• Story: The Conversion Bureau: Last Man Standing

    This is the last Conversion Bureau fic that we'll be posting. This one comes highly recommended, though.

    Author: Windchaser
    Description: In the many years after the Conversion Bureaus' shutdown, Twilight Sparkle is tasked by the Princesses with finding the last living human on Earth, Isaac Hamilton, and learning the story of his past. What she hears is a tale of loss, tragedy, joy, and the discovery of one's place in the world. But how much longer would that place last with what Twilight has to tell him?

    Last Man Standing
    1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  Epilogue

    Additional Tags: none

    51 kommentaari:

    1. I have got to find time to read the Conversion Bureau fics at some time. They sound interesting.

    2. Finally it´s on EQD, this is the best of the CB-fics and one of the best fan-fics

    3. Glad to see this up on it's own. When I was recommended it I wasn't sure what to expect. So glad I finished it a read the whole thing

    4. Like i don't have enough to read right now... Ah who am i kidding, more fanfics!!!

    5. The premise reminds me of something, only issue is I can't remember what at all.

    6. This was definitely one of the better Conversion Bureau fics, so do give it a read.

      Wait a minute, you're not going to post any more Conversion Bureau fics? Ever again? Even under the side-stories post?

      Damn it, I was going to write one from the ponies' perspective!

    7. @Select Few

      While quality may vary from fic to fic, there are a handful of really good ones and it is really is an interesting concept.

    8. @Batty Gloom

      He means as separate posts. Like Yellow Stone and This

    9. I can't read any CB, it's too depressing to me.

    10. I am amazed the score is as low as it is. This is one of the few CB stories that didn't make me want to punch the faces of every character, followed by the author.

    11. It makes Sotha one happy filly that you decided to post this, despite what you had originally said in the Yellowstone post. Of course, this means I'll have to read it (Last Man Standing) again, for what, the fourth time? I don't mind. I don't mind at all.

    12. Is this worth my time? The basic story found in archive was a 3-starer. Pretty puny rank as even mediocre ones usually get 4 stars. Also the genera idea behind it all (mix of humans and ponies, human world crumbling while ponies live in paradise-like Equestria, implications of shitloads of butthurt etc)seems kinda unappealing.

      Could someone provide a broader description of this fic?

    13. @Maquabra

      This is so worth your time if the entire idea of it intrigues you. It gets low scores due to the fact it's a Conversion Bureau Story.

    14. This is an amazing story that transcends any biases or labels placed upon it. Who cares if its about humans or is from the Conversion Bureau universe? It's an enthralling story with the best ending ever written for a MLP fan fiction story, and I've read many MLP stories out there. It is worth your time to read this - heck, it would be an honor to reread this for myself. I simply love it.

    15. This... depresses me. All CB fics do, actually. But this one? Yeach!

    16. I remember reading this one. I'll just say it got emotional toward the end

    17. I've only read a handful of CB stories, but I'd definitely don't regret reading this one. I highly recommend it to any fan of CB, and would suggest giving it a shot if you're new.

      It peaked my personal interest so stands as 5/6 star material.

    18. I still say that Change of Life is the best CB story ever. It's probably the only CB story with a good chance of getting a decent rating on EqD. I 100% recommend it to absolutely everyone who enjoys CB at all. LMS is a good and popular one, but it's kinda unrealistic at times. Change of Life is, in my opinion, very believable and real.

    19. Oh, and it's genuinely joyful to read (not all the time, it is a story.) Can't say more because that would spoil things. Be persuaded to give it a look please?

    20. Wish I had found this earlier, looks like a good read.

    21. It's not actually what I would call "sad", definitely not, and I do advise anypony to read it.

    22. @Batty Gloom

      Every time Sethisto says he won't, kittens don't get petted and Twilight tweaks out.

      Write it! Please!

      I give this one four stars, and that's because I rarely, so very rarely, give five - like never. I don't think I've read a genuine 5-star fic yet, but this comes close. It's been re-written and improved since the first time I read it, and it was great then. I may have to read it again.

    23. Hm... I haven't read the original CB, and I'm once again tossed into conflict with my distaste for [Sad], but my curiosity got the better of me, and I actually find myself liking this. I only managed to get through Ch 3 at the moment (Which I'm counting as a win, since I only had an iPod and public wifi), and while it does earn that tag, it's a fairly good read. Not going all the way to 5-star, but no regrets.

    24. That was...
      That was so sad.
      I know it has a [Sad] tag, but dang.

    25. Truly a moving story, thus far the only one beside Past Sins to actually make me shed a manly tear. 5 Stars(would give you 6 if it'd let me)

    26. I've read the story months ago with some revisions, but not in what I think could be called, its final form from fimfiction.net. I'll have to see what's been changed.

