Woah, a full on Spike episode. That's a Rarity right there!
All information can be found after the break.
Title: Secret of my Excess
Synopsis: Spike gets greedy on his birthday and has a huge growth spurt that could decimate Ponyville.
Air Date: December 10, 2011
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ReplyDelete"A full on Rarity" oh dear. Anyway a Spike episode, interesting.
ReplyDeleteI was trying not to look at the snyopsis though, curse accidently reading things.
Also when do I get an episode?
For another cool title picture, see my announcement of the new episode.
ReplyDeleteBA DUM BUM CHI!
ReplyDeleteIn other news: Two Rarity episodes, two Rainbow Dash episodes, and .. a Spike episode? Buh? What is up with this season so far?
Ah yes!
ReplyDeleteI can only hope this makes up for Owl's Well.
Judging from the description there will be no owl to ruin it this time, so I am excited.
Could be intresting . Nice to see him back in the spotlight for an episode.
ReplyDeleteSo now we know Pinkie Pie, Gummy, and Spike's birthdays. I suppose we count the date the episode premires as the actual dates?
Oh my god, this is gonna be awesome! I wonder if he'll stay huge though...
ReplyDeleteNah, I'm sure Twilight will think of some shrinking spell or something
As if Spike wasn't fat enough already :D
ReplyDeleteAlso sounds like it might be a dream episode. But then again, they did promise surprises so maybe...
This episode title recieves my personal seal of approval. Also... ONE OF MY S2 PLOT PREDICTIONS COMES THROUGH!
ReplyDeleteInb4 dovahkiin.
ReplyDeleteAnd Applejack fans continue to wonder, when will our long drought finally come to an end?
ReplyDeleteA story about puberty?
ReplyDeleteOr am I misunderstanding something?
At this point, I'n just assuming the other 3 Ponies who yet to have whole episodes will have them during the second half of the season. I want mah dang Fluttershy episode D:
ReplyDeleteNO! IT'S TOO SOON!
Hmm not sure about this one yet. Spike hasn't been that much of a favorite of mine. But, the season has been great so far so I'm sure I will be surprised in some way.
ReplyDeleteThis. Is. GLORIOUS!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if Spike stays big afterward it will help majorly with figuring out the proper chronology for the episodes.
Oh god the show's going to become Clifford for a day! XD
ReplyDeleteSpike will grow too much, and it'll be fixed with magic and a lesson.
ReplyDeleteAaaand another week goes by without news of an episode for Pinkie, Fluttershy, or Applejack.
ReplyDeleteThe last episode we got about Spike was dismal. Let's hope he makes a better showing this time.
ReplyDelete"Spike has a growth spurt that could threaten the entire town!"
ReplyDeleteOompa. Loompa. Loompidy doo...
Why all the dislike for Owl's Well? I thought it was a great episode!
ReplyDeleteHopefully this means the return of Spike's "Cutie Mark Chronicles" design.
ReplyDelete@Caboose I don't think so, the adult dragons we've seen have a different body shape to Spike so its likely that is part of a dragon's growth. The CMC Spike was more like an inflated Spike than a grown up Spike- it still had baby proportions, just like how a human baby the size of an adult would just look freaky.
ReplyDeleteOr even the return of his "Dog and Pony Show" design!
Now, of course, will they properly use the "decimate" term correctly? This *is* supposedly an E/I show...
ReplyDelete@Xeddrief: A fair point, but I still think that the default dragon design just doesn't fit Spike's character. Too sharp and mean. That's why I hope they go a similar route to CMC.
ReplyDeleteWhere is my Pinkie Pie episode :(
ReplyDeleteFor all those complaining about Applejack, last week's episode was the official Applejack Episode for the season. Enjoy! <.<
ReplyDeleteAlso hope this one is better than Owl's Well, because that was the worst S1 episode (primarily due to the owl).
awesome it's airing on my birthday best birthday present ever
ReplyDeleteSeason Two is best pony.
ReplyDeleteIt will probably go that he makes a wish for his birthday that he was all grown up, and the next day he goes all huge, and it turns out it was all a dream.
ReplyDeleteAt least that's what I think.
