• Humble Brony Bundle Breaks $2600

    Holy crap guys, 2616 and counting! We pretty much shattered their top 10 already with this. Ponies really are a force to be reckoned with!

    They better ponify the site or something.  Check out their recent twitter post.

    And the actual humble bundle site. 

    26 kommentaari:


    2. Incredible. This fandom is serious business.

    3. Love you all guys and gals. This is the kind of things that opens my heart to witness.

    4. Great going everypony. I'd help out if I could, but a big thanks to all those who did.

    5. I'm not entirely sure what this is. Does the money go to pony game developers, or just indie developers in general through this "humble bundle" site?

    6. @Figment
      It goes to charity, not any game developers. Check the Humble Indie Bundle site.

    7. This is why we are one of the best fandoms out there

    8. Im gonna probably do this monday.

    9. Keep it goin', it won't stop, we're comin' for that number one spot.

    10. Now that's what I like to see. Way to show your support, bronies. I'm proud of ya.

    11. 25 minutes after you posted this Humble Brony Bundle is top donator at 1250. Am I missing something? Why did the number go down?

    12. That was an inital donation the Humble brony bundle can still donate more later.

    13. @Figment
      The money is split up between the developers of the games in the Bundle, the Child's Play and EFF charities, and the Bundle site itself (to pay for hosting and such).

    14. @Pyron

      The idea is to show it in a good light by having it on top, so $1250 is pooled in to get top, when someone makes a higher donation, an extra ~$250 is added. Then all the excess money will be put into the 4th Humble Indie Pack which is apparantly going to be the big one.

    15. @Pyron
      They've collected $2600, but only spent $1250; they're saving the rest to retake the top spot if they need to, or to spend on the next Bundle.

    16. Ooh, almost forgot about this! *pulls out credit card* Time to spread a little cheer for the holidays!

    17. Oh my God. Uplink?

      Uplink is the greatest game you've never played.

    18. You know, it occurs to me, considering how this may drag out for some time and is a somewhat continuous deal... Perhaps it should get a semi-permanent link on the main page instead of multiple posts?

    19. Whoa, dang. That's a pretty nice little accumulation over a short period. The Brony community can be very giving like that.

    20. Gentlemen, this.
      *THIS* is why I watched MLP and kept watching, why I'm a follower of this show in the first place. You guys, all of you made this happen even if you didn't have the money to donate.

      Damn, it feels good to be a Brony.

    21. This is the kind of thing that warms my heart.

      Thank you all for supporting the good cause!

    22. Big thanks to Sethisto for mentioning the Humble Brony Bundle again, and to everypony's donations!

      Thanks to you we're now over $3000 AND a representative of the Humble Indie Bundle has reached out to us with gratitude and to impart a little something onto us... More news on that as it develops.

    23. Alright guys, I'm setting up a PayPal account right now to donate. I chose the 2-3 day confirmation option, so when I confirm it I'm just gonna round the total up to the next $100 mark.

      Confound these ponies. They drive me to altruism. Can't think of a better cause though.

    24. "ulfheithinn @Mellar
      Until now, I have held nothing but disgust for the whole Pony/Brony thing. That being said, I am quite humbled (get it :D ) by the generosity shown here. To get people to donate for any cause is a difficult task. The fact that the pony crowd has raised that much money for charity is truly awesome.

      For what it's worth, I offer you Bronies my respect. #tips"-From a reply on Kotaku

      We are already getting good publicity for this. Keep it up people!

    25. Just threw in $5.00, not a whole lot but it's all I can really give atm.

      Anything to help out the Brony community.

      Love this community ^_^

      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    26. Just gave $10. We're N°1 on HIB right now... and they haven't even updated the amount to 3k yet.
