The Great and Powerful Hipster ran out of money buying Starbucks every morning, and can't afford an iPad. This is ridiculous. Please donate to Hipster Trixie.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Twilight has the best mane.
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
I for one support the female version of Starswirl.
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
What is going on here...?
More Twilight mane at least!
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
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167 kommentaari:
Hipster Trixie.
VastaKustuta23, Twilight is best pet. even better than Tank.
VastaKustutaum... Seth. #2 needs a source.
VastaKustutaalso, Twilight's mane is inferior to Dash's and Celestia's.
VastaKustutaNo Octavia. :(
VastaKustuta#21 Is that a Swedish pony? With falukorv?! xD Awesome!
VastaKustutaDat #9. That was a great fic!
VastaKustutaI mean #20 of course :3
VastaKustutaDrawfriend was ok today, nothing I felt really stood out though and a few I don't get. I think my favourite is #17 Her manes been done really well.
VastaKustuta@HandyHooves OMG WELL CUZ IT IS LMAO
VastaKustutaI think I've fallen in love with Twilight.... is that really so wrong?
VastaKustutaDrawfriends. Now with 20% more sauce.
VastaKustutaDangerous Business!
VastaKustutaMOAR HIPSTER PONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaI saw hipster Trixie before it was on EqD. *Sets Hipster Glasses on top of Hipster Glasses*
VastaKustuta#20 Wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa...
VastaKustutaDiscord is best villain in all existence, no further arguments.
VastaKustuta#10, luna in beanie is best luna
VastaKustuta#5: Ponies in a box! Do want!
VastaKustuta#7: That's certainly a set-back *b'dum-tsh*
#9: Dangerous Business Dash! Lightning powers ftw.
Source 11 is beautiful!
VastaKustutaSource 21 is my second favoutite!
A really good batch of art, some really beautiful stuff in there aswell as some funny stuff too.
Hooray! My Hipster Trixie would be excited to have made the top spot on tonight's Drawfriend...except that's a little too manestream for her.
VastaKustutaAnything but the falukorv!!!
VastaKustutawe can has talent?
VastaKustuta9 "It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door" is still getting fanart? Nice!
VastaKustutaUpdates have been semi-slow lately. O_o
VastaKustuta@Aranarth Yo dawg, I heard you like hipsters...
VastaKustuta#13 Huh. I don't... get it. Can someone tell me what the heck is going on here?
VastaKustutaI love seeing ponies and Pokémon together, though I'm annoyed that it doesn't happen more often. PONYTA HAS 'PONY' IN THE NAME. MUST I DRAW YOU A MAP?!
#15 is pretty and #22 is awesome =D.
VastaKustuta@hubba404 mmmmmm...
VastaKustuta#20 - Hide the salami? Dunno whats going on there....
VastaKustutaSomething tells me that #20 needs to disappear. Forever.
VastaKustutaAlso, awesome "Dangerous Business" reference in #9.
VastaKustutaUpdates are still hourly! You crazy
Oh my god...I love #17
VastaKustuta#13, is she fighting Ling-Ling from Drawn Together?
VastaKustutaKill, kill, kill, kill, die, die, die, die.
I love that character from that show.
I saw #20 a bit earlier, I was really confused then, the level of confusion has only increased since.
VastaKustutaAlso, Source 20 is Ikea pony.
VastaKustutaExpect her to not only have a swedish accent but also speak about flat-pack furniture at great length.
Seth, you derped 20's source.
VastaKustutahere it is:
Also, just to explain what Ikea is, it's a swedish store that primarily sells furniture.
VastaKustutaIt has tonnes of branches here in the UK.
I don't know if there are any in the US.
#20 lolwut?
VastaKustutaPretty good Drawfriend today. Nothing really jumped out at me except 8. The Chrismas episode will have Dash as a Reindeer, I know it, then Fluttershy was Rudolph
VastaKustutaI love Twilight Sparkle the most...But why must there be so much shipping of her? D:
VastaKustutaAnd no Trixie, I need it for my Les Paul.
