though he had intended to do so.

      I respect that, a story should end when the author wants it and not the readers, if the reader wants to continue, see another persepctive of the story, he should think it off himself and write a fanfic.
      But you know, as reader its a weird feeling, you just have finished a good read, a series, lay the last book aside and then... you actually want to take the next book of the series in your hand and continue reading. But that book doesn´t exist ofc.
      It´s like that one saying goes *everything good will come to an end* or something similar.

      Like with your fic, its really good and people enjoy good reads, they don´t want it to stop as a reader.
      But that you as author says, no, if i continue it probably won´t be as good as you imagine is something i think as well though a part of me still wants to read how that story of Twi and Dash would have continued.^^

      Though you may be right, i don´t think my english is good at all to write an english fanfic (my old english teach would probably buy a new set of red markers to underline all my faults in this comment essay XD), but i think i should give it a try.
      Though before that i should finish my first german fanfic. My poor editor (great gal btw, very patient) is waiting for the last chapter since months and i just can´get over my writer block considering the ending. Maybe i´m scared of actual ending it. I´ve got lots of comments of people who enjoyed reading it as well as favorites and then when i reached the last chapter, my mind was blank. :(
      And stopped writing.
      Which isn´t fair to the readers, some have left the site where i posted it, though they´ve written what they liked and what not about my story and i feel like i took them the ending they wanted to see away.

      Well, thanks to you and your fic, i´ll gonna sit down and finish it this week. That will surprise my editor. ^g^

      Thanks for your reply. :3

    69. @James Rye:
      Thanks for understanding, I know it's never what a reader wants to hear. :)

      Ich würde deine fanfic lesen, aber ich spreche Deutsch nicht so gut. :( Verließ dich nicht!
