The top one is kind of like watching a fish tank, but with final fantasy on the TV in the background. We need to hurry up and invent better moving posters! I want this on my wall.
And you don't have to find one, you can purchase a completely restored one. Someone's resurrected the DeLorean Motor Company with a complete stock of parts and the machinery to manufacture all new parts.
Yes, I've done a little research... Because to quote Dr. Emmet L. Brown, "If you're gonna build a time machine out of a car, why not do it with some style."
My crappy connection is taking forever to load the first one, and the second one is kinda lame. I kept waiting for the car to make the time travel jump but it never did and the music kept looping. I mean the drawing is nice, but it's just kind of fail considering the material it's invoking.
My car is an 87 Monte Carlo SS with 350 V8 (which is 20% cooler than the stock 305), her name is dash, she's loud, aggressive, and can go from 0 to awesome in ten seconds flat XD aw yeah
Because of, I can't look at post #2 without wondering, "Where in time are we going - and who are we going to butcher...and do other unmentionable things to?" Thanks to the artist, I can no longer look at Pinkie + Scootaloo quite the same again :(
#1 That's really good. These are fun to watch and try and find all the little things going on in them. I like the little appearances Trixie and Celestia make too. :P
#2 Haha. A DeLorean. Oh, do people love those. Especially people who like Back to The Future. Heck, just look at the comments here. That's what most associate the cars with now. Those movies certainly helped make those cars iconic. And they are indeed pretty cool cars. A bit under-powered as stock. But they look cool. Plus stainless steel and gullwing doors. :) Come on, Pinkie. Get it up to 88 mph! Also, to lead off what someone above said. Policeman: "Are you aware you were going 87 mph?" Marty: "Tell me about it..." <3
It was fun the first and second times... yet I feel it's getting kind of repetitive: same subject matter, same looping motion. They're all cars you know, yet I'll try to respect the opinions of those who differ, with "try" being the key word.
Aww damn, the music for the first one. I kept telling myself it's from FFVIII "My Mind" but it was actually from FFVII "Lifestream" So I went looking through all the soundtracks for it. I nostalgiad pretty bad.
I hope somebody does one of these with Sweet Tooth's ice cream truck from the Twisted Metal games. I'd do it myself, but I don't even know anything about Flash.
52 kommentaari:
First. Also, cool!
VastaKustutaDElorean, with a DE, Seth? Why so sleepy?
VastaKustutaDeLoreans make everything better!
VastaKustutaDuuude do close to first.
VastaKustutaPinkie in a Delorean. All other ponies-in-cars flashes are now lame. Forever.
VastaKustutaPinkie drop me off at 1986 please I give you free candy :)
VastaKustutaTime travel without Doctor Whooves is odd
VastaKustutaSo is X pony finding Y vehicle the new socks? Cause its still awesome.
VastaKustutaIt's only a matter of time before Derpy finds the Batmobile.
VastaKustutaAnd Scoots is sitting there like nothing is happening.
VastaKustutaI like the first one. And I have to say it, is Rarity turning on the smoulder in the banner or is it just me?
Somepony make Rainbow Dash find the Mach 5, or better yet have Applejack find Megas!
VastaKustutaIt's Scootaloo McFly...Just don't call her Chicken!!!
Top Gear? More like Top Pony :P
yeah that was awful.
Pinkie: Ok future mare, if you're really from the future who's the ruler of Equestria in the future?
VastaKustutaScootaloo: Princess Celestia.
Pinkie: Ok that makes sense.
@Sketch Scribbles
VastaKustutaVinyl Scratch finds Jazz maybe?
Scootalooooo! Hellooooo!? Think, Scootaloo, think!
VastaKustutaAs mentioned before, it's DeLorean.
VastaKustutaAnd you don't have to find one, you can purchase a completely restored one. Someone's resurrected the DeLorean Motor Company with a complete stock of parts and the machinery to manufacture all new parts.
Yes, I've done a little research... Because to quote Dr. Emmet L. Brown, "If you're gonna build a time machine out of a car, why not do it with some style."
