• Increase in Toy Sales Keeping Hub Strong

    Little girls everywhere are absorbing pony merch at astounding rates.  While the actual Hub channel isn't hitting the lofty expectations originally set in terms of ratings, it's assistance in selling the actual toys of the cartoons it showcases is keeping everything right on track.  I am not sure how large of an impact we, as a community, have on these figures, but I'm glad to see the channel doing well.  I don't know of many other networks that are so in tune with their community.

    If you guys watch pony when it airs, and have any access at all to The Hub, please toss them your support!  The more views we give them, the better they look in the eyes of the investment community.  It's a rough business breaking into the market they are focusing on, with huge competition from channels like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. 

    For more information on the financial specifics, hit up the Deadline article. 

    I'll leave you guys one really neat quote from it though:

    Looks like a lot of kids — OK, their parents — are snapping up the toys and games represented on shows such as Transformers PrimeClue, and My Little Ponythat they see on The HubHasbro COO David D. R. Hargreaves says these sales are soaring even though initial ratings following the channel’s October 2010 launch were at “the lower end of our expectations.”

    107 kommentaari:

    1. I just got a Fashion Style Rarity and a Fashion Style Applejack for my birthday! I threw all the fashion in a box though XD

    2. Little girls? More like the Bronys

    3. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    4. The better their ratings are, the more likely they are to order the second half of season 3 (and possibly more episodes beyond that). Of course many of you don't have access to the Hub, but for those who do, you really need to tune in when FIM airs.

    5. Good to know the channel is going strong, despite the competition. Heck, if it weren't for this fanbase I likely never would have heard of the Hub.

      Now if only I actually had access to the Hub.

    6. I'm glad to see the Hub is doing well, I've been working on getting a different cable provider for the SOLE purpose of gaining access to the Hub so I can support them with all my might! Good job Hub crew, keep it up!

    7. This is why the rumors of Season 3 being a half-season with no plans for renewal are silly. With all the revenue this show has generated, they'd be insane to not milk it for all it's worth.

    8. But Cartoon Network is serious rubbish! I mean even 12 yr olds shouldn't like it!

    9. I have contributed to the cause by ensuring that my six-year-old cousin has access to the episodes online. My uncle has described her as "enraptured" by the show.

    10. <-- watches Hub every Sat for Pony.

    11. @NakedKitten

      You're the reason why we have to enter Captchas with every single comment.

    12. I think their ratings would be higher if they offered the Hub on a basic cable package. How does it rank next to channels like Boomerang or Nicktoons?

    13. The low ratings are to be expected. It's a brand new cable channel.

      One thing I'd like to point out that the Hub is a 50/50 venture between Hasbro and Discovery Communications. It seems Discovery gets lost in the fray, and they proabably care more about ratings because they don't benefit from toys sales.

      300 million dollars is a lot of money even for Hasbro. They're proabably under pressure to recoup that investment they made for on the Hub.

    14. It's got to be doing better than Discovery Kids (nee The Hub before Hasbro got involved), which was so low-rated it voluntarily withdrew from tv ratings reports, because it was better than being flat bottom.

      But yeah, as far as I can tell, almost no one has actually seen an episode of MLP through a genuine tv. Great news on the toys, though.

    15. Having access to the channel does little for the ratings for the large majority of people. Ratings aren't an exact number of everyone tuning in.

      Now, if you have access to a Nielsen box/journal/etc, then make all the contributions you can.

      If you have no idea what those are, TV people probably don't care what you watch.

    16. Oh man.. my head is trying to piece this together with the season 3 news and i dont think its pretty.

      I could imagine that there is a dispute at the studios, wethether or not the longevity of the cartoon is profitable, because the ratings are not that high but sales are superb.

      So to make more money, there is not anymore investment in the show needed, because it doesnt have the revenue they were hoping for. So more investment into the profitable market, less in the other.

      They are maybe thinking, that reairing the shows would not hurt Toy sales and they dont have to put more money into it. Reasonable from a business standpoint, sad from a fan one..

