The Rainbow Dash presents series prides itself on ridiculous fanfiction readings, complete with imagery and silly voices. This one focuses on Somewhere Only We Know, a 5 star sad fic that exploded a while back. Check it out after the break!
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VastaKustutaWatched this a couple of days back. I love his interpretation of fanfics, and the voices.
VastaKustutadifferent time zone fruitloop
VastaKustutaHm.. only actually read that for the first time the other day. Amusing read of it. >D
VastaKustutai think it would be better if they had Andrea Libman read it, just saying.
VastaKustutaAlert PinkiePie detected in window at 4:03
VastaKustutawell that was strange but still good
VastaKustutaI like that tron art near the end
@Sparkling Brony Ah cool, I take it you got her number then. I'd just ring her right now if you have it. If you don't perhaps theres another way you can directly contact her. Perhaps Twitter, maybe you should try to asking her right now.
VastaKustutaYou should get right on it, she will probably say no because official voice actors has a tenancy to not involve themselves in fan works (I think she get fired if she does). But if you want to try, I'm not stopping you.
It's specifically the Rainbow Dash from the mentally advanced series. Which is (even) more obvious in the 'Cupcakes' reading since Pinkie Pie is guest starring.
VastaKustutaHaha... Planet of the Apes with ponies... kinda sad though if you think about it.
VastaKustutaI have to admit I'm not fond of fanfic readings really in any way. Not saying they're bad though, just not my cup of tea.
VastaKustutaSpeaking of which tea is exactly what I need now.
No, I'm not doing it. I'm not clicking that video, I can't.
VastaKustutaFirst time ever watching something like that, and it wasn't too bad made me laugh a few times.
VastaKustutaThe Cupcakes video was easily the best they've made so far, probably because of Pinkie Pie's romantic serenade of Rainbow Dash using a David Hasselhoff cover of a song.
VastaKustutaNot even "readings" that take a totally ridiculous and parodic spin on the story in question? I hated the concept of 'Cupcakes' and was actually bored by even attempting to read it, but 'Rainbow Dash Presents Cupcakes' was brilliant. I laughed so hard at it, particularly the part where Pinkie's evil plans are derailed by Mrs. Cake's complaints that Pinkie is wasting storage space and work time on personal pursuits.
@otakon17 It's honestly hilarious. I've never read the fanfic in question, mostly because I didn't want to become terminally depressed from it, but this video had me giggling all the way through. Hell, he even managed to make 'Bubbles' funny when he did a reading of that, as well as Cupcakes. If the fanfic did upset you, then in a way this might be beneficial as it makes a complete mockery of it.
VastaKustuta@Adam Crocker
VastaKustutaI know its funny I just don't like them too much. Perhaps I have simply been in the wrong mood all the time.
His Mentally Advanced series is hilarious.
VastaKustutaThis is Rainbow Dash. She's pretty badass
VastaKustutait takes all the things that were sad(bubbles, cupcakes, this one) and makes them happy, makes me laugh at all the sad and scary stuff.
VastaKustutaCupcakes was just gore-porn and deserved to be made fun of.
VastaKustutaSomewhere Only We Know is a will-sapping, light-stealing, happiness-robbing, heart-rending, soul-crushing, lacrimal thing of horrible stark beauty.
Oh man, that was awesome! I hadn't read Somewhere Only We Know yet, so I took a quick read before watching this - gotta say, it takes the edge off the sadness, which I'm glad for. I totally cracked up at the "Rarity! Rarity! Hey, hey Rarity! Rarity!" and the zombie Apple ponies.
VastaKustutaBut that's not to say I don't appreciate what these readings do. Kind of like this spin on Scootabuse:
VastaKustutaThe credits are kind of the best.
VastaKustuta"Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes" went hilariously off the rails so many times (Rainbow Dash dressing as a gorilla, Pinkie Pie speaking in the third person, ACTIVATE THE LIFE RAFT! OH NO, SHE'S IMMUNE)!
VastaKustutaI've yet to watch their spin on "Bubbles", so I'll have to put that and this on my "To Watch" list.
I admit, these videos amuse me to no end. They also get me to check out the stories they feature... I liked the original here and found the Dashified version hilarious.
VastaKustutaAn amazing trollfic take on the powerfully emotional story that proved that it is possible for mere words to utterly destroy your day... for 3 days.
VastaKustutaWhen I first read this short story... It just wrecked me. I shed tears, I struggled the next day. My job sucked, I had no money, I was behind on bills... I could only focus on how miserable the real world was being to me.