Inb4 this sounds like that fanfic where the dragon at the end of Owl's Well that Ends Well takes Spike in and helps him 'grow up'. >.>
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a major derailer for 'It Takes A Village' - hopefully not, I'm enjoying that fic
ReplyDeleteI just hope he won't be as malformed as in Cutie Mark Chronicles.
ReplyDeleteSpike grows big and decimates the city....
ReplyDeleteThat, is...the most epic symposia I've ever heard
Growht spurt?! Is this season going to change the status quo again?!
ReplyDeleteSo, another Spike-centric episode. S1 had a lot of focus on Fluttershy (Dragonshy, Stare Master, Bird in the Hoof), which kinda makes me sad that she gets no real screentime this season.
ReplyDeleteAJ gets no screentime dedication, ever.
Poor AJ.
Oh, but...2nd birthday episode. We would now know three birthdays after that airing.
ReplyDeleteMacro fetish? In MY Ponies?
Anyone else find it ironic that we heard that are going to have an episode about a dragon getting way too big the same we Skyrim came out?
ReplyDeleteWhy did i have to find out about this ep whilst thinking dirty? Excess? Growth spurt? Full on Rarity? There are so many thoughts going through my head now
ReplyDeleteOwl's well was bottom of the heap in terms of Season 1 episodes for me. I'm not optimistic about this one either since it seems along the same vein. I pray I'm proven wrong.
ReplyDeleteSounds like some of the creators have been reading our fanfics, even though I know that's not possible. XD
ReplyDeleteten points they are going to make a king kong reference with spike grabbing rarityand going to the top of a building in ponyville with rainbow dash flying around him firing watermelons seeds like a machine gun.
ReplyDeleteTen bucks says the episode slips in a sly joke about "male enhancement".
ReplyDeleteWhenever I think of Spike growing I can't help but think of "It Takes A Village" XD
ReplyDeletewow even Spike gets an episode before AJ.
Owl's well was a decent ep...I dunno what half of you are whining about.
ReplyDeleteY NO AJ/FLUTTERSHY/PINKIE -_________-
ReplyDeletesee it's stuff like this that makes me look forward to some episode.
I love it when fans who seem to care more about their fan fics and stuff get their fanon crushed and hope this episode does this to whatever fic it is your talking about.
Oh no, watch out Spike.
ReplyDeleteHere comes Dovahkiin!
Spike is one of my favourite characters, so I'm pretty happy about this. Owl's Well was pretty good, but Spike is awesome..
ReplyDeleteI know in the end Spike is going to feel bad and get shrunk back to normal size by Twilight "OP Deus Ex Machina" Sparkle (relax Twi, I still luvz u), but I'm not sure how it will start off. If it's just an episode about him getting fat, I will be pissed off.
Also, "Secret of My Excess" sounds like the title of an erotic novel staring a detective and a milkmaid.
Please, oh please, oh please let Spike have wings when he's shown all "grown up"!
ReplyDeleteHohohoho, hoh shit this is going to be awesome. 8D
>Growth Spurt
>Decimate Ponyville
>instant win. CAN'T WAIT FOR DAT PLOT
Ugh. Just enjoy the ride already. The other ponies will get their spotlights, and I still think Rarity gets all the best moments.
ReplyDeleteI... did not see this coming 0_o. I just hope things do not ENTIRELY get back to normal at the end of the episode, or that at least the reset button will not be too egregious.
ReplyDeleteWhy yes, Tvtropes has ruined my vocabulary, no need to ask.
lolwut, hate for Owls well? Really? That episode was decent, it just had the misfortune of being stuck between the two of the best episodes of season 1. I'd expect more hate for Over a barrel, or for Lesson Zero. Those episodes are more deserving. This episode sounds odd though... but it'll be fine
ReplyDeleteno because Lesson Zero is the best and most hilarious episode of the show, only people who were like "ZOMG IT's TOO OVER THE TOP" dislike it,and screw those people.
Owls well by contrast introduces a Character no one likes, and is generally besides one or two scenes entirely boring and forgettable and easily the worst episode of the show.
I still hope Spike will not just inflate like during Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam but be more like that fan-made sketched short about Spike growing up and leaving Twilight, like a mature dragon.
ReplyDelete"Spike gets greedy?"
