• Story: COPS: Equestria (Update Prequel Part 8!)

    [Crossover] [Sad] [Lite-Grimdark]

    Description: The Land of Equestria, on the surface a utopian society. Peace, love, and equality abound here in this land. But even here, crime rears its ugly head, ready to strike at anypony. It is up to the brave colts and mares who wear the badge to ensure the safety of the citizens of Equestria. This story is a crossover/adaptation of COPS and My Little Pony. Reader discretion is advised for chapters 4 and 7.

    This Special Edition of COPS is filmed on location with the colts and mares of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

    COPS: Equestria

    A Journey's End (New Part 8!)

    Additional Tags: Cross-Over, Police, Twists, Danger, Surprises

    38 kommentaari:

    1. First! Can't wait to read this one.

    2. How did it take this long for the story to get here? It's already complete.

    3. Bad colts, bad colts whatcha gonna do?

    4. Stop criminal scum!

      Grr, Skyrim....3 days...can't wait.

    5. "Additional Tags: Cross-Over, Police, Twists, Danger, Surprises"

      So there's cloning involved?

    6. Well, that second to last chapter managed to ruin it pretty well.

    7. Sad doesn't sound good. I'm awfully skeptical based on the tags and some of the above comments. I'll give it a read, though.

    8. @Peter

      It's a decent read, but the second to last chapter is definitely a more adult situation.

    9. And the mess in Canterlot wasn't adult? The author seems to be setting things up for a sequel called "Law and Order Equestria" wherein a pony version of Jack McCoy seeks the death penalty for Ditzy's murderer.

    10. For those who want to know why it's tagged sad. (SPOILERS)

      Snips and Snails are both arrested for dunking Rarity in red paint.

      Derpy/Ditzy gets killed by a drunk stallion.

      the Cutie Mark Crusaders get into trouble for playing Cops, Not even a warning, the police seem to like the CMC.

      Pinkie Pie's punch was Spiked with Hard Cider by a Colt named 4-Speed, he wanted to liven the party up.

      Fluttershy was "Mounted" (Raped in pony words) by a brown coat and mane stallion who was shot 3 times and killed.

      The epilogue says what happened to them after.

    11. Well if you ignore chapters 4 & 7 its not that sad...
      Both are good but well..
      Defenetly worth a read.

    12. Bad foals. Bad foals.
      Watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when they come for you?

    13. How can something be a sad comedy?

    14. And for a bit less spoilerly warning:

      The Canterlot chapter and the Everfree chapter both involve a pony being killed (one an OC, one a popular canon character), and the Everfree chapter also involves sexual assault. If you decide to read it but want to skip those chapters, I'd also advise you to skip the 'Top Shelf' paragraph in the epilog, as well as the last paragraph.

      The stories themselves were written well enough, though 'comedy' doesn't really seem to be a fitting tag; it seems to be more of an adaptation of COPS to Equestria, rather than a parody (and certainly not a farce). I thought they were just OK, though I can certainly see this story gaining some fans.

    15. It amazes me that somebody would actually find any pleasure in reading that 7th chapter, let alone writing it.

    16. I'm not sure this counts as comedy...

    17. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    18. Kinda sad this is getting murdered in ratings. It's not bad at all. Well done actually. Just the only problem is that people read these to "feel" the characters more than read about them.

      And this, while good, feels bad.

    19. I rather enjoyed that; looking forward to more.

    20. this was actually a very interesting read, i feel like a sequel would be nice :\

    21. @Stephen Cawking


      Kill ANYPONY without extremely strongly compelling narative reasons.

      2: Rape. Period.

      Authors avoid using OCs in NARRATIVE based stories because it reduces interest.

      However, this is not a narrative based story, it is a CONCEPT based story. OCs would have been preferable.

    22. Hey guys, one of Seth's prereaders here.

      This actually went up a little incorrectly. It's supposed to contain an advisement that the tags changer per chapter. Each one is a seperate story, and all together they cover a pretty broad range.

      Anyway, if you're squeamish, skip chapters 4 and 7. You won't miss anything related to an overarching story by doing so.

      That being said, this is an adaption of the show and stays true to it. In a crossover about crime, limiting the events to cake theft and illegally snorting sugar would make this more of a parody than a crossover. So if you had an interest in this story, it's assumed that you have an interest in stories about criminals doing bad things and the ponies behind the law.

      What I'm basically trying to say is that you all have brains. This story doesn't pull any punches, so don't read it and downvote if you know you won't like it.

    23. @BronyCray

      [Crossover] [Sad] [Comedy][Dark]

      Author: Whysoserious85

      Description: This Special Edition of COPS is filmed on location with the colts and mares of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

      COPS: Equestria

      Additional Tags: Cross-Over, Police, Twists, Danger, Surprises
      Posted by Cereal Velocity at 11:00 AM
      Labels: Author: Whysoserious85, comedy, Complete, Crossover, Derpy Hooves, Everypony, OC Ponies, Sad, Snails, Snips, Star-Needed, Story

      And I'll say again: the tags and description are worthless.

      DISCLAIMER This story is rated [LIGHT GRIMDARK] for Non-Gory Fannon Character Death and Non-Explicit Canon Character Rape.
      These events occur in chapter 4 aqnd 7 respectively and are Skippable.

      Is useful. That won't stop the trolls who mess with the ratings without reading, but it will prevent the people who read without forewarning from being upset. And most people do rate after they read. This kind of specific warning would allow people to make informed and confident decisions on their reading selections.

    24. I have been a fan of COPS for 17 years. This story is AWESOME!

    25. To be honest, I can't see why people are complaining. Other than a for several reasons rather misplaced Comedy tag it is a quite good read, flowing well with how COPS usually plays out. The bad rating ain't explained by the content of the story itself, but rather how the Comedy tag gave it the vibe of a parody of COPS set in Equestria rather than an adaption.

