Watch as near Gavalanche-tier Rarity neglect has her abandon Sweetie Belle 30 seconds in, then the whole episode will be about Sweetie Belle's search for a replacement sister, ending up going with Twilight instead.
Alright, time to see if one of my predictions (That Lesson Zero opened up the opportunity for each of the mane 6 to write the moral) comes true. If so, this one should be Rarity's alone.
According to the hubworld website, it airs at 9:30 am, not 9 like before, or 10 like 2 weeks ago. Unless hub is wrong about when their own show airs....
@Masquerade Now I'm suspicious and confused. Clocks in most of the US and Canada "fall back" to Standard Time at 2:00 am Sunday morning. This morning (Saturday) most of the US and Canada is on Daylight Saving Time. So which is it? 10 am EDT 0r 10 am EST? I'd tune in 25 minutes from now just to be sure.
The exact time should seriously be written at the top of the post, preferably with some other time zones. Alternatively, a link to somewhere would also help to reduce the amount of people asking here in the comments I guess.
@broniesinarms Actually, I think it's 3 PM GMT... You can check on Or just search "The Hub tv schedule" and your time zone should be available.
Jeez, Seth. Thanks for rubbing in the fact I can't get the HUB here in Australia. Would you like me to pass the salt so you can rub that into the wound too?
That "Real Bros watch it on the HUB" thing is insulting. a lot of Bronys don't get the HUB in there countries. Here we get Treehouse which does show MLP (season 1)but not until the season has already run in the states, and I myself am not about to wait for season 2 to be over and the internet to be full of spoilers before I watch it.
Spent the last hour or so catching up with what I missed in my ten hour sleep.
I'm not a fan of Rarity. So it's any guess if I'll actually enjoy this upcoming episode or not... also Strawberry Shortcake... WHY! WHY DOES IT COME ON BEFORE PONIES?
My bets for this episode... WRESTLING will be a theme and Pinkie will be doing something really off the wall if she makes an appearance.
Also Derpy will appear in this episode... well thats true as she's now in the title sequence.
Right now I'm feeling a lot of anticipation but also nervousness. My expectations could not be higher right now and I'll be really bummed out if I end up disliking it.
I'd just like to mention my "Rub salt in the would" comment was completely Sarcastic. Sure I don't get the HUB, but I know what Seth meant. Chill out, guys.
I think the episode has done a good job at portraying Sweetie as genuinely difficult and Rarity's reactions as understandable. You'd have to try hard to hate her based on this.
Parents are Canadian? BTW, I can see where Rarity is coming from. Sweetie Bell did mess things up and in the heat of the moment she exploded. When haven't we all done that? Now Sweetie Bell is being unreasonable.
1 070 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaWonder how this ep will turn out.
VastaKustutaCan't wait! :3
VastaKustutaYay! :D
VastaKustutaWait, THAT'S what today's ep is about? "Sisterly Bonding"? BORRRRR-RING!
VastaKustutaThe Break is Over!
VastaKustutaWhen the time says 10AM EST, is it actually Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Summer time?
VastaKustutaSomehow all the timezones fudged for me last time and I tuned in an hour late.
Who else when the 1st saw the title, they read it as SteelHooves
VastaKustutaI've also got a stream at
VastaKustutaExpect the youtube stream 20 minutes after the episode? well that adds some flexibility to my schedule and is a good thing in general. I approve.
VastaKustutaI'm ready for this episode. I'm pumped. I've waited two weeks now lets see if its worth is.
VastaKustutai need it
VastaKustuta@Sweetie Belle
VastaKustutaI'M EXCITED TOO!!!
Watch as near Gavalanche-tier Rarity neglect has her abandon Sweetie Belle 30 seconds in, then the whole episode will be about Sweetie Belle's search for a replacement sister, ending up going with Twilight instead.
VastaKustutaAlright, time to see if one of my predictions (That Lesson Zero opened up the opportunity for each of the mane 6 to write the moral) comes true. If so, this one should be Rarity's alone.
VastaKustutaSo excited!
VastaKustutaAccording to the hubworld website, it airs at 9:30 am, not 9 like before, or 10 like 2 weeks ago. Unless hub is wrong about when their own show airs....
VastaKustutaOh god, that picture. Bring. it. on.
VastaKustutaDoctor Who playing on Bronystate in the meantime pleases me.
VastaKustutaRarity is best pony!!! :D
VastaKustutaSo Sad I have to miss it! Stupid work, DVR'd it and watch it when I get home
VastaKustutaIt's at 10 am Eastern Standard Time
VastaKustutaConfound these Hub schedulers! They drive me crazy!
