• Story: The Best Night Ever (Update Complete!)

    [Comedy][Shipping] 6 Star in 4 hours?! Madness!

    Author: Capn Chryssalid
    Description: Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.
    The Best Night Ever Part 1
    The Best Night Ever Part 2
    The Best Night Ever Part 3
    The Best Night Ever Part 4
    The Best Night Ever Part 5 (New!)

    The Best Night Ever (All Links)

    Additional Tags: Fusion, Self-Discovery, Romance, Comedy, Time-Loop


    1. Haven't read it yet, but... Blueblood + groundhog day + gala?

      This... could be interesting :D

    2. @Joel

      *face hoof*

      Well, Blueblood stuck in a timeloop?
      Sounds interesting, gonna read.

    3. Just from the description, I'm guessing this is a Groundhog Day loop story. Will read.

    4. @Applebloomismywaifu


    5. No crossover tag yet sounds like Groundhog Day... interesting

    6. @TheIdlingRev
      You don't need a crossover tag for a concept.

    7. I read this on Spacebattles when it was first posted. This story is brilliantly written and is one of my favourite fics. Serious recommendation.

    8. This sounds like "The Twilight Zone" to me.

    9. @TheIdlingRev
      The concept is a good deal older than Groundhog Day and is used in far more stories.
      As such there is no crossover unless it is involved with a specific story.

    10. Somepony actually chose one of my little fanarts for a story header image? *squeal* Unless of course they didn't choose anything and Seth just tacked this on there, but still... nice.

      I will definitely have to read this later on, when I'm not having to head off to work.

    11. Don't miss Prince Blueblood in "The Best Night Ever"!
      Don't miss Prince Blueblood in "The Best Night Ever"!
      Don't miss Prince Blueblood in "The Best Night Ever"!

      Sounds good to me.
      Free muffin to anyone who knows where what I said comes from.

    12. @Masquerade
      A bit late there, dude...
      Oh well

    13. *glee*

      Loved reading it raw, can't wait until CC's got it polished.

    14. This is actually really interesting so far.

    15. Note.
      This story was posted in it's "Raw" form in Spacebattles.com Creative Writing Forum.

      So yeah it's fun story.

    16. Oooh! A "Groundhog's Day" story! Count me in.

    17. Pretty good so far. It seems longer than Fallout Equestria at the moment.

      And how can Blueblood hate 'Equestria Girls'?

    18. Time loop story? Oh yes. Yes.
      *will read in a couple hours*

    19. @Crazy56U


      *face-hoofs* Sorry, sorry... force of habit around here. ;3

      Groundhog Day concept is Pinkie Pie's favorite. Yes.

    20. >read description
      Groundhog Day with ponies?
      >click chapter 1
      Groundhog Day with ponies!

      I loved that movie.

      "I think I am a god."

    21. Wow, normally I tend to purposely overlook most Prince Blueblood fics, but this one I gave an exception to and I don't regret it.

      Definitely a good read.

    22. Wow. That was absolutely beautiful. Have to admit, I didn't like the movie when I saw it (though in retrospect, I think this was more because of the circumstances by which I saw it than the worth of the movie itself. High school juniors going through a parent's divorce aren't necessarily the most fair judges of anything). But that story was absolutely brilliant - I was certainly sniffling at the end.

      Good read.

    23. I was the happiest man alive seeing another CapnChryssalid story landing in my inbox -- I needed MORE of his stuff after World of Ponycraft wrapped up!

      Glad to see this story's getting the high ratings it damn deserves this time.

    24. That was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. I wasn't expecting to like it so much. I sat down and read all 5 chapters in one sitting and I certainly hadn't expected that! Great character evolution; organic, heartfelt, well developed and well written. The conclusion was very satisfying. Many little details I adored (Blueblood's cutie mark story, his relationships with his Aunties, Pinkamina at the Gala, and many, many of the "off" loops to name a few.) In this sort of fic it's often hard to find the right balance of exact reproduction between scenes and I think you really hit the right note. Well done!

    25. I Love this story.

      Best Blueblood story EVER!!!!!!!!!!

    26. *in a corner rocking back and forth muttering: "it's just a story..." over and over again*

    27. Well finished all five chapters, it was a wonderful story.

    28. Ground Hog day scenarios sing to me, I love them and this one did not disappoint. I laughed, chuckled, grinned, and smiled. Being entertained by Blueblood with more than him being the butt of a joke is a rather hard thing to do. Oh yes indeed.

    29. @Blackbelt

      Seriously! This is going on my list of favorites, specially noted as one of the 'super-favs', because it is so many levels of awesome.

