I still say this show needs a wacky as hell story arc spinoff with stuff like this. Scratch vs. Tavia music battle with FIRE? Yes please.
Have some news... Lots of news... Piles of news... If you usually skip roundups, you should probably read this one.
Daniel Ingram's Short Blurb in the Vancouver Sun
Our bro Daniel recently answered a few questions in the Vancouver sun about various musical topics. It's not specifically pony, but It's still worth a look! check it out here!
Another Pony College Speech
Yep, this is the now official requirement for all college students.
Crazy DDR Pony Song
I played some DDR back in the day, but we never used both pads. This is absolute madness.
Equestria Online Playable at BroNYCon
For those attending BroNYCon in January, a new addition to the already jam packed schedule has been added. The guys from Equestria Online will have a fully playable demo up and running for everyone to try out.
As always, check out the website here!
My Little Election Campaign
Have some Pasta:
" I'm recording my feelings and impressions for my current project : ponIIE. I'm a student in last year of engineering school. Every year, we make a vote to elect our new student board and before that, there is a campaign. While some students have real ambitions, some others, such as me, create "fake student lists" in order to participate in the fun of the campaign, but without any desire to be elected.
Those groups usualy have strange or surprising themes, and it's only natural for me that I would create a list based on My Little Pony. The plan : make a campaign as if we wanted to change the teachings of our school (a computer engineering school) in order to suit Celestia's teachings."
Check it out here!
Everfree Radio Interviews Penstroke and Batty Gloom
For all the Past Sins fans out there, your favorite cute OC pony manufacturing author has been hit by an interview over at Everfree Radio.
And next week, they are releasing an interview with Michelle Creber; the voice actor behind Applebloom.
Have some copy paste!
Hey everypony, EverFree radio has another special treat for you: an interview with Pen Stroke and Batty Gloom, the authors of Past Sins and the creators of Nyx. Our own Brushin' Bones and the beautiful Moonlight are the interviewers, so things are sure to get interesting. Check it out! http://everfreeradio.com/?p=774
Moreover, on Monday we will post an exclusive interview with the Michelle Creber, the voice arist for Applebloom and singing voice of Sweetie Belle! Here's a teaser: http://everfreeradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/AB- ID2.ogg Stay tuned!
Winter Wrap Up Casting Call
Another project is under way to have a whole bunch of people sing along to Winter Wrap Up togeather. Check out the video here for more information!
Tara Strong Attending the Emerald City Comic Con
Tara Strong is once again invading a comic convention. She has the best job... seriously. Check out this page for more information on it!
Equestria Tides Episode 4 "Return of The Brony".
They didn't give me any copy paste! I guess the image does a good enough job of advertising it. Check out the podcast here.
Short Blurb about Pony on STAR 102.3
Radio people always seem so scared at first. Poor guys. This particular station takes place in Bronwsville Oregon. Check it out below!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Modern Warfare 3 Clan
Clan Name: Revenge Ponies
Clan Tag: RvP
NSW Austraila Meetup
Where:In front of Sydney opera house
When: 10 am, 20 november 2011 sunday
What: Casual picnic meetup. Deciding what to do after picnic when it happens
bring food :)
San Antonio Meetup
When: Nov 26 at 4pm
Where: Dave & Busters
Direct contact: [email protected]
Wrolaw Meetup Report
Crazy Polish bronies! 27 of them this time around. Check out the writeup here!
Brazil Pony Commercial
Pony Wedding Cake
Appledash eh? I still prefer Rainbow Pie. But Grats to SpazzyKoneko and Tatsudoshi anyway!
Mare in the Moon Skyrim Mod
Yep, another one. Check it out here.
Someone needs to Trixiefy the cloak/hat from the final thief guild quest already!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Dash Blanket
Rarity Plushie
Fluttershy Shoes
Pony Christmas Stockings
Derpy Pillow
Glass Pony Art
Epic Meal Time Pony Phone Case
76 kommentaari:
Yes, more pony presentations!
VastaKustutaWoot, Octavia gets the spotlight for once.
VastaKustutaKinda an interesting nightly roundup
VastaKustutaYou really want that story, Seth?
VastaKustutaTime to start writing.....
