IF, however, you run the search "Rarity is THE best pony" vs. "Twilight Sparkle is THE best pony," you will see that Rarity has three times the number of hits that Twilight does. This proves that Rarity fans actually prefer proper grammar, which is hardly a surprise, as t'were.
There are a few factors in this 1.Twilight is also a movie and book with SPARKLING vampires 2.Scootaloo is also another name for chicken 3. Some of these pony name are regular objects
"Yeah, Scoots got the #2 spot, so my life's pretty much complete now. Whenever you're ready, dude."
*Hangs up and lays down on bed contentedly.*
~ ~ ~
Side note: I would have liked to see Vinyl or Octavia in the top five too, but with Twilight, Scootaloo, Dash, and Pinkie all there already, I think that that would be asking for a little too much lol.
Excuse me, but I can not seem to find any mention of myself on this list. Clearly there must be an error in the paperwork and it should be redone post haste.
@Topsy Kretts We'll play harps on a cloud like bards while telling the other angels about how Scoots' cutie mark is going to come from jumping three mountains on her scooter or something.
@anname219 Makes no difference. You use quotation marks in Google, it will only show "Twilight sparkle is best pony" however many times that phrase shows up on the entirety of the internet.
This is proof of what bronies do when they are bored and can't draw. On a related note, who has been voting Cheerilee above Applejack and Trixie? She can't be that popular,can she?
For Twilight Sparkle you must remove every link of that crappy movie named after her. So let divide this number by 2 and there you have Scootaloo as first (which doesn't make sense either lol)
Of the mane 6, mine is 1- Rainbow Dash 2- Twilight Sparkle 3- Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie (tied because they're both great but not at Twi's and Dash's levels.)
5- Applejack (she just hasn't had enough character development for me to like something about her)
6- Rarity (she has had her moments, but to me, most of the time she just acts like a prissy little bitch)
Best non-mane 6 1- Derpy 2- The Doctor 3- Granny Smith 4- Luna 5- Discord 6- Tom :D
RD is awsome as heck, there's just no deyning she's the best.
Fluttershy is cute, charming and just a character you love to love. Even when she got discord-ed you still just gotta love her but she's not as awsome as RD and is as the name suggests shy. She can overcome her shyness in front of animals or in the face of danger when her friends are in trouble, but RD also has been shown to be able to pull through in a pinch as well. Usually her overcoming her shyness is either a cheap plot point or used in a comical fashion.
Pinkie is a bit of a party animal and tries her best to please everyone through her parties. However she tends to have the weakest bonds with the other 5 in spite this being a show about friendship. Her priories have been shown to be sweets first, everything else later which causes problems in more ways than one...
Twi shares a lot of aspects with fluttershy but these are all played negatively. She also has been proven to be an introspective type with serious OCD issues.
AJ is a hard worker, and a strong character but I just can't manage to like her much.
Rarity is the frilly sisy prima-dona drama queen type who's sole reedeming quality of generosity is rarely EVER shown.
For most of the last episode she showed little signs of generosity as well. AJ has been known to lie perhaps, but usually within reason.
You could honestly call a tie from Cheerilee to Scootaloo from looking at the graph.
Something is extremely odd with Luna and Rarity being almost tied. Is this a result of "Luna" or "Princess Luna" because it matters in a search engine.
When exactly was this survey taken? Who was in charge of it? What exactly were they recording? For all I know, this could be some random idiot's graph generated using completely random numbers.
Take "Derpy Hooves is best pony" and combine with "Ditsy Doo is best pony." Now, also include "Derpy is best pony," since she's frequently referenced by just her first name. I imagine she'd top the charts easily.
For some reason this only accepts 5 terms? Just switch Rarity and Applejack if you want to see Applejack. Rainbow Dash is the pretty clear winner by search volume. There isn't enough search volume to graph for "is best pony."
So many people misspelling Pinkie Pie for Twilight Sparkle. I mean, I can see how they get confused and all. What with Twilight being a unicorn and Pinkie being a earth pony. Still...learn to spell, Pinkie Pie correctly. And Pinkie gets two spots on the list cause she's Pinkie. If she can break the forth wall, she can break the poll as well.