      I want this to be a 5-episode arc in the show! Heck, this coulkd even fill an entire season! It'd be... like... OVER 9,000% COOLER!!! :O

    30. This deserves to be a 6 star story, no doubt. One of the better fics to come out in the past months.

    31. @Blueblood

      Oh relax! You end up clopping with Rarity all day, so quit your complaining!

      Or I really will stick you in that time-loop until you learn your lesson... it'll only take 65,934 times to get it right... (Discord-like grin)

    32. Excellent humor and a good read.

      If you're passing this up due to tags or some other arbitrary reason: DON'T!

      Also, why isn't the 5th chapter listed here?

    33. Your story has won. Your ability to adapt the movie to MLP FiM has won. You, have won. Congratulations, I don't think you could have done any better in my book. Keep on writing and adapting, you have a flair for this.

    34. Oh my gosh, this fanfic was _brilliant!_ Brilliant! I hardly know what else to say, but I feel I must say more! There have been a couple of other Blueblood's redemption stories, and some of them are still among my favorites (the eponymous "Blueblood's Redemption", of course, and "To Be A Better Stallion") but this one just blew me away.

      It was also a fantastic deconstruction of the Gala itself, explaining how it went wrong and how it went right. The characterization of the main six, and of Celestia and Luna, were spot on. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders were written perfectly in their little cameos.

      All my stars, and I'll be recommending this to everyone I know. :)

    35. This is one of the best fics I've ever read. Top five, definitely.

      Congratulations sir.

      In a way, I'm still conflicted over which Gala was the one that turned out best for them all if it had ended the loop there - the Perfect Gala or the Fun Gala.

    36. Loved! Best Rarity/Blueblood romance ever. I don't see how you could have done more. I even love the fact that he had an office & learned how to do it right! Although, Rarity was a little fast. But that's just me.

    37. Now that was addictive. I had planned to do homework this evening but, I just couldn't stop reading after starting the second part.
      This is excellent. This is a story, where the events of previous just beg your eyes to keep reading. The only reason I don't make a quote from the MLP:FIM show is because this story is too good for a second-hand piece of dialogue. This is fantastic.
      Chryssalid, have you ever considered writing novels?

    38. Excellent read, *WELL* worth the time. Blueblood's progression was well paced, many of the one-off days were hilarious or tragic (or both!), most of the cast seemed in character and the ending was *perfect*.

      I don't think I've ever watched the movie before, so I cannot offer any commentary on the crossover / inspiration aspect. I *can* say that this story hold great appeal even for people who haven't seen Groundhog Day.

      Great Job =D

    39. Just finished it. a very good read. 10/10

    40. ^^ Why so prude? This deserves AT LEAST an 11/10

    41. This is now one of my favorite favorites. Ever. You've written a 7-star story in my opinion. Just wow. I've never seen the movie this is based on, or any other similar fiction, but I don't care. I don't doubt for a second that your work is better than any other, and at least equals the movie you've based it on. At least, in the enjoyability factor? Because everything here is masterfully done. Someone call a few poets to sing you praises! :D

    42. Okay, this fanfic was the most amazing piece of fanfiction I have ever read. And I read ALOT of fanfiction, this was my first pony fanfiction, but enough to drown in nontheless. Does anybody know if this guy has written any other fanfictions? Because that much much pure unbridled talent might just inspire me to wright my own not quite safe for the hub fanfiction (with less death though, that was alot of scuicide for a pony story even if it was only stated that he killed himself and not actually recorded as it happened) and probably use some sort of word filter in Page's custom spell checker. (for those of you that don't know, Page is basically Word for Macs.)

    43. This is phenomenal; I could not possibly give this enough stars. What are the odds of us getting a sequel?

    44. I despise Blueblood redemption stories, but Groundhog Day at the Gala? That's too brilliant to be anything BUT 6 stars.

    45. Funny, clever, smart and cover a whole lot of actions. Its interesting the whole time. I love it!

    46. Reading through this, I think my favorite parts are any time he wastes a loop on some joke, like inviting Sweetie Belle to the Gala instead of Rarity. Maybe he has picked up something from Celestia after all.

    47. this was amazing to say the least, reading this fic with post-rock playing in the background (Explosions in the Sky) really gave me a feel for BlueBlood and his revelations.

      This also got me thinking as well but that's something else all together

    48. whhhhnnnghubbAgraaaccchhWUUUUUUUUUT
      You made me like Prince Blueblood.
      Moreover, you made me like Prince Blueblood x Rarity.
      What manner of sorcery is this.

    49. oh dear god a groundhog day concept xcover WILL READ

    50. It's too bad this story will never get the readers it deserves just because of Blueblood. This is easily one of the best stories in the fandom.

