Uh oh, this episode is going to completely slaughter 70% of the fanon out there. Not even Luna can match the potential disintegration of all things pony history.
Once again, the source is Zap2it. There is something a bit off about this addition though. The episode actually shows up as the 13th in line. So far, they has been 100% accurate about everything. Maybe it's a typo?
Regardless, have a Synopsis/Air Date after the break!
Title: Hearth's Warming Eve
Synopsis: The six friends are in a play about the founding of Equestria for the Hearth's Warming Eve's holiday pageant.
Air Date: December 17th, 2011
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Awesome, a Christmas episode I suppose.
VastaKustutaI feel a song comming up!
VastaKustutaMy earlier announcement, if I may be so bold. ;-)
VastaKustutaoh boy...
VastaKustutaI feed on your fanon tears.
VastaKustutaThat is going to be intense I suppose we made it through the Luna thing, I hope the fandom will cope
VastaKustutaand so the fanon dies again
VastaKustutaWoot! Hopefully this will be an interesting history lesson... :)
VastaKustutaThat's definitely the Equestria Equivalent of the Christmas holiday. This should be a vary fun episode to watch.
VastaKustuta(Unfortunately it might also mean a week gap once again for Christmas, but that's a minor issue).
And since a song is almost certain for this, It shall be very exciting. I'm very curious and highly anxious to see how it goes.
And thats how equestria was made
VastaKustutaUgh, someone already said he feeds on your canon fears and now I cant think of anything similiar but not too similiar to say. Very sad.
VastaKustutaIts great to get more info about the Equestria origins.
Cool, I love Equestrian history fics, so maybe this'll be a good way to watch how fanon can be cut down in 22 minutes!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAt least we'll have some official backgrounds for the further fanfictions. I hope it won't differ too much from the fanon.
VastaKustutaEventually Equestria is just going to become Azaroth with ponies.
VastaKustutaOh boy, I can see this one coming.
VastaKustutaDo you guys remember "I saw it all" by Alfred Hitchcock? It's a movie where a robbery happens and the police has to gather the testimonies from several eye witnesses. They all give different versions that we see depicted in flashbacks.
I think this episode will be exactly the same.
It's a winter holiday themed episode. Not Christmas. Christ doesn't exist in Equestria. (There's more than one winter time holiday out there guys.)
VastaKustuta@James Corck
VastaKustutaOr it could be the Pony Equivalent of the Nativity Story...
Twilight Sparkle should be Princess Celestia in the story, and Pinkie Pie will probably play a sheep or something random.
Virtually every major fic has a different version on the start of Equestria. Imagine being the FF author who's theory ended up being the right one!
VastaKustutaIf Faust's OC pony isn't the creator of Equestria I will be severely disappointed.
VastaKustutaIts pony-christmas, just like how Nightmare Night was pony-halloween. Far as I can tell, this episode might confirm the backstory on the wiki. It said that there used to be a huge blizzard and all the pony races hated each other, but were forced to work together to survive, and thus became friends. Finally when the Blizzard ended, all three races founded the capitol of Canterlot and created Equestria.
VastaKustutaNot exactly sure; it was a wiki page with a dubious source, though it was Hasbro-official so there's that. Still, the episode name "Hearth's Warming" lines up with that backstory with the blizzard ending. Kind of a cool backstory with potential for some kind of future Ice-related villian.
Fanon Destroyer Nuke inbound.
VastaKustutaTime to Destruction: 4 Weeks.
VastaKustutaThis is going to be awesome.
VastaKustutaI think I have to agree with a previous comment--I have a feeling this episode will have a song in it, too!
I have to wonder which FF author will be right, too. So far, the author of Paradise said that Luna was exactly how they pictured her to be. (And In Her Majesty's Royal Service had it right about Luna's use of outdated speech.)
Even though I know it's just a play, I still want to see filly Luna and Celestia. I wonder how much Egophiliac got right! :)
Oh My God, so excited. I've been wanting to know about the older times of Equestria for some time now.
VastaKustutaI still want to see a Celestia / Luna / Twilight episode to talk about the past and so on.
But this I'm sure will be a great one to remember.
I just realized Sense Celestia and Luna are the nigh immortal rulers of Equestria do ponies say grace to them? hmmm
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie's going to be playing Discord, calling it now :D
VastaKustutaMore canon history is always good. We'll finally have some answers for things we've only speculated about.
