• Music: Rising Blossom Theme of Aloe and Lotus WIP / 20 Percent Cooler / The Apple Family

    Mix time! I totally don't have the required music to compile specific genres as planned.

    1.) Rising Blossom Theme of Aloe and Lotus WIP
    2.) 20 Percent Cooler - WoolySnake Remix [Techno]
    3.) The Apple Family

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Hmm, #1 sounds pretty unique. Not sure how to describe it, some parts just sound very different.

    2. Applebloom shall define Applejack's honor!

    3. Not only is #1 completely different from the usual pony music, but it's friggin' AWESOME!!!

    4. I agree with Hmhya. Number 1 is indeed awesome. Can't wait till it's completed.

    5. #1 I shall play the theme of my people.

    6. I greatly look forward to the completion of #1! Love the oriental style to it.

    7. This was a great set of music. Dr. Dissonance of course, always kickin'! And I just loved the Aloe and Lotus theme. It is absolutely magnificent! Woooohooo!

    8. #1 Is complextro, and I cant wait till its done
      #2 Sounded pretty cool, Liked the bass and the beat
      #3 Dissonance is a pretty cool dude and writes awesome music, just not my type.

    9. #3 - Sounds pretty cool, but it felt kinda all over the place. :l

    10. Holeh Crap, I didn't know my piece would end up on EqD this time around lol. Glad to know somepony liked this enough to submit it even as a WIP. Thanks mah fellow Br0Neez *hooves all around*

      #2 I loved the melody starting at 0:49 <3 If I had to pick a pony song to get tipsy and dance to I'd pick this one. Hooves down.

      #3 Is beautiful beyond words, being a movie music fan and composer I can really appreciate it's thematic approach to Applejack. It's really got that western feel, with maybe a few flaws. I can guess you were going for that whole wild west/Spanish feel to it. The Pizz strings aren't a good idea. Maybe there's too much tremolo and not enough Spanish triplet/flutters. Also, try and bring out the solo trumpet more, and maybe find one with a more bugel-y sound. This is all if you're going for that Clint Eastwood vibe though. Otherwise disregard the advice.
      Nice job PPlz! c:

    11. #1 I like this. Has a cool funky beat.

      #2 Pretty cool beat as well. I tend to like mixes with pony clips sneaked in good spots. :)

      #3 This was a nice little piece too. Reminds me of Red Dead Redemption. Kinda has that old western feel to it I guess. :P

    12. #1 is totally awesome!
      Yay Aloe & Lotus!

    13. 1. You say this is unfinished? This is awe-inspiring!

      2. Pretty decent.

      3. Nopony disrespects the Apples...

    14. Please don't separate the music by genre (beyond BG vs not BG music). It's more trouble than it's worth and I think that keeping music posts segregated by genre is not only unnecessary, it reduces the number of people that'll give it a listen. I'll try any music posted here regardless of genre and what I prefer. How many times have you read "confound these ponies, they drive me to listen to [insert music genre]"? Segregate and that won't happen quite so often. Before MLP:FIM fanmusic, I never listened to trance. Unless Enya is trance. Is Orinoco Flow trance? Maybe it is.

    15. I love this mix time! All of this music pieces are exceptionally absolutely amazing!

    16. I hate getting posted at midnight... Thanks for the kind words everypony! c:
