• FiM Animators Kit

    Drud14 on Deviant Art has created this simple animation demo that gives each pony a few different movements to mess around with.   On the actual deviant art page, you can extract the files and create your own pony videos.  It's still a work in progress, so expect some more depth in the future, but for now, it's pretty neat.

    Also Trixie.

    Find it here!


    1. This looks like it could be fun. :D

    2. Pinkie pie's legs bend too much on the dance animation! oh wait... is pinkie pie... she shape shift... XD

    3. Wait, so... the tools for making pony animations in the same style as the show are now available to the general public?

      This can only end in disaster.

    4. as this gets more advanced we can continue the show on our own once its over D:< we will be immortal with this

    5. That's pretty neat work there. Though, I'll stick to doing stuff on my own. :p

    6. Hah, it's the ponyponyponypony rig again. I pulled that one apart a while ago- legs aren't quite the same as what they're using in the show tho'.

      Still not a bad resource if you can't draw your own rig, or want it to be 100% accurate to official media (the website). Won't give you front views, or other turns of the hair/mane/tail tho'! It's great for learning how Flash rigs are set up in the first place :)

    7. Tad buggy, one scene, one character and not exactly well placed click boxes.

      I give it a little less than pony, but decent voice clips make it average.

    8. Applejack is secretly Rainbow Dash.

      If you use the "trot" command, SUDDENLY, Rainbow Dash.

    9. That's not only a tremendous resource, its amazing fun! Be sure to have your speakers on. :)

    10. @Phluorescent

      Huh, that actually works on ANY pony if you click their last button twice... (actually, the second click on any button plays the following action...just in the case of the last button, it skips forward to the next pony)

    11. I'm tempted to post Happy Harry's Go Animate video on the matter of these things. I shouldn't, but I feel like I should...

      I just sum it up in one line. Actual Animation will never be replaced by creators like this. If you can animate, then do so. Such programs like these are training wheels, but someday you have to learn to ride without them.

    12. Not too shabby overall. Keep improving it. :)

    13. @Killsteal_Wolf
      I'm on the same boat regarding this subject, and it's more rewarding when you do the stuff on your own too.

      Still, gotta give some credit to this fella for being willing to help others out with this in a way or another.

    14. @Phluorescent
      Gives new meaning to the term "Appledash"...

    15. it's all real cool but I was looking for the more refined things that I ache for (as in, compare these animations to the same animations done in the show and you'll see it's a lot smoother).

      still thumbs up for the brony.

    16. It doesn't have Pinkie Pie's preferred mode of transportation: Bouncing.

      I believe she also walks backwards in "Swarm of the Century"

    17. this is incredible. i am terribad at animation, so this will make my flash game 20% cooler. Thank you so much.