VastaKustutaHearth's Warming Eve? Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
VastaKustutaI wouldn't say slaughter, we recovered from Luna pretty darn well. And that broke my brain for a day.
VastaKustutaAwwww hellz yeah.
VastaKustutaI'd assume Twilight will be playing Celestia? (Assuming, of course, that Celestia and Luna WERE involved with the founding of Celestia...)
and that's how equestria was made
VastaKustutaSweet Celestia, you guys, we already know about the founding of Equestria.
VastaKustutaEverything was snowy and cold, and unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies didnt get along. Then they became friends and the unicorns invited the others to the party now known as the Gala. It was in the official app.
It sounds like the story book ipad app.
VastaKustutaYay, Equestrian lore! Very exciting!
VastaKustutaSo I presume it starts with defeating Discord.
VastaKustutainb4 "And that's how Equestria was made!"
VastaKustutaWasn't there an app for this? (No joke)
VastaKustutaWait, Equestria wasn't made when pinkie worked in a rock farm and then saw a rainbow?
VastaKustutaAnd by the way this story of equestria look more like thanksgiving than christmas.
VastaKustutaIf the official app is accurate, per TheWerePony above, we will find out officially about the pre-Discordian era? And if so, it will be interesting to see if Celestia or Luna even exist yet!
VastaKustutaAnd it was said that the fanon died 3 times that day.
VastaKustutaThe potential fanon killing is off the charts with this one. Going to be interesting to see what they pull off with this, and how well we recover. We did really well with Luna, so let's go for two out of two!
Well Star Swirl the Bearded is a famous pony from way back in Luna's time. Equestria has to have been started by unicorns with their magic, so pilgrims won't make an appearance.
VastaKustutaUnless they did go with pilgrims, at which point I'll dismiss the show canon and go back to the fanon because pilgrim stories are BS.
I wanted to say "And that's how Equestria was made." but I just saw that someone beat me to it. :(
VastaKustutaOh well.
Since Jayson Thiessen said that there would be no humans in the show, that automatically disproved my "Rise of the Planet of the Ponies" scenario.
VastaKustutaFanon bomb ready...
VastaKustuta...Turn the key.
I wasn't really aware that there WAS much fanon about Equestria's origins...
VastaKustutaYep, sounds like the iPad app was based off of a show script after all (as it had the cast perform in a play about the founding of Equestria.) Not that there isn't room for a lot more detail than we had in the app... A cause of the "mysterious" blizzard that swept the land and forced the three pony races to live together was never given... I figure odds are about even that it was Celestia or Discord behind it. The land thawed once the races found harmony, the unicorns built Canterlot and invited the others to a party that became a yearly tradition called the Grand Galloping Gala, and that's how Equestria was made.
VastaKustutaI'm glad I'm not done with my fanfic yet. This episode will be instrumental for me in filling in a few chapters.
VastaKustuta70% of the fanon? I say 99%.
Pinkie?! Your tail is twitching like crazy! Definitely a shitstorm a brewin'.
VastaKustutaIt's the annual Celestiamas pageant!
VastaKustutaAwesome, I love world building episodes like this, it's a shame some of my favorite fanfics like "Paradise" might get ruined though.
VastaKustutaINB4 the play is Pinkie Pie's cutie mark story.
VastaKustutaThat's what I like about it! It's not a Christmas ep, it's a winter holiday ep ( even though it doesn't fit here because it's not winter here, but I'm willing to overlook that for the sake of ponies).
Actually, with a name like "Hearth Warming Eve" it sounds almost like a Greek or Pagan holiday (hope that doesn't put anypony off...)
I like the ambiguous alignment of it.
God, you people are so obsessed with your fanon? You do realize this story will likely not involve either Celestia or Luna, right? Because Equestria existed even before Discord, and Discord is older than either of them.
VastaKustutaOh, and it will also be a myth, you know just like Christmas stories IRL.
This episode will change precisely nothing.
VastaKustuta@timofei I doubt our Christmas story would be a myth if we had living god emperors
VastaKustutaHmm, this episode airs on the 17th of dec... 18th is the Feast of Epona, holy day honoring all equines. neat.
VastaKustutaMurder ALL the fanon!