I KNOW. It just doesn't make any sense. And what about Celestia? I mean come on, she's got a nice pl...er...I mean....personality. Um...yeah...that's it.
No one on this graph has more than a million results. When I search "Twilight is best pony" 16,400,000. Results for Rarity or using the word "the" are similar. Is this graph legit at all?
This graph is silly, SPIKE is HIGHER than APPLEJACK. I ignore your graph and insert my own! Rarity is #1 Best Pony followed by Big Macintosh and Mrs. Lyra Heartstrings.
I'm surprised to see how popular Scootaloo is! And with Twilight Sparkle coming in before the fair Rarity? Just remember what they say, age before beauty.
Totally changed. Now Rarity is first with 16,900,000 results. I'm doing a comprehensive study on multiple search engines, polling a few fori, and digging through bias in canon character profiles.
182 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaScootaloo is number 2? What in the how?
VastaKustutaWoah...somepony is resourceful
VastaKustutaHell, there are ton of people misspelling Gummy as "Twilight Sparkle"!
VastaKustutaSilly seth, that isn't how you spell ditzy either.
VastaKustuta@Onej6 umm......dontcha mean Cereal?
VastaKustutaScootaloo is only #2 because all searches for "chicken" go into the final tally.
VastaKustutathus concludes twilight is best pony >=3
VastaKustuta"That is a heck of a lot of people misspelling Rarity as 'Twilight Sparkle'."
VastaKustutaHehe, this is funny. You're talking about misspelling, but you misspelled Fluttershy as "Rarity". ^^
Wel... 3, 11, 12, 14 and 20... Nah, it could be worse.
Also, probably not first... even if there's no comment while I'm writing this.
What in the world is wrong with everypony?
VastaKustutaLily is obviously best Pony.
What the hell is Princess Lna doing under Rarity!?
VastaKustutaHell, what the flying f*ck is Scootaloo doing above Rainbow Dash!?
Wow, Cheerilee is higher than Applejack. Poor country pony!!
VastaKustutaWait, wait, WAIT. Discord, Tom, and Zecora aren't even ponies!
VastaKustutaNo Gilda? Yet you include Steven Magnet?
VastaKustutaCereal, I am disappoint.
Applejack is underrated. Applejack is best pony!
VastaKustutawhy is there a place for ditzy doo and derpy hooves? theyre the same pony
VastaKustutaNot even a slot for Pony Joe? What's wrong with this fandom?
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle isbestpony
VastaKustutaYour argument is invalid.
VastaKustutaMFW Rarity is above Luna. THIS PLEASES ME.
VastaKustutaIF, however, you run the search "Rarity is THE best pony" vs. "Twilight Sparkle is THE best pony," you will see that Rarity has three times the number of hits that Twilight does. This proves that Rarity fans actually prefer proper grammar, which is hardly a surprise, as t'were.
VastaKustutaI call shenanigans on Scootaloo!
VastaKustutaI love how some of the "best ponies" aren't even ponies.
VastaKustutaAlso, Luna is best pony. *stares at lovingly*
There's no Spitfire on the list? I call shenanigans! SHENANIGANS!
VastaKustutaHang on a sec! Where the hay is Berry Punch?!
VastaKustutaTwitter would be ideal for this kind of data research but the brony population on Twitter is too low to have decent scale.
VastaKustutaHey, screw you all. The Cakes are COOL.
VastaKustutaPinkie is listed twice despite it being the exact same pony. Also, poor Applejack needs more love.
VastaKustutathey put BLOOMBERG in?! Yet they left out Soarin, Spitfire, Gummi, and even Angel Bunny
VastaKustutaDiamond Tiara rated higher than Dinky?
VastaKustutaDIAMOND TIARA rated HIGHER than DINKY.
This is blasphemy.
Did not see that coming.
VastaKustutaTHEY LEFT OUT LUNA?!?!
Spike is best pony
VastaKustutaBombe, Luna is under Rarity.
VastaKustutaI'm legitimately surprised by this.
VastaKustutaOkay with it (because Twilight Sparkle is awesome), but surprised.
