• Humble Indie Bundle 10 Key Giveaway!

    Hi everypony! Cupcakes here from the Humble Brony Bundle!

    In gratitude and recognition for the money bronies have raised for charity and indie gaming (we just hit $3500 today!) the Humble Indie Bundle has reached out to us with some free goodies! So, announcing...

    The Equestria Daily "Ponies at Play" Art Contest!

    Submit new art of ponies playing video games to cuppitycupcakes@gmail.com with "Ponies at Play" in the subject by Friday, December 2nd at 9PM EST / 6PM PST! Make sure to include a "Source" link if you want a link back to your art gallery of choice!

    All of the pictures will be put up on Equestria Daily for voting over the weekend and the top ten will each receive a key to the current bundle in "gift" form. This means that even if you've purchased the bundle you can gift it to a friend!

    And if you haven't heard of the Humble Brony Bundle yet, you can read all about it here, but the short version is we're collecting money to donate to charity (Child's Play, the EFF) and indie game developers under one brony-shaped umbrella. Hundreds have donated, and thanks to them we're the top contributor on the current Humble Indie Bundle, with all leftover proceeds being saved to give thousands of dollars to the next bundle, the Humble Indie Bundle #4. Thanks again to all the generous bronies out there who have donated or taken the time to spread the word!

    Good luck, everypony, and happy drawing!


    1. Sure wish I could draw....

    2. Oh EqD, do I spy you getting a little official?

    3. I would first (But I already missed it). So instead I think I'll write a serious comment about the above post.

      WOW 10 key giveaway! AWESOME! /)^3^(\

    4. "art of ponies playing video games"

      I think this will be filled with Dawww; the last image I saw of ponies playing videogames was darned full of Dawww. Really need idea for the Humble Indie Bundle, and it's always a good thing to have these mini competition for charity things.

    5. neat* Gah, how'd I mess that up?

    6. @Salzvatik12
      [Sarcasm]I seriously can't STAND people who make stupid comments like yours. Why can't you draw! Go learn or something! [/endsarcasm]

    7. Oh man I am tempted to join in on this... but can I make it in time???

    8. The source codes for the games were released today! Do you know what this means?!
      We can MAKE PONY MODS now!!!

    9. ...Damnit...I really should learn to draw sometime..then again. maybe not. i'm horribly lazy =D

    10. Just a small question, which games are included in that bundle? There were so many bundles in the last time :/

    11. This is an interesting competition. I'm guessing this would include the bonus games that are included only if you pay more then the average amount? Otherwise I find it hard to see the point of making the prize a set of games that can technically be purchased for $.01(even though that would be a wrong thing to do).

    12. Why don't you just email the download links for the games to donors?

    13. @Bakphoon
      Uplink, Defcon, Darwinia and Multiwinia by Introversion.

      Bonus games are Aquarion, Dungeons of Dreadmor and Crayon Physics Deluxe if you pay more than the average.

      The bundle also includes two tech demos.

    14. cuppitycupcakes@gmail.com. what a email name :D

    15. just donated 5 euro's next bundle I think ill add 10 euro's. maybe more O_O

    16. I haven't drawn in years. Doesn't seem like a bad time to start again. Though I doubt I can stack up to everything I've seen in the short time I've been here. No harm in trying.

    17. @Bakphoon and @Flutterboss

      Take a quick trip over to http://www.humblebundle.com/ and you can see the games that are part of this bundle! As for if the "above the average" games are included I've reached out to my contact to get an answer, but I'm GUESSING it's a Yes since these are special gift keys provided directly by the Bundle staff.


      Considering we've made just a single donation, that purchase equals only one key, so providing every donator to the Humble Brony Bundle with a key is impossible. However, anyone who donates to us can then also go to the Humble Indie Bundle site and make a $1 donation to get most of the games, or a $3.85 donation at the moment to get them all.

      Thanks to everypony else who has donated, and for the friendly compliment about my incredibly macho email address, and big thanks to Seth for helping to host this, and the Humble Indie Bundle guys, and... this is a long sentence.

      Get drawing, everypony!

    18. already bought the bundle, but if i can get my drawing on equestria daily, im doing it!

    19. Those games look really good!
      I just wish I had money to donate, and time to actually play games.

      When's the next bundle thingy?

    20. Yay Humble Brony Bundle! ^_^

      Can't wait to see all the art; ponies + video games should be dawwww overload!

    21. @Brownd


    22. I already bought it about an hour after it was announced, and I'm pretty terrible at art, so I think I'll pass.

      Good luck, everypony!

    23. Dammit, I can't draw that fast, and I don't have any inspiration.

      Well, I better finish my Pinkie Pie Angler Fish drawing...

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/rainball

    26. if people are drawing, do you have to scan it onto a computer?

    27. Best luck to you all. I already have all the games and not a lick of drawing talent anyway. Just glad I could donate in the name of bronies. Curse me and my reluctance to give unless there is a gimmick. I'm an awful person.

    28. Wish I could do art faster to submit something. .

    29. I might be able to draw something in time! I'll probably do Derpy and Carrot Top. Hope I finish in time!

    30. Why do this have to happen when my tablet is broken -_-

    31. You would know, I didn't see this until Dec. 2nd. :/
      I've REALLY got to start following EqD more closely, I'm feeling rather left behind.

    32. I've received lots of entries! EVERYONE who sent it to me made it close enough to on time to be in, so... tomorrow you'll see the post! For now I need to collapse. THANK YOU EVERYPONY!

      zzz-neigh, zzz-neigh~