VastaKustuta"Six friends are in a play"
I had a discontinued fanfic where the mane cast put on a play.
Oh boy, here we go!
VastaKustutaninjenkins: remember Nightmare Night origin story (as told by Zecora)? You think it's canon that Nightmare Moon ate ponies and could be pacified by offering candy?
VastaKustutaI like my fanon scrambled not sunny side up >:3
VastaKustuta"Hearth's Warming" sounds like the ancient tradition of allowing the house's fire (that was always kept burning) to die out completely on the eve of the Winter Solstice. As the sun rose the next morning, the fire was re-lit, symbolizing the turning of the year and the lengthening of the days.
VastaKustutaAnd that's how Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark!
VastaKustutaI'm glad they're keeping with Pagan-type holiday names based around the changing of the seasons. It's the only thing that would make sense, really, Celestia and Luna being *right there* and all.
Fluttershy: I'm a little nervous to be performing in front of everypony.
VastaKustutaTwilight: Don't worry, you only have to say one word: "Hark!". Then princess Celestia comes down and raises the sun for the first time.
Fluttershy: Oh...i-i guess i can do it...
-The night of the play-
Fluttershy: ....HOCKEY STICK!!
I know it wouldn't be an original joke, but I'd forgive them using it to see Fluttershy react to her mistake.
iisaw said...
VastaKustuta"And that's how Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark! "
If they make that a proper joke I will be so very happy.
Pony jesus? is that you?
VastaKustutaTimofei : I thought it was clear by now that someponies bash the fanon just for the evulz.
VastaKustutaOhohoho. This doesn't affect *my* fanfic at all.
VastaKustuta*big, pulled-out wink*
But holiday themed episode? Hmm. Most series fall pretty flat when they try to do seasonal specials, I wonder what the writers are going to come up with. It's be an interesting watch.
Hmmm... It seems they're playing it a bit smart here :P Seems obvious that to an extent it's a play on the name Christmas Eve (but let's not go there) but doesn't seem like it'll be their version of it. Odds are it'll be a type of immigration story. That's my big guess. Giant blizzard comes after some Unicorns or something migrate over, they can't deal with the cold, & the Earth ponies keep 'em warm, etc etc.
VastaKustutaHopefully they learned not to make it something disproving any religions (atheism included) or there'll be a lot of rage. But w/e.
You know, even after this episode comes out. People are still going to make their own version of how Equestria was made. Heck, I intend too. That's what I love about fanfiction, you can do whatever you want on it. If you do it right of course. A smart writer would take this episode, at least parts of it, and then use it to create their own version with those elements.
VastaKustutaI can just imagine Pinkie causing the whole story to go off the rails, leading to random cuts to Celestia saying "THAT WASN'T HOW IT HAPPENED!"
VastaKustuta@ Down to Earth
VastaKustutaif that happened... All of my laughter. All of it.
However, my laugh would be cut off by the realization that I'd have to get off the internet RIGHT AWAY for about a few months before the heat of the rage calmed down from the non-Christians :P
And that's how Equestria was made!
VastaKustuta@Jebediah Oldenheimer You said it.
VastaKustutaI'm okay as long as Megan isn't there. Or pilgrims.
Besides, no fanwork is canon, so why strictly attach canon to fanworks?
@ TerribleClerk
VastaKustutaIndeed he doesn't.
Though technically by fanon there's nothing saying there couldn't be a Jesus there someday...
Oh boy. Inc fanfics about Pony-Christian religion forming :P
(Though that WOULD be interesting to see how they played it out...)
F***.Thats when i go 2 NYC.
VastaKustutaMy story called Rarity's Tale has a generic holiday called Gift Giving Day, but I haven't invented a backstory for its existence.
VastaKustutaSeason Two is going to rock.
And atheism is not a religion. >.>
This time, Hasbro is crossing the line.
VastaKustutaI belive the Movie is coming next?
Dang! Fans should be free to have their own theory!(It should be an episode's lesson) I can't believe they announced the episode's synopsis 1 month ago...
Why do I get the feeling that you aren't "brony hip" unless you believe Fanon>Canon?
VastaKustutaI wonder if Discord is mentioned here at any point (considering didn't Celestia say he used to rule once?)
VastaKustutaFirst Rarity's parents. Now this. My fanfic lies in ruins. No not really.