    17. I live in Canada, so we only get it on treehouse (which is like a 5 and under channel so it doesn't really make sense) but it's not HD and at an ungodly hour in the morning, I'll take plugging my computer into the TV any day. (HDMI Cables!)

    18. Ok, so I never understood the noobish fascination with proclaiming your post number. I mean, are you assuming that we don't know how to count...or are you just an attention horse with nothing to say on the actual topic?

      Anyways, it's good to see that they are successful and realize that MLP has something going for it, even if they don't want to acknowledge the community that it's created. As far as the toys, I'm still waiting on those CMC figures.

    19. The Hub is a damn great channel, and not just for pony, glad to see them doing well.

    20. well i don't have the hub but i just got some toys that helps right? I just hope that Hasbro won't stop the show anytime soon

    21. @Favo

      I wouldn't say Cartoon Network is rubbish, it has good shows. Definately check up Sym-Bionic Titan and Regular Show. And Adventure Time is required watching. Start watching Adventure Time now.

      Being in the UK, I can't watch the HUB, I have however brought a few T-Shirts from We Love Fine, which is apparantly official merch that Hasbro endorsed. So there is that. Hopefully these good toys sales will mean hasbro will start plans to Expand on their Toy Collection and maybe do some show accurate figurines and Plushies?

    22. i got monarch celestia for my birthday ^^...brushie, brushie

    23. @Spikely Whiplash

      There's a problem I see with that take on this report, though. According to the report, the Hub isn't really doing that well; what's really buoying the company is toy sales. I highly doubt that bronies make up a significant amount of that $300 million figure (that's an HUGE sum of money), and if they don't, then that would mean that the vast majority of their income comes from toy sales to kids.

      As such, it seems to me that this might actually be a BAD sign. If the Hub isn't really doing amazingly while toy sales are through the roof, then why would they keep investing money into the Hub when they could instead just show reruns while rolling in the dough? If there's one thing that little kids are OK with, it's doing the same thing over and over again; I would imagine that they would care much less about reruns than we would.

      Do I think that this is what WILL happen? No, I'm more or less just playing devil's advocate here. However, I think that the above is a definite possibility that we should be prepared for.

    24. Lol, I'm fortunate enough to have the hub!! I buy merch as well, YAY I contributed XD *edit* LOL my captcha was "canonacle"... Canon... Ok im out of it XD

    25. The stupid CATV and satellite providers want more money to let us watch The Hub. I have DirecTV myself paying $76 a month for Choice XTRA to see The Hub and MLP, but it was a great investment. Great animated shows and even the game shows are good, not a fan of Majors and Minors but all that aside The Hub is a great channel hands down! Faust took a huge gamble on airing MLP on The Hub since it is hard to get for most people but it is good to see that MLP is continuing on for a second season unlike CN that cancels good shows after one season like SymBionic Titan. Keep up the good work Hub!

    26. For the Hub to become a success Hasbro needs to pump more money into it to develop new original shows.

      This is why Rupert Murdoch is so successfull with stuff like FOX News (I'm using them purely as a business example). Murdoch doesn't care about losing money he just wants to crush his compeitors.

      Hasbro can't be squeamish now and go cheap and air only repeats of old shows like Batman Beyond, the only way they're going to make money is to go all in and create a solid lineup of 4-5 more hit shows like My Little Pony.

      Then you can compete with the Cartoon Networks and Nickolodeon's of the world.

    27. Fun fact: MLP FiM airs on Nickelodeon in Germany, Austria and Switzeland (well, Nick Jr. to be exact).
      Got no "The Hub" here. tt

    28. I have the mane 6 figure and a pony shirt and I love them! Now if only I had the Hub...

    29. One of the things that I find particularly heartening about our fandom in terms of supporting the show is the strange fascination we have for Gyrobowls. Bronies actually buy those ridiculous things simply because the commercials for them have become part of the "MLP experience". If _that_ doesn't show Hasbro/the Hub that they've got a cash cow ripe for milking I don't know what will. :)

    30. I don't think anyone's expecting Hasbro to recoup the $300m they spent on The Hub this year, that'd be crazy.

      He said half as big as Cartoon Network in five years as a best case scenario, it's a slow burn. If nothing else, I'm sure more people know The Hub exists because of MLP. Front pages of the Journal and whatnot.

