• Mare-Do-Well Poster Sales to Benefit Bronycon

    Bronycon is doing another poster sale, this time with something a bit more subtle for all you people that aren't open about the pony stuff. Have some copy paste:

    In collaboration with LordBojangles on deviantArt, who did an excellent Mare Do Well poster vector (see http://lordbojangles.deviantart.com/art/Mare-do-well-poster-271022187 ), we are selling high-quality Mare-Do-Well poster prints (11" x 14") to benefit BroNYCon! These will be printed on the same high-quality smooth posterstock we use for all our BroNYCon posters.

    To make sure these all get shipped out in a timely manner, we are having this as a 24 hour sale! All orders are due by 5 PM Eastern time, Monday, and will be shipped out Monday evening.

    Cost including shipping is a flat $12 to the US, $15 to Canada, $20 to anywhere in Europe. Add $10 for each additional poster.

    If you wish to purchase one of these wonderful posters, just send the appropriate amount via Paypal to prpltnkr@gmail.com with the subject MARE-DO-WELL POSTERS. Be sure to include a shipping address!

    In the spirit of friendship,

    Purple Tinker


    1. @Johuotar YES, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! :D

    2. It's odd... I haven't seen any Sethistos yet... Can anyone else see them?

    3. @Suntail Hawk.

      Eenope, no Seths in sight.

    4. "To make sure these all get shipped out in a timely manner"
      sorry but... lol, they said shipped!
      That word was never the same for me again, after I learned about shipfics

    5. Ship ALL the ponies

    6. I kinda like the pseudo English that's used in the series. Fully readable if you know the context, with a touch of a Russian look, yet still foreign enough to make those out of the loop go "what the???"

    7. With Rainbow Dash.

      Mostly with Fluttershy.
      I should shut the buck up.

    8. Well, could you read the posters in the show if you didn't know what they were supposed to say. It's clear if you already know the meaning, but the letters are sufficiently altered from proper English that someone would have to struggle for a few extra moments to decipher it if they had no clue what it was intended to mean.

      I'm just saying I kinda like that.

    9. well I gotta do the obligatory, I AM VENGEANCE! I AM THE NIGHT! I AM BATMARE!!

      also sometimes I m getting Disques comments and other times blogger, it's kinda odd.

    10. @richfiles

      Some one it made that version actually lol

    11. I like this, but I don't think I can get it now. On the other hand, I hope my Trixie poster comes soon.

    12. @CircuitScratch I've been backlogged on the Trixie posters! Shoot me an email at prpltnkr@gmail.com and I'll see if yours was sent :)

    13. There's also shirts at BecausePonies ...

    14. totally getting one!!! This is going to look great on my wall!

    15. A whole BUNCH of ponies should have gotten 'em! I shipped out all but one or two last week or so :)

    16. @Purple Tinker Oh, okay I haven't received mine yet. :( Hopefully it'll be here today. I left a comment on your Deviantart page so in case you're wondering, it's the same person. I trust that the poster is on the way and I'm looking forward to it hanging in my room. :)

    17. @bestpony? AJ ;) Did you get it yet? If not, shoot me an email (prpltnkr at gmail dot com).

    18. @Purple Tinker I just got it today! It's amazing, thanks for staying in touch with me. :)