VastaKustutaThis'll be interesting. SO far all we know about Equestrian history is Discord ruled for a while. Then Celestia and Luna beat him up and took the throne. Then Luna went crazy and was sent to the moon. Then 1000 years of nada happened. Learning about it's creation should be interesting.
VastaKustutammm a christmas episode and also 3 weeks and a half of awesome non-stop holiday break off...
VastaKustutai wish i had Dr.Richtofens laugh for this happyness....
@Feros Yeah, they're crossing the line! How DARE they write their own show how they want to. Where do they get off exploring new territory to keep their viewers interested?! What a bunch of assholes! They should completely immerse themselves into our fanon material that WE (the smaller demographic) have created on our own, and then make sure sure that all of their brilliant ideas don't contiminate OUR shit!
VastaKustutaAre you serious?
I can only hope that we will not devolve into religious flame wars after it airs. The subject is definitely worth debating, but NOT in the context of a kids' show...
VastaKustutaI don't even understand why a post like this would mention the threat to established fanon material, let alone mention it in the FIRST sentence. Why can't you just be HAPPY that we know about a new episode?
VastaKustutaThat the very first reaction to learning of a new episode is that it might invalidate fan-made works is essentially a giant middle finger to production team.
Are you there, Celestia? It's me, Twilight.
VastaKustutaIf they're going to do reruns for a bit after this, they should so totally air music videos of the mane cast singing holiday songs.
VastaKustutaSecular, of course.
technically if this were the 13th, it'd air after christmas, unless they were to do a double premiere on the 24th....
I don't care about fanon being disproved. We survived Luna, and we can survive this. And YOU'RE.. GOING.. TO LOOOOOVE IIIIIT!
VastaKustutaI, for one, am quite happy we will finally have a canon foundation to base future FanFics!
VastaKustutaSo, this is how Equestria was made?
VastaKustutaIf you played the iOS app "Teacher for a Day" then you already know how Equestria was made.
VastaKustutaDang, I was hoping for something like a Winter Moon Celebration for Luna.
VastaKustutaDude, didn't the MLP Storybook app mess up all of our fanon founding stories already? Anyway, this sounds like buckets of fun and definitely a song episode!
VastaKustutaYou guys have to understand, most of fanon is meant to be broke anyway. It's going to happen in many forms sooner or later as the stories are explained and light shed on things. That's how it is. lol And since this community has come up with it's own fanon for pretty much everything not already explained... yeah... it's hard -not- to touch on anything that would mess up some fanon work in some way, shape or form. :P
VastaKustutaThe founding of Equestria. Will be very interesting I'm sure. :D
Never followed the fanon history of Equestria, I mean we had Pinkie's tale of how Equestria was made after all.
VastaKustutaToo late!
For me, there are so many fanons that it's hard to keep track as it is. So on the plus side, this will de-clutter things a bit.
VastaKustutaThat, and it'll give me more material for the "History of Equestria" fic I've been working on. :3
OH MY- wait I don't have an interpretation of Equestria. OH MY GOD this will be the greatest episode I've ever seen in my life!
VastaKustutaI'm putting my bits on that the Ponies started out in Dream Valley, then left after it was clear that everything was trying to kill them dead.
VastaKustutaMy birthday is on december 17th.
VastaKustutaFork year.
Wait, ponies have guns?
VastaKustutaProblem, fanon ponies?
VastaKustutaSeason 2, destroying fanon every episode. Love it.
VastaKustutaAnd so we find out the eventual fate of humanity. Neat.
VastaKustutaAlso, I don't think this will affect most people's fanon, since this isn't like what a lot of people latched onto because it was neat (such as Rarity's parents). Really, only fanfic writers ever tackled it.
So no Winter Solstice episode where Luna raises the moon for the longest night of the year? Lame.
VastaKustutaI do remember hearing about their being more than one two-parter in season two a long time ago?
VastaKustutaYes, Jason said that the Discord duo episode is not the last to be a two-parter.
Considering all the different interpretations that arise whenever we do get something official, I doubt this is a 'fanon nuke'. In fact, there's probably going to be more fanon history as ponies clear up what can't be covered in 22min and try to go deeper/clearify.