    31. Thank goodness I was able to convince my dad to pay the extra dough for the Hub on our satellite plan. Sometimes I sleep in on Saturdays, but for the most part I do my share and watch the new episodes premiere on the channel. I hope MLP:FiM lasts for another 10 seasons, or at least as long as the creative team hasn't run out of ideas. Seriously though, IF YOU HAVE THE HUB, TUNE IN TO FiM AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!

    32. I would watch it if I could on the HUB, but it doesn't come in basic cable...

    33. @Killsteal_Wolf Sym bionic Titan is cancelled don't you know?

      But yes CN is slightly less crappy than it was a year ago.

      But what needs to happen is Hub moving to Basic cable. That would surely increase viewership however, I don't know what HUB's figures has to be in order to do something like that. Which would probably involve getting some more hit shows on air.

    34. I always watch pony episodes on the Hub. Fully support them.

    35. I'm a 22 year old male brony and I dont get the hub as im located in Europe. So, to support the show i bought some tshirts (and more soon) and almost all standard pony figures. MLP is one of the most important things for me right now and I'll be damned if I won't support these awesome people as they deserve. PONY ON!

    36. Watch in online when I wake up, but always but my Direct T.V. box onto the HUB, so when I'm not watching other shows or other things, I'm giving the HUB my love.

    37. @killsteal_ wolf

      Well it is good that CN is treating you good in the UK, but here in America, it is TERRIBLE! I boycotted CN when Fosters ended in 2009. I have seen Adventure Time and it was not my taste, it is good if you like it everyone has their right to their opinion.

    38. I'm not ashamed to say I've bought the brushable figurines and they sit on my dresser with my Buddha's and other statues that bring me joy/peace.

      So, I've had some contribution to merch profits at least.

    39. It would be tragic if they cancel the show because they feel (and may be right) that they can just use reruns for the next half decade while keeping up toy sales.

    40. I would be happy to purchase one of those pony figurines, it would actually make me laugh to see the cashiers face when I come up to the counter. I think it would look good on my desk.
      Sorry about the views, I can only watch it on the internet...

    41. OK, somy tv is ALWAYS on the hub, i don't even use my cable remote, because i don't change the cahnnel, EVER, granted im not always watching something when my tv is on, i don't ever turn my cable box off, thats gotta help right?

    42. @Favo

      I respectfully disagree. With wonderful shows like Adventure Time, Regular Show, and ummm.... well, that's pretty much all I've got. I still like those 2 shows alot though.

    43. I LOVE the revisioning of the My Little Pony series! If HUB could license the original series too, I'd be watching the crap out of that channel.... I'm already watching it for the new Strawberry Shortcake, MLP: FIM, all the old Batmans, and Jem & The Holograms. I know I'm 28, but I don't see anything wrong with liking cutesy or old-school programming that's family-centered and teaches good ethics and morals. I hope HUB stays around for a long time and picks up more episodes of these awesome shows for airing! Especially since with the nonsense they've been putting out on Cartoon Network lately being definitely for older kids and their parents.... I can't let my 2-year-old goddaughter or the 3-year-old boy I babysit regularly really watch anything else other than a few shows on Disney like Phineas & Ferb, so HUB is a little miracle for me.

    44. I pretty much watch the Hub everyday, it helps that my DirectTV package lacks CN(yet it does carry Boomerang ??)and the rest of the channels like Nicktoons only have like maybe 2 or 3 shows I'd actually watch.

