• Music: For the New Lunar Republic (Rap Remix) // Song to the Princesses

    Yep, I'm in a Pinkie mood today.

    1.) For the New Lunar Republic (Rap Remix)
    2.) Song to the Princesses

    31 kommentaari:

    1. Dat second one. Beautiful voice. Must Download.

      I think the problem with the first one is the voice is monotone, so it needs more variation in tone, if thats helpful.

    2. Didn't like either of them this time.
      The first one, there was just something I didn't like about his voice.
      And I'm not quite sure what I don't like about the second one, but I just don't like it.

    3. #2 is really nice. Has a very medieval sound to it!

    4. that second one.... may be the most beautiful song I've ever heard

    5. Yay ! Music music music.... (my mp3 is overrun by ponies, and i keep puting more ...)

      (sorry for my english ...if someone can correct me... do it, it would be helpful)

    6. ive never really understood about the NLR and the Sol Empire, but then again, im a fairly new brony. anyone got some kind of explanation better than just "ones run by luna and the other by celestia"?

    7. the original "For The New Lunar Republic" is a hell of a lot better.

    8. @Nimru

      It's just entertaining to some ponies to imagine the two sisters being at war with eachother, and Equestria choosing sides. Nothing much else to it, really.

    9. But you were in a Me mood last night, Cereal.

      Or was that Seth?

    10. The second song was very nice, can't say much for the first.

    11. Hmm... initially I had been worried the rap wouldn't be up to snuff, but I am okay with this.

      What i am not okay with is realizing i tabbed away from this page to watch the new episode and coming back to find it with no comments. I missed my 1 shot at glory...

      Oh well, it was totally worth it!

    12. At halfway of the second song I suddenly noticed there were actually lyrics in the song. Until then I had just listened to melody. Now I have to start it all up again, this time listening to the lyrics too...

    13. I like the bit where the first one went:

      wub wub wub WAAAAAA WAAAAAA WAAA WAAA beep waa waaa.

      Nice voice for the second.

    14. That Pinkie Pie picture is amazing.

    15. AS for the first one, the sort of aggression in the song doesn't really fit in my image of Luna. Though I support the Lunar Republic, Luna probably would do more than just "sometimes wish there was another way". And I certainly don't think she would kill her sister, as the song seems to say.

      Moreover, I think the original song has been quite overused. Even I have three different remixes on my mp3 (and the original one of course), so there must be quite a lot of them...

    16. >Sees one of his favorite brony songs
      >Sees it turned into a RAP...

      NO. -.-

    17. @Chobit-389Swagberg is going to Love and Tolerate the shit out of you.

    18. Celestia, Luna, and Miu:
      Three goddesses in this post!

    19. Beautiful Celtic flair on that second one. Now where's my Bodhran...?

    20. The NLR song was alright, but it could have been better if the guy didn't sound so... bored. He doesn't need to go full on jack*ss like a lot of rappers do, but he could have emoted a little bit, don't you think?

    21. #2 reminds me so much of the outro for Fractale, which I love, but it's freaky just how much it sounds like that.

    22. I wanted to like the NLR one, but his delivery fell flat. With those lyrics and the backing track, he needed to be more aggressive about it. I couldn't really get into it. (And why the hate for rap? Would you be as upset about spoken word poetry?)

    23. OH i get it now. thats celestia with the ukulele and twilight with her.

    24. Much as I like the music for the first, being excused with a song is no excuse for singing/rapping poorly. Do it again, and put some Luna-loving FEELING behind it!

    25. i love this whole NLT vs. SE ima write an fanfic about it hope its not to over used ive yet to find anystories on it.... but off topic okay in th 1st one yhe sounds so iboooreedd i wudnt want him supporting the NLR !

    26. 1. Not bad, but it needs a bit more spirit. Also, I've never been for the war.

      2. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