You forgot Magneto
VastaKustutaI'm rather shocked at how many people could misspell the word "Rainbow Dash". It's not like it's particularly easy to misspell.
VastaKustutaRemember these are search results not a vote.
VastaKustutaJust because someone searches "Spike is the best pony" doesn't mean it's their actual opinion.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Vinyl Scratch beat Octavia by about 500.
VastaKustutaShe almost beat Celestia.
VastaKustutaThere are a few factors in this
VastaKustuta1.Twilight is also a movie and book with SPARKLING vampires
2.Scootaloo is also another name for chicken
3. Some of these pony name are regular objects
VastaKustutaWHAT THE HAY?!
Silly people. Fluttershy's name is not spelled "Twilight Sparkle", and Sweetie Belle's name is not spelled "Scootaloo".
VastaKustutaThis chart is A Lie.
VastaKustutaScootaloo? The fuck?
VastaKustuta"Spike is best pony" is higher than "Applejack is best pony"? *Facehoof*
VastaKustutaIMO had Ditzy Doo been properly labelled as Derpy Hooves, I believe she would be much higher on the list!
VastaKustutaScootaloo above Fluttershy, Pinkie, & Dash?
This list is worse than the Grammy Awards.
>Spike beat Applejack
VastaKustutaBWA HA HA HA
That's just rich. Those I am surprised by Twilight being the top pony. I was fairly certain Dash was the favorite pony of the masses.
I think Twilight got a large boost from Lesson Zero. If Sonic Rainboom had just aired Dash would be on top. Same with Rarity and Art of the Dress.
Wait Wait Wait... Tom, Spike, Scootaloo and Discord are not event ponies. We are talking about rocks, chickens and dragons here.
VastaKustutaAll i gotta say is...
VastaKustutaThe lunar republic is more popular!
*Phones up Death.*
VastaKustuta"Yeah, Scoots got the #2 spot, so my life's pretty much complete now. Whenever you're ready, dude."
*Hangs up and lays down on bed contentedly.*
~ ~ ~
Side note: I would have liked to see Vinyl or Octavia in the top five too, but with Twilight, Scootaloo, Dash, and Pinkie all there already, I think that that would be asking for a little too much lol.
Is it too late to say "Let the flame wars begin.",
VastaKustutaor are we to nice to have a flame war?
personally, I'd prefer the latter.
VastaKustuta@Joey the Joey
VastaKustutaLolz, you completed my day, see you in the afterlife bro.
Too many things are wrong on that graph for me to point out.
VastaKustutaLet me just say that if I had Googled more, that graph would be completely unrecognizable.
Statistics, whatever. I think Fluttershy is the best pony, and that's that.
VastaKustutaThat's it, this calls for a Hitler Downfall parody.
fuck yeah scootaloo
VastaKustutai mean what next, "Ki-Adi-Mundi is Best Jedi"? C'MON!!!!
And where the HAY is l'il Pipsqueak?
VastaKustutaYou telling me the cute sprod doesn't deserve some attention?
Hell, you have stuff on the list that isn't even ALIVE, ferfucksake...
VastaKustutaI don't get it why is Applejack not first? Bad count i guess. I CALL A RECOUNT
VastaKustutaExcuse me, but I can not seem to find any mention of myself on this list. Clearly there must be an error in the paperwork and it should be redone post haste.
VastaKustuta@Topsy Kretts
VastaKustutaWe'll play harps on a cloud like bards while telling the other angels about how Scoots' cutie mark is going to come from jumping three mountains on her scooter or something.
This is fake right? I mean Fluttershy on 3, that's not even imaginable, let alone possible.
VastaKustutaRarity is indeed best pony of the mane six. And in all seriousness, they spelled "Derpy" wrong! Everypony knows that Derpy is best pony!
VastaKustutaMakes no difference. You use quotation marks in Google, it will only show "Twilight sparkle is best pony" however many times that phrase shows up on the entirety of the internet.
Applejack is ranked 10th despite being best pony!?
VastaKustutaRarity is best pony
VastaKustutaTwilight is not best pony.
