• Story: At Last I See The Light


    Author: Phasingirl
    Description: Fluttershy has her first date with Big Macintosh. With a little help from their friends, can the pair enjoy a nice evening together or will Fluttershy's nerves get the better of her?

    At Last I See The Light

    Additional Tags: Romance, sweet, friendship, discovery, magic

    39 kommentaari:

    1. The title reminds me of the Lyra and Bon-Bon comic.

    2. Note: That image of Fluttershy looks so weird, maybe because of the somewhat normal sizes pupils, meh.

      FlutterMac, haven't read one of those in a while. Plan on reading this.


    4. @Hymmnos I think I know which one you're talking about. They're in a boat and there's lanterns lit all around them?

      @falkier Haha, everypony knows capslock is cruise control for cool.

    5. Is the title a reference to that song from Tangled? Because that's what it sounds like.

    6. I just have a hard time seeing FlutterMac

      Ah well, I'll give it a shot.

    7. @falkier

      Finally? I might be misremembering (or taking into account my experiences in deviant art and FiM Fiction as well) but this actually seems to be one of the more common straight ships among MLP fandom.

    8. Fluttermac? Consider it read, just for you having the balls to write this :)

    9. Whoa. This definitely blew away my expectations.

      Really great read, very heartwarming.

    10. @Adam CrockerIt's probably just me. Since I've been coming to EQD, I haven't seen a FlutterMac ship-fic ever. But this one just shot up to my #1 favorite.

      Need moar chapters!!

    11. I sense a Tangled reference in the title...

      And some FlutterMac? I'll give this a read.

    12. @falkier

      It's probably me as well due to what I've seen on other sites. That and lots of Flutter Mac fan-art. (Plus I haven't tried stacking it up against the number of Soarin'Dash fics that I know of...yet.)

      Additionally as an Apple-Dash shipper I've noticed a relatively high correlation between Apple-Dash ship and Flutter-Mac ship, often the latter sneaking into fics dealing with the former in one way or another. So that probably colours my impression as well.

      But since I have some book marked here are a few that I know of:


      Sympathy and Synergy - scroll to the bottom of post as it's a side-story to a larger AppleDash fic. Haven't read it yet and not sure if you need to read the larger story to read this one.

      Common Cold

      Flutter Mac

    13. @Salzvatik12

      Such a nice compliment! Thank you!

    14. @Adam Crocker: Grr, you gave me more great fan-fics to read.

      @myfedruarysong: I meant it. I can see this fic will really go great places!

    15. Well, I had a response all typed up and then blogger lost it, so let me just say:

      It ends too soon, but that's only because I want more. "Letting them enjoy the rest of their night"? No! I wanna see the rest of their night!

      This is adorable as hell, an easy 5-stars with great characterization and excellent writing. I'm of course a huge Fluttermac fan, but I think anyone can enjoy this, really.

    16. Is it wierd that this came out right after that fluttermac comic on DA? I dont remember the artist's name atm

    17. That was tooth-rottingly sweet. I d'aaaaw'd all over the place X3

    18. Well having read it, and without getting into a more thorough assessment, this is definitely among the best short MLP fan fics and best MLP ship fics I have read. There's always a danger of rushing these things, but it seems to putter along nicely and Fluttershy's feelings towards Big Macintosh don't seem rushed at all. In fact, you manage to make the ending sweet and touching without being saccharine (which it could have easily fallen into). I also liked the use of the Cutie-Mark Crusaders for comic relief, particularly Sweetie Belle (and Ms. Melodrama herself, Rarity) in the first section of the story. Sweetie Belle's comments on Fluttershy's feelings were hysterical and totally true to the character.

    19. @D1SEL

      Which one? The creepy one called "The Most Glorious Dress" by Lenoto, or are you thinking of another one?

    20. Why's it always Big Mac?


    21. Pretty well written story.

      I would say it is a little to predictable however. If this was continued beyond this it would interesting to have some unpredictable events happen to make this stand out from the others.

      The story is good and the writing is well done. Just a little predictable.

    22. Slowly trying to get my head around this shipping thing, with comics like these I guess it shouldn't be too hard.

    23. This is probibly the ship conseptualy I see the second most, the other being Apple Dash

    24. Ooh, a Fluttermac story. And this one is really good, too. Excellent characterization for everyone, and it didn't seem cliched like a lot of these stories can. Great job.

    25. Fluttermac, my least favorite shipping :L

    26. @Ogopogo

      I agree on the predictable part, though it didn't affect my enjoyment because the author was clearly aiming for a light, romantic story. It does hold out possibilities for more interesting and complicated developments in the future though.

    27. @DRTJR

      Out pure curiosity, why do you see the Flutter Mac pairing the most on a conceptual level?

    28. @sparkle
      I dislike PinkieDash fics, yet I never, ever express my opinion.

      It offends others.

    29. @Adam Crocker: I can tell you why I think it works.

      They're both quiet. This is especially important in Fluttershy's case. Big Mac's not going to overwhelm her with his personality, Fluttershy's not going to be overly demanding of him. They seem like the sort of couple that just fits naturally together, able to give each other the space they need and not rush things.

      Fluttermac and PinkieDash OTP. :V

    30. It's cute and sweet, but it feels short and lacking in conflict/resolution. Maybe I was just expecting something larger in scope? Still, a pleasant read.

    31. First FlutterMac shipping I've ever read. First non mare-mare shipping I've ever read, actually. It's a great, short, romantic story. I really enjoyed it and I'd love to read more from this author! :)

    32. The title made me think of this song

    33. Cute story, glad I finally got around to reading it, had it my reading list for a while.
