That first one reminds me of the casino stage from Sonic two for some reason. Maybe I should pick up that new game. The reviews aren't bad for once.
And number two reminds me of SKYRIM, which I should totally be playing right now. Stupid ponies!
1.) ColaEuphoria - Everfree
2.) AJ The Engineer - Ovation of the Night
3.) Want It Need It
35 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta*GASP* Seth! Ponies aren't stupid, how could you say such a thing! They are pretty distracting though...
VastaKustuta>Stupid ponies
obviously, seth's character is an Evil Enchantress and she did evil dances to corrupt his mind into thinking Skyrim > FiM
VastaKustutaWith so much hype of skyrim, it makes me believe the game is way too overrated. I would like to play it, but there are so many people playing it and talking about it that it's getting VERY annoying.
VastaKustuta"Stupid Ponies!"
VastaKustutaOut of all the possible things, this is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!
VastaKustutajust like another certain shooter that begins with modern and ends with 3
Love the second song! It really does remind me of Skyrim!
VastaKustuta3rd song sounds soooooo hypnotizing...
VastaKustutabut I'm a hypocrite, and I have it anyway
VastaKustutaMe and Jeff = Post Buddies
VastaKustuta"Stupid ponies!" D:
VastaKustutaSeth, listen to yourself, what have you become?!
that's it, Skyrim is the devil I tell you! The Devil!!!
Hand in your brony card, Seth.
VastaKustuta"Stupid ponies!"
Intervention time.
Digging #2.
VastaKustuta#3's pretty rad too, but I had to open it and read the description to tell what he was saying at some parts.
Number 1 reminds me more of the mystic cave zone instead from Sonic 2 *shrug*
VastaKustutaloved it! nice job!
Some people can't take a joke, eh?
VastaKustutaI'd like to remind you that Seth is one of the most important bronies in the world. He can do what he damn well pleases.
Guys, it's the eleventh second of the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year.
VastaKustutaWell, where I am anyways...
Holy shit.
Doesn't that just make you happy?
Dear god Jeff, I think you have made my favorite original piece which is a really big statement. I've had quite a few but this one is one that leaves me pondering and simply standing in grinning awe at the insanity you've captured here. Pretty sure my face looked pretty much like that as I listened to this. Question, is this Twilight entranced by Celestia perhaps or even the other way around? Would be an interesting twist on the teacher/ student relationship if she were the unwilling adoring mentor. Or rather she trapped Twilight, or Twilight trapped herself?!! PONYCEPTION!
VastaKustuta"Stupid Ponies"
VastaKustutaTAKE. IT. BACK.
skyrim is bad
VastaKustutaSkyrim is awesome. And so are ponies.
VastaKustutaBut they're 2 different kinds of awesome, so quit hatin' on Seth.
Hmm, I'm still on EQD. Thanks Seth for reminding me what I should be doing
VastaKustutaThat second song is incredible. It's rare for a song to be clearly audible and have an actual rhythm yet still be haunting, and AJTheEngineer pulled it off perfectly. And his first song, too! Simply amazing.
VastaKustutaSeth, you must get sonic generations! It's the best sonic game out there now!
VastaKustutaHell yeah we are.
I insta-played #1 because of the mere mention of Sonic 2. That game pretty much got me into gaming in general from such an early age.
VastaKustutaAnyway, I think #1 sounds more like Metropolis Zone, Mystic Cave, and Oil Ocean all blended together with about seven bags of sugar, a lot of frosting, and a generous helping of Evil Enchantress
#2 is very atmospheric, perfect soundtrack for my adventures on the internet. Fine. It's good ambient music for when I'm checking my messages
#3 I heard a few hours ago, and I really like it
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaneigh! SKYRIM isn't overrated (although HUD and GUI needs a little getting used to)
YEAH as BronyOtakuGamer said get Sonic Generations its fun as hay (er...didn't sound right there)
Very off-topic, but...the lack of Zelda hype makes me a sad pony.
VastaKustuta>Skyrim isn't overrated.
It just happens to be on every single website I visit at the moment. Equestria Daily, 4chan, memebase...
Seriously, what's so great about it? Don't get me wrong, it looks cool and I'm going to play it when I get the chance, but seriously, what is it?
Better graphics than Oblivion, (which was fun but nothing to geek over) and dragons.
How many other RPGs have dragons?
Oh that's right.
1. That's fits so perfectly.
VastaKustuta2. Intense...
3. Creepy yet awesome!
Am I the only one that thought #3 was a PMV of "Ladies and Gentlemen"?
VastaKustutaBOOM do you want it?
BOOM do you need it?
BOOM let me hear it!
*Sees comment in description: 'Stupid Ponies'*