VastaKustutacause she's easily shippable.
#9 ... What a fantastic fic, I think I've read that one three times now... It really begs for a sequel. Great Pic!
VastaKustutaSo, let's see who the standouts are today:
VastaKustuta#1 That's why you brew your coffee at home. So you have money for an iPad.
#4 Hang ten, Scootaloo!
#5 Gah! Mercy! Too much cute!
#13 So who will come out on top?
#16 So this what happens during a snow day in Equestria, huh?
#21 And I thought we had mail problems in the real world.
#22 Whoever wins, it looks like an awesome fight.
i like 10 the most
VastaKustuta#19 <3
VastaKustuta@Shadow_Spring: There's Ikea in the US.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith: You're talking my language. Until I can afford a Gibson, I gotta settle for my Epiphone Les Paul.
the source for 21
VastaKustutathe one there doesnt work
VastaKustutaI've got one a bit to the west.
Never really had the time to browse, though.
#20 - I haven't even seen that porn movie, but gah, the picture in my head can not be unseen! CURSE YOU "FÄBOJÄNTAN"! (You really wanna know what she's gonna do to Twilight with that sausage?)
VastaKustuta#1: Well, it's more likely than Twixie shipping, at least.
VastaKustuta#2: The style looks like Solar Slash, but I couldn't swear to it. Cute pic nonetheless. Bowl full o' ponies!
#4: Reminds me of Kit Cloudkicker from TaleSpin. Great action shot for Scootaloo.
#7: Great idea for a follow-up episode with Discord; I especially love AJ still wearing her now-way-too-large hat.
#8: Great Christmas image; I think I've found a new wallpaper, for about a month anyway.
#9: I feel like I'm missing a reference here, with those neat designs on Dash and that scarf, but it's a nice drawing, anyway.
#10: Simple drawing, but dangit, how does Luna look so cute in that silly cap? Nice snow, too.
#13: I choose you, Pinkie Pie!
#16: Really fun winter scene; I love Twilight's pose (frozen in action) and expression. Derpy's a nice touch, too. Favorite of the night.
#18: Wonderfully moody, foreboding drawing; it's not often we see one of the princesses dwarfed by something else.
#19: Love the expressions her, both human and pony.
#20: This is either really silly or really weird; I vote for the former. And I hope that's vegetarian sausage.
#21: Cute drawing of our favorite mailmare on her rounds.
#22: I'd love to see more drawings of ponies in action, especially doing something together like this one. After 'Return of Harmony Part 2', I can really see these two sparring together like this.
#9 is pretty awesome. Is that based on Dangerous Business?
VastaKustuta20th: falukorv, damn twilight is a lucky son of a bitch X)
VastaKustuta#21 I now demand a fanfic including IKEA pony. GO!
VastaKustutaIt's the lolwut edition of Drawfriend.
VastaKustuta^ #20
#4 was best picture. I would rorally download a scootaloo model hack for SSX if I hacked video game consoles and not just TF2.
VastaKustutaNot a bad drawfriend haha
VastaKustutaagh, totally. not rorally. stupid new keyboard can get annoying.
VastaKustuta@jodyjm13 Actually, falukorv was originally made out of horse meat :P
VastaKustuta#23 Well, this is rare: somepony got Twilight's cutie mark wrong. There are supposed to be five white sparks around the star.
VastaKustuta@Steve Jobs
VastaKustutaThis drawfriend is pretty goo...
Dat #23. O_o
VastaKustutaYou talkin bad about iPads and Starbucks, Seth?!? Thems fighten' words XD
IKEA pony is best pony.
I have no idea about 20. But there is a pony leaning over twilight with a sausage. With my fucked up mind, that does not look good.
VastaKustutaUgh, now that hipster ponies are manestream I don't like them anymore.
VastaKustutaPfft, I hung out with Trixie before she was on a TV show.
VastaKustuta#5: Sweet jeebles ponies in a box is cute!