      In my own pov:
      Keep up the narrative, flows awesome with the original COPS;
      Keep using the known cast, as that gives us some more room to relate with the characters and get an emotional feel with the situation;
      The fate of Ditzy was rather sad to see, but fit well with the show, and apparently managed to get emotional response from the readers. This shows it was well written, and once again shows how misplaced the Comedy tag is.

      Remove it, and I'm sure the ratings will stop sinking. And keep up the good writing!

    26. @Luhood the Zebrony

      The problem with "getting an emotional response from the readers" is that unless that response was a: positive or b: anticipated, the reader will then one star the hell out of the fic.

      I am not hating on this fic. I am hating on the fact that due to sloppy presentation these mature fics are getting reamed in ratings.

    27. To be honest, I was giggling throughout the whole fic. Mostly due to repeatedly humming "bad boys" and giving all the cops really bad VO. I know I'm not a callous bastard because I've cried at fics before, but this put me in the same mindset as watching the actual COPS tv program: laughing at dumbass criminals

      Also; TRY and keep a straight face while making a police siren wail. It can't be done.

    28. @DPV111
      You forgot the following:

      Unless Fluttershy's character and/or personality are important to the plot of her being raped, Ditzy's character is important in the plot of how she died, and/or the story is about 'Shy dealing with being raped then it is just the standard shock-fic technique of doing something terrible to a beloved character. Based on prereader reviews, I'm concluding this was not done, and so I'm never going to read this.

      If Shy's and Derpy's parts could be randomly distributed to anypony, then it's just pandering and deserves the low rating.

    29. This was a well done story. I can understand why some people wouldn't like because of the murder and rape but its just a story.

      It was well written, I liked the narrators even though they weren't characterized much. I haven't ever seen what its a crossover of but it creates the police force well enough. I liked it.

    30. I cried when Derpy went 10-7 (radio code for out of service and DOA in my hometown of Tucson, AZ). I have seen worse in my 17 years of watching COPS, and I have heard worse listening to the Tucson Police Dept. on the scanner, but reading the fic where Derp's daughter would be without a mother was just heart wrenching. Definately a great fic so far from not only a brony, but a long time COPS viewer. Can't wait to read Chapter 5.

    31. Not gonna lie. At first, I didn't like it.

      Then.... the genius of it all, slowly seeped into my mind, and I started to respect it a lot.

      It manages to masterfully combine two opposite emotions into one, in that really uncomfortable, yet insanely hard to pull off kind of way.

      It's both a parody and for that it is hilarious, and brutally graphic, gritty, realistic, depressing and upsetting at the same time, while operating in that "humorous parody mode".

      It's hard to know at any time whether I should laugh at the absurdity of the parody premise, or feel upset on a level of seeing the Cops parody do what the Cops television show does.

      Kudos to the fanfic author for not pulling any punches. The Cops series doesn't either, and it is remarkably accurate in this way.

      I'm not gonna lie, I had a bit of a knee-jerk reaction. I'll bet a lot of people are going to.

      Does it go too far? Yes.

      Does it go to places that MLP should never go? Very yes.

      Does it work? ....it took me a while to think of that. My initial reaction was one of "Wow... I hated that." But then I thought about it. And I had to get over myself, and remove my own bias and then say to myself "This is brilliant. I don't agree with the dark places it goes to... but as a true parody of Cops, can it go anywhere else? I suppose not."

      It's for that reason, that I have to give it the praise it deserves. The stories upset me, and that's what they meant to do.

      What can I say? It's "Cops" in Ponyville. Murder, Delinquency, Abuse, and Rape calls are responded to and dealt with, in a unflinching, and stone-faced manner.

    32. @Kits

      I agree to a degree. OCs or random background ponies could have been used (technically all of Derpy's characterizations are purely fannon so I don't mind her involvement).

      However, this is a MLP:FiM fanfic and it is to be expected that Mane cast will be present. Due to the subject matter they could only be cops, victims or witnesses.
      I usually rail against Mane cast abuse since it's rarely pertinent or IC, however in this fic it actually is pertinent. Crime is a force of chaos, anyone can be a victim of senselessness or evil intentions.

      My main concern is that readers know what they are getting into and are properly. Your ability to use your discretion to decide this story is not for you without first being disturbed by the content is the way it should be for all readers. And just remember that the good thing about this fic is that the chapters can be read independently of each other, so you don't necessarily need to experience the harsher content to enjoy the story in general.

    33. Hello, everypony. This is whysoserious85, I am the author of COPS: Equestria. I have read some of the comments and reviews I have recieved.

      First off, I want to thank you all for reading my story. And yes, there will be a sequel and a spin off from this story in the coming months.

      Secondly, I want to apologize to those of you who read my story and did not like what I did in chapters 4 and 7, as well as the comedy tag. I tagged it for comedy because there are points in the story that are humorous. But you were all right in that I should have labelled this as Light Grimdark and warned you about 4 and 7. Please accept my sincerest apologies if any of you were hurt by my carelessness. I have shot the ED brass an email asking them to make modifications to my post.

      Take care all of you, I will be back soon.

    34. I was hesitant, then I read what was in italics. I am no longer hesitant.

    35. I liked the story and of course its sucks when main cast or even favorite side characters are hurt/ killed...

      but its a great story, lil sad but still
      2 thumbs up sir

    36. Hmmm. The way things look right now, we're in for Rainbow Dash to have herself a Heroic Blue Screen of Death owing to harsh and ill-timed words. (Note: never let her read Ditzy's diary. It'll really twist the knife in.)