VastaKustutaPrincess Luna for best pony! Fact.
rainbow dash is still teh beest
VastaKustutapony is best pony
VastaKustutaSilly graph, Twilight Sparkle is not how you spell "Everypony"
VastaKustutabut ... but where is spitfire?
VastaKustutaRD is worst pony.
VastaKustutaThis is proof of what bronies do when they are bored and can't draw. On a related note, who has been voting Cheerilee above Applejack and Trixie? She can't be that popular,can she?
VastaKustutaRead End of Ponies fanfic of epic proportions; Scootaloo is best pony. 100%
VastaKustuta#1 Fluttershy
VastaKustuta#2 Applejack
#3 Pinkie Pie
Stats on some webpage = irrelevant.
Scootaloo #2? What! She should be in first place!
VastaKustutaHere is my pony ratings of the mane 6:
6-Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaWell my full list is:
#1 Fluttershy
#2 Applejack
#3 Pinkiepie
#4 Twilight
#5 Rarity
#6 RD
At least you got the 2nd and 6th one "RIGHT" ;) XD :P
For Twilight Sparkle you must remove every link of that crappy movie named after her. So let divide this number by 2 and there you have Scootaloo as first (which doesn't make sense either lol)
VastaKustutaOf the mane 6, mine is
VastaKustuta1- Rainbow Dash
2- Twilight Sparkle
3- Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie (tied because they're both great but not at Twi's and Dash's levels.)
5- Applejack (she just hasn't had enough character development for me to like something about her)
6- Rarity (she has had her moments, but to me, most of the time she just acts like a prissy little bitch)
Best non-mane 6
1- Derpy
2- The Doctor
3- Granny Smith
4- Luna
5- Discord
6- Tom :D
I don't care for your opinions. THAT GRAPH IS RIGHT.
VastaKustutaMy analysis proving RD is best as well as my toplist of the mane 6:
RD is awsome as heck, there's just no deyning she's the best.
Fluttershy is cute, charming and just a character you love to love. Even when she got discord-ed you still just gotta love her but she's not as awsome as RD and is as the name suggests shy. She can overcome her shyness in front of animals or in the face of danger when her friends are in trouble, but RD also has been shown to be able to pull through in a pinch as well. Usually her overcoming her shyness is either a cheap plot point or used in a comical fashion.
Pinkie is a bit of a party animal and tries her best to please everyone through her parties. However she tends to have the weakest bonds with the other 5 in spite this being a show about friendship. Her priories have been shown to be sweets first, everything else later which causes problems in more ways than one...
Twi shares a lot of aspects with fluttershy but these are all played negatively. She also has been proven to be an introspective type with serious OCD issues.
AJ is a hard worker, and a strong character but I just can't manage to like her much.
Rarity is the frilly sisy prima-dona drama queen type who's sole reedeming quality of generosity is rarely EVER shown.
For most of the last episode she showed little signs of generosity as well. AJ has been known to lie perhaps, but usually within reason.
But...Scootaloo's a chicken, not a pony!
VastaKustutaDeal with it.
Pinkie Pie is best pony. BEST. PONY.
VastaKustutaluna better ranked than celestia? i know who's living on the moon again soon...
VastaKustutaYou could honestly call a tie from Cheerilee to Scootaloo from looking at the graph.
VastaKustutaSomething is extremely odd with Luna and Rarity being almost tied. Is this a result of "Luna" or "Princess Luna" because it matters in a search engine.
why is rarity in the top 10... it's the worst possible thing :P
VastaKustutaScootaloo higher than Fluttershy? No, this graph is wrong.
VastaKustutaWhen exactly was this survey taken? Who was in charge of it?
VastaKustutaWhat exactly were they recording?
For all I know, this could be some random idiot's graph generated using completely random numbers.
@ponydoraprancypants Of course. Rarity wins again. :)
VastaKustuta@Tundra It's not a survey at all, just the number of hits each search entry had on google.
VastaKustutaWhen? Yesterday. Who? Wanderer. What exactly was being recorded? Google search results.
Anything else the post actually states I can answer for you? Maybe take a second to read the things around the graph before asking questions about it.