#8: Now my background!
#16: So silly. So cute.
#20: "What's going on here?" C'mon man, everyone knows that students have a special relationship with Ikea. =P
#21: I want a muffin hat.
Well that was fun.
You know, by 19 i was thinking "wow, no shipping..." Then i scrolled down.
VastaKustuta@Rannva Moahahahah... Our tiny little nation, ravaging the eyes of an entire world for decades!! :D
VastaKustutaLove the pic though. I'm so happy to see some swedish material popping up. =)
#4 As a snowboarder this is awesome.
VastaKustuta#9 Woah, a lot of markings. It must be based off of a fan fic, only thing that makes sense.
#14 Haha, at least Twilight doesn't get Spam otherwise she has to watch out 24/7
#22 Haha, I would point out some logical mistakes but I can see this was made in good fun.
VastaKustutaJust save enough, it took me a year and multiple odd jobs for like $50-$100. Don't give up hope or steal my sunburst color.
YAY for #20!! =D It's great to see some swedish material popping up here! Even though the Falukorv brings...well... other pictures. *ponyshrug*
VastaKustutaI despise Trixie. Hipster Trixie on the other hand. I can't help but love that scarf considering I'm a bit of a dirty hipster. An English one at that...
VastaKustuta17 of the bunch
VastaKustutaSo much awesome today. I enjoyed viewing all of them.
VastaKustuta#3 tiny blue mustache
VastaKustutaReference to obscure Swedish porn. How did that get past?
#1 - I am throwing money at the screen but this proves problematic as at the moment I only have small change and it is going everywhere
VastaKustuta#2 - What is this, I don't even...
#3 - Some Luna looking... Well I am not sure how to read that expression, it looks pained
#4 - Skatealoo
#5 - Imaginaaaation
#6 - I really like her... Mane?
#7 - Gotta love Discord. I believe there was a scene similar to this in Digimon the Movie but I would rather got go there in this fandom
#8 - It is official, I am staying up on Christmas Eve this year.
#9 - What would be the general response to this? Tribal Rainbow Dash? I don't even...
#10 - Luna in snow. I wonder if she has a snowball fight, will the fun be doubled?
#11 - error, I cannot describe this with basic terminology so I shall respond with... Awesome
#12 - What is this, I don't even... This fandom can post weird and unrelated stuff... Unless there is something I missed in the episodes.
#13 - Is that a Pichu?
#14 - Erm. Twilight is best pony...
#15 - Luna looking dark and intriguing.
#16 - Derpy snowmare is best snowpony. Also cute picture of Twilight and Spike.
#17 - Oh god, not those eyes again. I told you they don't work on- d'aaw.
#18 - I see a dragon and a pony. All I know is that it is visually stunning. Fantastic.
#19 - Hey look it's Twilight and... Twilight. Human version is not as cute but still a good piece of work.
#20 - It's like the Ikea store. The moment you walk in. They don't want you to leave until you have bought one of everything.
#21 - So this is what happens to the stuff that isn't put on EqD? I kid.
#22 - Kararity? (Please let this become canon)
#23 - Twilight Dash? Imokaywith- oh wait it's another one of those pet pictures. I liked the idea originally but now...
In conclusion - Good Drawfriend. Everypony keep it up... Though try not to let the site drift too much towards those rules between 33 and 36.
I am NOT doing this again. Too much scrolling. I leave this to you guys next time.
VastaKustutasweden ftw! falukorv is my brothers favourite :D
This has to be one of the earliest Drawfriends yet I think.
VastaKustuta#1 Holy crap, Seth! When I saw that picture that's pretty much the exact same thing I was thinking! Oh, hipster Trixie. You're cute and silly. Just get a Nook or such. :> Inb4 blasphemy! Also, mmmm Starbucks.
#2 Why don't I get adorable little ponies when I order ice cream? :(
#4 Hah, awesome Scootaloo. Though since she can't fly, I hope she doesn't fall or surf off a cloud.