    51. This story made me like Blueblood.
      I want this to be canon. SOOOOO BAD.

    52. @CupcakesNom

      I wouldn't say that. There's been consistently 40+ people on every chapter for hours so far tonight. Most of the time more than that considering how often the 'read-only' message is popping up.

    53. That was Glorious. That should be a two parter, or the movie.

    54. I don't even my face. I accidentally my mind. Insert meme that describes how incredibly awesome this is here.

      I'm serious, I absolutely LOVED Groundhog Day and seeing this portrayed in MLP AND with Blueblood nonetheless, this truly was the best night ever! The characterizations were spot-on and all of the scenarios and backstories and OCs (I think... not sure if the servants are background ponies or not) were very thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely one of the best fics to come out in recent times and more importantly in this awkward phase of little story action. Seriously, we need more updates lol. *taps hoof patiently awaiting the end to Empty Room*

      Anyways, take my stars, my bits, and all my appreciation!

    55. I love what your Blueblood. He has great depth, now. I laughed many times, and I got pretty close to crying once.


      Does the name Sandy have anything to do with the cause of all the events? Or is that just something left unexplained? I sort of prefer the latter.

      I absolutely loved the fic (gave it all my stars), but I didn't really get that part of the ending. There are some nitpicky things I have for feedback. To be more specific, I thought the sentences with "Listening to the radio" should be rephrased so Sandy's name doesn't so suddenly appear so close to the end of the sentence - it's a little too close to the end of the fic to introduce her that abruptly. Changing it would make the scene sink in a bit better. Also, the last sentence is a run-on; it could be fixed with either a semicolon or by splitting up the scene and adding a couple, well-chosen words to start off the last clause.

      MAJOR SPOILERS (above) ALERT!!!

      In (2), "in-" should be "un-". I did notice 1 or 2 other very minor grammar mistakes, here or there, but I can't remember them.

      I put this up there with "Getting Lucky" and "Tangled Up in the Blues" as one of the best stories I've ever read. I hope that being so nitpicky doesn't make it sound like I loved your fic any less.

    56. This was a very well written story. Congratulations to the author.

    57. I just watched Groundhog Day yesterday and I notice every one of the references. And you added in every member of the CMC in the story somewhere. Scootaloo as the kid that falls out of the tree is an awesome plug.

      Terrific story. Blueblood was a total ass in the beginning but now I think he's alright. Yay for the comedic moments too. (Sweetie Belle getting asked to the Gala, Is your mother home?, stuff like that.)

    58. As one of the herd's least noticeable bronies, I figure I should give my two bits.

      I never liked Blueblood. He was the epitome of the Upper Class Twit and a true Prince CharmLESS. I thought he should've been given the beatdown of the ages after the way he treated her in the season finale.

      But this story... this story, by Celestia! You actually redeemed him a bit. Sure, he's still a bit of an Upper Class Twit but most of his Prince Charmless must have rubbed off (guess living the same day for most likely a century considering he said thousands of loops may have helped get rid of that). You have done well. I still dislike him, but you made him good to read here.

      I share the same sentiment as many that this truly deserves its 6-Star rating. A crossover that is even fit for its own Trope page, along the likes of Fallout Equestria, Past Sins, On a Cross and Arrow and others. Well done.

    59. I've stayed up till 1 in the morning reading this one. I totally love this story. It kept me reading and ironically Groundhog day was playing in the background. I loved how blueblood changed over the course of the story. He became a better pony for it all. thank you for such a great story. =^.^=

    60. This story... Is a real masterpiece.
      I've stayed up Till 2:30 AM to read this story. I regret nothing. This story has made me feel things no other fanfiction piece has.
      Author, your story is perfect and you should be proud

    61. That was the best *ing thing I've ever read... Screw Past Sins and Fallout Equestria, Trevor has a new favourite story! That was just... /manlytears.jpg

      ~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria

    62. Jesus christ above... This is so long. SO very, very long. Its almost 2 in the morning, and I'm only on chapter 3.


      Dear lord! the writing, the vocabulary, the well formed story elements, the dialogue, while minimal flows naturally and is wonderfully believable and engaging! Nothing so far is done to excess, the repetition of key events or actions to reinforce the fact that there's a time loop are selective and the noticeable differences are perfectly selected!

      Bluebloods slight character changes don;t seem quite so powerful because he didn't have much of an established character, but still! And the little bits of humor! him messing with Sweetie was great. And now the plot!

      ... I just... I could go on but... I'm not even done the whole thing. only read two chapters so far and know for a fact this is top tier, 6 star work that needs to sit at the top of the fandoms accomplishments. Seriously.

      I'm going to go continue to be entertained to no end with the next 4 chapters. Who the hell needs sleep? I subsets off ponies.