ReplyDeleteWhat constitutes greedy with this guy? He already eats like five times his body weight every day!
Why so much hate around the lineup? Trust Faust and Friends, everypony.
ReplyDeleteThat and Pony Kaiju. This is going to rock.
I did have some problems with both Lesson Zero and Owl's Well for different reasons, but on the whole I still enjoyed them.
ReplyDeleteHere's my two conspiracy theories. Spike either eats an enchanted gem or they introduce a concept where the bond between a dragon and its hoard dictates growth.
*Get Skyrim
ReplyDelete*Day later episode synopsis comes out about Spike (dragon) decimating Ponyville (small town).
Lets hope Fluttershy knows some nifty dragon shouts!
Damn, you guys complain to much
ReplyDeleteReset button with options. This why I think the episode has to be semi magical in nature. No way are they going to leave it as just "growing up and then returning to normal". I think Spike will return to normal but Twilight leaves him the option to invoke a full growth mode for one hour if he wishes.
ReplyDeleteYes my imagination is rather wild.
Rainbow Dash already has enough episodes, give me an Applejack or Pinkie Pie episode already.
ReplyDeleteA Pinkie Pie episode is guaranteed. Leaked song was proof of that.
ReplyDeleteSpike could use a little more airtime. Since he's not one of the mane cast of ponies, he tends to be overlooked most of the time. And a growth spurt. Oh boy. Wonder how big a growth spurt. Big enough to crush a whole town it sounds like. :P
ReplyDelete@Lightning Fast
ReplyDelete"Also, "Secret of My Excess" sounds like the title of an erotic novel staring a detective and a milkmaid."
Heh, nice.
Spike getting a growth spurt...? Well, I hope that WHATEVER happens it actually becomes important and isn't just reverted by episode's end. Teenage Spike is the BEST SPIKE.
ReplyDeleteRUN, It's SPIKEJIRA!
ReplyDelete@Pojo458 Art must be made.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what FlutterShy's reaction will be?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWait, does that mean there will be permanent ramifications from his growth spurt, and he'll have to deal with them for the rest of the series?
ReplyDelete...Nah, never mind. One of the princesses will have some Deus Ex Machina to restore the status quo... LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO.
In before it's all a dream, a la "Christmas Carol", and Spike learns not to be greedy.
ReplyDeletei wana see him go on rampages already
ReplyDeleteIt may just be me... But that sounds slightly sexual.
ReplyDelete"that could decimate Ponyville."
ReplyDeleteWhy does the description for a kids show have the word 'decimate' in it? Isn't that like, a word most kids in the target age group wouldn't know anyway?
Oh well. Should be good for a laugh.
Wow, Birthday wishes really do come true....
ReplyDeleteSo... a dragon's... GREED... affects their SIZE and POWER? Why. Why are the writers SO AWESOME! Hmm. Spike has greed, gluttony, sloth, envy, lust, and pride down. Just give him a good dose of Wrath and he can be the new uber-villain.
ReplyDeleteStill no Applejack episode. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI have a bad idea that this episode is going to either
ReplyDeleteA) Be incredibly awesome or
B) Be incredibly sad.
ReplyDeleteSilly, there are no bad ponies.
So you specifically hope for the unhappiness of your fellow bronies, and also you say screw everyone who disagrees with you on which episode is the best. Did you just miss the memo on "love and tolerance" or something?
Also, "a character no one likes" -- apparently I am nobody. I get that a lot.
I'm pretty surprised at the reactions to Owl's Well here. It had a lot of great moments. Why the hate, people? Mojo's answer doesn't count.
Aaanyway...Spike episode! Yay! He's still my favorite. I am cautiously optimistic about this one -- I say cautious, but bear in mind that I've never outright disliked an episode yet.
Oh yeeeah, Irreplaceable. It sort of does sound like that one chapter...
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ReplyDeleteomg. this premiers on my 16th birthday. THANK U HASBRO/HUB 4 PRESENT ILU
ReplyDeleteNo but seriously, five bits says they do at least one Godzilla reference.
I really want more Pinkie! Come on! Episode 11, please be either a Pinkie or Applejack episode!