#5 A slight variation to the old ponies in boxes meme we haven't seen in a while. That's adorable. Just check the shipping address on the label to make sure it's mine. :D
#6 That magic lesson... I'm only an earth pony though, Twilight. I have no magic. D: Doh ho ho.
#7 D'awwww. Discord turned back time and turned them all into little fillies. Discord isn't all bad afterall. *scoops them all up in a big hug* <3
#8 Fluttershy is so cute in her little holiday hats and sweaters! :3 I love how Dash is like "oi...". And Derpy is, well... being Derpy. Also Discord head bands. Nice touch. lol
#9 Pretty awesome piece with this one. Love the lightning and the designs on Dash.
#10 Luna in the snow! With a hat! Almost seems like that should be a pony holiday song. Luna in the snow. <3 She's simply adorable but still regal in this.
#11 That's a cool and interesting ensemble. Kinda strikes me as a mix between the 80's and Egyptian styles. It's an Egyptian outfit from the 80's. :P
#12 That rule 63 I tell ya.
#13 Still no idea where I know that character on the right from. Just that I've seen a lot of art of them it seems. lol You know Pinkie's gonna win though. She's too awesome not to. ;)
#14 Eww, Spike! With the way Spike is positioned, he almost looks like he's doing some sort of silly dance in the air. xD
#15 Oooh, that's a rather nifty-looking style. I like it.
#16 Lmao. Derpy! Oi... I love that walleyed mare so much. She's just simply too cute and funny. <3
#17 Awww, Vinyl. Them big deep red eyes. She looks like she's asking for a hug. Of course you can have one, Vinyl. :)
#18 Very nice. I'd love to see a more refined version of this piece. Even though Luna seems very small in comparison, I think that dragon is smart enough to know to keep his distance. ;)
#19 Description for this one gave me a good chuckle. Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Sparkle for some twilight sparkling. We must go deeper!
#20 Sweden has a lot of Ikea's I guess? And sausage? He/she is just trying to give Twilight their sausage obviously. ;) I know, dat awful pun. What special talent would a pony with an Ikea cutie mark have anyway? Good at furniture assembly? lol
#21 Derpy is best mail carrier. Except when you actually want your mail delivered. But other than that, she is best mail carrier. >.>;
#22 Everypony was Kung Fu fighting~! First thing that popped into my head. I'm really not sure who would win in this match. They both have their strengths and weaknesses just as both of the fighting styles they're using. Though AJ's is meant to be a little safer and less fatal. Still a tough call.
#23 And some more pet Twilight. lol That's rather cute. Especially Twilight wagging her tail licking Dash's cheek, awwwwww. x3
@Travis Smith Oh, I haven't stopped. And the LP I've got my sights set on definitely isn't sunburst.
VastaKustuta#20; Good God, not at all suggestive right?
VastaKustuta1. At least 20% more obnoxious.
VastaKustuta4. Shred those clouds Scootaloo, shred those clouds.
5. I'd better take these two before somepony else does.
7. Okay, while it's not fair, it is adorable.
14. Incoming.
16. Dawww. Especially that snowmare.
#7 - I'd love to see an episode where Discord comes back, turns them all into little fillies and they have to save Equestria from spiraling back in time or something like that!
VastaKustuta#20 reminds me of the time I tried to sit down on a couch in a girl's bedroom model at Ikea and watch "Fall Weather Friends" on it's bigscreen TV. I sure did get some weird looks that day...
VastaKustutaYeah, 20, and images like 20, should NEVER be in the Drawfriend.
It's images like that that will kill our fandom.
I love the style of 17.
VastaKustutaTrixie as a hipster? I didn't know it was possible to hate her even more.
VastaKustutaLol @ #20
VastaKustutaIKEA should have that pony as a maskot :P
how many swedish bronies are there here? And why HayKEA from Älmcolt in that pic?
