This one is going to be geared more toward children, but according to Brian Ward over on the Shout! Factory forums, it sounds like the next one is going to hopefully have some extra bonus features. His quote:
"We are working on trying to get bonus materials that are both child and friendly onto the disc. This first release may be skewed a little more toward the children, specifically, but only because of the time frame in which we've had to produce the set. Still looking out for fans, though. I'd certainly hope to see some more production-oriented material on the sets in the future.I really appreciate this guy. Very few companies are so open to their customers.
Anyway, go support the show! It's cheaper if you pre-order! The more sales this thing gets, the better off we will be in future releases in terms of exclusive content.
(Thanks to Basil FM for the heads up!)
My god...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWe need to buy this. If nothing else, just to prove their is a target market for Bronys.
ReplyDelete@Applebloomismywaifu lulz.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
ReplyDeleteWhat episodes are on this DVD?
ReplyDeleteWow, this looks awesome! Does anyone know what episodes are on this thing?
ReplyDeleteAwesome! About time we got one of these. Everypony, get out there and buy!
ReplyDeleteThere's something rather squicky on Twilight's vector that you can find on that cover. I'm not going to say what it is, but it's...disgusting.
ReplyDeleteDamn, son. They're really trying to sell that train.
ReplyDeleteLooking good indeed man.
ReplyDeleteI will get it as soon as I get some money.
ReplyDeleteYeah... that's a little unfortunate.
If I didn't have a DVR, I would buy this.
ReplyDeleteIt's...beautiful! I still don't like Rainbow's generic vector that they always use :/
ReplyDelete@XTUX345 I saw that, too.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what you're talking about.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"bonus materials that are both child and friendly"
ReplyDeleteBoth child and friendly.
*removes glasses* My GOD ಠ_ಠ
ReplyDeleteJust pre-ordered it. :)
ReplyDelete@XTUX345 Now that you mention it, that is odd. What the heck was that supposed to be? It's not her tail : /
ReplyDeleteI hope its not just "Over a Barrel".
ReplyDeleteOMG Twilight's a stallion on that DVD cover. Ii think I'm gonna puke.
ReplyDeleteBut you gotta wait until February. Ah, who cares? It'll get here when it gets here.
ReplyDeleteSombody notify Shout Factory before this goes to print. (Unless it's already too late in which case, notify them anyway)
ReplyDeleteIt's obviously the opening between her legs. Get your minds out of the gutters you guys.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a dick, guys...come on. Look at the hind legs, it's the natural dip for that part of the leg.
ReplyDeleteYou guys all think dirty as hell lol. Thats the indent of her back leg.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, the DVDs actually have better image quality than those 1080p rips on YouTube.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing some comparisons between video sources with the intention of doing a write up about it, I just need to stop being lazy and write it.
ReplyDeleteI don't think dirrty, the rest do and made me think about it. And they better fix this or else some parent will think the wrong thing and thhen no more MLP:FiM DVDs.
This is way better than the box art for the last one. I will definitely be buying it when it comes out. Hopefully the bonus features are not just an episode of Family Game Night like last time :D
ReplyDelete@Shadow Heart Yeah... that's not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteTAKE--oh wait, that's applicable in this case.
Maybe not missing limbs anymore, but some of them are rather dubiously attached. Look at Dash's lower leg, it's just kinda floating there.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what people think is wrong with Twilight, though. Are you talking about her knee notch thing?
Yay! Another item to throw on my list of "MERCH I STILL NEED TO PURCHASE"...
ReplyDeleteI'm pre-ordering now.
What's on this DVD ??
ReplyDeleteJust stating a theory.
Also, we need more Discord.
OK everypony, we really need to buy these if we want to show our support for the show. I'm pre-ordering right now!
ReplyDeleteTime to speak with our money.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to buy them, but I do hope Hasbro doesn't start taking down the episodes from the internet now that they could make us pay for them.
ReplyDeleteI like to watch them online with my friends, but it would be really nice to have them on DvDs.
This is great and all, but I don't know how you haven't noticed Rainbow's missing her cutie mark.
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight:
ReplyDeleteDash is a blank flank, Twilight looks like she has a dick, and I'm still buying this?
Damn right I am.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteOh, you're a troll? Cool.
ReplyDeleteIt is covered up by Fluttershy's ear and head
I would buy it however:
ReplyDelete1) Not on
2) DVD is region 1 (therefore incompatible with my region 2 dvd player).
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteActually, I just like to screw up everything. It's fun.
Good luck America, this is to prove if you've got a market for it.
ReplyDeleteUs elsewhere in the world, like us in the UK, will probably have something else to support, which could be better, or could be really bad.
I don't think the dvd will come to denmark. *sad face*
ReplyDeleteWas somewhat hoping they could wrangle a Studio B artist to make some new Vectors. Hell, I bet fans would do it for free, but they'd never do that =(.
ReplyDeleteDon't care what's on it, I preordered. Gotta support the show.