ReplyDeleteOkay, so I'm a total hypocrite for saying this because I can't wait for the Rainbow Dash episodes, but I hope it doesn't continue in this 'focusing on one pony (or dragon)' trend. My favorite part of the show is getting to see these great characters interacting, because their dynamics are so entertaining and handled so well, and these spotlight episodes don't really leave much room for interaction.
ReplyDeleteThis is my birthday weekend (mine is the 8th, so this weekend after) episode, having my converted friends over (few of which need to catch up still...) to watch the new one in the morning with me. Spike isn't any of our favorites... Derp. Oh well!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed Owl's Well, but Spike's vanity was brought out with all the subtlety of a hammer to the head. One problem with moral-lesson cartoons is keeping characters sufficiently sympathethic. Until Spike starts fearing for his position, he's a bit too much of a jerk.
ReplyDelete(That this problem comes up so rarely is part of the genius of FLM:MLP. Most ponies are far too cute to be unsympathetic, and strong personalites make their foibles seem reasonable.)
If the writers establish Spike's greed with a little more lightness or understandable motivation, there's no reason this episode can't work out great.
The gardener did it.
And this ep will kill off the "Twilight will cry when Spike grows up and leaves fanon".
ReplyDeleteHe's a dragon. Dragon's in Equestria seem to have an over-powering greed in them. It's both Spike's nature and greatest flaw. Try to think of Twilight as Spike's most precious treasure that he's been bonded to since birth.
ReplyDeleteBut wait!
And so once again the day is saved thanks to the Elements of Harmony.
That's why every time one of the show developers is interviewed they say the show will stay focused on "The-mane-6-and-Spike." It gets kinda humorous when they say that phrase enough.
ReplyDeleteCome on everypony, why so much hate?
ReplyDeleteDo you really think they'll go a whole season without an episode or two with Pinkie/Rainbow/Applejack? Or anypony else? Last season had 32 episodes; this is announced as episode 10! We've got time, y'all.
*exits soapbox*
Anywho, this episode sounds really interesting. Spike is cool, so it would be awesome to learn more about him!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he really will destroy one-tenth of Ponyville?
GROWTH SPURT?! Could it be... Will this be the beginning of a new Spike?!
ReplyDeleteGreedy? Doesn't sound like a growth spurt, sounds like obesity! After all, the deadly sin of gluttony covers all avarice.
ReplyDelete@DaBatGuy It only looks like Spikejira, but due to international copyright laws, it's not.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the Fluttershy episode?
ReplyDeleteLOL Spikezilla XD
ReplyDeleteinb4: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/09/comic-twilight-sparkle-and-spike.html?showComment=1316491804052#c4666184176631171485
ReplyDeleteAt long last! i have wanted this episode for so long. That fic "It takes a Village" came close to answering the following concerns:
1. Spike is gunna get huge one day.
2. Spike is gunna outlive every pony by a few hundred years, so thats an issue.
please... please let this be the deep, emotional episode that Owl's Well couldn't be. And they BETTER keep spike big and maintain JUST A LITTLE continuity. please please please and let his design be cool!
Wow you guys have such little faith. Poor Spike. He deserves an episode. It's a little disappointing to see everybody anticipating a bad one. When has there ever been a bad episode of MLP:FiM? I can't think of one that didn't make me smile or have at least a few awesome things.
ReplyDeleteHope Rarity's involved. I can't wait for more Spike and Rarity.
ReplyDelete@TDR Probably not, since Pinkie and Gummy are in the summer and the ep premiered in the fall I believe, and they're separated by a day, so we can't use the air-date for both. But if Spike's birthday is in a fall setting, that could work.
ReplyDelete*Spike* Pinkie why do you keep looking at me like that?
ReplyDelete*Pinkie* Fus, Ro, Dah!!!
Every episode in this season has just been great and they just keep adding more and more amazing episodes. Can't wait!
So Spike gets "bigger"?
ReplyDelete@Magnus the BlueI love that fic! And as for the default dragon design, I am sure that it would work out - after all, the "big" spike is going to have all his mannerisms. He's not exactly aggressive.
ReplyDeleteI, too, am hoping for "Spike growth spurt causes him to parasprite the town", and he gets cool new look and he stays big and everything works out 20% cooler.
ReplyDeleteI'm 100% for this, as long as Spike doesn't end up looking like that weird no-neck fugly monstrosity that Twilight turned him into in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles".
ReplyDeleteI'm like the greed angle they're going with. It seems very rooted in the classic style of Smaug from The Hobbit. It's been consistent through the series so far with the two dragons encountered by the characters. Also partially explains the whole gem-eating thing.
ReplyDelete"And they BETTER keep spike big and maintain JUST A LITTLE continuity."
That is an unreasonable expectation, and a surefire way to set yourself up for disappointment. You can't expect them to permanently age him up, at least not in a regular episode in the middle of a season. If they were to make any earth-shattering changes in this series, I'd think it would be either a season finale, premiere, or (as they did with Transformers and My Little Pony back in the 80s) a movie.
You also seem to be implying that the show has no continuity right now, which isn't giving it enough credit; there have been a lot of callbacks and nods to previous episodes. That's more continuity than you can typically expect from this type of show. What you're asking for is simply beyond its scope. I never understand why people always demand so much more of the show when it's already far surpassed everyone's expectations.
Personally, I felt that Owl's Well was really sweet and heartfelt. I felt for Spike even when he was being a brat; it's easy to forget at times, but he's just a kid.
Because Spike would totally mind being a Rarity, amirite?
ReplyDeleteOh, this is going to provide AMAZING footage for Maretrix: Reloaded.
ReplyDelete@Jocuro Damn, beat me to it.
ReplyDeleteSpike Smash!
ReplyDeleteepisodes like this and #9 have me worried they're gonna get rid of a character
ReplyDeleteDiamond Dog episode.
He wanted to express his wrath on them.
Owls Well episode.
Being a cunning guy with his wrath.
ReplyDeleteI certainly don't think its that unreasonable. If they are gunna have such a character focused episode, I would hope that a change of this PERCEIVED magnitude would have ramifications throughout the series.
I really just hope they don't deus ex machina everything back to normal and skim over potential.
ANd yeah, in season 1 they did a superb job with the slight nods the continuity that made the show so cohesive despite it being episodic. I just really hope that this episode, which will likely be answering my questions about a very interesting potential plot element, doesn't just brush aside what happens.
(kinda like Nightmare Night, when they made Nightmare Moon an apparent cultural Boogie Man and there's even a statue and yet in the pilot episodes they have no idea who she is)
That's a Win! That's a Spike-Shooting-Fire-While-Fully-Clothed Win! *WIN STAMP* ROLL THE FINAL CLIP SETH!
ReplyDelete- Zero
Spike's growwing up!
ReplyDeleteLol, can you imagine if Tobuscus was a brony? XD
As if he needed to be any more awesome than he already is, but still.
ReplyDeleteIt's VERY unreasonable. One thing Hasbro wants out of this show is the ability to watch the episodes in any order and not be confused. A mid-season permeneant transformation is NOT something Hasbro would like.
Oh how I love Sora Spike :3
ReplyDelete>has a huge growth spurt
ReplyDeleteBig Spike? This is gonna be good.
I think this might have the potential of being Spike's farewell episode. Just look at the only two full-grown dragons in the series so far. The first one definitely wasn't letting Rarity walk out of the cave with any of his riches. The second one was willing to kill a baby dragon of his own species. It seems like dragons growing up=being greedy. So, yeah, this may be goodbye for Spike.
ReplyDeleteThis episode comes out on my birthday! Best present EVER! =D
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Looking forward to a Spike episode. :)
ReplyDeleteThen after that, I hope we'll get episodes focusing on Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and (especially) Applejack, who still only has one episode that focused solely on her.
Will we get Spike, the answer is YES!
Ya, thats the first thing I thought of first...
//my lawn, off of it, nao
omg! this sounds like this is gonna be EPIC!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes Spike and thinks he's awesome.
Personally I thought Owl's well was one of the sweetest episodes in S1, hope to see more of Spike's and Twilight's relationship.