Oooh, what an interesting design for a wedding cake. ^_^
VastaKustutaOn another note:
VastaKustutaHe set up what was pretty much the first EVER SoCal meet, and though it was really small, a million props to him for getting the ball rolling!
Austraila?? I am disappoint.
VastaKustutaHow is Octavia holding that on-fire wand in the first place?
VastaKustutawhat happened to the bill? did the world win?
VastaKustuta@Bombedrumbum That is no wand, that's an overused bow!
VastaKustutaCant wait until the episode! :D Tomorrow :(
VastaKustutaHeh heh, the radio host or DJ sounds like it physically pains him to say "My Little Pony". One day, he too shall join the herd.
VastaKustutaPonies seem to be slowing down a little, darn Skyrim...
VastaKustutaNow if you'll excuse me, I've got old Nord tombs to descrate and ancient deads to pilfer.
Thanks for the share! Will give you guys a copy/paste next time. ^_^
VastaKustutaWhy so? I don't think the show is on any of the networks downunder yet, I'm getting all mine via the youtoobs. An introductory picnic could be really good for building a brony base down here.
*wishes he could go... stuck in Canberra this weekend*
Yay, lots of awesome this time around! (Oh who am I kidding--I always love reading these!)
VastaKustutaYay, a Michelle Creber interview! She has long been my favorite of the CMCs (though I seriously love them all). Apple Bloom is the reason I gave the cartoon a chance. After Apple Bloom's line, "Aren'tcha gonna stay for brunch?" *SADFACE* *blink-blink*, I just had to keep watching. I regret nothing. :)
And FIRE flew from her fingertips as she rosined up her bow.
VastaKustutaWait a sec a pen stroke and batty gloom interview?
WOOT, Finally a brony meet up in sydney. You can expect me there and i'll try to bring some friends along too.
VastaKustutaMW3 Link doesn't work
VastaKustutaNope, the banner just got changed. The US Congress is still going to have hearings on it.
lol windeu and his hilarious charts.
VastaKustutaI should video myself at some point playing pony charts.
At least, playing them properly.
Shame we don't have any dedicabs tho.
Aw yeah, I'm headlining this Nightly Roundup! :)
VastaKustutaAs for a wacky spinoff of Vinyl and Octavia battling, well... maybe not from the show itself. So let's leave that to the community artists and such. I like the idea more when I'm not imagining it coming from the actual show itself. lol
Go Daniel. You can tell he's got such a strong and passionate feel for music in animation. Very nice. I'd love to go see that at the Orpheum Theatre. It's going to be one spectacular show, that you can count on.
That speech is pretty low on volume. I love how he just simply starts pulling pony toys out from random places on himself. Haha. Why's he kinda remind me of The Beatles? I think it's his way of talking and the hair. lol Not a bad presentation.
That DDR session was pretty good. I laughed when he started using his head. lol Though, I can say I've seen even better. I remember back a while ago going to the mall and some of the kids there on the DDR pads were just incredible. I've actually seen people doing numerous flips on both pads during a single song. It's wild.
The Equestria Online game is going to have a playable demo at BroNYCon? Do want! Too and I won't be there, grrr! It's going to be such an awesome time come this January. Oh funds, y u so low?
That My Little Election Campaign sounds interesting and kinda fun. Politics isn't my strong suit and not something I'm real involved in, but I'm sure ponies could make politics more enjoyable at least. :)
Ooh, Emerald City Comic Con. And Tara will be there. Fun stuff. It's always a blast wherever she is it seems. And hey, look. So will Rob Paulsen. I've gotten to meet Mr. Paulsen on one or two occasions. Talented awesome guy.
Radio stations talking about MLP and Bronies now too. They really are absolutely everywhere. :P
Look at all those Polish Bronies stylin' in their nice black clothing. The two on the far left seem so out of place amongst all the black. But at least one is wearing a black jacket. lol
More delicious pony cake for me to nom on and then pretend like I didn't do anything wrong at all. :D Are those little shiny stars on it edible? I sure hope so...
Mare in the moon mod for Skyrim... but of course. :P
Oh wow. They put the stained glass pony window up on Ebay. It's only at $305 with 10 hours left. I would have expected that piece to get over a grand. Well, it still has some time left. It's so impressive. If that goes for that much it's going to be a steal. lol
Seth wants a wacky, over-the-top spinoff with the likes of an Octavia vs. Scratch battle. So, it would basically be like Scott Pilgrim vs, the World?