VastaKustutaI've seen theories based almost solely on 'Sonic Rainboom' that run the gauntlet from Pinkie actually DID create Equestria, to that the entire show is a dream sequence, so if one episode sets some absolute final standard, you might be doing it wrong. (Then again, I don't write)
Not to mention the possibility that the play goes bad, and nothing in it holds together that well. Somehow, I see that as a serious possibility if Pinkie takes the stage.
I like the sound of this but are you sure that its spelled right? it would sound better if it was called "Heart's Warming Eve"...I honestly have a bit of a hard time saying Hearth's...
VastaKustutaBut I hope we get to see how the pony race came into existance, I have been longing to know since it was mentioned by Lauren Faust. I also wanna know where Celestia and Luna came from...were they like real bodyless gods before they arrived to equestria and fought Discord?
Ok I don't get why people are hating on luna. She was boss. Especially her cape made of bats
VastaKustutaOh boy, this episode's gonna be really interesting. I'm looking forward to it!
VastaKustutaI think only one thing can be said about the synopsis:
VastaKustuta"And that's how Equestria was made!"
Canon Luna is a fucking G. People need to quit being butthurt that she wasn't the sad little aspie girl the fanon wanted her to be.
VastaKustutaSame thing here - oh no! The show doesn't perfectly fit with teh internetz!!1!11!! Who cares? Make a new fanon if you must, but don't get mad about it
I have a feeling this is where the leaked Pinkie song will fit in. :u
VastaKustutaFunny, like many fic writers, I was going to include something about the origin of Equestria in my story. However all they say is that they are in a play about it. It might be dramatized. I.E. partially made up. Celestia could be covering up the real story. Seriously, perhaps the truth is too terrible to let out to the general public.
VastaKustutaTHAT...would be so boss!
@Dawnmist I agree!
VastaKustutaI imagine when they originally did the numbering they figured they were going to be able to get two more episodes in before the holiday season. So my guess is that this episode will air on 12/17 and 12/24 followed by episodes 11 and 12 the weeks following.
VastaKustutaEqueatia History Canon? Wow... that's a big step.
VastaKustutamaybe somepony will celebrate Hanukah? Especially a certain family that loves a certain red fruit........
VastaKustuta@Rage *Equestia
VastaKustutaI bet the song "smile" is gonna be in this one!!!
VastaKustutaThis pic is definately going on my phone b/g.
VastaKustutaConsidering that the current theology of Equestria has Luna, Celestia, and Discord as the only known deities, doesn't it already "disprove" every religion (as well as atheism, agnosticism, etc. Disbelief in a deity is kind of hard to sustain when the deities in question regularly invite folks to parties and occasionally drop by just to chat and say hi) in existence?
...Well, except for Discordianism. Not only is that not disproved, but in a way it's even supported in-show. Which is kind of a creepy thought, really. Exploding chocolate milk and five tons of flax for everypony!
VastaKustuta(calm down. I just said "The fanon, the." in German.)
I don't see how this is a problem. I'm really excited to hear how Equestria was founded!
VastaKustutaWell of COURSE Celestia is covering up the horrific, grimdark TRUE story of how Equestria was founded in a Lovecraftian dark magic ritual that slaughtered the original indigenous population.
(dark fantasy allegory for American history, SEE WHAT I DID THERE?)
@Sedaheht Ok, I was exagerating a little when I said «They're crossing the line», but it is a little sad to see your fan-work detroyed by undeniable truth. MLP is owned by Hasbro, so they got the rights to do anything they want. I just hope they won't destroy every fan-work intentionally.
VastaKustuta@ Ronan
VastaKustutaNot really. I mean, we can't actually assume they're deities in canon. It's possible, but there are too many arguments for both sides. Everything she does n such is Royal like. The difference is her life-span, extremely powerful magic, & that's about it, but those could by some people simply be attributed to their being Alicorns. In the same way, it can be assumed they're immortal. Same goes for Discord; Could be immortal deity, or could be mortal, but extremely powerful (even the regular unicorns have magic, so it's not uncommon for very powerful ones to). Especially considering he seemed to have "started" his chaos at a point where evidently Equestria had already been around for a long time (or so this episode should suggest with its explaining).