    45. You know. If they made plushies half as well as some of the ones that are on Ebay then they would make a ton of money. I mean one of the Fluttershy's went for like... 4,000 bits.

      Also they need to stop messing with the fandom, and just leave background ponies unnamed if they can't use ours.

    46. Good, good. After the revelations earlier today it looks like I will be able to sleep at night after all.
      Also, I have no idea how it looks profits-wise, but can you really gain more by cancelling and rerunning a show as far as toy sales are concerned? It's not like it costs them a fortune to keep up one show and I'd imagine there has to be SOME raise in sales if you actually have new episodes instead of the old ones over and over again.

    47. I'm just glad that I finally came out of the stable to my parents. Now I have no shame in recording it on the DVR without my parents snooping around.

    48. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    49. FYI: I wrote a little something about Hasbro (but also Mattel) toys and the Chinese factories where most of them are produced.

    50. You know the ratings would be alot higher if they had a stronger primetime line up. Family Game night and reruns of Family Ties aren't what I want on Thursdays. More Ponies and Dan Vs. please.

    51. Tuning into The Hub to watch MLP:FiM only makes a difference if you have a Nielsen box on top of your TV that tracks what you watch. My family used to have one of these, and what you do is when you turn on the TV and sign in. Each person in the household has their own profile that keeps track of their age/date of birth and their gender. Guests can sign in too, temporarily. This is how TV stations get their ratings: Nielsen sends them to them.

    52. I would watch the hub a lot more if it wasn't just on Verizon's On Demand

    53. Inafter and b4 "NOT LITTLE GIRLS, BRONIES RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!" lol As many Bronies as there are, there's still a lot more young kids watching the show and buying the toys as far as I know. The Brony community does tribute of course. A good amount too. But it's still smaller than the young crowd on both accounts. :P

      But I am glad that the network and toys are doing well together. That's good for the show too obviously.

    54. Buy lots of Pony toys, give them to charities this holiday season . . . everyone wins!

    55. @rpgamer987

      It bears repeating what RPGamer987 said, in case you missed it: unless Nielsen is monitoring your TV watching habits, it makes no difference whether you watch MLP:FIM on Youtube or Cable. If you have a cable package that includes the Hub, that might help substantiate Neilsen's data (each household with the Hub in their cable package is potentially watching MLP:FIM, and I think the cable companies pay the Hub to rebroadcast their channel).

      Now I'm a Nielsen Household, but not for TV. Nielsen records my purchases, and only those that have barcodes. Thus, it is probable that Hasbro knows what age groups of what gender are buying MLP:FIM merchandise.

      The more you know. *rainbow*

    56. I just wish that it wasn't on at 9 am. I hate having to get up early in the morning on a Saturday when I work all week

    57. I would much rather watch it on the TV than online, but I'm in the UK and we don't get the Hub here. We get FiM on Boomerang but they're not up-to-date at all so it's pretty useless for me. So I just use YouTube, it's my only option.

    58. Buys lots of Pinkie Pie Ornaments and show Hasbro that show-accurate toys and Bronies can generate revenue for them.

    59. You know that watching the show on the Hub does nothing to support them unless you are part of the Nielson studies right? There's no way for them to magically sense whether your TV is on their channel.

    60. I don't watch the Hub for anything but MLP:FiM, if they cancel it I'll stop watching and so will a whole lot of people. So yeah, Hub/Hasbro, maybe you should think about that before screwing over your most loyal viewing audience.

    61. I do watch the episodes on the Hub though since I have it and will continue to unless they cancel it after the 3rd season, and I really hope they won't.

    62. @Rockabore

      Calm your jets, jesus. They never gave any sort of hint about cancelling the show.

    63. Does recording the episodes count as supporting the Hub?

    64. While MLP brought me to the Hub, there are some other good (old) shows that they air, namely Batman the Animated Series and The Wonder Years. So I definitely like the channel, even though its original content seems like a caricature of Asian TV (singing shows, game shows, animation, lots of reruns).

