• PMV: Mad Equestria / 127 Ponies

    Stupid brushie gets all the Colgate.

    Have some PMV's!

    1.) Mad Equestria
    2.) 127 Ponies


    1. Phoe's influence is strong with Colgate.....

    2. For a second, I thought "Mad Equestria" was going to be a ponified "Mad Men" Intro.

      That could be cool.

    3. Who didn't see the second one coming?

    4. @Razputin the Ponynaut

      I really want to see that. Why hasn't anyone made that yet?!

      But still, when I saw "Mad Equestra" I figured it was going to be Mad World. I love Donnie Darko...

    5. I liked both of them :3

    6. Props for being the first pony thing using "Mad World" to use the original Tears for Fears song.

      Also, the over/under on the amount of time until somebody writes a 127 Hours crossover is a week. And that's being generous, given this fandom's obsession with breaking Rainbow Dash's wings.

    7. Didn't even take that long for #2 to show up. Our fandom is a goddamn machine.

    8. The second one...
      The number... 127 Hours.

      1 Pony, in Season 2, in Episode 7.

      Mother of God, indeed, random Youtube commenter. Mother of God indeed.

    9. I like the usage of the Tears For Fears version of "Mad World" which is the original, even if I think the Gary Jules ballad version is better.

    10. mmm im so jelly why do people in our fandom have to be so freaking talented! we are so awesome!!

    11. What if Rainbow Dash had chewed off her own wing?

    12. #1 is amazing, never heard that version before, too.

    13. Little disappointed.
      #1 Hate the song, lip synching was off, and Fluttershy popping up all over the place...thought that was for completely different types of PMV's.
      #2 Too short.

    14. @Senior Waffles Okay, this sort of made me mad so I'm going to say this. #1 Don't like the song? Don't watch the video, it's completely your opinion. #2 The lip-syncing is actually quite good, while there could have been some work done in places it was spot on most of the time. #3 It's called being original. Just because something is used in one video, doesn't mean it can't be applied to something else to make it different. It's actually quite creative. That's about it. I don't mean to be so angry, it's just I had to say that. I still respect your opinion.

    15. 1. Love that song.

      2. I need to see this film...

    16. @TheBlackBaron

      Seconded. When I saw the title I fully expected to hear the Gary Jules version, but I was pleasantly surprised; the original is my favorite by far.

      I do like the cover, but I just can't listen to it when I'm already depressed, which is...frequently the case. It turns me into a weepy mess. Not pretty.