VastaKustutaHmm.......*GASP!* [Rarity]IDEEEEAAAAA!!![/Rarity]
PinkieDash/RainbowPie is best ship.
VastaKustutathat guy on the radio sound like Cave Johnson :D
VastaKustutaLooks like I'm off to Sydney.
VastaKustuta@Jango-Fett See you then :)
VastaKustutaWeeeelp. I'm out of time. Here's a snippet of terrible writing. Free to use, steal, molest, alter, modify, etc. I can't really claim credit for the original seed of the idea, but I'd love credit if this ever gets anywhere. Permissions are set of if you have the link, you can change the contents.
Unfortunately, I didn't actually get to the point where Octavia's bow catches fire. Or the music lights her bow on fire. Or something. ::ish a sad kitty for failing::
Octavia has the power of one of the characters from the last season of Heroes.
VastaKustutaOne thing I need to mention: it's Wroclaw, not Wrolaw...you silly filly :P
VastaKustutaIts Wroclaw, not Wrolaw. Just saying.
VastaKustutaYeah, that. ^^.
VastaKustutaOpera House Brony meet up?! I AM THERE!
VastaKustutaHuh... Who knew I'd learn about Spazzy getting married on EQD before I found out about it on Furaffinity...
VastaKustutaSmall world.
On... Discovery Kids...
VastaKustutaAt least it´s coming, YAY~
Love all these presentation speeches! Will definitively do one if I get the opportunity!
VastaKustutaMW3 link don't work :(
VastaKustutaDaniel Ingram, talking about the Vancouver animation scene: "We're quite a hub of creativity in contemporary animation."
VastaKustutaClever, very clever. ;)
It was already said but yet not fixed:
(you can copy-paste the "Ł" :P )
Wrolaw? Never heard of it.
VastaKustutaYou mean Wroclaw didn't you?
VastaKustutanow i'll never get the stained glass piece ;_;
wow that main pic is such a win!!! :D
VastaKustutaAnypony know about a brony meet-up in Melbourne, Australia? Also I want that skyrim mod so bad :DDDDDD
That stained glass... at that price, its a steal... but I've already blown all my pony budget!
VastaKustutadamn fine roundup, damn fine
VastaKustutaok i'm waiting for a brazilian meet up until december!!! would be great to know brazilians bronies...
VastaKustutaThat's exactly what I thought, too. lol
Seth, the two-pad thing isn't new. It's called Doubles mode. I think it's been around since DDRMax. :U
VastaKustutaAwesome, my speech made it onto EQD!
VastaKustutaMy Human Comm teacher, who is probably the strictest guy in the entire department, actually has a rule that any speech we give has to be "scholarly" and "relevant to students." Other classes were able to give speeches on whatever random topic they wanted, like the Werewolf Trials or professional wrestling. We had speeches on drugs and sex, pretty much.
So, aside from giving this presentation, I also had to persuade him that ponies were a relevant and scholarly topic. Success.
And, on a side note, I showed up to class with ponies hidden in my sleeves for three days because I wasn't sure when I was going to present. It REALLY messes up their hair and I wouldn't recommend it.
Kent State Bronies, represent!
The artwork that Southparktaoist has on her Christmas stockings is quite nice. Maybe it would be worthwhile for her to get together with Pinfilly and make pins out of them, similar to the Bambi Happy Holidays 1998 pin?
VastaKustutaWell, I've been dumbfounded. First, a MW3 Clan with a ponies theme. Now I wish I owned the game. Second, a blazing Mare in the Moon mod for a game only a week old ALREADY?! By Odin's Beard! This fandom moves at lightspeed, I sure of it by now.
VastaKustutaI don't my skyrim to be overriden by ponies, but I'll definitely use sober mods like the mare in the moon one. It looks great.
VastaKustuta[tt]gab[TT] Damn right! All i can do is wait though.
VastaKustutaBut it would be really good to meet other brazilian bronies.
Just one day for new episode...AND THREE DAYS FOR PONIES IN MEXICO!!!
@CraigHS What do you mean you're 'stuck' in Canberra? Canberra is the bawse*. Rather spend my weekend there than in Adelaide...