Ill miss it when it airs but soon as I get lunch at work I am watching it in u tube in my phone.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI have to go on a trip right at 10 :( but as soon as I get back, ponies :D
VastaKustutaI'm so ready...
VastaKustutaWhen does it air
VastaKustutawhy is the brony state timer set at 10 hours until the next stream?
VastaKustutaNow I'm suspicious and confused. Clocks in most of the US and Canada "fall back" to Standard Time at 2:00 am Sunday morning. This morning (Saturday) most of the US and Canada is on Daylight Saving Time. So which is it? 10 am EDT 0r 10 am EST? I'd tune in 25 minutes from now just to be sure.
It's still at ten guys. Look at your TV guides.
VastaKustutaIt's EST.
We haven't fallen back yet. That happens either tonight or tommorrow- but not yet.
For those wondering, according to the Hub, the new episode will premier at 10 am EST.
VastaKustutaThe exact time should seriously be written at the top of the post, preferably with some other time zones. Alternatively, a link to somewhere would also help to reduce the amount of people asking here in the comments I guess.
VastaKustutaSo excited! Now if you excuse me I have to leave right now and work till 3 o'clock... *sob*
VastaKustutaIt premiers at 7:00am on the west coast.
VastaKustutaso that's 2PM GMT?
Gonna wait for the YT stream.
VastaKustutaHonestly can't deal with all those fucking bronies screaming in chat.
Time is no issue when you have DVR! This is going to start up a big Rarity kick, I just know it...
VastaKustutaSorry, guys. But since I can't get the HUB legally here in Canada, I have no choice but to use the livestreams...
VastaKustutaWhite marshmallow-centric episode today. Less than one hour to go! :D
VastaKustuta>(Real bros watch it on the actual HUB channel, or at least play it in the background if you prefer the chatrooms. Support the show!)
VastaKustutaShame we don't get the Hub here in England so all I have is a random sped up season 1 episode on Boomerang.
F--k yes! This is the first time that I'll be able to watch on the TV! No waiting two hours for a decent YouTube video!
VastaKustutaWooo lets do it!
VastaKustutaActually, I think it's 3 PM GMT...
You can check on
Or just search "The Hub tv schedule" and your time zone should be available.
Jeez, Seth.
VastaKustutaThanks for rubbing in the fact I can't get the HUB here in Australia. Would you like me to pass the salt so you can rub that into the wound too?
So pumped! I've wanted another Rarity episode for ages.
VastaKustutaCan't wait :D
VastaKustutaWhen I first saw the post, I thought I'd missed the episode. This'll be my first time watching the show on tv, I'd really rather not miss it.
VastaKustutaI wish I could watch it on the actual Hub channel, but I can't get it where I live :(
VastaKustutaCan you please add the time in GMT +8? Many Filipino bronies are getting confused because of the international time. :3
VastaKustutaThat "Real Bros watch it on the HUB" thing is insulting. a lot of Bronys don't get the HUB in there countries. Here we get Treehouse which does show MLP (season 1)but not until the season has already run in the states, and I myself am not about to wait for season 2 to be over and the internet to be full of spoilers before I watch it.
VastaKustutaif i could watch it on the tv i would be sooooo happy
VastaKustutaIt was 3PM, but the clock change put it back to 2PM
and the pony countdown puts it on 2PM GMT
Will you people stop complaining about not getting the HUB? Sheesh, it's not like he was serious.
VastaKustutaBritain fell back to winter time already, so I have to wait an extra hour for my little ponies. Cries...
So excited! Sweetie Belle is favorite pony!
VastaKustutaAlmost time!
VastaKustutaI can't even.......... VBDSFFDSJKLFDSFUDOIFUSD111
I swear, I'd be sitting in front of my TV for the whole day just for this if the show actually aired around here.
VastaKustuta@Mr Nutt ikr? it stinks that we can't get updated episodes.
VastaKustutai guess it's time to be off to the livestreams
VastaKustutaOh, you've already had the time change? I thought it wasn't until tomorrow morning... Is that a Europe/Britain thing?
I wish I could support it the official way but I don't have premium cable in my dorm.
VastaKustutaI watch new eps on tv when I can, but because college has no hub, streams are the only way for me.
VastaKustutaWe don't get the HUB here in Scotland, so I just keep checking back on YouTube to see if it's been uploaded yet. :P
VastaKustutaI would pounce on the chance to support the show, but HUB for me.
VastaKustutaI don't think you count in the ratings unless you're a nielsen family.
