Rarity has gone crazy a few times now. I wonder if we will see the "season two" version in the coming episode?
Anyway, have some news.
They Might Be Giants Plugs PMV's on their Facebook Page
It's always fun to see the actual creators of stuff we use in PMV's actually acknowledge it. I remember how excited everyone was when Spike Pilgrim was featured on the Scott Pilgrim facebook page.
Talk About the Weather Podcast With Ponies
This isn't specifically a pony podcast, but more a brony who got interviewed on a non pony cast. Check it out here!
And he wants to apologize for butchering Rarity's element. Poor Rarity...
Groups/Guilds/Meetups Looking for More
VA Beach Meetup
Copy Paste: For any pony in Hampton Roads area of VA. Atlantis Games & Comics is willing to host us on Nov 19, 2011 from 7pm to 10pm. It listed as My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, VABeach Bronies Meep up. Address is: 145 E Little Creek Rd Norfolk, Va 23505 (757) 502 8954. Please I need 6 episodes everyone wants to watch. We will be ordering pizza. If we get a good turn out. They will be willing to host again in the future. So get our friends to come. E-mail episodes to [email protected]
Johnson City, TN Facebook Group
Helinski Meetup
Copy Paste: We are having a new Helsinki pony meeting in 17th of December 2011!----------------------------------------------------------
Since the last meeting gathered over 50 bronies, we decided to rent a proper space for the meeting this time. There's going to be all sorts of activity, for example a pony quiz with awesome prizes and a band playing pony music.
Info links about the meeting:
Promo flash animation in the e-mail attachments, it's made by MrPoniator. Song credits to OdinForever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBvSlVNnIz0.
Bronies Phoenix Expansion
Copy Paste: The bronies of Phoenix Arizona are expanding down to Tucson and are
looking for new members there. The first Tucson event is going to be
Saturday (or today) on the 5th at 7:00pm sign up at
http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-Phoenix/ if your interested in meeting
other Bronies in your area
John Hopkins University Article on Pony
Yep! Another one. This is a pretty good read too! check it out here!
New York Magazine Brony Article
In response to the Wall Street Journal article, another New York based media outlet jumped on our little fandom here. Usually when you open something and it has a big smiling g1 pony on it, you know its going to be ridiculous, and this one doesn't dash those expectations. Check it out here.
Full Pony Bed Setup
For those still on the fence about throwing their bed sheet masculinity out the window, someone has set up a full display of it. I have to admit.. I kind of want. That Twilight is really cute.
No! Must resist!
I would jump all over the custom pillows though.
Bronystudy Research Project
SCIENCE! It will set us free! Teach us new things! Twilight Sparkle!
A study is in progress to determine what exactly a "Brony" is. Check out the survey for it here!
Small Town Pony Movement
For those living in small towns and low traffic hubs around the world, a new movement is in progress that attempts to help people meet other hidden bronies. Check out the video below for more information!
Costco Art Set Unboxing
For those curious about the Costco art set that was floating around a few days, someone did a full unboxing of it on youtube. Check it out below!
Free Pony Stuff Competition!
The Canterlot.com Roleplay website is holding a contest that will be ending on November 4th for over 200 bucks in pony merch/custom stuff.
Have some copypaste for more information:
The Canterlot.com Nightmare Night and Harvest Festival Art and Writing Contests will be ending November 14th, just over a week from now! We are giving away five different grab bags that contain custom etched glassware; buttons, vinyl stickers, stickers, original art, cell phone charms, necklaces, coloring/activity books, and many more items! These contests have relatively few entrants currently, so your chances of winning one of these grab bags is high- dont miss out on a great opportunity to own some custom pony merch!
And a Link!
Team Liquid Synchtube Mare-a-Thon on November 6th!
The Starcraft pony community is running a season one marathon on the 6th. For more information, hit up the forum thread!
Brony Heart Month
Have some Copy paste:
Brony Heart Month!
Hello, ladies and gentlecolts of the bronydom! There’s a facebook
movement we’d love for you to take part in.
November needs to become the month in which bronies have a sleeping
heart pony, (originally created by BambooDog-
http://bamboodog.deviantart.com/gallery/ ) as their profile picture,
whether it be a character of the show or your own OC.
