• Music: Sharing is Caring / A Long Way from Equestria

    Remixes and Vocal stuff time! Have some music.

    1.) AJ The Engineer - Sharing is Caring
    2.) A Long Way from Equestria [demo]

    16 kommentaari:

    1. Aj the engineer and mandopony. Seems like a good post.

      Two music songs instead of the usual three? Okay

    2. Seems like PinkiePieSwear had some influence on that first one, so its even better than what I was expecting!! (no offense) I like when the beat changes at around 1:12, yay. The captions are also pretty funny.

      I'm never going to get used to MandoPony's OC, it's always scared me.....
      Still a good song, nonetheless. Meaningful lyrics, good acoustic setting, and amazing message

    3. this is all so beautiful man, i love you all

    4. 1st vid. ok. i liked it. 2nd vid. LOVED IT. it makes you think. i want it on my i pod now. lol

    5. My first ever attempt at making electronic music... ever.

    6. @AJTheEngineer well you did a pretty good job!! Better than I could have done

    7. Awesome music post right here.

      AJ's was a pretty good remix. The vocals were used nicely.

      And the second guy's voice was so smmmoooooooth it was like drowning in cloudy chocolate. And then the tempo changed and it got even better. He just got a sub!

    8. The second video makes me sad, because its true. But I know I should embrace the Brony and the feelings in me, I hope that even after leaving this world that I will never give up this love I feel right now for Fluttershy, Equestria, and the entire MLP show.

    9. 2nd video.... :'(

      Thank you for this video... Man tears are to be shed

    10. Thanks so much, everypony. :)


    11. I never get tired of listening to MandoPony music! And this song is quite beautiful even as a demo.

    12. #1 Nice little mix from AJTE. I liked it.

      #2 As always, I'm a big sucker for pony songs with pony lyrics in them. It's certainly a nice little song itself. Singing was good overall. The lyrics were okay. True, it may be slightly... strong. lol But it's still a good piece.

    13. It's scary when the quality of my MLP playlist is starting to rival the professionally made music to which I also listen.

    14. 1. Omnious sounding.

      2. I've felt this way for a long while now, and then I found ponies. Shockingly beautiful!

    15. I love the sharing is caring video, great remix of pinkie's most... disliked song =P