This story gave me my very first pony dream. It was the kind of thing you just don't ever want to wake up from... but you do. I now only remember that it was a pony dream. I can't even recall what it was about.
This "reading" (I use that term VERY loosely... try "parodic paraphrasing") is humorous, mainly if you've read the story , and have long since passed the emotional hump it puts in front of you. I suppose in a twisted way, the AJ and BM of the real story have it so bad off that the way they are portrayed in this "reading" is almost fitting.
The parts that were changed for the reading, even after all these months, still bring up the memories of the story accurately.
I recommend the story, but if you have even a relatively empathic type personality... well, imagine if your brain had a sack... this story will kick it squarely and hold nothing back. Just a forewarning.
Well. This is pretty much the best thing that's happened in a while. All of my happy over here you guys. With the happy my cup runneth over like a boss.
VastaKustutaThe shot of Dash falling on her face at 3:54 is probably the funniest thing I've seen all month.
Wait, no. I saw "Cupcakes" last month starring Rainbow Dash the Gorilla. Second funniest thing.
Also, Mr. Jingles is best ape. Somehow, he ended up being portrayed exactly as I imagined him. Except fuzzier. And with adorable children.
Also, I love Rainbow Dash being more concerned that Big Mac is a gelding than the fact that he's a friggin' zombie. And that apparently John Marston owns them now.
Awwwww, you're so sweet! n_n
I cried just seeing the title.
VastaKustutaIt's a very moving story with a very moving musical counterpart.
... And apparently this guy/team completely fucked with it.
See, I'm torn. I read the story when it first got on here and was dropped into a depression for about two days. It hurt. BADLY. Seeing the title still causes a twinge in my chest.
VastaKustutaBut then again, this is supposed to be a humorous reading, one that will probably make it more funny than depressing. So... Any advice?
@Party Favors Watch it and be amazed. And amused. This is a parody and makes no attempt to stay true to the original story; which makes it all the funnier, along with Rainbow Dash's persona from the Mentally Advanced Series making its way into the reading. There's nothing sad about this at all.
VastaKustutaIf you want a taste of it, I recommend watching his reading of 'Bubbles' and see how you do. I found that fic a tear-jerker both when reading it and having it read, except in the 'Rainbow Dash presents' case it was tears of laughter. Hell, in this reading, Rainbow Dash's owner is an orangutang called Mr. Jingles. Yeah. I wouldn't worry about being depressed after watching. It may even help alleviate any latent sadness this fic has caused!
This readings are beautiful.
VastaKustutaI wonder if they're drawn as gorillas because that's what Rainbow Dash identifies humans as.
VastaKustuta@Patchwork Poltergeist
Wait... Rainbow Dash in a gorilla suit... was that foreshadowing?! And is the whole Mentally Advanced Series set inside Rainbow Dash's head?! The next episode of MAS is... Fall Weather Friends!!! That's fucking genius!
Heya, cmon... Even Patchwork liked it!
I LOVED that fanfic and I also LOVED the direction Fimflam took with this reading. The situation has basically not changed AT ALL. Rainbow Dash is still in her SHITTY-ASS LIFE in "Somewhere Only We Know". And I wonder if this says about life, (or says about me reading too deep into things I really like) that you can always be optimistic no matter how your life is like. And if you look carefully, you'll see there's something good about it, too! And... and there's something else I was gonna say but then I got distracted.
@YASMSir, you just made my day by shooting down my ignorant comment. thank you for being reasonable when i wasnt. also i posted that, way up there, before actually watching the video and i dont think it could have been done any better.
VastaKustutaim glad to see this community does not tolerate stupidity, once again, thank you.
wow that hurt my face
VastaKustutaAll you guys suffering from depression, I am 30 years old and have been on Wellbutrin for the past two years for depression and ADD and let me tell you the pills have WORKED. I am a new man, and I wish I'd known about them when I was 18 because then maybe I could have enjoyed my 20's. LFMF
VastaKustutaHey guys! This is the artist from this video!
VastaKustutaThanks for the awesome feedback! I'm glad y'all liked the video and noticed all the small details we worked so hard to include.
Up next is 'Spiderses' incase you don't know...
VastaKustutaHow the hell are you going to do a parody reading of Spiderses?
It's already written like a parody reading.
The only way to make it funny is to do a dramatic reading.
VastaKustutavery good guess >:)