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Inb4 2000 dollars. What did this artist's Fluttershy sell for before? Almost three thousand?
It's plushie time! Dive in after the break.
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81 kommentaari:
Yup, those RD plushies are gonna sell for a TON
VastaKustutaOnly idiots go for first.
A few Dashs in here.
VastaKustuta#9 Do want, do want so bad.
VastaKustuta#3 = D'aw! Dat so... HHNNNNNNG!!!!
VastaKustutai want that Dash, now. I don't care who I have to kill to get it.
VastaKustutaI'm throwing what little money I have at the screen, but nothing is happening.
VastaKustutaActually... That probably explains it...
Ha, all these plushies are awesome. So much great work comes out of this fandom.
VastaKustuta@WizardShy your ironic/hypocritical comments of the past few days have been overwhelming
VastaKustutaAlso, no. I never once wished to be a firster. Same with Jelfes
wig hair rarity!!!! about time these artists start getting it RIGHT....that dashie i want soooooo bad
VastaKustuta83647742908754132671985631285767137987895639576879364827346837912th cause I have no life
VastaKustuta@wackypony Ah! A wackyteen copy-pony!!
VastaKustuta@Bombedrumbum No, people who are hypocritical as a joke are unfunny.
VastaKustutaHasbro doesn't want money so the talented sewing bronies take it.
VastaKustuta@WizardShy you obviously are an idiot for two reasons: 1) You said only idoits go for first, and "first" in the same comment, and 2) my name was right in front of you, and yet you I still somehow manage to spell it wrong (in your second comment). :P
VastaKustutaThen I guess that you're unfunny, you hypocritical you......
VastaKustuta...Ok, I'm fine now. I'm fine, really. Just... Gimme a sec... Deep breaths...
I carry #9 EVERYWHERE!
VastaKustuta@Lord Bloomberg
VastaKustutaBut, my liege, we don't have buttcracks; we're trees! I really going for first if I say a relevant comment before a hypocritical firster? Hmm?
VastaKustutaThese people have so much talent, it's just... wow
VastaKustutanah, it's still wackyteen. I just decided to make my blogger name into my steam name. <.<
#3 just gave me diabetes and cavities.
VastaKustuta@wackypony ah, okay>.>
VastaKustuta*long sigh and stares at the awesoms plushies*
VastaKustutaI wish I was rich T^T
I bought #7 and its in the mail to me right now. I CAN'T WAIT.
VastaKustutaWhen did I ever spell your name wrong, Bombe?
VastaKustutaSource for the first one:
I want that RD so bad. And the life-size Pinkie Pie, which you could maybe buy instead of like... a car.
VastaKustutaOMG Huge fluttershy plush! The RD one in the past sold for a lot. I really hope someone buys this one too.
VastaKustuta*looks at #3*
*falls over dead*
VastaKustutawhen you said
@wizardshy you forgot that I was a bum :P
VastaKustuta$650 so far? Yeah... inb4 something along the lines of $1500-$3000. And judging from the style, it looks to be the same person who made and sold that Fluttershy that went for around $2500 a little back. That's some professional quality handmade craftsmanship right there though. You can see it. And that's what makes these particular plushies so valuable.
VastaKustutaSaw the bedtime Fluttershy one earlier. So adorable. <3
I also like the Vinyl plush in #9. I have a thing for Vinyl plushies. Or Vinyl anything I guess. lol
@Octavia if Hasbro started picking up on this and began manufacturing these, their company would be set!!
VastaKustutaHoly crap, that is an amazing plushie. I wish Hasbro would sell those, I want one so bad, but I know I'll never be able to afford one from eBay...
VastaKustutaI was shortening your name. *antijokechicken*
At $670 now, going to watch this one but yeah the Fluttershy one sold for around 2,000.
VastaKustutaAgain, I look at Hasbro, point at the Dash plushie that's up for sale. "SERIOUSLY HASBRO! SERIOUSLY!"
One must wonder if they're even paying attention, older demographic would pay for high-quality ones made as collectibles.
Dat Dash. I would also get #5 and #8.
VastaKustuta@WizardShy cluck
VastaKustutaYes, that's the sound chickens make.
*click click*
Dat Vinyl Scratch!
VastaKustutaMy family thinks I'm nuts for commissioning a $100 plushie.
VastaKustutaI should show them that Dash auction. Holy shit.
...anyone have $2000 I could borrow?
Everytime one of these pops up I move one step closer to buying one and I have this feeling i'm going to end up paying a small fortune.
VastaKustutaIt would be worth it, but still...
My only issue with the first RD plush is that her cutie marks are backwards... but that's just me nitpicking.
VastaKustutaIn two hours #1 has gone from $0.99 to $810.
VastaKustutaHoly shit
Gala Fluttershy went for 2,475 dollars. Can Gala Rainbow dash beat her?
VastaKustutaThere's the result on Gala Fluttershy's Auction
Oh, man, that Gala Dash is GORGEOUS.