However, we'll just have to wait n' see. I don't think we should really care all THAT much at this point. Nobody should really try and "prove" their religion to fit into the show. If you look at things at different angles, you can fit most religions in there if you wanted... And if people want to, sure, but let's not start arguing about it on the internet :P
Eh, its only the origin of equestria. Can't hurt the fanon too bad (apart from paradise, but paradise is a joy to read so I don't really care).
VastaKustutaOh gosh yes! Canon backstory!
VastaKustutaNot that I dislike fanon, but I love backstory/history so much!
I love season 2
VastaKustutaBou time we got some serious world building
@James Corck
VastaKustutaDoesn't that harken back to a japanese film with different witnesses giving contradictory testimonies about a crime?
and, Pinkie Pie, THAT'S how Equestria was made
VastaKustuta@Feros They haven't ever destroyed anything intentionally, and I don't expect them to start.
VastaKustutaOne door closes and another one opens.
VastaKustutaHonestly, the fanon destroyer drama is a little overblown honestly. Most of what has happened this season opens so many possibilities in fanfic it's pretty silly to be crying foul.
Judging from the sound of the synopsis, it sounds like this is going to be a holiday special... With Christmas themes but without the Christmas, you know?
VastaKustutaI'm cool with that.
VastaKustutaYour allegory isn't complete, you need the indigenous population to be raiding the immigrants' food supplies, trading them food that's actually not very nourishing at all, and generally being as big of dicks as the people who eventually won.
Everyone keeps forgetting that interracial brotherhood wasn't invented until the 1960s.
"I felt a disturbance in the force. As though 1000's o fannon writers cried out at once, and then were silenced by awesomeness"
VastaKustutaCannon > Fannon
Really hoping we get some Discord/Celestia/Luna screentime here. Someone mentioned the possibility of Twilight playing Celestia in the pageant, and that would be just perfect.
VastaKustutaFor some reason, I'm imagining that right at the end we'll have a flashback from Celestia about how certain details actually happened, rather than how they're understood to have happened by the ponies.
And that's how Equestria was made!"
VastaKustutaI really hope Discord at least gets mentioned in the pageant, that would be awesome! Christmas episode, it's like a dream come true!
VastaKustutaI'm a time traveler. I point and laugh at historians.
VastaKustutaAnd look, it's snowing! I love snow...
As long as we get some more Luna AND Discord being at lest talked about here.. I'll be happy... If we get flashbacks of them then all the better... We get more Luna then it'll be pure awesome! You can't go wrong with more Luna!!! :3
VastaKustutaI hope the emphasis is on having the Mane 6 trying to put on a performance, rather than on whatever backstory is being created for Equestria. (The latter is a lot more fun as a fanfiction idea. The show is not going to use bold orchestration that would disturb their pastoral fantasy.)
VastaKustutaTrying to get Fluttershy to perform sounds like a particularly amusing idea, and we can always use a little more Fluttershy.
according to latest episodes:
VastaKustutaPonies have mummies, vikings, clowns.
And in Rainbow Dash pet "Rainbow Dash -PRAYS-"
VastaKustutaJust as I finish my massive fic revamp, complete with my own history of Equestria.
Don't you just hate it when your fic becomes obsolete? I do. But fortunately, I didn't do my holiday story yet so I don't have to suffer.
VastaKustutaCool. So I guess the pony version of Christmas still involves a sort of origin story, but instead of a son of god it's the founding of the nation. Interesting...
VastaKustuta*gets popcorn ready* this will be glorious.
VastaKustutaPeople should be prepared to be disappointed... Again, this sounds like the plot of the iPad app where they put on a play about the origins of Equestria. Celestia and Luna didn't factor in... Just the blizzard forcing the three races of ponies to work together.
VastaKustutaI've always wondered how common the knowledge is of Celestia's lifespan. I mean, the whole Nightmare Moon story was seen as an "old pony tale", and the mane six seemed surprised to learn Luna was Celestia's sister, even though the legend clearly spelled it out. Twilight herself seemed to not consider the fact that Celestia was a thousand years old when she originally wrote to her about her Mare in the Moon fears.
So do ponies not record history? Or do they assume that Celestia is just the latest in a line of Princess Celestias?
I have my preferred-fanon for the Equestrian-origin story. I keep that fanon as my head-canon until an episode proves otherwise. That doesn't mean my world is shattered, it just means that someone in the fan-base had a very interesting idea.