VastaKustuta*I'm a political nerd
That radio clip is actually from John Tesh's syndicated radio show, broadcast on almost 400 stations across the US, Canada, New Zealand, and even one in the UK.
VastaKustutaFingers? What are fingers?
Is it only me that see the clouds in the Skyrim shot forming a prancing pony?
VastaKustutaSo I can't find this MW3 clan. It says it doesn't exist. :/
VastaKustutaAnd now I have to go listen to that, not that thats a bad thing of course.
News was interesting, I like that wedding cake.
That's actually In The Groove, not DDR. And good grief, that stepchart... I'm a fan of the hard stuff, but this is ridiculous.
VastaKustutayes. Finally. Octavia is the best
Nightingale Trixie would be so epic! Nice roundup, too.
VastaKustutaSan Antonio meet up! I'll be there!
VastaKustuta@Jason That is win. I'm so jealous of the KSU Bronies right now. If you ever push ponies on your class again, I've got a .mp3 recorder and external mic I don't use that often I could send to you.
VastaKustutaCWRU Bronies, represent! (Please? You're around here somewhere, right?)
VastaKustutaWoot, Kent State! KSU Physics Department Pegasister, here... :)
We actually already had our first brazilian meet up last sunday at São Paulo, Brazil! ^_^ We already sang WINTER WRAP UP in a front of an Art Museum in the most already known avenue of the city, Paulista Avenue.
We're still editing photos and videos, but as soon as possible I'll be posting on my blog (http://equestriabr.wordpress.com) and sending to EqD! ^_^
on one hoof, im happy its finally coming.
on the other hoof, the voices suck, its airing in discovery kids(no offense intended, but it IS a child-targetted channel), and i dont think itll have the same effect here in br(if not the total opposite thanks to poor voice acting and ads).
yeah...i guess the negative hoof wins.
sorry for being so negative everypony, but thats just my opinion, so...you know...whatever oyu want to think of it is fine...
@Petra Leão
VastaKustutaWHAT?! there was a meeting in sp?! and so close to my place? how come i didnt know about it? will there be another one? coltdamn it! i cant believe i missed something like that...
They will not change the names because of the copyrights. On these days, all the Toy makers are keeping the names on the original to unify the trademarks and make easier to export and translate the toy boxes around the world.
Here in Brazil one chapter was dubbed already (it came in a DVD with some toys), and the names were exactly as in the original series. Unfortunately, the voice acting was actually terrible -- we BR-onies expect another voice actors now the show is going to be broadcasted on TV (but I'm really afraid about it...)
Oh, dear! o_o I posted about it on my blog (http://equestriabr.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/1o-bronyencontro-brasileiro-rola-no-proximo-domingo/) Keep an eye on it and you'll know when the next's gonna happen!
Are you in the brazilian forum for bronies, Sonic Rainboom? If you're not, it would be a great if you could join, we guys and gals of this forum made the meet up happen =)
VastaKustutaTo be honest, I have no hopes about it too. I love some voice overs in portuguese and even rather them to the original, but from what I've seen so far, the voice actors are not doing a good job, actually =_=
But I'll expect until watch the first episode in portuguese (will b on air next monday, november 21) to talk properly about it.
...Actually Rarijack is the best pony ship. *poker face* Though yes, I agree PinkieDash is actually oddly endearing as well! ^^;
VastaKustutaAnd an Opera House meetup; how incredibly envious am I! You lucky Australian ponies you... *pout*
That glass art auction ended up going for far less than I originally imagined it would (I was thinking it would get to be over a grand, easily, considering some of the plushie auctions we've seen before); I guess congrats are in order for the lucky pony who ended up winning it at a more reasonable price. Originally I was really, really wishing I could try and sneak in on the auction too, but then I read the full item description properly and realized the piece is not actually a true leaded glass-work, but just made to replicate one... not quite as fabulous but still a lovely piece of course. But anyway.
Kudos! ^_^
Man I can't believe it went for a paltry 335.... I wonder what the winner's maximum bid was?
VastaKustutaEven Seth supports Rainbow Pie.
VastaKustutaOTP, YUHH.
Silly Seth, that's not an Epic Meal Time Phone Case, that's a modified version of the Experimental Jetset "JPRG" typography design scheme that's so popular nowadays.