• Story: Arcadia (Update Part 5!)


    Author: Obscurica
    Description: They abandoned a dying world, their voyage near-stillborn by the strife of the grieving. And time does not, despite the popular saying, heal all wounds. On the thousandth year of the voyage of the colony ship Arcadia, a nightmare returns to remind them - that peace is built upon the backs of the lost and the damned.

    (Space opera reinterpretation of S1E1-2 by way of Asimov and Clarke.)
    Arcadia Part 1
    Arcadia Part 2
    Arcadia Part 3
    Arcadia Part 4
    Arcadia Part 5 (New!)

    Additional Tags: space opera, human, alternate universe


    1. Sounds interesting, so does that robo-Vinyl thing, too.

    2. Story sounds kinda cool. I like Sci-Fi stuff. Also love the pic. :D

    3. Okay, that picture is.. disturbing.. mechascratch

    4. A reinterp. of an Asimov & Clark work o.0? I'm intrigued...especially since I'm in a Sci-Fi class atm...will read later after work.

    5. Well i read it while i like science fiction and the writing was decent i found it hard to understand. i was never a big fan of Amisov or Clarke anyway. I guess this isn't for me.

    6. Here I was with the slightest hope it may have something to do with Skies of Arcadia. :p Still sounds cool though.

    7. A pretty interesting concept, you've caught my attention.

      (To the people who don't get the premise from the description, it's a retelling of the first two episodes of FIM using augmented humans on a miles-long colony spaceship instead of ponies. It took me a while to catch on to that.)

    8. Skimmed the first chapter; looks like my kind of thing, highly technical SF (and something I'd considered writing myself, although not quite the same premise, fortunatly!).

    9. this is kinda based off of halo wars

    10. The pilot episodes well-translated into Sci-fi...

      ...but where are the ponies? It's all humans!

    11. I haven't even read it and I know it's awesome.

      I mean seriously.

      Asimov/Clarke, AND Ponies? Hell yes.

    12. Why in the hay was this taken down and then later reposted?

      Did anypony else notice this?

      Whatever. *reads*

    13. I, too am confused about it's posting.

      It's a nice read though, if a bit stuffy.

    14. Modern space opera with a Clarke-ian feel... I like it.

      Oddly enough, not very many novels go for that combination...

      Reminds me of an anime space opera, actually.

      General Evaluation: =D

    15. Awww, it's only the first part?? This chapter, at least, was awesome - I was disappointed when I got to the end. I'm really looking forward to more of this.

    16. @Unknown : More that Halo Wars apes older, better hard science fiction works. Definitely feeling your influences here, Obscurica, and very interested to see how this pans out.

    17. I'm a big fan of the 'Foundation' series of Isaac Asimov... but it has been a while, and I'm not sure if 'Arcadia' refers to one of his books ?

      Anyway, I'm not sure how well 'ponies/Equestria/MLP:FiM' will work here... we will see.

    18. @Nova25

      It's not based on anything specific by Clarke or Assimov. It's just a comparison made to indicate the type of sci-fi story that this is.

    19. This is really well done. Can't wait for part 2 :)

    20. Can't wait to see how the author handles pegasi.

      One question: if unicorn equivalents require sterile environments, then whatever will they do when the colony ship finally gets to colonization?

    21. @Bugsydor
      >Can't wait to see how the author handles pegasi.

      I was thinking exactly that :)

      >One question: if unicorn equivalents require sterile environments, then whatever will they do when the colony ship finally gets to colonization?

      Either die out, become the weakest race, or develop a cloud of nanites to filter the environment around them? :p

    22. It is really good story, I want continuation, please. And method to contact with the author

    23. Seriously, this is so great. I would read it even if it wasn't pony.

    24. @NHO

      I've established an email account for general, public inquiries. I'm going to have to pass on the IMs, though - partially because I'm having connectivity issues at the moment, and partially because I haven't set up a public IM account, and would rather not use my personal account for these purposes.

      I'm thankful that you appreciate my story, though! As I am to the rest of my readers. Quite happy to see that it's gotten some fans.

    25. Bwaahahaaa! Rainbow Vaiva is awesome :D

      Can't wait to meet Fluttershy :3

    26. This is marvelous. Erudite, thorough world building, creative re-interpretation that stays faithful to the source material while remaining imaginative in its own right, and even haunting in places. I'm already anxious for more.

    27. As a fan of old-school SF as well as MLP, I love how you're managing to retell the events of the latter in the context of the former. Eagerly awaiting further chapters.

    28. Cool, this updated :D
      *downloads as PDF to read after work*

    29. Hm. This chapter suffers somewhat by comparison to the previous ones, mainly by relying too heavily on the source material. It's a peril faced by any fanfic that recapitulates episodes of the original show, but one this fic has largely avoided by virtue of worldbuilding.

      However, the party scene has left me a bit at sea. What did Mayuya drink? Why the comment about strawberries? Is she allergic to them, and if so, how should I have known?

      It doesn't help that almost everyone's been given new names, which I've almost entirely lost track of, but maybe that's a problem with the episodic format or my own ability to retain names.

      I still intend to keep reading, because I admit I'm curious; the author has played the 'Celestia as chessmaster' card, which only makes sense if, despite the nanotech and the harder science, true friendship really is what powers the Elements...

    30. @Fred M. Sloniker

      Alas, the "Strawberry Surprise" reference in the party scene was a bit of self-indulgent humor on my own part. I was, ah, personally exposed to it a few years back, and the specific alcoholic concoction seemed a good fit for the scene.

      I will avoid explaining the joke, but for the confused and bemused, TVTropes has it listed...

      And, yes. I'm actually a bit irked at chapter 3, in particular, for how closely it hews to the source material. Luckily, we're into what I'll consider the "crescendo" mini-arc of this little recollection. There will be changes. There is Yet More Worldbuilding to do. And we haven't even gotten close to the halfway point...

    31. I have to say, Fluttershy's counterpart's introduction seemed a little rushed. So did Applejack's, I guess. Rainbow's first scene was almost a story in itself.

    32. I love this story.

      Re: What happens to the unicorns?

      Same thing that happens to the other subspecies: their augmentation is phased out and their descendants are augmented to suit their new environment. Transhumanism can go backward if it needs to.

    33. Reading chapter 4...
      So, Pinkie is of a race of people that literally produce sugar in their blood stream all the time? Ho boy :p

    34. I'm curious. What's Pinkie's full name, if she has one?

    35. Am I correct in my guess that this story has been abandoned? :(