VastaKustutaI'm waiting for a Gala Twilight to be made by the great plushie maker...whereupon I'll watch it sell for about $3000 and cry a little.
VastaKustutaI looked at the comments in babylondonstar's deviantart page. Lauren Faust saw the Gala Dash and had to resort to using her Royal Canterlot Voice to properly express her approval of it.
VastaKustutaBabylondonstar wins the fandom. AND THERE'S STILL 4 MORE PLUSHES FOR THEM TO MAKE!
If them is anything more to this post than Gala Rainbow Dash I don't know what it is.
VastaKustutaEither you're trolling me... or you haven't seen my comments on this subject. lol
Hasbro doesn't even have the resources to make plushies as nice as that first one. They just don't. And it's not their niche. They make a large amount of more cheaply-made toys. That's their niche. What Bronies are looking for are luxury-made toys of a more hobbyist quality. But that's not Hasbro's thing. And their advisers would never allow such them to make those types of toys. Too big a financial risk. As many Bronies as their are. There are only so many willing or able to plop down several hundred for a realy well crafted toy like that. They would need to sell many thousands and be sure they could. And they just can't be certain they will. And that's what they would charge. In the hundred still. Same thing if you go to the type of toy store that might sell something of that caliber such as FAO Schwarz or the like. People don't understand really just how much goes into creating a whole new toy line. Especially of a quality like that. That first one is definitely professional handmade. You can see it and you can probably feel it as well. You won't get that in a mass-produced toy. Not even the nicer ones.
Up to $1,300 on that Gala Dash. Sweet tapdancing Christ where do these people get the money for this??
VastaKustutaHave you guys seen this talking Fluttershy yet? I'm suprised it's not pictured here:
VastaKustutaHoly balls that Gala Dash is amazing.
VastaKustutaAnd damn! $1500.00 already.
I predict it climbing past $2k.
VastaKustutaIt was in the last compilation I think. At the very least It was up somewhere becuase I know i've seen it before on here.
Literally crying that I will NEVER own or get anywhere near that Gala Dash plush.
VastaKustutaI am so sad I totally want that first rbd one... eyes watering because I know I will never get :(
VastaKustutaGala dash is at $2125 already. Curse my complete lack of funds ;_;
VastaKustutaThat first artist should be working for Hasbro already. Of all official and unofficial plushies, his/hers are the best.
VastaKustutaIf that guy or girl in the first post makes a Twilight Sparkle in her gala dress, I foresee myself draining my entire savings account for it.
VastaKustutaGala Rainbow Dash and Lifesize Fluttershy, someone is going to be broke...
VastaKustutaAs always this fandom never ceases to impress.
VastaKustutaThe top's Gala Fluttershy sold for $2,475.00, to be exact.
VastaKustutaI expect the Dash will go for much more.
There they are, the plushies I will never be able to hold.
VastaKustuta#6 Not enough Rarity-plushies out there. But that one makes up for the absence of all of them.
VastaKustutaI'd bet money that the Gala dash will sell for over $3000.
VastaKustutaIts amazing what someone will pay for something unique and high quality.
I bought my last car for less!
With 2 days left and at the time of writing, the plush is now at $2,275.
VastaKustutaGood lord.
Holy crap, where are these bronies getting so much money that they can spend thousands on a single plush? I'm doing fairly well myself and I could never afford that!
VastaKustutaI swear that 1st Dash better include a gold necklace and a years subscription to Fancy Living or something for that kind of price. I'm proud to be a brony but even I wouldn't buy it if I had the money.
VastaKustutaThose are so cute =)
VastaKustutagreat work guys
Rainbow's plush is on pace to massively outgain that fluttershy gala plushie.
VastaKustutaHASBRO LOOK AT THIS! we want plushies! now
VastaKustutaOh god, not again.
VastaKustutaCurrent bid is 2425 bits.
Bid history, 0 feedback for the user throwing all these bids. Yeah, shenanigans.
Holy Pony!
VastaKustutaThat Rainbow Dash in the gala dress is going to be really popular, no doubt. It might even surpass three thousand.
Oh, and the Fluttershy with the Santa cap? AWW!
Why do I not have $2,500 and an ebay account to have bought that first dash plushie.
VastaKustutaInteresting that it seems to have sold before the auction was scheduled to end. I suppose someone made an offer the seller couldn't refuse! (And was likely absurdly high.)
The auction was trolled. Bidding went up to 9k....;_;
VastaKustutaI mean, I love Rainbow Dash as much as the next brony, but really? Really? Who'd bid over US$ 2000 for a plushie? That's seriously too much for one plushie.
The same thing happened to the fluttershy plushie that was made by the same artist. I don't know how much it sold for in the end, but I know at one point it was marked at US$ 700, then a little bit later it was priced for US$ 1000.
I mean, it's really not fair for the rest of us. Most people don't have the money to bid for these plushies. If this keeps going up, I'm definitely looking elsewhere for plushies, or just turn to other MLP merchandise altogether.