For more information see this page:
PDF Fanfic Gallery Updates
White Demure
It Takes a Village
Ultra Eternal Prodigal Furious Very Big Sonic Fearless Perpetual Heroic Epic Legendary
6 Angry Mares
Skies of Equestria
The Color You Bleed
The Patchwork
Blade Trotter
The Creature that Came to Ponyville
Shipping and Handling
The Best Night Ever
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Wall Street Warrior Rainbow Dash
Mystery Custom Blindbag Box
Smarty Pants Plushie
Have Something Creepy
61 kommentaari:
first woot
VastaKustutadat bed!! must have!!
VastaKustutaWow! It's nice to know that there are bronies here in Finland too! :)
VastaKustutaCan't wait for the new episode! <3
YAAY nightly roundup!!!
VastaKustutaDear god no. I want something sane after 4 crazy episodes.
VastaKustutaGranted I liked 3 of 4 said crazy episodes, but let's have something more down to earth, eh?
Love from TL.net
VastaKustutaLady Pinkie?!?!?!
VastaKustutaoh darn.. pinkie gaga...
I am currently having trouble trying to find words to describe the awesomocity of that bed setup.
VastaKustutaDO WANT
"Helinski Meetup"? Oh, Seth. :D
VastaKustutaDAT VIDEO
VastaKustutaThis episode better have a song. I've wanted new music since the day season 2 started, and if they pass up a Rarity AND Sweetie Belle episode for music, I think I'll have a stroke.
VastaKustuta"Small Town Pony Movement"
great idea; and so simple too!
I absolutely love that bed especially that pillow with dash and scootaloo, somewhat makes me sleepy
VastaKustutaThey might be giants in coming to my university soon
VastaKustutaMAI BED!
VastaKustuta*steals, runs away*
Aw, nobody remembers when My Little Top Gear was on Top Gear's facebook page. And their blog. And their twitter. And in their magazine. But you know, that's fine.
VastaKustutaAlso that's definitely a video for Halloween.
I would sleep on that bed in a heartbeat.
VastaKustutaThat survey was VERY thorough...
VastaKustutaHUUZAH! My haunting creation got onto EqD <3
VastaKustutaThe New York Magazine article is hilarious. The author thinks this whole fandom is an elaborate troll. "Rarely breaking character" HA!
VastaKustutaThat bedset is Amazing! Wooooo!
VastaKustutathat bed man, WANT!
VastaKustutaAbout the first POST! They might be giant Hosted an event in the Online game AQWorlds! and the creators of AQWorlds are Artix Entertainment. Ring a bell? They Made the Pony vs Pony game!
VastaKustutaI Friggin LOVE they might be giants!
VastaKustuta:D Helinski meetup. Amusing misspelling there.
VastaKustutaOh, Seth. You missed a 1 on the pony stuff competition., November 4th was yesterday!
VastaKustutaThey Might Be Giants does do kid's stuff. So I suppose it's not too suprising.
VastaKustutaThe John Hopkins articles is one of the most positive I've seen so far. It's nice.
VastaKustutaAn interesting article in the JHU Newsletter?! Boy, things have sure changed since I graduated.
VastaKustutaWOO! This is a LONG SURVEY!
VastaKustutaBut Anything to help out for a brony study. :)
Love and tolerate. <3
The survey was thorough and I'm looking forward to the results. A suggestion for the future is to make the box around the radio button clickable too. It gets a bit fiddly sometimes clicking so many little dots ;D
VastaKustutaFail article is fail
VastaKustutaThe NYmag article is....yeah, it sucks, and whoever wrote it should feel like a big dumb meanie for writing it
VastaKustutaThat is the BEST ARTICLE EVER. I'm bookmarking it to show to people I try to convert in the future. John Hopkins University newsguys, or whoever wrote that, you have my utmost thanks, whatever that word means.
VastaKustutaWhat a strange coincidence. They Might Be Giants posts pony stuff, and I'm going to their concert today after a small brony get-together.
VastaKustutaIT IS A SIGN!
Season Two version = Her scrunching up her face, then grinding her teeth, then puffing up her cheeks, looking right to left then having wide eyes and calming down.
VastaKustuta"Super-advanced trolling" - oh god, that had me laughing so loud. Sorry dude, we're real fans, who really enjoy it and who really love and tolerate the shit out of you. You will not see a day where suddenly we all yell "Gotcha!" and go back to the way things were before ponies.