    63. Wow.


      Easily, and I mean EASILY one of the best MLP fics there is. It just....fit. And it took its tone from the movie and yet at the same time stayed original, especially the fact that what broke the loop was almost the opposite.

      And for the EXTRA curious -- the piano and orchestra version of Schubert's Wanderer Fantaisie is by Liszt. :P

    64. Astounding in its characters' emotional complexity.

      This fanfic has soul, no doubt about it.

    65. How am I supposed to motivate myself to work on my fic when things like this constantly make me feel completely inadequate? Bless/damn you.

    66. So what exactly broke the loop (besides the character growth)?

      Him returning to the family monument?
      Him succeeding in making it the best night ever not only for the mane 6, but Celestia and Luna as well?

    67. this should probably be tagged complete now that it's.... complete yknow?

    68. Excellent. I loved this story. And I even like Blueblood now. Thank you for this wonderful work.

    69. There are so many things this story has redefined for me. The concept of a crossover fic, for one. The concept of a redemption fic. The concepts of world-building and symbolism and plot and character, and above all the concept of what exactly a fan fiction should, in a perfect world, always aspire to be.

      Very few published novels have held my attention to the extent that I physically couldn't resist the urge to finish them immediately, without regard to food or sleep or any sort of personal writing project. It is even rarer to find a fan fiction that produces the same effect, let alone one that quite surpasses all others of its kind. This story, fillies and gentlecolts, is exactly the kind of fan fiction I've been hoping to see for years: impeccably plotted, exhaustively researched, and penned with a touch that belies the author's genius even as it becomes increasingly apparent with every page.

      You have inspired me, Capn Chryssalid. Not to emulate or plagiarize you or your work, but simply to find within myself even half of the dedication, perspiration, and unbridled emotion you have imbued into this crowning jewel of the FiM fandom. It is patently uncomfortable, I must admit, to imagine my own stories competing against yours, but I suppose the attempt itself is the important thing; as Blueblood has discovered by the end of this tale, our true purposes are often defined not by what we explicitly want, but rather by what we discover about ourselves in the process of pursuing those goals. Perhaps this newfound feeling of inferiority, then, is what's best for me; at the very least, it will drive me to become better in the future.

      It would be pure hyperbole to describe this as the greatest fan fiction I've ever read, but considering how late it is at the current moment, I'm having a difficult time coming up with a better way of phrasing my opinion. In any case, I suppose the thought is what counts in the end. Absolutely stunning work, and I hope to see more of the same from you far into the future.

    70. @Ion Storm

      Likely because everypony could agree the Gala was the best night ever, even Blueblood.

    71. This is some seriously high grade fic.

      I noticed a couple word errors - at one point, you referred to Blueblood as a princess (but that's a story for another fic).

      They failed to detract from an absolutely wonderful piece of work, however. Six Stars!

    72. This... was... amazing. This and "To be a better Stallion" have made me love Blueblood. So awesome!

    73. Loved it, read it on a whim and didn't stop till I finished it, Groundhog day is one of my guilty pleasure movies and as soon as the authors note mentioned I was fashioned after it I was roped in till the end :D thankyou!.

    74. Good lord. Its 5 in the god damned morning. I just finished what has to be one of the best stories I've read in a good long time... I just...

      How the hell did the show that is silly, playful, innocent, wittily comical, and otherwise just innocuously sweet and cute spawn this? This wasn't just a fan fiction. this was a damned STORY. A well developed, beautifully written, fantastically executed story with unparalleled character depth and insights, natural, pleasantly believable dialogue, engaging plot progression imaginative character interactions, and it all meshed together into one firework of a piece that kept me reading from 11pm until now, over six hours later.

      I have no way to describe just how this story got me thinking and feeling without doing anything short of writing an essay.

      The bar has been raised ladies and gentlemen. Shoot high. Bravo, author. You did a damn good job dude.

    75. Oh dear the end to chapter four nearly got me all misty-eyed.

      I could gush until the sun rises (not too long actually), but I'll just say this was a right good story (if a little over my head at times, but I'll chalk that up to being an uncouth proletarian scoundrel) and I had quite a bit of fun reading this.

    76. addendum: I want an epilogue. this is still marked as incomplete, and I crave an epilogue like a thirsty man in the desert does water. I wanna see how the new Blueblood is received by all his relations after the BEst Night Ever. He knows everyone now. He's helped almost everyone. He has a new perspective and new purpose to fulfill.

      And hell, at the end of the actual movie, Groundhog Day, the lead character Phil talks to the love interest Rita about living with her in the town where the story takes place. Thats a natural setup to glean to idea the Blueblood moves to Ponyville to live with Rarity and start his new improved life, brand new friends with the mane 6 and everything.

