• Story: Countdown to Destruction (Update Part 5!)

    [Crossover] [Adventure]

    Author: Cyron
    Description: Crossover between My Little Pony: FiM and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The Great and Powerful Trixie is back. The first item on her agenda: revenge on Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle.

    Countdown to Destruction (New Part 5!)

    Additional Tags: Long, Trixie, Mane Cast, Majora's Mask, Elements of Harmony


    1. Love me sone majora's mask. I just want Link to actually be in one of these stories. No talking. Just gesturing and grunting at them. This is going on my Too read list.

    2. And so it begins. . .

      Prepare the Orbital Friendship Cannon, and fire at will. I don't care if we'll lose ciivilians, that mask creeps me out


    3. @Kralec

      Wish Granted.
      It already exists and it's amazing. It's also unfortunately apparently abandoned after 3 gloriously epic chapters.


    4. Also is this a crossover or a fusion?

      A crossover is when 2 separate worlds interact.

      A fusion is when the characters of one world are placed in the roles of another.

      I ask because I like crossovers. I find fusions "meh".

    5. @DPV111
      It takes element from Majora's Mask and puts them in Equestrial

    6. @NinesTempest

      Ah so it's a fusion then.

      Unless those "elements" actually come from Termina.

    7. @DPV111
      [Crossover] tag applies to both crossovers and fusions on this site, but the majority are fusions.

      Looks good! I've never actually played Majora's Mask (I will when they get round to re-releasing it for 3DS), but I think this is definitely the one to go for out of all the Zelda games.

    8. Am I the only one who saw the title and thought of the Power Rangers In Space finale?

    9. A Majora's Mask Crossover!? MUST READ.
      Also, revealing that the skull kid was actually Luna would make this 20% cooler. It would totally make sense, since they both are connected to the moon and all that.

    10. @Melon Hunter

      Fully aware that the tag is for both. That's why I was asking which one it is. Not to complain about the tag, to decide if I should read.


      Skull kid was not connected to the moon. Majora created a false moon to curse Termina.

    11. Majora's Mask...

      Welp. I HAD plans for today, anyway...

    12. @PaperCamm

      Uh, no he didn't. Spike hasn't even appeared, at least not yet.


      Trixie has found Majora's Mask. Take that as you will.

      As for the fic, all in all, nice start. Interested to see where this may go...

    13. Will probably read eventually. It at least seems to have more to do with actual Zelda than The Sun's Song. Which I will read as well since it's Zelda themed. Zelda being my favorite game, followed by Okami and Ico. And both of the proper Zelda crossover and the Okami one are stalled or abandoned and no one made an Ico one yet.

    14. That's a Win. That's a Skull-Kid-Turned-Pony Win! Roll the next clip Steven!

      - Zero

      (Also, as a side note, I had this idea first. I totally even wrote the story too. You can find it here; http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7116701/1/)

    15. @DPV111

      The large majority of so-called crossover fixs on here are fusion, though some could be said to be less fusion and more "they share the same premise" (like the Blueblood-Groundhog day one).

    16. Fantastic. A perfect choice for the role of Skullkid, and an excellent start to the story. I really look forward to seeing where this story goes.

    17. Is it Just Me, or are there only Two Chapters, instead of the nine that the updated thingie says?

    18. @Lordlyhour
      Same. I am dissapoint. Was looking forward to reading more of it :(

    19. @Lordlyhour
      There was apparently a mix-up with the submission. The story is only up to chapter 2 so far, but I'm working on chapter 3 and hopefully it won't take as long to finish. I sent an email to correct the update typo. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this can cause readers and I hope you all look forward to the next chapter.

    20. Gah, cliffhanger! Must know what's wrong with Applejack!

    21. Beginning of chapter 4.
      Fluttershy: Not only is her leg broken, but um...she's also dead. I probably should have told you that first huh?