Twilight is my least favourite pony. o.O
VastaKustutaBut oh god, poor Applejack. :( Why does she always come last?
WHat idiot typed in SPike as the best pony.
VastaKustutaDOn't get me wrong. Spike is awesome. BUT HE'S NOT A PONY!!!!!!!
This list makes me rage so hard. AT least Princess Luna gets a good rating.
HA Discord is a better pony than Celestia!
VastaKustutaI can't see Magneto on the list.
VastaKustutaYES! Twilight is best pony! The internet people have decided! And it was the right decision.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOh, Logplot!
VastaKustutaU so misleading!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSpike is better pony than Applejack?
VastaKustutaThis amuses me greatly.
Several of these are not ponies at all. Interesting. It appears that no matter which character you prefer, Irony is the best pony.
VastaKustutaLol @ Scootloo and Tom.
VastaKustutaCue comic of Scootaloo spamming the net with 'Scootaloo is the best pony' in an attempt to rig the competition.
VastaKustutaScootaloo is actually the best pony though.
Take "Derpy Hooves is best pony" and combine with "Ditsy Doo is best pony." Now, also include "Derpy is best pony," since she's frequently referenced by just her first name. I imagine she'd top the charts easily.
VastaKustutaDiscord higher than Celestia?
so twilight is the best?
VastaKustutaSo people searched "Spike is best pony" more than "Apejack is best pony"?
VastaKustutaI read this in Rarity's voice.
Considering Canon show versions only, my personal list:
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo (tie)
Pinkie Pie
Sweetie Belle, Applebloom (tie)
Rarity, Luna, Applejack, Fluttershy (tie)
VastaKustutaI don't know who "Wanderer" is. That could just be an online alias. Plus, Google isn't always reliable with its results.
Why so many inanimate objects on this list? I mean, we have a rock, a tree, a dictionary...
VastaKustutaI'll take 3rd for Fluttershy
VastaKustutanyx has 345 results on "nyx is best pony"
VastaKustutaApplejack have a very good results.... yea....
VastaKustuta10th place it's nice....
cereal that's not how do you type princess Luna...
VastaKustutaWhat about "Lauren Faust is best pony"
VastaKustutaShe has 500+ results.
Wow Twilight sure won that. Note that that is a logarithmic scale, so her slightly longer bar is actually much bigger in number than Scoot's.
VastaKustutaTrixie is above COLGATE???????
VastaKustuta......I don't want to live
On this planet anymore......
>Google search
"princess luna is best pony" gets 13.200 results.
VastaKustutabut "luna is best pony" gets 112.000.
I'm calling government conspiracy on this.
I see me in there! I'm number... 17... oh well, I'll take it! Almost perfectly tied with Vinyl. Who is just slightly ahead of me.
VastaKustutaNo Madame La'Flour at all though? Chart, I am disappoint.
Dude, Scootaloo is best pony.
VastaKustutaHm... this is a surprise o,o
VastaKustutaBut stil!
Tom is above BigMac?
Are you serious? o,o
VastaKustutaFor some reason this only accepts 5 terms? Just switch Rarity and Applejack if you want to see Applejack. Rainbow Dash is the pretty clear winner by search volume.
There isn't enough search volume to graph for "is best pony."
@Rainbow Dash's Ex-lover Yes, because he doesn't turn ponies into stone.
VastaKustutaSigh...how did Magneto not even get a mention?
So many people misspelling Pinkie Pie for Twilight Sparkle. I mean, I can see how they get confused and all. What with Twilight being a unicorn and Pinkie being a earth pony. Still...learn to spell, Pinkie Pie correctly. And Pinkie gets two spots on the list cause she's Pinkie. If she can break the forth wall, she can break the poll as well.
VastaKustutaI ran seperate searches for "Rainbow Dash is best pony" and "Twilight Sparkle is best pony"
VastaKustutaTwilight had 365,000 results
Rainbow had 1,600,000 results.
And after another search
Scootaloo has 1,120,000 results.