      Dammit, I just don't want this story to end...

    77. This was such a well written fic. Brilliantly done. There are not enough stars!

      Although now I can't shake the idea of doing the same thing, but playing it the other way around! Prince Blueblood starting as the perfect Prince, but being driven to distraction by the endless looping, culminating in the canon gala :p

    78. Well, 7 hours later I managed to get through it all.

      Even though it is only the second fanfic I've ever read that was brilliant. The only other thing that has left me this deeply happy after experiencing it was MLP:FiM itself and I had originally though that low sensing happiness was unparalleled in anything else I knew about until this.

      I love the story and I hope Capn Chryssalid reads my comment to know that you've completely and utterly made my day with this story (And occupied it to :D) You have my thanks.

    79. I just read this start to finish. I'll be brief.

      That was fucking brilliant.

      This is a masterfully written story. Behold, Equestria Daily; this is the work of a true author. I can think of nothing, NOTHING AT ALL that could improve this work. It is perfect. I have only ever seen one 5.0 story on this site, but it is utter garbage compared to this magnificent story.

      Do the world a favour, Capn Chryssalid, and never stop writing. You are nothing short of an absolute joy to read.

    80. This is a wonderful story, I mean there is a lot for Fridge Horror in it, there always is in these loop stories.

      Personally I always find it amazing that the participants don't become completely broken and insane by the end.
      Amazing but not unrealistic mind you.

    81. I just noticed you also wrote the WoW crossover, which I thought was sadly underrated. It's good to see you're still writing for the fandom.

    82. Yes, the sweet, mind-numbing insanity! I love this story. This is readable perfection.

    83. Its been a while since I saw Groundhog Day. When I started reading this, pretty early on in chapter one I was already thinking "he's at this point in the movie already?". I would then look at the length of chapter one, and see all chapters were of similar length and marvel. "How did he fill all that digital paper space?". Pretty early on in chapter 4 it was rather obvious what the fifth chapter was gonna be like though ,as in mostly the final day.

      And I loved the 5th chapter. Especially how you handled Blueblood's solution for Applejack. His early encounter with Princess Luna, as well as his later encounter with Rarity and Princess Luna were very nicely done as well.

      This truly was one of the most enjoyable stories I have read in a while. Just a few to many tense and grammar mistakes then I would have liked to see maybe, but at this point I don't really care. Excellent read.

    84. Whoa, reading these comments is making me scared to finish Chapter 1.

      You know how that one guy always thinks The Godfather is overrated because he heard nothing but ridiculous universal praise for years before they finally watched it?

    85. This... is a wonderful fic.

      Peace out.

    86. Great story BUT I have to some criticism.

      Misspelled words abound! The story isn't plagued with them, but there are a bit more then what I would consider a 6 star story (not including foreign words). Also your word choice had me running to the dictionary.com, especially at the earlier chapters. I read a lot and could glean partial meanings from a majority of it - but it slowed the story down. Also, I knew the style you were going for since he is royalty - but it should of been handled more eloquently. It interrupts the flow for some of the parts.

      "Outside, fireworks exploded as the Gala roared into full swing. That musical number from every Gala opening could be just barely heard through the intervening distance and open windows. It had driven Blueblood nearly to madness before, but for the first time in a long time, he felt almost at ease. He smirked as his dart landed soundly in the center of the crudely drawn target circle."
      The dart scene confused me - there was no transition. I was just plopped into it and I kept reading the story with sudden confusion. It was a great scene for the impact it conveyed, but it needed transition.

      The brevity of your story is lacking as well. Here is just one example:
      "Blueblood recognized the passion and artistic obsession in the many layouts and prints, many marked with tiny, fine notes on the margins and lines and arrows and corrections and redactions and re-corrections."
      This such a mouthful for one sentence, and can easily be broken down for better flow.

      This story is of good quality - and some of these criticisms is more opinionated rather than "this is just wrong." As of this post I finished chapter 3. I'll keep going, 5 stars.

    87. Brilliant, brilliant story. That is all.

    88. That was amazing. I just spent all evening reading all five chapters concurrently and I don't regret a second of it.

      I was blown away by the level of detail, the easy flow and especially the complexity and depth to the characters. They were all spot on and I was surprised to see that even more minor characters were attended to in loving detail. Most of all, I actually come away liking Blueblood.

      My only criticism is some minor grammatical errors but they are very minor indeed.

      And yeah, it brought tears to my eyes. A wonderful, compelling, involving story that I will no doubt read again with great pleasure.