    65. @Mac3030 Recording the episodes counts like recording adverts for Budweiser beer. It supports the parent company, the one making the shows/adverts in hopes that you will buy their product. Read the Deadline article linked to above, it clearly shows that the money is in the toys, and if money gets made by distributing the shows, that's just gravy.

    66. I wonder how the ratings actually are considering that Hasbro doesn't release them every week, especially for their new episodes of their series, excluding Dan VS.

    67. Sounds like their initial expectations were a bit overly optimistic in the article (with what the channel was before they bought stake in it), but at least they sound really happy with their investment, after all, people certainly know the channel now don't they?

      I do make sure I tune in to give them ratings every Saturday for MLP at least. They got a good thing going and I'm sure most of this fanbase would be damned if they are going to let it get snuffed out anytime soon.

      Side Note: People consider Nickelodeon a serious competitor? News to me. Cartoon Network is kind of a bad joke too, but at least they show the classics to help balance out the crap that occupies the rest of the channel.

    68. @ponydoraprancypantsI faithfully and dutifully do every single Saturday there is a new episode.

    69. I always be sure to watch the episodes (and their immediate reruns) when they air on The Hub.

      Ratings = Money for media companies. And the more money Hub and Hasbro get for MLP:FiM, the more content we'll see from them in return!

      Obvious equation, really. So yeah, bronies, Support the show (if you can)!

    70. In the week of October 10-16 2011, the Hub's total day viewership by persons over two years of age was 33 percent higher than it was one year earlier. That's good, but in the article about that week, they did not mention Lesson Zero (that's bad). Overall, total channel views for The Hub October 2011 were triple what they were in October 2010.

      I watch on The Hub every week but I am not in a Nielsen household. As far as availability, Verizon Fios in my area has four tiers of packages available. Hub is only included on Tier 3 and Tier 4 (and only in standard definition). Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network are included on all four tiers.

    71. It is good to know that toys sales are high. Although Hasbro gains more money from actual toy sales then they do commercial revenue, if the ratings for the show stay high Hasbro will continue to commission new episodes. I also believe that despite the Brony phenomenon the vast majority of pony toys are being bought for little girls.
      I hope that Hasbro and Discovery move the Hub to a basic cable package in order to make it more widely available, that would increase the ratings. But I don't know if they are in control of that or if it is the cable company's decision. Some more original non-board game based game shows would also make the channel more attractive. With CN and Nick already out there The Hub will have to really go all out to compete.
      The concern here as a fan is that Hasbro may say that it is not profitable enough to keep producing new episodes when the show and channel are not meeting their financial expectations.

      I live in Canada and try to catch FiM on Treehouse TV when I can, but with the way they censor dialogue in the show (Treehouse specializes in preschooler programming) I doubt they will air season 2 or at least not the Discord arc and Lesson Zero.

    72. I watch hub alot or leave it on while I work to show support. Batman and Batman beyond are worth it so is Jem and Of Course Ponies. MiB in nostalgic at times. And the R.L Stine stuff is fun

      But I am sick of the Majors and Minors commercials. I don't care about that at all.

    73. Id like to watch the hub but its not available in my country =(

    74. Hub heres a hint for commercials during MLP keep not kid stuff well what ever pays you most works but if I was selling I don't know battlefeild 3 I would air commercial during an episode premiere But it is a kid channel most of the other time

    75. Would hub get more money if they made it for a basic package? I bet many kids have no idea what the hub is, because they dont have it like CN or Nick

    76. WHAAAAAAAAT?! Ratings no hitting expectations?! WE MUST FIX THAT!!!!

    77. The Hub should get smart and just open their channel to the web supported by adds - hell, just throw in the same commercials used for TV at the right spots in the shows. It's almost guaranteed that the web half would get much, much higher ratings than the TV channel.

      Then again... after hearing some Europeans complain about the commercials (length, number, quality - you name it, I read complaints about it) on the streams, maybe not.

