• Music: I Will Rise! :Trixie returns / May the best rap win / I Bring the Sun

    Vocal stuff, cause that's the trend right now or something!

    1.) I Will Rise! :Trixie returns (vocals/ kinda better version)
    2.) "May the best rap win!" RD&Fluttershy mix
    3.) I Bring the Sun - Moon (Here Comes the Sun - Moon)

    25 kommentaari:

    1. Yay more music!

      Last update was good. Can't wait to hear this one *claps*

    2. #2 is now my favourite best pet remix..

    3. Huh, whats with these ratings?
      is the music really that bad?

    4. Ninja's in the rating system yikes.

    5. @Blightmare

      it could be one guy, i dunno. Blogger's rating system is easy as fuck to abuse.

    6. #1 is bagpipe brony (nouf said)

      #2 is epic but gets a lil tiring after a while (better than anything I could do)

      #3 is an epic parody (or is it crossover?)

    7. *Hipster*

      #2 For once I heard it before I saw it here.

    8. no.1: awful
      no.2: awful
      no.3: awful
      hated them all!

    9. I was apprehensive about #2 given the title, but it turned out that I dug the downtempo hip-hop groove the song was set to. It's nice that the artist switched things up with the song audio just enough to keep it interesting as it went along. :)

    10. #1 Was pretty good. Had a hard time understanding the lyrics in the song though without the text. Can't wait to hear the more professional version. :)

      #2 This one sounds like another I thought was posted here not long ago. Huh. It's not a bad remix.

      #3 These aren't exactly up my alley. But I think for what they are, old Beatles parody songs, they are really pretty good. And very nice gestures in honor of the anniversary of George Harrison's passing. :)

    11. I can't wait to hear a professional version of #1. It seems so amazing, yet I can barely understand it without reading the lyrics as I go along.

    12. For those of you wondering, the full version of #1 is out.

      You can find it in his album here: http://robbidez.bandcamp.com/album/ponikon

    13. #1 - Not my style. Not that it's bad though.

      #2 - Dat beat. ME GUSTA

      #3 - Not a bad addition to the ponytune collection. I love the original song.

    14. 1. A great feeling of intensity.

      2. I love it! My life is now better for this!

      3. Fun, fun, fun!

    15. As soon as I read the title of #3 my head went "do do do do"

    16. #1. Mostly good, didn't like not hearing any of the choir part's words... Even with the pop ups helping I couldn't make any of it out. Otherwise that was quite an epic song.

      #2. I started to enjoy it... But it wasn't for me with how it's beat keep staying flat to me. Not bad in anyway but just not my cup of tea.

      #3. I enjoyed this one the most of them all cause there was a Luna bit... Also nice parody or crossover or homage, whatever the right word for it, it's a great one.

    17. But I like vocal stuff. I mean I like my electro/dubstep..etc music but it needs to have vocals or at the very least vocal samples in it.

    18. I must admit... I made the most wonderful imitation of a happy, squee generating, smiling Fluttershy when I heard #2. It was the manliest thing I'd done yet today!

      #3 amazes me. That artist is gonna be bigger than Celestia!