VastaKustutaI'm looking forward to how this episode is handled, looks like it could be interesting! :)
I really hope the history they come up with is totally ridiculous and over the top. Like, I want to see the entire land built on top of a giant rainbow, which rained sunflower seeds upward to form the sun, and dandelion seeds up to form the moon.
VastaKustutaOr...wait...If it turns out to be the blizzard story:
Oh yeah...That's the ticket.
Still several episodes before all our hard-worked conspiracies are trashed. GET TO WORK EVERYPONY
VastaKustutaWell, thank Celestia I haven't read any finfics about Equestria's origin! Yay for me, lol!
VastaKustutaAs long as it kills the "Princesses are goddesses" nonsense, I'll be happy.
VastaKustutabrace youselves, shitstorm incoming!
VastaKustutaThey're immortal entities responsible for the movements of the heavens themselves.
That's almost literally the DEFINITION of deity. Whether or not they're worshiped religiously is immaterial. In canon, Rarity has uttered a phrase replacing 'God' with 'Celestia'. If the episode specifically comes out and says there's a higher power than the Princesses there's that, but the facts as they are, we can make this assumption.
Getting -really- tired of this "Everything not specifically and exactly spelled out in an episode is fanon and thus evil" thing.
plz no jesus stuff!!! But i have faith in them (LOL faith)!!! Look how they did a spin on Halloween!! they gave it a whole story behind it, it actully made more sence than our halloween
VastaKustutaI anticipate much butthurt from some of the fans.
VastaKustutaso... fluttershy is not a tree?
VastaKustutaI don't understand the point of this episode.
VastaKustutaPinkie already told us how equestrian was made....
VastaKustutamaybe I'm more laid-back on that matter, but I think the reason the main talking subject here is the total obliteration of fanon is more for the lulz... we all know that, when writing fics about an ongoing show, most theories those fanfics come up with will be, eventually, proven wrong... that's what happened with Luna, we survived, and now we love Luna even more! (specially for being a prankster)
VastaKustutaNow, another big, fanon-shattering episode is coming, and also a holiday one, too (it seems that'll be the trend: holiday episode = fanon dies, ROFL), and I can't be happier about it!! I'll embrace it with all my brony heart!!
Umm, guys, how much Equestria origins fannon is there anyways? You want to destroy fannon you make everypony straight, that will murder fannon.
VastaKustutaLooking forward to this, world building is fun.
And so the entire fanon was instantaneously cut in half...
VastaKustuta@30eb973c-9d45-11e0-94a7-000bcdcb8a73 The better nuke would be Rainbow Dash is a prude.
VastaKustutaConsidering this could run the gambit of the unification of Equestria as a single political power under Discord, to a literal creation story. the only fanon is that which involves the corruption of Luna, What the Discordian era was, Paradise, or Lauren Faust being a cannon alicorn. again it will be the Celestia approved history so Tyrant celectia, and Discord/Celestia shipping will still be fair game.
I hope Big Mac will be in it!
VastaKustuta@James Corck
VastaKustuta*clears throat*
I was wondering when this Episode would come around...
VastaKustuta...My Fanfiction will not care, though.
@James Corck
VastaKustutaA Rashomon style episode? That'd be fun to watch.
I'm not worried about the effects on fan materials. Our imagination is what brings it to life, after all, regardless if it's considered canon.
VastaKustutaHold on a minute... this means we finally get to learn how equestria was made?
VastaKustutaI hope it's not the same as the iPhone app. That story suuuuucks
VastaKustutaI guess it's entirely possible that it was originally designated as the 13th episode, but that the Hub, when opening up the few weeks they did had to change the lineup so that this episode still falls before Christmas?
VastaKustutaIt's been done before, no big deal. After Christmas we'll watch 11, then 12, then 14, etc.
I dont mind fanons getting slaughter and it's a good thing
VastaKustutaI was going to kick myself in the rear if the next episode wasn't either an Applejack centered episode or a Christmas special. Thankfully I'm not gonna have to hurt myself.
VastaKustutaLooking forward to it. I'm happy to see they're doing some holiday specials for us.
For all you fanon-slaughter worriers, Maybe Celestia provided that blizzard myth (or whatever creation mythos the episode tells about) as an excuse to avoid saying that she has no idea how Equestria came to be, due to the fact that she and Luna were born during Discord's reign of terror, and that nopony alive at the time either was born before Discord took over, or heard of the story from somepony who did live before Discord's reign
VastaKustutaEquestria's founding? I really hope it involves some details about Luna and Celestia - not just some anonymous settler ponies. Either way, a play will have a hard time "killing fanon" unless one of the royal pony sisters declares it to be historically accurate.
VastaKustutaOT: Yay, more world-building.
VastaKustutaPoint taken, but when the "extremely powerful magic" in question is--at the very least--used to move the sun (and possibly will it into existence, although that's unclear), for all practical purposes you've got a deity on your hands. I suppose it depends on how you define "deity." If you insist on a deity being an entity at Yahweh-esque power levels (extratemporal creator, omniscient, omnipotent, and either omnibenevolent or omnimalevolent), then neither the Alicorns or the Draconequus qualify.
That's just one definition, though. By, say, ancient Greek, Egyptian, Mayan, Shinto, Hindu, or most other standards, all three of them are pretty clearly deities. Discord could easily go toe-to-toe with Loki (and he frankly outmatches Raven and Coyote). Celestia tends to hide her power, but if we assume her to be more powerful than her younger sister (who, in Luna Eclipsed, showed some pretty impressive casual reality-warping abilities), then she's roughly similar to Ra or Apollo in power level (and arguably has them beaten in the wisdom department. Takes a lot of cunning to outwit a trickster). By the same token, it doesn't really matter if they're actually immortal or not; in quite a few religions, deities are hard to kill, but they're definitely not completely indestructible (see pretty much very creation myth involving the deposing of some primal elder deity).
Which is, um, perhaps a little bit more analysis than is really necessary. Somewhat more on topic, I'm really looking forward to this episode. I wonder if Celestia and Luna will be present? I'd love to see some whispered conversation between them during the course of play--although that might be a little bit too derivative of the episode of Avatar where something similar happened with the main characters watching a play based on their own exploits.
VastaKustutaStuff like this always makes me wonder how the writers treat fanon. I can see 3 good arguments:
VastaKustuta1- They are told to actively mine it for ideas, since they could probably seize the rights to it anyway if they wanted to.
2- They are not told to look at it, but not discouraged either, in case they want to look.
3- They are explicitly told not to so they have plausible deniability if anything comes out similar.
#3 gets my vote.
So Celestia and Luna overthrowing Discord was not the founding of Equestria?
VastaKustutaIIRC they go out of their way not to read fanfiction, I'm not sure what the stance on fanon in general is though.
>the founding of Equestria
VastaKustuta... I'm scared. Somepony hold me!
My hope is that this play will be vague enough that it'll still suit Paradise, or even establish it as more Canon, like Nightmare Night was very good for my charactization of Luna.
That, or it'll completely demolish everything.
But even if it does! I'll continue Paradise as I originally planned, canon or not.
Perhaps it is a 3 parter.
VastaKustutaFanon's Armageddon.
VastaKustutaNot only is my body ready, I for one whole heartedly welcome our new CANON overlord.
I think what people are concerned about is this:
VastaKustuta(1) It is fun to speculate as to the origins of Celestia, Luna, Discord, Equestria, etc., and there is some concern that getting a definitive answer will end the attempts to write backstories; it's not that the fanon is better than canon, it's that people like having 100 different ideas, and they are worried about not having more fun ideas written. Like the Joker, they prefer to have their origin stories multiple-choice.
Not saying that having a canon backstory is bad, just saying that I understand why it concerns people.
(2) I think the religious concern is that the pageant not be used as an overtly obvious allegory (e.g. for creationism v. evolution) that takes a side on a religious question (the way some feel that "Feeling Pinkie Keen" did).
It's about the founding of Equestria not the creation of equestria. So you can all calm down now I don't see the big deal here... Because there honestly hasn't been any generally accepted fanon for it.
VastaKustutaI think seth is overestimating this episode's impact on the fanbase and fanon.
VastaKustutaAt BroNYCon I asked Jayson Thiessen about Celestia and Luna and their status in these matters. More specifically, I asked about Luna's age and why she is smaller and younger then Celestia, mainly asking if it was because of her banishment for 1,000 years stunting her age.
His response was that Celestia is a deity whereas Luna is more of a sub-deity. Take that for whatever it is.