ReplyDeletewe might get to see that full grown, fat spike from "Cutie Mark Chronicles". Interesting but STILL! I want an applejack episode! or a song ffs! There are already 6 episodes and no single song.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he'll look like a teen dragon in this episode. I hope he stays that way too and it's not just a stupid dream or something. I hate endings of cool events that turn out to be just dreams, they're such a letdown and a cop-out. I'm hoping for Spike to grow at least a little throughout the series. I don't want him to become victim to the kid-characters-that-never-grow-up formula. It get so old after a while... except in cases like South Park.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite three ponies still not getting an episode this season, QQ
ReplyDeleteAt least AJ has been getting a decent amount of screen time, needs more Pinkie and Fluttershy though!
Season permenent changes only occur during the season debut 2-parter or the episode following.
ReplyDelete(Nightmare Moon defeated, letters to Celestia)
I'd like to see Spike grow to pony sized (the first frame of Spike in the future fan comic?)
in the season 3 season opener.
Speaking of grown Spike... check out the pic of grown Spike/old Twilight. "One Last Parade".
ReplyDeleteNope. In Dog and Pony Show he only wanted to save Rarity, he was angry at the DDs but didn't have anything to seek revenge for.
In Owl's Well he also never sought vengeance, he just acted petty out of jealousy (envy).
ill watch this FOR SCIENCE
ReplyDeleteLOL this chapter sounds amazing.
ReplyDeleteHope they made one dedicated to pinkie pie (and her [leaked] song)
ReplyDeleteIt isn't that nobody knows who Nightmare Moon IS... They just didn't know she was REAL. Ponies have read about her and whatnot, but they all just thought that she was, as Spike puts it, "an old pony tale."
She's like an evil Santa. Everybody knows who he is, but very few (little children) think he is REAL. At Christmas time, we sing about him, read stories about him, etc., even though we do not believe in him. And if he were to suddenly show up and turn out to be real, well, that'd be quite confusing.
Spike: Why can't I eat all these gems!?
ReplyDeleteTeenage Spike is best Spike. Hope that doesn't he'll have to leave Twilight though. Man, I'm worried now.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to see a BIG spike?
ReplyDeleteThis changes everything!
@Municipal Engines
ReplyDeleteSpike will grow too big and start to die because his internal organs couldn't withstand the strain. It will be long, drawn-out, and agonizing. Twilight will have to be the one to put him out of his misery, and her heart will be broken in the process.
*and so the series goes to full-on grimdark, with each remaining episode about how each character dies a tragic and gruesome death*
Trolololo... >:D
ReplyDeleteWhy exactly does the series continuity even matter for fanfics? So long as the story is internally consistent and the characters mainly the same with only those changes needed for the sake of natural-feeling story progression, continuity with the TV show isn't important!
I mean, NONE of the Doctor Whooves fics have the slightest chance in hell of meshing with the show! And neither do any of a number of beautifully written works such as the powerfully emotional "A Cup of Joe" and "The Best Night Ever" which flawlessly melded "Groundhog Day" into Blueblood's episode for comic iridium (forget comic gold! Screw platinum! That fic was the ultra-expensive comic iridium!).
Anyway, it's a cartoon and it's not supposed to make sense. *Homer Simpson walks by the window humming*
@Sketch Scribbles
ReplyDeleteSpikezilla must face the Giant Mutant Parasprite.
ReplyDeleteSpike gets a growth spurt... and a beefy arm... and burninates the ponies in their thatched-roofed huts!
Spikedor the Poninator! XD
@Mattwo Coincidentally, I have just started doing an outline for a "Full Metal Alchemist" Pony crossover. And from it's conception, I intended Spike to be Gluttony.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that spike wants to become/grow into a big dragon fast. So he earns his wish to earn growth spurt and becomes a bigger and taller dragon unfortunletly it becomes a problem for him as he keeps growing and growing until he's a fully grown yet terrifying dragon and he starts to lose his mind and starts to act like a terrifying heartless dragon and goes on a rampage towards ponyville and now its up to the mane 6 to get stop him and get spike back to normal self before he decimates ponyville.
ReplyDeleteI love how everyone just assume's his growth spurt is gonna be instantly him growing into a adult instead of somthing like this.
Imma just saying.
is this the end of spike?
ReplyDelete@Sunbell I really doubt it. This isn't Sucker Punch, they won't just start killing off characters.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait. Spike is my favorite and I can't wait to see how cartoon goddess pulls this off
ReplyDelete@Epesi Finally someone who types sense!
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ReplyDeleteYes! What time does it air?