• Rarity Write-Off Competition

    For those looking to read a whole bunch of Rarity stuff from some of the best authors in the biz, a small competition started on /co/ is currently collecting votes on the best of the best story out of seven choices.

    They need voters though, and the competition ends tonight!

    Hit up the stories below, and then throw your two cents into the mix by voting here!

    And for the chan people out there, check out the actual thread / Fimchan thread.

    It's also on fimfiction.

    Each story is based off of the prompt: Rarity Falls in Love With a Dress Maker

    1.)  Cross Stitched

    2.)  Crepuscularity

    3.)  Whirlwind Romance

    4.)  Art of the Dress

    5.)  The Bead

    6.)  Luck of the Draw

    7.) Where the Wild Roses Grow


    27 kommentaari:

    1. @Shadow Heart

      *hits with a newspaper* Bad!

      Yay, stories about cute marshmallows. :3

    2. YES, I WAS FIRST!

      Teech will be proud.

    3. Not linking the fimchan thread?

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. @Octavia

      "Help, help, I'm being assualted with the classifieds"

      Seriously though sorry if you mad. That was the first time I was first to comment. I got lucky.

    6. @Shadow Heart

      I SO MAD!

      Nah, I'm kidding. I ain't even mad.

    7. WHY DONT I SEE "Simply Rarity" IN HERE

    8. Underrated Rarity is underrated.... *sniff*

    9. Today, I learned of a Target coupon that gives you a free Canterlot DVD with any MLP Canterlot purchase of 19.99 or more. In case you wanted to know.

    10. @Cereal Velocity
      Well you had to be in the /co/ thread when we started it up.

    11. http://fim.413chan.net/fic/res/12742.html
      The link to the fimchan thread which you neglected to post.

    12. @Apocalypse Pony
      Because it's a competition. Everyone received the same prompt and were given 48 hours to write a fic based on it. These seven fics are the result of that.

    13. Oh. Seth didn't mention these were written off a prompt.

      Carry on then.

    14. Am I the only one who really didn't like Simply Rarity all that much? At all? really, it was a just a wee bit overdone in terms of just how awful everything was that it became unbelievable. not the quality of fiction i like, but it was 6star somehow.

      well, I was gunna sleep tonight, but now there's rarity everywhere... there better be some freaking comedy in this.

    15. Hey Seth, it started in /co/, fimchan thread was just to help organize between threads. Your 'journalism' sucks.

    16. @634f458a-f951-11e0-ac65-000bcdcb5194

      I'm posting this as a favor dude. There isn't a /co/ thread to link to.

    17. A competition of stories based around Best Pony herself? Word.

    18. @Sethisto

      We both know the archive is there.

      ...Then again, I doubt we want to link the people who frequent this site to even the tamest /co/ thread. Good call; sorry for the kneejerk.

    19. It wasn't something I researched. Nathan sent me links saying it needed to go up today due to voting, I chose ponychan because it's work safe, and copied pasted the stories over with a link to voting.

    20. thanks for the heads up on something I would hate to miss Sethisto!

      <3 Trixie is best guest pony, but Rarity is best overall.

    21. Every author managed to capture the dynamism of Rarity's character very well. I thoroughly enjoyed the ability to hear her voice in the various situations presented.

      I have to admit, though: I didn't like the majority of the submissions themselves. Something about the overly complicated themes of depression and drama did not mesh well with the stories' minimal lengths and narratives. Ideas like that demand large investments from the reader, but ending such short stories with ambiguity for profoundness's sake provides no closure for the reader, and the last thing any author wants to do is give the impression that his or her work is a waste of time.

      I think that's my primary criticism for most of the entrants. I won't add any more, since I think I'm already treading on volatile ground...

    22. did spike burn down the shop in cross stitched?
      what an arse.