    27. @Batty Gloom

      You better write it anyway, really enjoyed your The Truth about Pinkie Pie. Sorry if you've written other stuff and i missed it, I've only known what's in the archive of Pen Stroke's on Google Docs

    28. @Derpmind I agree wholeheartedly. I've only read Yellowstone and Change of Life. The latter was definitely the most believable of the two, with a character I can empathize with and actually relate to. I'm patiently awaiting chapter seven that (hopefully) wraps things up. Can't wait.

      Until then, I'll have to give this CB story a look. I don't care what others say, the whole concept of the bureaus are interesting.

    29. "This is the last Conversion Bureau fic that we'll be posting. This one comes highly recommended, though."

      Can we still send CB fics to the compilation post?

    30. It's about damn time this story gets its own post! It may be a sad one, but it's well worth the read.

    31. @Sebiale

      Well, if Sethisto is not going to be posting any more standalone CB fics (there are still a few I think many would like to see) then going back to the compilation seems more than suitable.

      I'm planning on updating the CB Compilation document with all the new ones, and then updating the compilation post with JUST the updates since last, nothing else, so that the post itself is easy to navigate, and the document (which contains clickable links for everything) is the master source of all goodness.

    32. I've read Fallout Equestria completely agian in under 12 hours. I can do this.

    33. AHA! Now the pressure's off me to make a good name for the Conversion Bureau stories and I can just point to this when people ask for something that's actually well written!

      Also, congrats Windchaser. I'm glad you finally got this onto EqD. It was about time ONE of the good TCB fics got posted.

    34. So much sad. ;.;

      But it's such a good story. I really enjoyed the writing and characters, and though they rush through a lot of the "steady state" time, it's still pretty well paced.

    35. I read it... And regret nothing.
      Thank God i made through it, was so worth it.
      I got so many mixed feelings right now. You know, i'm happy for Windchaser because he's happy. He's got everything to be happy, just like he said on his "wish", but he also lost Isaac... Forever. It was a good happy ending, sure, but i have mixed feelings anyeay, so many mixed feelings

    36. @Derpmind
      I agree completely with this. The story is fantastic, the writer is just really slow at updating it.

    37. This was one of the most moving fics I have ever read. Honestly, it was absolutely fantastic. The entire story was just beautifully done.

    38. It made me cry so much...but its not really a sad story. sad parts yes but not sad

    39. The score for this is MUCH lower than it should be.

    40. @Celestia

      I'm rather interested to know what would happen to someone to whom magic was as fire is to asbestos. Not intolerant of magic, but virtually untouchable by it.

    41. Curse this fic! I'm up at almost 4:00 AM and I have to get up at 6:20 AM. Needless to say, it's REALLY GOOD.

    42. I finally managed to find time to finish it late, late last night. For having the unfortunate luck of being the last of humanity, Issac couldn't have handled it better. That was well written and very bittersweet (That almost needs it's own tag, to distinct between bittersweet sad and the darker sad, but I digress). Quite sad at many points, but a very hopeful ending. For anypony looking for something deep, I would definitely recommend this.

      This is the way the world ends,
      not with a bang but a whinny.
      (Obligatory bad pun that struck me somewhere in my sleep deprivation)

    43. @Derpmind

      Oh, yes. I remember Change of Life. It's definitely one of my favourite TCB stories. I hadn't noticed chapter six (so close to resolution!); I most certainly hope the author finishes it.

      Another favourite would have to be A Mare's Tale, which also tends toward the more positive side, be it a little more dramatragic.

      Last Man Standing, for some reason, just moves me like no other story has, though. I can see what you mean about realism, however. Some of the scenarios as presented seem a bit . . . extreme.

    44. I have no idea what to say. This story was simply amazing. Brought me to tears, especially the ending line. Beautiful. Thank you.

    45. I, for whatever, reason cannot stand conversion bureau fics. I tried reading and i couldn't get very far at all. But it did seem well written which is a change from a lot of the other conversion fics i've read so thats good. I won't rate this, but i anyone wants to read a good conversion fic this is probably the best you'll get.

    46. it was amazing. some parts were a little disturbing, but the ending was beautiful.

      i'd definitely recommend this if you have some free time

    47. Despite my mixed feelings over the fall of mankind, like if was merely the Earth getting razed why not use a space shuttle to weather it out (I digress), I must say this is a very well written series. Well done.

    48. Simply one of the greatest fics that I have ever read. I'd give it over 9000 stars if I could.

    49. Marvelous, this one is! There was a powerful surge of emotion that coursed through me that froze me in place as I read the last 2 pages. I wouldn't always give 5, but for something that left such a mark behind on me, I would give this one 5.