    89. Good lord, I feel so tired...
      I started at chapter one last night and have read every chapter for (except for a few hours of breaks) the entire day. It makes me feel like I've read Fallout: Equestria and all of its side stories twice. The only other thing I could compare this to is my marathon LoTR night, because in this case and that one, I fell asleep halfway through the final movie/chapter.

      I wasn't sure that I would ever like Blueblood. I really wasn't.

      I mean it when I say that you, out of maybe seven people, have made me aspire to be a better writer.

    90. This was awesome, I actually liked blueblood by then end of it not sure how you pulled that off but bravo

    91. ...

      When I started down the path of pony fandom, I believed I would never get into pony Shipping. Ever. Even human Shipping hardly ever worked, with very few exceptions (if any), and I could never buy into any of it. Either it never seemed realistic, or as the song goes, I viewed it as something only true in fairy tales.

      Well, now I'm a believer. I just... I read the whole damn thing start to finish, and only once considered stopping (and that was because I'd started reading this around 6 or 7). Bravo.

      And yet, at the same time, I almost want to curse you, knowing my own fanfic (about a chapter away from completion) easily gets blown out of the water by this. It's sort of like, how do you go on, knowing you've seen something much higher than you're destined to accomplish? But, it's not supposed to be about how many views you have, or how high your star rating is (unless you're actually a professional writer, in which case I'm not anyway, so ha), but whether or not you had fun with it -- which I have.

      Anyway, I've rambled enough. This story was brilliant, and I hope you had as much fun writing it as I had reading it.


    92. Sweet Jesus, this was amazing, I don't even know where to start! I loved how Blueblood continually changed, and how he learned through his interactions with the other characters. I felt so terrible whenever he'd try anything to do something, then wake up the next morning (or same morning) to have accomplished nothing. And at the same time, he still went out of his way to help everyone he could, however he could. You really managed to dredge up some powerful emotions while with this, and it's definitely one of the finest thing's I've ever read!

    93. This is a masterwork of fan fiction. Impeccable attention to plot detail and flow make this an immersive experience. All the little details had charm. The use of high language certainly added color to the character of Blueblood. It was executed in a way that was neither sesquipedian or pedantic. This is truly a great story.

      I absolutely loved the author's notes with atmosphere music and specific description of dance. Well, all the little descriptions, actually. For any story I really like, I tend to spend some time matching music to the plot. Knowing almost nothing of formal dance, I found myself searching as I went along.

      One question, is the nature of Rarity and Blueblood's relationship at the end of the story. I'm trying not to to let expectations from source movie, or the [shipping] tag color my thoughts. I'll acknowledge, that may have been the point, to be intentionally vague in several plot points in the ending. Which, if it was the case, so be it. Part of me says that I wanted more out of the ending. The other part reminds me that I just wanted more of this story after chapter five.

      Please keep writing (sequels or otherwise). It has been my pleasure to read.

    94. This story is just plain awesome. Makes me want to watch Groundhog's Day again.

    95. Kudos on finding more or less the only "Blueblood redemption" plot that I'll actually buy. I recall reading a web page where someone had watched Groundhog day enough times and calculated the total number of days the main character would have had to spend in the loop. The conclusion was about 34 years of repetition, and I have to say that's about what I figure it would take for Blueblood to get his act together and be a decent pony.

      Everything was well handled from start to finish, the pacing and rate at which he advanced was just right, and the hoops he had to jump through clever and funny. I particularly like the way that he almost succeeded by careful planning to give everyone what they thought they wanted, but in the end had to wing it in order for everyone to get what they needed instead of what they wanted.

      Excellent work, definitely earned 6 stars.

    96. Bravo. That's all I have to say. Bravo.

    97. You made me like Blueblood. I actually like Blueblood now. Take the stars, all of them; you deserve it you buckin' genius.

    98. Dang brilliant writing. Actually took a bit character only known for being a boob, and made him into a sympathetic protagonist. One of the best "Getting the Gala Right" stories I've read yet.
      The explanation as to why the animals ran from Fluttershy, btw, is one of the smarter ones I've seen.

    99. The Askblueblood Tumblr brought me here, and to have been recommended by somebody capable of portraying Prince Blueblood so humourously while staying true to character (and who doesn\t normally read fanfiction) must really mean something for this fic. All the praises being sung by the comments above mine speak for themselves too

      I had high standards for this story as I started reading, but by the time I got to chapter three I was thoroughly convinced that my expectations have been exceeded to the highest degree. I haven't seen Groundhog Day yet so I wasn't able to partake in any possible references to that movie, but the comedic element was nonetheless first-rate, Blueblood's character development was evenly paced and a delightment to watch unfold. Prose was impeccably descriptive and cast characterization was simply spot on. It made things easy for me to visualize the story as though it were a movie.

      I say well done, comrade. Have all my 6-star.