*sigh* I miss the 80's.
So I guess Marty was a Chicken all along.
VastaKustutaMy crappy connection is taking forever to load the first one, and the second one is kinda lame. I kept waiting for the car to make the time travel jump but it never did and the music kept looping. I mean the drawing is nice, but it's just kind of fail considering the material it's invoking.
VastaKustutaDoc Brown would be sad.
My car is an 87 Monte Carlo SS with 350 V8 (which is 20% cooler than the stock 305), her name is dash, she's loud, aggressive, and can go from 0 to awesome in ten seconds flat XD aw yeah
VastaKustutaI watched for 5 minutes.
Pinkie didn't get up to 88mph.
VastaKustutaNice, I approve of the update!
Are you aware you were going 87 mph?
VastaKustutaLove the fish tank analogy its dead on!!
VastaKustutaBecause of, I can't look at post #2 without wondering, "Where in time are we going - and who are we going to butcher...and do other unmentionable things to?" Thanks to the artist, I can no longer look at Pinkie + Scootaloo quite the same again :(
VastaKustutaNew Rarity Banner rocks!
VastaKustutaIf nothing else, this fad is making people better at drawing vehicles. XD
VastaKustutaAlso a fine time to have gotten rid of my Marty McFly icon. NEVER FAILS
Once this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious cupcakes...
VastaKustutaWhen did Scootaloo become Pinkie's little sidekick anyway? Seen a lot of art and fanimation with them together lately...
VastaKustuta#1 That's really good. These are fun to watch and try and find all the little things going on in them. I like the little appearances Trixie and Celestia make too. :P
VastaKustuta#2 Haha. A DeLorean. Oh, do people love those. Especially people who like Back to The Future. Heck, just look at the comments here. That's what most associate the cars with now. Those movies certainly helped make those cars iconic. And they are indeed pretty cool cars. A bit under-powered as stock. But they look cool. Plus stainless steel and gullwing doors. :) Come on, Pinkie. Get it up to 88 mph! Also, to lead off what someone above said. Policeman: "Are you aware you were going 87 mph?" Marty: "Tell me about it..." <3
Ah! Ponies in cars... yeah.
VastaKustutaIt was fun the first and second times... yet I feel it's getting kind of repetitive: same subject matter, same looping motion. They're all cars you know, yet I'll try to respect the opinions of those who differ, with "try" being the key word.
The updated DeLorean video is approximately one fifth more awesome.
VastaKustutaFirs one is awesome! ^_^
VastaKustutaAww damn, the music for the first one. I kept telling myself it's from FFVIII "My Mind" but it was actually from FFVII "Lifestream" So I went looking through all the soundtracks for it.
VastaKustutaI nostalgiad pretty bad.
da musiks... its so graceful :'D
VastaKustutaFirst flash video there - I was genuinely excited once I saw The Great & Powerful in the window - lol.
VastaKustutaSome one quickly draw Dash with a Shelby Cobra that talks like kat!
VastaKustutaConsarnit, and I was resisting playing FF7 for the bajillionth time. :(
VastaKustutaThe awesomeness of the second flash almost made me forget how shitty DeLoreans are.
I hope somebody does one of these with Sweet Tooth's ice cream truck from the Twisted Metal games. I'd do it myself, but I don't even know anything about Flash.
VastaKustutaSheesh, Twilight!
Get some curtains!
VastaKustutaI know, right. Oh, Molestia, you so creepy.
Love Pinkie in a Delorian. That would so be her car.
VastaKustuta... ...although these ones are a bit simple.
1. Cute as all get out!
VastaKustuta2. Ponies in cars is the flash equivilant of ponies in socks.
Neither is working for me. I never had a problem with DA before. Can't even download them. Anyone know whats up?
VastaKustutaDisregard. It mysteriously started working now. BTTF pinky and scoot is epic!
VastaKustutaWhy do Trollestia and Trixie keep turning Twilight into Smarty Pants?
VastaKustuta@SeifBrohoof to you, good sir.
VastaKustutaPinkie in a Delorean... This shall not end well...