    78. I have to admit, I’ve spent multiple hundreds on My Little Pony toys. I don’t get Hub, but I do watch online. It’s my way of supporting the show. Some of those toys are part of my own collection, part of them were given as gifts to my brother’s kids for birthdays. I have made my own DVD box set from the video downloads, and I enjoy them, but if Hasbro releases the show on BluRay, I’ll buy it in a heart beat. I’ve even been buying the lame DVDs with only a few unordered episodes… again, as a means to support the company behind this amazing cartoon.

      I don’t hardly buy DVD anymore, but these I do, just to make my mark and say I’m willing to buy. Of course, a BluRay box set is what I really want!

    79. It is very unfortunate that I don't have the Hub, but I do plan on buying pony stuff! (still gonna be a while on that too though)

    80. We haven't had cable/satellite television since 2002. The HUB isn't a possibility for this household.

      Incidentally, the times I've tried to watch FiM on bronystate have been crashy disasters. I guess I don't have good luck with ponies broadcast live.

      Ah, the joys of a no-money household.

    81. They could more cartoons and turn into what was once the GREAT AND POWERFUL KidsWB! or get the old cartoon network shows that were actually good.

    82. I'm satisfied to know that the toy merchandise is doing it's part until the show is able to make itself more available. I buy most all of my product from the shelves instead of the resale eBay, since that merely inflates the value of the toys, and of those sales puts little back into the hands of the company.

      If the season three rumors are true then we are seeing results. All the same, income is income, and the money and the numbers are what speak loudest at the end of every quarter.

    83. I always watch MLP on the Hub, if I can stay up that long, that is.

    84. I also try to do my best to watch an episode on the Hub's website when I can. Gotta show support in multiple forms!

    85. How do ratings work. How do they know when I'm watching their show...

      Are they a spy?

    86. We get the Hub in my home, and while im certainly not up to see the new episodes when they air, i totally watch random ones when i catch them on tv xD

    87. >little girls

      Manly men*

      There, I fixed it.

    88. First regarding the topic in question, it's a really good to hear that not only MLP:FiM has been popularity-wise successful, the merchandise sales has been good too. That's actually pretty fantastic.Personally I wish I could what's shows directly via HUB to give direct support, but due the rather rubbish licensing and copyright- things we have at the moment, I won't be able to do that. Hopefully though, my support reaches everyone who had more or less something with the show and product though.
      (part 2 following soon)

    89. Now to regarding other topics from yesterday and such, like the "end" of the series production and such (mainly regarding to rumer/scare of having only 13-episodes of Season 3):

      Something I'd like to quote from my Twitter: MLP:FiM already has reached the solid state of being the modern day "Donald Duck". For those who are not from central/Nordic-europe might have no idea what I'm talking of, so let me elaborate my statement:
      Over here in Europe, especially in Nordic-countries, we have this magazine simply called Donald Duck (in respective localized names, od course). It's a weekly published maagazine, mostly around +36 pages long/issue. Oh, but that's not where the comics end though: There are also paperbacks published monthly basis over, which are at least +100 pages each containing several long stories (not to mention earlier of those were actually continuation stories).
      In case you haven't figured out already, all these comics are done by people who aren't assosited with Disney directly, most of the times at least. so essentially all these comics are licensed fan-comics. Can you see already the where all the fan-works of MLP:FiM are soon to be (if they already aren't, that is).

      Now see, MLP:FiM as a name/product as established the similiar tittle/state Donnald Duck already has: There's comics, videos, animations, games, fan-fictions etc. the bigest different at the moment is, that at the moment 99 percent of all the MLP:FiM content are non-profit projects, at the moment that is. Maybe this will be different in future, since nowadays we have very flexible revenue sources than we used to have ten years ago.

