• Flash: Pony Music Box / Big Macintosh

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    I guess this sort of counts as a music post?  Anyway, above is a flash music box thing that plays various songs in that nursery rhyme style.

    And below, the origins of Applebuck Season!


    1. #1 is great!
      #2 was made a little while after the episode was aired, yah THAT old.

    2. #1 Is really good.

      #2 Is indeed old, how has it not been up here before? or peraps it has and I missed it. Its good though.

    3. Heh... the end of the music box version of "Giggle at the Ghosties" got a laugh out of me.

    4. #1 Not bad. Though it'd be even cooler if the top opened up and some type of cute little pony figurine or even small pony set started dancing or moving to the music. :)

      #2 I thought Big Mac had died after his eyes x'd out. lol D:

    5. 1.

      *plays Hush Now, Quiet Now*


      *falls asleep on keyboard*

    6. Jesus mother of Celestia #2 is old as shit. #1 is good though

    7. Off-topic:
      What's more exciting than a new episode tomorrow?

      A new SONG in the new episode tomorrow!

      I will bask in the light of the forthcoming Sonic Rainnuke of creativity the MLP remixing community will unleash upon bronies everywhere. My body is ready.

    8. Wow, Seth. You've posted old stuff before, but #2 is frickin' ancient.

    9. So if a tree falls in the wood, it lands on Big Mac?
      I dont get it