ReplyDeleteThose some big eyes
ReplyDeleteShout Factory has used fan art a few times in the past. I think the Ninja Turtles, Mario, and Sonic DVDs all used fan art. Even Hasbro has used fan art for Transformers things before, so it's not at all out of the question that they might come to us in the future.
Wish it had a back shot, would like to know what episodes are on it. I'm holding out til its complete seasons.
ReplyDeleteI really hope they do, I'm sure if they just send an Email to Seth about a contest where the best DVD cover design gets put on the actual product, they could get some very awesome designs for free, or for a very nominal 'prize' (Free DVD anyone?).
Anything would be better then those stock vectors.
This is all very well and all... but alas, it means nothing until I know it's coming out in the UK. Atleast this means it's getting there!
ReplyDelete...Why do I have the sinking feeling "Over A Barrel" will be on this disc?
ReplyDeleteWell, no matter what, I'm buying.
So...theres hope?
ReplyDeleteTheres HOPE!
Urgh, I hate these vectors so much, I swear they're not made by living breathing artists, instead by ART-O-TRON's that calculate the body parts into their configuration, and end up fugly.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, nice for those who want this, but DVD's are things I just don't need anymore, at least, until we get ones with special features that make it worth it.
Awesome.. :) (Det är ungefär 90 svenska kronor)
ReplyDeleteWait... some of you guys actually thought that indent in Twilight's back leg was a penis? Really? /double facehoof
ReplyDeleteThat has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've seen you people try and pull off yet. It looks nowhere near like a penis. It looks like, well... an indent. It's blue too. Some of the people here have much dirtier minds then they let on.
I can see the detached hind leg on Dash someone mentioned though. I see where they were trying to go with it in the image, but it just looks odd like that. Also, yeah, lack of her cutie mark too.
Twilight and Pinkie are also giving a Nazi salute. Heil Friendship! lol Nah, that's just me pokin' fun.
Meh, I think they just want to milk us by giving us hope that we might see a proper dvd-set some time in the future.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep my money for now, thanks.
I would love a DVD with some good cover art, I have seen worse though.
ReplyDeleteTwilight may look a little odd to the silly minded but i'm more worried about Dash's magical floating leg.
They are also very nice when it comes to being open to customers, I wish more companies were.
I would have a pre-purchase in already if it was on the UK site...what a shame.
ReplyDeleteIt's the back of her knee.
Shipping to Canada costs almost as much as the DVD itself
ReplyDeleteI think I'll wait to see what the bonus features are
You notice all the hearts on the front of the train? That's a love train. Ponies all over the world, join hands...
ReplyDeleteNo wait, that should be "join hooves"...
ReplyDelete>That's just me pokin' fun
That's what we were doing too! D:
...The hell happened to Rarity's left eye?
ReplyDeleteCan't justify buying a DVD box set when the quality is so bad compared to just about any other source for the show.
ReplyDeleteI do hope the special features crop up in some other source so I can watch them, though.
@SoulSilver IV
ReplyDeleteyou could buy a ps3. it is suposed to be region free =)
im gonna buy it someday soon hopefully (cheap bastard X) )
I don't actually like the Box Art all that much. It seems a little... lazy; at least where the ponies are concerned.
ReplyDeleteTrain's a neat little element, though overall I think they could of spent a little more time making it look nice. You know, because children deserve quality boxart too.
Whats on it episode wise?
ReplyDeleteI'd buy it if I could... Also wished I knew what episodes were on it >.>
ReplyDeleteI mean I have the whole series on my computer. But having the DVDs is nice... XD
Mother of God...
ReplyDeleteumad, first spammer? :3
Anyways..."Friendship Express" ? I don't get what they mean. The only episode with a train in it is Over a Barrel.
Farnsworth voice:
ReplyDeleteGood news everyone! Oh darn, It's already been posted on the internet.
No, no; I'm just going to assume you all know then. Hermes, what's our next order of business?
Rainbow Dash has no cutie mark. O_o
ReplyDeleteSomeone get JJ to do the art for the next disks ASAP!
ReplyDelete...I know what I'm getting asking for when the holidays come around...
ReplyDelete...besides besides those little neodynium magnet spheres, a particularly wierd type of rubix cube, a CO2 lazer, and a spool of mylar, of course.
So THIS was what I saw on Amazon! The train has me curious as to what role it would play.
ReplyDeleteSo just to set the record straight, is this another collection of episodes, or is it a straight-to-DVD movie? This is going to be interesting either way.
This is our chance to prove our community is a worth while investment! looks like i'm buying 8.
ReplyDeleteI -knew- someone was going to make that comment. lol I dunno... a couple certainly sounded like they were pretty serious about thinking that was something else. ;)
ReplyDeletePS3 isn't region free. The games just don't have any set region themselves. DVD/Bluray movies are still region locked on PS3s
Amazon in Europe, Y U NO sell this too? :O
ReplyDeleteHave subtitles in spanish?
ReplyDeleteI would love to know what episodes are in this one.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure of the terminology of that part of the horse, but what those guys said. That's the indentation.