      Where Donald Duck and MLP:FiM are extremely similiar, is how "vague" "Ducksburg" and "Equestria" are: Just enough detailed to have established plot elements (like character personalities, locations etc.), but enough vague to give the series basically have anykind of adventure (see for example Don Rosa's "McDuck Family-tree/McDucks' Past" and some of his other works, and see "fallout Equestria"). Both these universes are pulled rather well, to which fans can have just enough details to create amazingly detailed fan-creations that rivals the original creators (see (new) Darkwing Duck-comic for example)). It's kinda like "Ico"-games, but they're a bit different topic though (and let's not even start Pokemon this time around, because fans have already won with much better detailing).

      Anyway, where this all concludes then: MLP.FiM even after the series ends, it won't go away; it'll stay just like Darkwing Duck and many, many other cartoon series stayed. the big difference here now is the communication tech we didn't have in 80/90's: Where as previously you only had the school circle, you now have the whole world to talk and share with; we're basically living 90's over again, but now in more massive way. Not to mention thanks to modern communication tech, the creators of the show are able to communicate more freely and easily with their fans and a-likes (see Lauren Faust's DevianArt-page, for example).

      With the momdern technology, communities, and hopefully in future some rewriting to older, not modernized laws and such, not only MLP:FiM but also many other franchises can become extremely special. Here's for hoping for that future.
      ((Apologies for rather long and varied post, but I felt it fits here best instead of writing a entry on webpage or some other network page. feel free to quote me.))

    90. The Hub just needs to create method of viewing episodes online. More profit for them, bro.

    91. @SomeGuy Treehouse censors dialog?! Those stinkers! >8^(

    92. Why have so many speciality channels and venues gone sour? KidsWB, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, MTV, saturday morning cartoons and weekday afternoon cartoons on the broadcast networks, they all have seemed to have had great line-ups and then turned mediocre. What gives? Are good shows just too expensive?

    93. So some comments are going all, "Glad to see the HUB doing well!" while others are more like, "HOSHIT the HUB is failing and ponies are doomed FOREEEVER!"

      I am confused.

      But to be fair, I didn't...actually...read the article. I was too busy thinking, "Is that a Coco Bandicoot pony? Hells yeah, it IS a Coco Bandicoot pony!"

      That made my morning.

      Hmm...could an Applejack figure be tweaked a bit into a Coco? She's standing right next to Crash on my desk right now, and it's giving me IDEAS...dangerous ideas.

      Looks like I'm going to need a spare Applejack.

    94. Does anyone get the idea that the rest of Hasbro doesn't care about our fandom?

      I mean those dumb blindbags are just recolorings, why do they deserve to be the "official" names of the background ponies?

    95. @vetro
      We should probably be glad they ignore us. If they take us seriously, they'll probably try to regulate or interfere with the brony fandom. If they start selling official high-dollar toys to adults, they will have to crack down on home made toys and such in order to keep their own products profitable.

      As for the future of the show, the fact that the shows have been left on Youtube for the most part tells me that the toys are their main concern, and the show is basically considered to be a long commercial for it. They will make enough of them to sell the show into syndication so that they can make more money off of it that way, but the only way the show itself is going to make enough money to justify continued new existence is to be aired somewhere else besides the Hub, because not enough people have access to it. Even then they may not care, because the repeats still serve as commercials to keep the toys in people's minds.

      The wildcard in this might be international viewership, because the Hub doesn't exist outside the US anyway, so if the show does well on more widely available channels, it might help convince them that it is popular enough to continue producing.

    96. @Fredward International distribution and viewership should pick up after MLP:FIM goes into syndication in about a year and a half from now. If you go to that link you will note that My Little Pony is given as an example of 1st run syndication in the 1980's. Hasbro is going to keep on ignoring us and our fan-made merchandise because at the present time they can't convince the retailers that buy their toys that we're a viable market. Even people I've been treating with cake and ponies on pony Harmony holidays since last spring can hardly believe that anyone over the age of ten would want these toys.

      Also: Last! As it frequently happens. What can I say? I'm slow. *deal with it glasses*

    97. @Favo
      Yeah, after they started showing that "CN real thing" it all went downhill.

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