VastaKustutaI'd gladly watch it on the Hub if I got it.
VastaKustutayep, the UK switched last weekend.
It's just a shame we don't get HUB here
*sigh* The Rarity/Sweetie haters are going probably going to get plenty of food this episode...
VastaKustutaMy body is ready.
VastaKustutaNow that I actually HAVE cable, I CAN watch it on the Hub.
VastaKustutaGood gravy. I haven't waken up this early to watch a Saturday Morning Cartoon since the mid to late nineties. XD
I do watch it on The Hub, but that comment seemed a bit harsh Seth.
VastaKustutai wonder if this episode will reveal more information about the mane 6's families, i certainly hope so.
VastaKustutaLEZ DO DIS. \m/
VastaKustutaalmost here
VastaKustutaWhy are people getting offended at seth's comment? Do you take accusations of not being a "real brony" seriously or something?
VastaKustutaSpent the last hour or so catching up with what I missed in my ten hour sleep.
VastaKustutaI'm not a fan of Rarity. So it's any guess if I'll actually enjoy this upcoming episode or not... also Strawberry Shortcake... WHY! WHY DOES IT COME ON BEFORE PONIES?
My bets for this episode... WRESTLING will be a theme and Pinkie will be doing something really off the wall if she makes an appearance.
Also Derpy will appear in this episode... well thats true as she's now in the title sequence.
10 minutes left.
VastaKustutaOk, moments before the show.
VastaKustutaRight now I'm feeling a lot of anticipation but also nervousness. My expectations could not be higher right now and I'll be really bummed out if I end up disliking it.
>Real bros watch it on the actual HUB channel
VastaKustutaI don't even get the channel...
I'd just like to mention my "Rub salt in the would" comment was completely Sarcastic. Sure I don't get the HUB, but I know what Seth meant. Chill out, guys.
VastaKustuta>inb4 IT. IS. ON. *shot*
VastaKustutaeven if sweetie isnt my fav of the cmc, she is still the funny little ditz.
VastaKustutaShortcake is almost over. It can't end fast enough. =(
VastaKustutaLet it begin.
VastaKustutaBig expectations is what makes it exciting.
Prepare yourself...
VastaKustutaBECAUSE IT BEGINS NOW IN 5 4 3 2...
It begins...
VastaKustutaDumb cooking.
VastaKustutasuch a ditz, sweetie when will you realize, your only good at singing.
VastaKustutaSweetie Belle is obviously not going to get a cooking cutie mark...
VastaKustutaAw yeah hungry hungry hippos advert.
VastaKustutaJust got Derproll'd on Midnight Run
VastaKustutaLet's show a twenty second intro, the theme, then commercials.
VastaKustutaJesus Christ, the way Hub runs this is insanely ridiculous!
VastaKustutaParents! What the hay!
VastaKustutaAnd suddenly parents!
VastaKustutaAnd Parents!
VastaKustutaA moment of silence for every "Rarity's parents are dead" fic.
Thank you.
VastaKustutaIs Rarity's mother...Jewish? I can't place the accent but it makes me think of South Park's Sheila Broflovsky.
VastaKustutaSo Rarity's dad is Mexican, and her mom is from Jersey?
VastaKustutaSad Sweetie Belle is sad.
VastaKustutaAnnoying Rarity is annoying.
Cute ponies are cute.
I'll shut up now.
Rarity was sooooooo adopted lol.
VastaKustutaDem parents. lol Also, Sweetie Belles sounds a bit higher-pitched than usual.
VastaKustutaAnd suddenly 10,000 Rarity fanfics become irrelevant.
VastaKustutaLooks like its up to AJ & Dash to carry the Presumed Tragic Dead Parent Backstory torch now.
VastaKustutaBye Simply Rarity...
VastaKustutaShe is such a ditz.
VastaKustutaDAMMIT, overslept and missed the stream..
VastaKustutaNever mind.
VastaKustutaHow does a pony ride a bike?
Roleplay, Sweetie Belle? Aren't you a bit young for that?
Not a mess, organized chaos.
VastaKustutaIt wasn't a mess... it was "organized chaos". Discord would be proud.
VastaKustutashe mad
VastaKustutaThere's so many good Rarity reaction possibilities in the first 10 minutes alone, it's crazy
VastaKustutaHey now Rares, you forfeited all rights to that "WATCH YOUR TONE" shit the moment your parents DIDN'T DIE.
VastaKustutaSo, Sweetie Belle DOES live with their parents
VastaKustutaDat Doggie Doo toy... lawl
VastaKustutaDOGGIE DOO?
ya'll saw that right?