What is up with the no love for my main mare pinkie pie
VastaKustuta@G Whoves
VastaKustutaI KNOW. It just doesn't make any sense. And what about Celestia? I mean come on, she's got a nice pl...er...I mean....personality. Um...yeah...that's it.
Oh, would you look at the time...
I good. I thought I was alone in my complete and utter understanding that Scootaloo is the best pony.
VastaKustutaScootalooo, 2nd wtf....
VastaKustutaMagneto is best pony.
VastaKustutaI did some research, Fluttershy gets 4 times more than Rarity on the grammar front, which is good cause she's the best pony
VastaKustutaPft Rainbow Dash is best pony period
VastaKustutaNo one on this graph has more than a million results. When I search "Twilight is best pony" 16,400,000. Results for Rarity or using the word "the" are similar. Is this graph legit at all?
VastaKustutaScootabuse comes up with 22,000 entries; 10,600 for scootalove.
Rainbow Dash came 5th in the chart and 6th overall, and also lost to the "egghead".
VastaKustutaShe's NOT going to be happy when she hears about this...
Oh, come on, everypony is best pony!
VastaKustutaThis graph is silly, SPIKE is HIGHER than APPLEJACK. I ignore your graph and insert my own! Rarity is #1 Best Pony followed by Big Macintosh and Mrs. Lyra Heartstrings.
VastaKustutaEverypony is equal, but some ponies are more equal than others.
VastaKustutaBig sister Rarity is watching.
Awesome punchline.
VastaKustutaPsh. I thought Twilight Sparkle was best pony BEFORE Lesson Zero.
VastaKustuta*hipster glasses*
"Twilight Sparkle"? That's not how you spell Rainbow Dash!!!
VastaKustutaAll those poor people. Misspelling chicken so much. They kept spelling it Scootaloo
VastaKustutaCherilee!?!?? I Demand to know who is responsible!
VastaKustutaFor me best pony is Rarity with wet hair.
VastaKustuta>Spike so high
VastaKustutaFor once I am proud.
Hehe I can hear her now YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!
VastaKustutawhy the hay is Dashie not first!?
VastaKustutaYep, Scootaloo is best pony no doubt about it.
VastaKustutaPinkie pie is best pony therefor she gets an extra 1000000 points from me. :b
VastaKustutaI'm surprised to see how popular Scootaloo is! And with Twilight Sparkle coming in before the fair Rarity? Just remember what they say, age before beauty.
VastaKustutaPfft, everypony knows Fluttershy is the best pony.
VastaKustutaIt's official, Twilight Sparkle is best pony.
VastaKustutaI for one am ok with this.
No surprise. Twilight definitely is best pony.
VastaKustutaThat is the weirdest spelling of Luna I have ever seen.
VastaKustutaSeems like everypony above Celestia will be sent.
Seems pretty good, although I'm surprised at how low Derpy ended up. =)
VastaKustutaWait,Smartypants is on that list?
VastaKustutaThere is one glaring flaw in this chart.
VastaKustutaYou. Forgot. MAGNETO, MASTER OF MAGNET.
YAY TWILIGHT!! Also good to see Celestia and Luna so high up on the list. :)
VastaKustutaI'm not really surprised at this.
VastaKustutaFun fact: try "Scootaloo"+"not a chicken" in Google. 5460 results - otherwise know as more instances than everyone below Lyra for best pony.
Derpy's name isn't that hard to spell.
VastaKustutaMy ranking of the mane 6
2.Twilight Sparkle
3.Rainbow Dash
4.Apple Jack
6.Pinkie Pie(cupcakes *shivers*)
Rarity is the best pony. I'm not surprised.
VastaKustutaTotally changed. Now Rarity is first with 16,900,000 results. I'm doing a comprehensive study on multiple search engines, polling a few fori, and digging through bias in canon character profiles.
VastaKustutaFor me Twilight Sparkle is best pony.
VastaKustutaI can believe a bunch of people accidentally spelled "Pinkie Pie" as "Twilight Sparkle", but how does Pinkie come in behind a chicken AND a tree?!
VastaKustutaomg so many liked scootaloo back then
VastaKustutawhat happened? :(
she's adorable, give her more love!