VastaKustutaI took part in the survey.
VastaKustutaDon't think I have the guts to put up a Celestia poster in my window. …or I'm just lazy. (Also my college dorm has a rule about putting up stuff on our window. ..Not that it stopped anypony else this last halloween.)
Tell ya what, If I see another poster in someone's window around here, I'll do it.
Ahaha, Scout Law almost verbatim in the survey.
VastaKustutaI thought the "New York Magazine" post was satirical in nature and then I read the comments.
VastaKustutaAnd people say journalistic integrity is dead.
I participated in the survey, but it seems like it could have been researched a bit better. One of the questions was something along the lines of "this show was created by LAURA Faust, I have to watch it! agree/disagree?"
VastaKustutaThe people who made the survey don't know the correct name of the person who began the phenomenon they are researching!
wow, 2 PhD's are doing this study, not students?
VastaKustutaWow, I didn't even make it through the first sentence of the New York Magazine thingy before facepalming.
VastaKustutaThat bed makes me almost wish I didn't have a queen.
VastaKustutaI was surprised to find my article here this morning, thank you it's an honor.
VastaKustutaThe bed is owned by a pegasister not a brony
VastaKustutaThanks for the nice comment. I worked hard on this article just for that reason.
@Party Favors
VastaKustutaThank you, that's nice to hear.
Wow. New York Magazine ultra fails on this one. Lol, why even post these? One commenter put it best, and I want to share their contribution:
VastaKustuta"Apparently, this is still a world where a supposedly legitimate publication can and will use articles wherein necessary research is replaced with bias, and journalistic integrity replaced with the desire to write about a buzz-worthy subject without actually attempting to portray it accurately. In a time when such a large portion of the country's population are unable to find openings for jobs they're more than qualified for, it's surprising, perhaps even a little sickening, to see that hacks too lazy to familiarize themselves with their subjects are still employed as writers."
Somebody give this man his Pulitzer. Bronies don't have to fight to justify their existence anymore; we're pretty well established, pretty well recognized as a legitimate entity that follows a critically acclaimed show, and people who try to insinuate otherwise will only come out looking absolutely foolish.
Oh, this would've been funny maybe, oh I dunno, last February when the fandom was smaller and the idea of MLP:FiM striking a broad audience that includes adult males sounds ridiculous, even to the people in the fandom. But things have changed.
Big time.
Enjoy your fail, New York Magazine. Keep up the 'journalists are all pompous hacks' image crippling your industry. You'll come to find at this rate Twilight Sparkle will become this generation's Walter Kronkite if this trend of wavering 'journalism' continues.
Ha, the small town pony thing reminds me of the
VastaKustutaway Mulder on the X-files would contact "Deep Throat"
when he needed information.
The ponies are out there!
Lol, nice try unimportant New York based magazine article. Your bias is showing through. Shoot, I don't think you really even know half of what you claim to, or have even given the show, or bronies, a chance.
VastaKustutayou can find all the hearts for brony heart month
Awesome idea, I never had thought about posting pony pictures in my school before... not sure why I wouldn't, so I will!
VastaKustutaTotally doing the Facebook profile pic event!
VastaKustutaI want that Rarity pillow!!
VastaKustutaa Tennessee group and it's across the state from me in another time zone. Way past Knoxville... Why can't there be a Fentress county or Upper Cumberland group having a meeting I can attend? i.e. not on a saturday, maybe sunday or monday
VastaKustutaTo the pegasister who's bed set is presented in the picture above....., I have two things to ask/say: 1. Awesome Death Note poster! and 2. Who made those awesome pony pillows?! ( I've been looking at some sites, but none of them seem to match up to the way your pillows were made! I can understand if you don't want to tell, but could you least tell us if you made it, or if a company made it? )
VastaKustutaOH MAI GOD theres a va beach brony meetup!!! im going to try my hardest to frickin go there
VastaKustutaAs a resident of the Canterlot site, I'mma go ahead and say it's one of the best community forums and RP sites a brony could ask for! ^^;
VastaKustutaI totally recommend 'em, and think that there's gotta be a few ponies in the audience tonight who'd love to give themselves a chance to win one of those fabulous prizes AS WELL as participate in some awesome quality RP.
Drop on by an' give it a chance...you may even like 'em! <3