• No Brainer: The Device

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    Another pony flash from newgrounds! Poor website is being taken over lately.

    How would you guys react in Equestria? I'd probably be too busy reading ENDLESS AMOUNTS of books with Twilight Sparkle to find time for the other ponies.  Best study partner ever.


    1. In a few while there's going to be a collection dedicated to this.


    3. Ummmm.....k. I guess this one just didn't vibe with me.

    4. i would totally hug the applejack, then do what ever.

    5. I would find rainbow dash. She's the best pony

    6. Funny without over the top wackiness! Excellent.

      Ok the animation could've been better. Actually drawing the ponies rather than using vectors would've added a lot too.

    7. I would probably Bro-hoof Dashie and give Flutttershy a hug.

    8. I liked the animation, it was a nice little time-waster.

      About how I'd react if I was found in Equestria? I'd probably curl up into a ball near a tree and try to not freak out, then I'd just test the waters and hope I don't cause a huge scene by being spotted.

      The way I see it, I'd be an alien to the Equestrians, or at least an obscure species/race from a faraway land, there will be ponies that will freak out at the sight of me just as much as I would freak out at the sight of them. So it would be wise to be cautious to begin with

    9. "Poor"? I think what you meant to say is "Awesome". ;-)

      I'd totally go on a date with Fluttershy!... uhm, you know... if that's okay with her...

    10. If hallucinogens really did that, then I wonder how many people would intentionally be drugged all day long?

      After all, if the fantasy is better than the reality, then where do you go next?

      Imagines virtual reality. Ooo pretty.

    11. Guys think about this for a second....
      What if twilight's books weren't all spells, and 90% of them being our clopfics and fanfic stories?

      She appreciates our literature, no matter how *eherm*, erotic it can be.

      Now that's what I call

    12. Find Scoots, find Fluttershy, find a convenient set of bleachers, go find RD, cheer her on FOREEEEEVEEEEEEEERRRRR

    13. Thanks for the feature!

    14. Dem vectors. I like how instead of really teleporting you to Equestria, it simply sprays you with some type of gas to knock you out. lol

      I dunno what I'd do if I were teleported to Equestria. Just hang out with all the ponies I guess. :)

    15. I had actually stated a fanfic where I get sucked into Equestria, but I ended up canning it because I couldn't think of how I'd meet the rest of the mane six or find a place to stay while in Equestria, plus I'm terrible at writing. As for what I'd do if I got sucked into Equestria, I'd do exactly what I did in my fanfic: freak out a little, then find Pinkie Pie, hoping she'd be able to help me return with her powers of breaking the fourth wall.

    16. oh hell yeah this actualy ranks right up there wit the "portal to equestria" ...i think id go cloud surfing with dashie...ie think "tailspin" and kits foil wing

    17. I'd probably hole up in the Everfree forest somewhere defensible. I don't know if my brain could take it.

    18. Set up some experiments to check if most of the physical laws still work the same, then team up with Twilight to study all the science and magic. Use Pinkie to search for Tachyons.

    19. I WANT IT!
      but, I would use it my house.I don't want to be found in an alley >.>

    20. Lol pony drug. That stuff has GOT to be expensive.

    21. Reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft. Not the band, the author.

    22. I have a fear that if I were to end up in Equestria, I would say something that would cause all the ponies to freak out. After all, how would you react if a creature you have never seen before just turned up out of nowhere with intimate knowledge about the past year or so of your life?

    23. I desperately want one of these. Make it so.


    24. If I ended up in Equestria, first place I'd go to is Sugar Cube Corner for her to introduce me, then the rest would come naturally.

    25. I love the ending, where you watch the second guy get sprayed. Priceless. XD