VastaKustuta*vinkar* Well here you have one! =)
#9 gave me goosebumps when i saw the thumbnail. AND THAT WAS JUST THE THUMBNAIL
VastaKustutamanly tears were shed both times i've read that fic. i suggest anypony who hasnt read it do so now as it is the single best piece of fanfic i've ever read. (it's a dangerous business going out your door)
artists if you aim to please a large subsection of this fandom, more pics from this fic pls! :D
Didn't really know what to make of most of these... especially 20.
VastaKustutaYeah, #6 and #20 should really be hidden for sauciness. #6 Especially, #20 is borderline since for all we know the Ikea pony could know what there's no way to describe that picture without it being a facepalm worthy dick joke.
VastaKustutaBelieve me I would prefer the white custom with a black detail finish but this one has some history to it.
#20. Being a swede myself I find it incredibly hilarious, and the fact that it actually says "Falukorv" makes even better. Only thing missing are some "köttbullar", but let's not get into that.
VastaKustuta#23 This is why i love TwiDash
VastaKustuta6 is a little too saucy
VastaKustuta7, 16 and 21 are cute.
@Angerelic Let's not forget "Sill och potatis" ;)
VastaKustutaHipster pony! Look out! She'll not like Season 2 at us!
VastaKustuta@Steve Jobs
VastaKustutaWell, I'd imagine you have plenty of time now. What with being dead and all.
#5: Santa... I know it's been a long time since I've believed in you... But I think I've always known you existed somewhere in my heart. Anyway, I just wanted to ask one thing, I know you should be focusing on the young children's presents, but I must ask you... I have Fluttershy for Christmas?
VastaKustuta*twilight defendants inbound* MY RESPONSE: DEAL WITH IT
#10 I exploded then exploded again. :o!
VastaKustutaBwaaaah!!! How can you say that twilight has best mane?!?!
VastaKustutaIt belongs to Rarity and Luna!!
maybe shes trying to persuade her to buy something... maybe???
VastaKustutaHeh... I have two monitors, so I can type into one and scroll down the Drawfriend in the other. (It also comes in handy when reading the comments so I can see which images people are referencing).
But yes... it's a substantial undertaking to cover the entire Drawfriend. I'll be back to give it a go later tonight.
shortest drawfriend ever! wat gives seth!
VastaKustutaI disliked hipster ponies before it was cool. B)
VastaKustutaHow do Rarity and Luna share it?
8-Derpy is best Rudolph
VastaKustuta13- Pinkie with a sword vs. Bat-Pichu with a frying pan? Surely there's a story behind that one.
15- Paper Luna... pretty shway.
17- Talk about'cher HD there, eh?
Are we playing with tropes again?
@TomA62975, @Harwick
VastaKustutaJust one monitor here, but I keep two tabs open, one to scroll through the drawings and the other to type comments in. I also have the Equestria Daily Helper Greasemonkey script, which (most of the time) allows me to see a thumbnail of the image someone's referring to in their comment by hovering my pointer over the image number (e.g., #16). (On a sorta-related note, I have the Lazarus form recovery add-on installed in both Firefox and Chrome, so if one of my typically-verbose comments disappears, I can repost it without having to type it all over again.)
13- Ohhh, Pichu is the artist's OC and it's referencing Tangled. Gotcha.
VastaKustutaHoly cow, 262!!!
VastaKustutaLoooovvveeee #17
VastaKustutaIt sort of got a follow-up story "A Day for Spike and Twilight" which will induce spontaneous excretion of 'D'aawwwww' and warm your heart to dangerous temperatures.
And #7 is the reason why they should have made Discord a reoccurring villain! How on earth could they have just kept him around for 2 episodes? I imagined him randomly appearing to mess with the Mane 6 and sew chaos, all in the spirit of fun. See that picture? That would have been the episode where Discord regresses them all to foals and then comedy would have happened and they would be silly and learn a lesson about friendship and growing up etc.
But we don't get those now... Good drawfriend, and way Twilight is being held and who is holding her in #19 is just so freaking cute.
9: Is that Dangerous Business I see before me? I hope so!