    100. Hey, from one Blueblood redeemer to another, fantastic work here. Amazing fic. ^^

    101. This is a masterwork of a story. Thank you for a wonderful evening. You capture each character with superb accuracy, weaving a tale that hits all the right notes, flawless and ultimately quite moving.

    102. Great fic. It actually makes me sad that canon Blueblood will prolly always remain a total jerkface :(

    103. This comment has been removed by the author.

    104. Thank goodness they weren't experiencing an endless recursion of time.

      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...
      Come to think of it, someone should make a story like that...

    105. What a grand story! There were a few gramatical or spelling errors but the first chapter was a delight to read. I'll give a more in depth review when I've finished and aren't typing on a cell phone.

    106. I... I'm actually having a hard time coming up with good things to talk about because there's so much to choose from. I can't really single out anything, just know that you did great on everything.

    107. Wow...just simply wow. Everything about this is a masterpiece, it's written extremely well, it's got a fantastic vocabulary, which works well with Blueblood's aristocrat personality, the pacing is PERFECT, the character's personalities and motives are spot on, and it's great tale of redemption. Although one of the greatest things about the story is how it's parallel to groundhog day, but at the same time different. For example in groundhog day Phil has completely snapped believing that to end the cycle he must kill the groundhog and himself. In The Best Night Ever Blueblood lights the entire palace on fire and eventually is burned to death. Now this follows the story, but lets the author be creative and try out new and fresh outcomes. It's bucking awesome
      As if there was any doubt 6 stars

    108. Wow. This is an amazing story. Makes me sad that canon Blueblood is still a jerk!
      I hope you'll make some sequels to this, would be a shame to just forget about this version of Blueblood!

    109. Hey everyone. "Ponied up" a blogger account so I could respond here.

      I really wanted to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who has commented here. I do, I have, and I will continue to read every review and comment, and I cherish every word, critical or complimentary. Knowing that one's work has been received by people and how is what makes all the writing and planning more than worthwhile! I'm ecstatic that a fic I was a little nervous about releasing was able to keep so many people up late at night! haha!

      But yes, I hope that people continue to enjoy the story, even as time passes and the buzz dies down a bit. As for a few general issues:

      Nope. I am never going to say what caused the loop. I loved how the movie left it unanswered, and even though I dropped some playful "possible hints" they're all open to interpretation! The ending itself is meant to be a bit vague, both in that respect, and in what Rarity and Blueblood do next now that they have the time and the chance to pursue a relationship. It's a new day after all, and anything's possible!

      I've tried to catch and correct every little error I can. If you find any, get back to me with it and I'll correct it ASAP!

      A few folks have asked about a sequel. Considering the latest episode of the show with Rarity, and some more info about her background... maybe. Maybe it gave me a ~few~ ideas. Can't say for sure yes or no right now whether I'll write a follow up story, or if it'll be long or a one-shot or an epilogue.

      Lastly, a quick thanks to the /the/Blueblood tumblr for the sweet picture. While I'm kind of a net recluse, with no blog of my own, and a terrible habit of not updating my website or Facebook, etc... I do routinely check a few tumblrs, and the Blueblood site is one of them. Hilarious stuff!

    110. Groundhog Day
      "Early drafts of the script explained the cause of Phil Connors' weird experience: a disaffected ex-lover called Stephanie cast a spell on him to teach him a lesson."

      The more you know :D

      This was one of the most flawless stories iv ever read, Groundhog Day was a brilliant movie and this was even better.

    111. This is definitely going into my collection of all time favorite fanfics alongside such incomparable works as FO:E, Past Sins, Through the Eyes of Another Pony, and It Takes a Village. If I could buy a hardcover of this book, I would.

      Thank you, sir. May the wellspring of thy inspiration never run dry.

    112. That was great! I can't help but feel jealous of how much he improved himself, though it seems it took him awhile.

      I loved the story behind his cutie mark, I never noticed it was a compass, I thought it was just a star. All my kudos to you for such grand creativity!

    113. Oddly enough, I never liked Groundhog Day, and generally don't like the Groundhog Day Loop trope unless the loop's cause is explained, but I did like this story.

      I thought it a bit odd that Pinkie behaved a little bit differently on each loop, then I remembered: this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about. Random is her thing.

      One aspect I rather liked was the sheer simplicity of many of Blueblood's approaches on the final loop.

      Overall, five-star material.

    114. Magnificent, simply magnificent, it was a damn fine, funny and heartwarming read!

    115. Finished the fourth chapter and I have to say that your story reminded me of an important part of story writing that I was forgetting with the fix I was working on and for that I am very grateful.