ReplyDeleteI'm buying this damn thing.
I like Trains
ReplyDeleteBrian Ward's insights and explanations about the gritty realities of DVD production and marketing have been tremendously helpful. They offer us diehard fans a sensible overview of the hows and whys of the industry.
ReplyDeleteAnd why we can't always have what we want, even if we want it NAAAAAOOOOOOOOW. /apple_bloom_mode
Major respect for Brian, and if, by some chance, this sentiment ever makes it back to him, I hope my humble praise may inspire him to keep his excellent line of communication open to the fandom, because it definitelly helps.
110 minutes means five episodes. This is seriously tempting. I ain't got no e-money and Amazon warehouses are said to be not the best places to work, so I'll wait for this to show up at Zellers. 8^)
ReplyDeleteCan't help but notice the "Customers also bought..." is Season 6 of Futurama. I think that says a LOT.
ReplyDeleteAlso noticing Star Trek and Persona 2.
@ponyvangelist So I registered over there, posted an expanded version of this post and spread the love. :-)
ReplyDeletePre-ordered this like a total boss, awwww yeaaaa.
ReplyDeleteAre episodes in the order it originally aired in?
ReplyDeleteFor those keeping on asking about how many episodes - it's 110 minutes long, which means 5 episodes at 22 minutes apiece.
ReplyDeleteThe link to it on amazon is hidden under 'go support the show!' if it's not obvious enough.
Showed my support! Just pre-ordered!
ReplyDeleteMust have. Right now.
ReplyDeleteWill buy! Though I have to say that all of these merchandise vectors seem a bit off on the eyes. Too much color. It looks like their eyes are about to explode! (im not hating on the shout factory, just in general is all!)
ReplyDeleteOh no Rainbow Dash, some of the lines on her body are in a different colour than the rest of her body!
ReplyDeleteIt's like they got the vectors from that group shot, split the ponies up and tried to finished the bottom half of Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight and failed.
The elephant in the room, guys.
ReplyDeleteTwilight has a squared penis, and we're all looking at it. Yes, even you.
DVD? Oh, go right ahead and buy it if you have some cash to spare.
Will try to buy, but still looking towards all the episodes.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, their eyes are rather popping. Like they stand out or contrast too much.
Must have but when at stores rather pick up in person
ReplyDeleteGuys, I have an idea. When buying these DVDs, buy marshmallows at the same time to get it into the "frequently bought together" section.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean they're gonna take down the Youtube episodes? D8
ReplyDeleteI can't bring this home or I'd DIE when my family finds out.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw this.
ReplyDeleteI love me some reference. Even if it's unintentional.
ReplyDeletePre-ordering. RIGHT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAW. I honestly don't care if they're ripping me off, this show deserves money. I even own the show on iTunes and want my sister to be able to watch this whenever they like, so here we go!
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the train?
ReplyDelete@elite guy 94
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm saying!
ReplyDeleteTwilight has something unidentifiable between her legs, Dash is a blank flank, Rarity has no left leg, Pinkies right leg looks off and the list goes on. I have seen many covers on Deviantart that are a million times better and they also stay faithful to the show. ARGH WHY. The show's style is brilliant, but this is something I wouldn't put in my shelf for others to see.
I hope for a Scandinavian release!
ReplyDelete>Goes to pre-order
ReplyDelete>Finds out its only available in Region 1
Needs two things, needs to have a blu-ray release as well and REGION 2!!!!11 Looks awesome though! I hope a region 2 release comes soon!
ReplyDeleteIt's not the fact it's not a box-set, it's the fact it's DVD and not Blu ray that keeps me from purchasing. /sigh...
ReplyDelete"U.S. and Canada only"
ReplyDeleteYeah. There goes that option.
Any idea if/when this will be released in the UK?
ReplyDeleteI despise that train, it looks so out of place.
ReplyDeleteBut "pony binds", I'll shallow that, good ladies and gentlemen.
I hate living in Region 2 -.- Anyhow, how many episodes are included?
ReplyDeleteit's not a penis on twilight - it's the crook in her leg that separates butt from leg! look at apple jack for a reference...but yes, bad box art.
ReplyDeleteHmm. After shipping and tax it comes out to about 3 dollars an episode. Not bad. Not bad... I would just really like to know which episodes.
ReplyDeleteI would buy this, if I only knew this was a proper episodic series release and not just a pick n' mix sample of a few episodes. If it's proper I'll most likely buy it, even though I already have the 720p iTunes episodes on my hard drive.
ReplyDeleteI guess a simple season box set is out of the question?
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me exactly what's on the DVD before I order it? The website didn't say.
ReplyDeleteRE: DVD Regions
ReplyDeleteThe region on a standard desktop CD/DVD-ROM drive can be set a maximum of 5 times. Buying a cheap DVD/CD drive and setting it as the slave drive then setting it to region 1 should work.
Sorry but until we get a full season Blu-ray set I'm still calling this crap treatment of the fans. This isn't a TV set, it's one of those crappy cartoon sets that just has a few episodes at an absurd price.