• Music: WolfOfSadness - Pinkie Party / Thorinair - Spark of Magic (Original Mix) / Sunset In Equestria

    Mix time! Techno, Electronic, and Classical, or something. Honestly I can't even tell with these tracks sometimes. I've asked some of those pre-listeners about it, and not even they can pinpoint it exactly.

    We coined PMV As a community a while back, so maybe we need a general "elecronictechnostepcoretrance" term?

    1.) WolfOfSadness - Pinkie Party
    2.) Thorinair - Spark of Magic (Original Mix)
    3.) Sunset In Equestria

    19 kommentaari:

    1. Basch! You got a song on EQD again! Been too long.

    2. Huh, the middle one is being blocked as an ad. Of course, that just means I should set EqD as an exception in AdBlock (which I've been meaning to do anyway), but still, odd.

    3. #3 feels like something in a MLP movie which makes me excite as shit.

    4. #3 is just orchestral, Seth, with the exception of the flutes...oh never mind, there's that, umm, saxophone?

    5. Since Sethisto's brought it up: Just what do PMV and YTPMV mean, anyway? I'm sorta new to the fandom, and I'm not sure I understand those terms precisely...

    6. Sorry for double posting but maybe ponycore/bronycore could work? Maybe as an all around genre term for pony music in general or pony music that falls in the lines of trance, dance, techno, dubstep, electronic, synth etc.

    7. @Jefles flutes and saxaphone are in orchestras too :P

      #1 in the first 30 second impression, noooot too shabby. I likey

      #2 Holy Luna/Celestia. 9 minute song? This isn't Tarby, what's goin on here?

      #3 All I'm sayin on this is that its likely to be my final song for this year. aka, not makin another pony song until after bronycon

    8. @baschotaria Ah, okay, I wasn't sure. I've only ever had my school orchestra to reference from, they adhere strictly to string instruments. Very nice song, Basch.

    9. I believe the term for our music should be obvious...WUVSTEP.

    10. Ah, Basch, you have done it again. You've made another one of my all-time favorite brony songs. For this, I thank you greatly. Simply amazing

    11. #1 Was alright all in all. Was just a tad bored with it. Though it kinda reminded me of something I might hear at a convention dance.

      #2 I was thinking the same with the slightly long intro. lol Trance isn't my favorite genre, so this one wasn't right up my alley really. I can't say I dislike it. I'm neutral on it. lol

      #3 Basch is taking a break for a while? Noooooooooo~ Nah, I'm okay. lol You take that break for a bit and I hope to hear more great pieces from you when you return to making them. As for this song, it's another real nice one. Sweet and mellow. Indeed it doe have that feel of a closing song. :)

    12. That last one sounds a lot similar to music from a FF game.

    13. @jodyjm13 PMV stands for Pony Music Video and YTPMV stands for YouTube Poop Music Video which is basically a cover for a song created using short clips.
      Great song Basch. Soothing orchestral music is always welcome!

    14. I've heard your composition only once Basch but... It needs more dramatic feeling.

    15. all 3 are nice! Tho I think i like #2 more :)

    16. @Jelfes Only strings? Then that's just a string ensemble, not a true orchestra, which should include members of all 4 instrument families - strings, brass, woodwinds, and percussion.

    17. @jodyjm13
      PMV - Pony Music Video
      YTPMV - YouTube Poop Music Video (a song made with original samples)

    18. 1. Woot.

      2. Needs some variety.

      3. This sounds like Legend of Zelda quality!