VastaKustutaI find it funny how when people draw the sort of racy pictures, they always over-accentuate the legs
VastaKustutaPony legs ain't that plump, jebus!
VastaKustutaWell, to be fair, if you want Discord to be a recurring villain you need to de-power him somehow; during his first appearance, he opposed Celestia, Luna, and the Elements of Harmony, and apparently lost only because he underestimated the Elements.
#13, Is Pinkie Pie fighting a Pichu?
VastaKustuta0.o Strange choice of enemy.
For those that don't know Johto Pokemon, Pichu is the pre-evolved form of Pikachu. In the game, Pichu evolves into Pikachu once it likes the trainer enough and is then leveled up soon after.
#23, This will never happen.
#10 reminds me of John Freeman for some reason
VastaKustuta# 10. <3
VastaKustutaHipster Trixie. Mother of god.
VastaKustutaI would say something witty about #20, but that would mean admitting to watching some obscure Swedish porno...
VastaKustutasorta redundant to say that. of course no shipping will happen in the show. in fanfiction... <.<
Not that anyone's likely to care this late in the game, but here's a direct link to the source for #2. (Apparently Solar Slash has a separate sketch account.)
VastaKustutaLot's of Twilight love today, poor girl hasn't had nearly enough screen time in this season.
VastaKustutaOkay, got a bit of free time so let's get to it...
VastaKustuta1) Hipster Trixie is pretty funny... but the hat and cape are far too great a look to give up. I don't know how those Mare-Do-Wells managed it.
2) It's a pony ice cream sundae? There should totally be a crazy, multi-colored My Little Pony flavor. I never mind a scoop or three of "Superman" ice cream, after all.
3) First Derpy cried despite having a muffin, and now Luna cries at night? Who is upsetting my ponies so, and how shall we chastise them? I'm thinking flamethrower, myself.
4) What Scootaloo lacks in pricey equipment she makes up for in personal style. Fun image.
5) At least there's no indication that anyone is crazy enough to give Fluttershy and Twilight away. They're being carefully packed for the move. Personally, even as cute as this drawing is, I'd have them ride with me.
6) I don't want to sound weird, but I think Twilight might be coming on to me. Probably just my imagination.
7) I would be surprised if we never get a story where the main six become fillies working together. It's just too good a premise not to use, as illustrated here.
8) The discord antlers worry me, but the pic is adorable... especially Dash's expression.
9) Dash has some serious tribal tattoos going on. And I like the scarf.
10) Something about this Luna portrait just makes it my favorite of the night. Maybe the horn coming through that hat? I don't know... I just love it completely. It should be part of a line of Christmas cards. I'd actually send some if it were.
11) Real, honest to god colored pencil? That's awesome.
12) Woah... Star Swirl got some Discord in her hair. I really liked that comic about the female descendant of the bearded one, so I too like her.
13) I don't know my Pokemon, so I have no idea if Pinkie brought the right weapon to the fight or not. I wouldn't cross a pony with a dagger, though.
14) A great image of a draconic beltch in action!
15) This is a super-cool Luna image... love the layered, textured cut-out look. Great job!
16) Suddenly, the advantage of a prehensile tail comes into focus. Spike is gonna get owned in that snowball fight, what with his dinky little throwing arms. Plus the fact that Twilight can harvest entire apple orchards and levitate most of a rockslide in order to rebuild a dam through magic pretty much spells doom for the assistant. Fun image!
17) Someone's got bed head. Hypnotically awesome bed head.
18) I absolutely love this image as well, and cannot wait to see the artist revisit it in detail as promised. So epic.
19) She already has the hair... the least she could do is share the pony. An amusing pair of Twilights.
20) I'm trying to think if those little meatballs they sell would have been better or worse.
21) So what percentage of mail does she actually successfully deliver? Because there seems to be a serious leakage rate...
22) Rarity is definitely a kicker. I think she knows Karate the same way Ms. Piggy does.