What the hell, Rarity?!
VastaKustuta(What the hell, Doggie Do?!)
I watch ponies to get away from that kind of arguing!
Rarity has the best OCD
VastaKustutaRarity Y U SO MEAN TO SWEETIE?
VastaKustutaHaha I love it so far. But Rarity is such a bitch this ep. Rarity haters will have more reason to hate her.
Rarity's father Lol :D
VastaKustutaOh man what is that accent with the parents lol. Minnesota nice?
VastaKustutaLast episode: Luna fanfics become obsolete
VastaKustutaThis episode: Rarity fanfics become even more accurate
lol, doggie doo. What will they think of next?
VastaKustutaI think the episode has done a good job at portraying Sweetie as genuinely difficult and Rarity's reactions as understandable. You'd have to try hard to hate her based on this.
VastaKustutaWell... That explains why it seems Sweetie Belle doesn't live at the boutique...
VastaKustutaI'm really wondering how Rarity came out the way she did with those parents lol. They seem infinitely more laid back than she is.
VastaKustutaApplebloom, such a slob, but s
VastaKustutahe is still soooooooo cute
Yes, AJ, what could possibly go wrong?
VastaKustutaA game was just made on this!!
VastaKustutaApplejack used tail whip.
Poor Sweetie!
OCD Rarity!
Grape-lady time!
VastaKustutaneed 1080p NAO :o
VastaKustutacan't wait >.<
"Sweetie Belle x an apple" fics incoming
VastaKustuta*groan* Is this the price I pay for not living in USA... Having to wait until Youtube finally gets the episode...
VastaKustutaI'm supposed to be studying, CONFOUND YOU PONIES! *turns of for 2 minutes*
VastaKustutaThere, now I don't follow any more. Back to my networking protocols!
VastaKustutalol me mad :P
Oh God, I just realized that I talk to my cat like that...
VastaKustutaSlavers! the apple family are slaver!
VastaKustutaHow does Apple Bloom not have her cutie mark yet? She's good at everything! XD
VastaKustutamy livestream cut out, now i am sad :(
VastaKustutaApplejack is winning this episode!
VastaKustutaCelestia's Witnesses
VastaKustutaThis heartwarming is going to kill me, I swear.
VastaKustutaAlso Rarity channels Scarlett
They fight just like a real family! HUZZAH.
VastaKustutaWow they are dicks to the sheep
VastaKustutawhat number is the hub channel?
VastaKustutawait, did the sheep just talk?
VastaKustutabut they're still treated like.......sheep?
Is Twilight not in this episode? :o
VastaKustutaCanada doesn't have the Hub channel, I couldn't support it if I wanted to ;_;
VastaKustutaI hate hick logic...
VastaKustutaSisters = apple pie. You heard it here first.
VastaKustutaI can't believe its almost over
VastaKustuta@Joey The Joey
VastaKustutaJack of all trades, master of none.
Why is this show not an hour long?
VastaKustutaThat was fast
VastaKustutaLiked the episode but it seemed to go by really fast.
VastaKustuta@Joey the Joey
VastaKustutadont worry, she will get like, a million next episode.
VastaKustutaParents are Canadian?
VastaKustutaBTW, I can see where Rarity is coming from.
Sweetie Bell did mess things up and in the heat of the moment she exploded. When haven't we all done that? Now Sweetie Bell is being unreasonable.
That went by almost to quick ;n; At least we get more Rarity later
VastaKustutaGood thing it's on again after this one's done.
And then at the end Twilight appears out of nowhwere to write the letter to Celestia.
VastaKustutaWe were SO close to a song there when AJ started to talk about what makes sisters. The background music even changed... but the song never came
VastaKustutaDinky is Star Sparkle's sister?!
VastaKustutaAnd thats why lesson zero had them establish them all writing to her.
inb4 Derpy and dinky
VastaKustutadinky has canon sister!
VastaKustutaDinky isn't related to Derpy...
VastaKustutaWhat the . . . How long has Derpy had two kids?
VastaKustutaRight? That was.....quick?
IMHO my "boring" joke is turning out to prescient.
Canon, Dinky isn't Derpy's daughter.
VastaKustutaONE DAY!, oooohh i love Applebloom
VastaKustutaONE. DAY.
VastaKustutaOne Day = new meme
VastaKustutaWhat were the chances that chores were part of the Social?
VastaKustutaI saw Derpy! In the crowd while Granny Smith talks!
VastaKustutaBerry Punch is a beast.
VastaKustutaWHAT A TWIST!