• Presented By Ponies: Star Wars + Black and Red Dwarf / I'm a Cloud

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    More ponies taking over the movies above, and Dash being ridiculous below.  Honestly if I was a pegasus, I'd spend all day inside clouds.  They obviously repel the water, and that looks really comfortable!

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    25 kommentaari:

    1. Everypony's dead, except Trollestia, she's still here, just for you...

    2. #3 is adorable. diabetes adorable.

    3. Beep Beep! I'm a cloud!
      Red dwarf, haven't watched that in a while...

    4. I love these presentations! Also, the thumbnails are switched.

    5. I'd so watch/read/exist-in-the-same-astral-plane-as a Ponified take on Red Dwarf :D

      "But what about Trixie"
      "She's dead Luna"
      "She's dead Luna"
      "Not Rainbow Dash..."
      "She's dead Luna, everypony's dead, everypony is dead, Luna!"
      "So wait... are you telling me everypony's dead?"
      "... Should never have let her out in the first place."

    6. looks like you mixed the links for the two presented by ponies up. They lead to the wrong one.

      One and two are both good, I think I liked the Star Wars one most, Scootaloo makes a good Skywalker. I also need to go watch a bit of Red Dwarf again sometime.

      #3 Somehow I knew what this was based off from the title, its still hugely cute. Beep beep i'm a cloud!

    7. Dash's expression in the last panel of #3 makes it extra adorable. Beep beep.

    8. #3 is diabeetus inducing adorable. Still, I'd love to see a version with a Me Gusta face at the last panel :D

    9. The links for the first two are messed up! But Somepony (Celestia) already told you that.

      Anyway I love all of these hahaha!

      "Come to the Dark Side... we have cookies"
      "Come to the Dark Side... we're 20% cooler"
      Uhhh YES.

    10. 1 and 2 switched links with me but I get the jest of it.

      3. Beep Beep I'm a Cloud come to mind.

    11. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391369_319422774741833_118429394841173_1492485_1818364110_n.jpg

      New episode preview.

    12. That's it. Red Dwarf now. Ponies have been crossed by absolutely everything else I love. God, how I love this fandom!

    13. Thats why i love Dashie sooo much.

    14. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    15. @ddf
      Oh noes...
      it's Owalow- Owluwi- Ouwl...
      it's THAT OWL again!

    16. @KTS

      I think that was the idea, check the description of the comic :P

    17. Seth, you switched the thumbnails!!!

      I don't know what Red Dwarf is... but I shall look it up.

    18. Seth, you accidentally the first links.

      And now we know that evil always thriumps...because is 20% cooler than good.

    19. Once again; epic win.
      moar plz.

    20. #1 Ah, I have not seen Red Dwarf. So I'm a bit lost on it. Still found it funny though. Of course Celestia would still be alive. :P

      #2 D'awwwwww. Beep beep, Dashie is a cute cloud indeed. <3

    21. Beep beep. *flies around in the cloud*

    22. (flying through the air and notices weather) hm lot of traffic today... wait, what's that?