    116. Scratch? Holy crap, is that YOU?

      So the Ponies got you too, eh? Welcome to the herd. :3

    117. @Renfield

      Renfield: "living the same day for most likely a century"

      A century? really? go back to school.
      365days x 100years = 36,500 resets

      Blueblood had thousands of resets, not tens of thousands, so lets say that he had 9999 resets at most.

      9999resets / 365days = 27.39 years
      36,500resets / 365days = 100 years

      Your math is fail.

    118. I have zero interest in Blueblood redemption stories and I was certain that a fan crossover with one of my favorite movies would only irritate me.

      But my bud kept bugging me to read this, so just to shut him up, I did... and, wow! I owe him a thank-you gift!

      This was very well-written and enjoyable. Your pacing was just perfect and all the little Equestrian touches you added to the story were very appropriate.

      Whatever you write next will definitely get a read from me.

    119. it was an absolute thrill to read

      would definitely like more in the future

    120. It was an absolute delight reading this and while I may have linked it to others on a forum I go to, I still have yet to say how awesome this story is! I have this thing where my eyes are always dry, and I was nearly brought to tears TWICE by the time I was done reading.

    121. Loved it.

      Yeah, just one thing. Just before Blueblood has his heart to heart with Auntie Luna I think that he meant to say that the guard likes Stallions and Mares, not Colts and Mares. As written it sounds like the guard is a paedophile. Initially I thought that Blueblood was going to get the guy arrested.

    122. This was the Best Story Ever!

      No, sheesh. The terms "colt" and "filly" are commonly used in the show to refer to adult ponies. They're used virtually interchangeably with "boys" and "girls", or even "men" and "ladies". (Remember "fillies and gentlecolts"?)

    123. Congratulations are in order. You've successfully written a story that made me like Blueblood!
      Well... let's call him Blueblood Beta, at this point. BB Alpha is still a jackass.

    124. I stayed up to 2:20 AM reading this. I could not stop. The single best piece of FiM writing, period.

    125. Best story ever....gonna read again :D

    126. @Escher
      Sure, if he'd said Colts and Fillies, you'd be right. But he uses the correct term for adult female equines and then the correct term for juvenile male equines.

    127. I finally finished reading this one last night, and I very much did enjoy it! Along with many of the other stories I've read so far. As deplorable as Prince Blueblood is, this story really does make me look at him in a whole new light, and in many ways makes me respect him way more then he would normally deserve. The one thing I am confused about is how the loops got started. I think I might have figured out what they were meant to do though. The end of the story strongly suggested that the now noble Price has truly changed his snobbish ways and now has a stronger bond with not only both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna but all of the citizens as well. Bravo to Capn Chryssalid for writting such a great story. I for one would love to see some sort of follow up story to this one.

    128. And yes, this story DID keep me up way late.

    129. excellent just excellent. this is DAMN GOOD writing.

    130. Damn that was an impressive story!
      The writing was spot on and really conveyed the themes of the movie.

      FANTASTIC read overall. I would not mind a sequel at all :)

    131. Groundhog Day was on last night, hadn't seen it before but I had read this fic. Made the movie all the more awesome! :)

    132. Awesome fic, certainly up there with Cross n' Arrow/Ballad of Twilight Sparkle/Fallout: Equestria or Past Sins for me.

      I don't have much to say, just kinda floating here, so...

      Have some art inspired by this fic instead: http://foxofwar.deviantart.com/art/The-Best-Morning-Ever-281070994

    133. Well, it's groundhog day, so I guess I know what I'll be doing instead of homework.

      Definitely one of my favorite; I'd say it's in the upper quartile of 6-star fics I've read.

    134. That was wonderful. I never would have believed there would be a story to make me like Blueblood, but here it is. Five stars.

    135. Dear Capn,

      I finished this story in something a little over an hour and a half. And during that time, you made me feel immortal.

      There's so much to praise, so much to highlight, so much to admire concerning the flawless manipulation of an exponentiating number of loops, iterated with absolute control...

      This was marvelous to read. I can't wait to get into your next story.

    136. Welp, that was fabulous!

      I'm so glad I had my attention drawn to this - one of the truly exceptional tier of fanfics.

    137. Microsoft sam reads The best night ever hear plz take a lock at it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2xQRhAOAbM&feature=channel&list=UL

    138. I'm glad I kept this fanfic bookmarked for a later date. I doubt I can say anything about it that hasn't been said already. I didn't have any problems aside from a few weirdly put together sentences; that may just be me failing at reading. Regardless of that, I really enjoyed this story!

    139. And this is a really really awesome fic. Props man. You are a good writer indeed.

    140. Why did the columns topple on the first repeat? Blueblood wasn't there to bump into the statue and cause RD to start the domino effect...