23) After the way she saved her at the Dam, I'm thinking Dash is the one who got owned.
A fun and somewhat bizarre Drawfriend! Keep 'em coming, artists, and thanks for sharing!
Twilight truly does have best mane at #6.
VastaKustutaIs #9 really the right source? I can't find it anywhere in that guy's gallery.
VastaKustutaDrawfriend: Twilight the Whore Edition.
VastaKustuta10 16 20 FTW
VastaKustutaHi, artist for #9 here. I should add it to my gallery; I don't always post my pony art there, but yes, the source is correct.
VastaKustuta19 makes me think of a Zatch Bell concept
VastaKustuta#8 mens they will be going in the completely wrong direction, but at least they will get there extremely quick
VastaKustutaIs it just me or are drawfriend's getting posted earlier and earlier?
VastaKustuta#19 made me laugh pretty hard, I don't know why either.
VastaKustutaHAHAHA THAT Sausage! <3
VastaKustutaYeah 6 and 20 need to die in a fire.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who thinks #20, whatever may have inspired it, isn't a saucy pic on its own?
VastaKustutaEewwwwww! Starbucks coffee! I wouldn't go anywhere near that! Now leave me to read my Pony fanfics on my 3DS. One day, i'll have a nice android based phone or tablet... I won't even consider a lameo iPad!
Twilight Sawwwce Edition.
VastaKustutaNo compaints.
*Lights up cigarette, breathes deeply; averts gaze*
"What have I become?"
Look like pics for fanfics edition!
VastaKustutaYou have become...
20% cooler,
at least by that much.
VastaKustutaOh yeah...
And glares daggers at you as I wave that cig smoke out of my face.
Thanks a lot, DUDE!
You don't gotta blow that stuff my way!
#5 Super cute! :D
VastaKustuta#8 Lol ppor dashy :P. Fluttershy looks very cute in the lil santa outfit :)
#18 is just so good.
VastaKustutaIm calling it now #10 Ponies in touques will be the new trend or at least it needs to be. Luna with a touque is so awesome.
VastaKustutaI could repeat my concerns i voiced on the brony cola pic again but ill just say I'm happy more people agree that saucy pics, allthough nice, have no place here.
VastaKustutaKeep it to equestria after dark, please.
Both #10 and 17 are amazing! :D
VastaKustuta17 FTW!!!
VastaKustutaI'll agree with #20 but totally not on #6. 6 can easily be edited to remove the text but if SLUT wet T-Shirts on a wet Rarity at the beach is the Bar for what passes under the Saucy meter then #6 is no where near having to be HIDDEN.
Also STOP HATING ON #6 the Mane and Tail are perfect the detail is amazing and while I never really /save any saucy'ish pics #6 is by far one of the nicest Twilight pics out there. Saucy or not.
I think the IKEA pony is some sort of commentary on clopfics that fall into IKEA erotica when it comes to the sex scenes. You can read about it in TV tropes.
VastaKustuta22: anyone else pick up on the Ip Man 2 reference there?
VastaKustuta@Visiden Visidane
VastaKustutaNow having looked up the entry on TV Tropes, that image actually makes some kind of sense. It's also depressing to think that there's enough of that kind of fiction out there to warrant the cartoon above.
Oh my Discord! Ikea pony!
VastaKustuta#2 Type 'D' Diabetes? Why yes, this is what it looks like.
VastaKustuta#6 ...Alas, my good friend, I have no magic to teach you...But I do have hugs to give to cute ponies.
Ikea pony x Twilight Sparkle shipping, it appears I have appeared to have seen ALL of the internet now, time to go back to reality!
VastaKustutaThe thing about Twilight is that she makes the cutest human.
VastaKustutaThat was my first thought when I saw 20
Humm #15 look more like NMM than Luna to me ...
VastaKustuta#29 all i can see is salami and bacon
VastaKustuta20... smells like trope spirit! ;D
VastaKustuta#20 "Need a Sofa?"
VastaKustutaLuna looks adorable in #10 <3